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hurricane tips Hurricane season is here! Even though the past few hurricane seasons have been quiet, all it takes is one serious storm to cause enough damage to shut your business down. Now is the perfect time for you to begin preparing your business for a natural disaster. Don’t be one of those who are scrambling to get ready at the last minute. While preparing your family and your house for a hurricane may be something you can do in the days leading up to a storm, preparing your business should be met with a bit more urgency. After all, chances are you, along with your employees, rely on the business in order to support your lives. Start preparing your business now by following these 5 steps.

1. Take Before Pictures

Prior to the start of hurricane season we suggest taking pictures of your property and building. In the event your business sustains damage and you need to make a claim, it may make the process easier. Pictures help keep our memory fresh, and offer proof of damage that may have occurred during the storm.

2. Have Enough Money Stashed Away for Payroll 

Hurricanes can easily shut down business for a couple of weeks, with loss of electricity, road closures, and flooding. Your employees may not be able to come to work for weeks. Even worse, your entire business may be shut down until repairs are done and everyday life gets back to normal. If your company is unable to make money for a period of time, does it have enough money in the reserves to continue paying employees? It’s a good idea to have the ability to pay your employees without 2 weeks’ worth of revenue.

3. Paperless Record Keeping

Many times hurricanes bring record breaking winds, and sometimes over a foot of rainfall. Both of which can easily ruin any paperwork you might have stashed around your office, warehouse, building, etc. To cover yourself, keep a digital copy of all important documents.

4. Keep Valuable Information at an Off-site Location

After making digital copies of all important records and documents, make more copies to store at an accessible, off site location. Store your licenses, contracts, operational records, proof of ownership, and of course any insurance paperwork. Also, try to keep them stored somewhere that is not in the path of the storm.

5. Make Sure You Have Proper Insurance Coverage

It is very important for business owners to understand their insurance policies, before a storm shows up on the radar. We recommend that you review your policy annually, and make sure that your policy still fits your needs. For example, your company could have grown over the last year, and now you may need coverage for areas that you didn’t need coverage for last year, such as new equipment or updated property. Also, if you have property that is covered, you can purchase “Business Interruption” which can cover the loss of income you may experience while your business is shut down.

Be prepared this hurricane season by performing all of these tasks before a hurricane is heading your way. Hopefully this will be a light season, but better to be safe than sorry.  If you own a business, and are looking for protection and would like more information on what you do to prepare your business for a hurricane, MHG Insurance Brokers would be happy to assist you. Also, if you are looking to purchase business insurance such as General Liability or Professional Liability, our insurance specialists have the experience to assist your business and offer advice in finding the perfect plan to fit all of your needs. Contact MHG Insurance Brokers today at +1 954-828-1819 or visit us online at

Hurricane season is here! Now is the time to prepare your business, read more.

risk management In many cases, business owners and decision makers see insurance as something they need only because a law makes it mandatory for them to remain in business. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Insurance is here to protect your business, it’s employees, the equipment, etc. We have also found that some aren’t aware what insurance is protecting them from, and don’t know what their exposures are. While recognizing certain buzzwords such as general liability, and workers’ compensation is great, we want people to understand why they have to have these insurance policies. After all, accidents happen, but there is no need for an accident to ruin your business.

Workers’ Compensation

A workers’ compensation insurance policy provides wages, medical treatment, disability, and if necessary a death benefit to employees who are injured on the job. While workers’ comp makes up a large portion of many businesses expenses, it is necessary because without it, businesses would liable for any injuries an employee experiences while working. It also protects the business from any lawsuits that could be filed by the injured employee.

General Liability

Commercial general liability policies protect businesses in a lot of ways. Typically, it provides coverage for bodily injury, property damage, and personal and advertising injury which protects the insured from slander and false advertising. General liability may also cover fire damage that is caused by the negligence of the insured.

Marine General Liability

Marine general liability policies are similar to general liability policies except they are designed specifically for those who work at sea, as general liability insurance will not cover those who work near or on the water. These policies include coverage for marine contractors and others who work on or near water.

Professional Liability (PLI or E&O)

Professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions (E&O), will cover your business if you provide advice, or provide a service. It will protect you against negligent claims and damages that are awarded from a lawsuit.

Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI)

Employment practices liability insurance protects your business against claims made by your employees. It can protect you from claims alleging discrimination based on sex, race, age, or disability. It can also protect you from claims alleging wrongful termination, harassment, and many other employment-related issues.

United States Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (US L&H)

Thanks to the United States Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA also known as USL&H), those who work in the maritime industry and fall into certain categories, will have coverage backed by the federal government, not just the state. The law ensures that workers’ comp benefits are provided to those who work in the maritime industry, which will protect your business from any lawsuits associated with a workplace injury.

Maritime Employers Liability (MEL)

This policy generally covers employees who are working onboard a vessel, whether owned by the company they work for or as a contractor. Think of workers’ compensation insurance for those who work at sea.

Having the necessary insurance policies isn’t all you should be doing to protect yourself. Practicing good risk management also includes taking precautions around your workplace to make it as safe as possible. Read our previous blog, “10 Tips on Creating a Safe Work Environment”, for help in deciding what steps you should take in order to further protect you and your employees. If you have any questions, or are interested in purchasing workers’ compensation insurance, USL&H or other types of business insurance, or group health insurance for your employees, please contact us at954-828-1819 or visit us online at Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to cover your company’s risks appropriately.

Accidents happen, but there is no need for an accident to ruin your business. Risk management is important to protect your business, but first you need to know why.

PrintFORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA (May 3, 2016) - MHG Insurance, a full-service insurance brokerage serving the marine industry, businesses, and groups and individuals around the world, has been recognized as one of the Best Places to Work in South Florida by the South Florida Business Journal, a program that celebrates excellence and employee satisfaction in the workplace.

Results were based on a survey evaluating ten areas of engagement, including employee benefits and recognition, leadership, turnover, employee and leadership management and more. Results of the survey were submitted to Quantum Workplace for analysis. Employees were encouraged to answer freely as all answers remain anonymous.

“What an honor to be recognized as one of the Best Places to Work in South Florida!” said Andrew Dudzinski, Chairman and CEO of MHG Insurance. “John (Haagensen, President of MHG) and I have made the working culture of MHG a priority for a long time, so it’s very flattering to be recognized by such a prestigious publication with other top companies in our community.”

Many of the companies in attendance had similar benefits or characteristics that made them worthy of the honor of being a Best Places to Work in South Florida. Some characteristics that made MHG stand out are its family atmosphere, excellent benefits that are 100% funded by the company, flexibility, and MHG’s entrepreneurial spirit which encourages employees to present new opportunities and initiatives for the company.

About MHG Insurance

Since 1991, MHG Insurance has been committed to providing expert insurance advice and innovative solutions for the marine, aviation, energy and related industries. Today, with over two decades of experience and relationships with some of the world’s top insurance markets, MHG has established an enviable reputation for providing quality advice, products and service for groups, businesses and individuals around the world. Based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida MHG has insurance specialists worldwide, with offices in Houston, Isle of Man, the Cote d’Azur and Hamburg. For more information, please visit MHG Ocean Benefits Limited, trading as MHG Ocean Benefits, MHG Insurance and MHG Underwriting Services, is registered with the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority as an insurance intermediary in respect of General Business. Registered in the Isle of Man, company number: 120885C.

Since 1991, MHG Insurance Brokers has been committed to providing expert insurance advice and innovative solutions for the marine, aviation, energy and related industries.

It’s that time of the year! That time where everyone looks back on the past year and makes changes for the upcoming one. Whether it is taxes, budgets, even weight loss, the motto is “out with the old, in with the new!” However, you may have not originally thought to review your life insurance policy. It’s always a good idea to review any insurance policy periodically, but the end of the year brings a perfect time to look at your current policy, and see if it still offers the coverage you need.

 Do You Have New Dependents or Family Members?

A lot can change over the course of a year, especially when it comes to relationships and families. Did you get married? Did you have children? Do you have new dependents in your life that may need to be made a beneficiary of your life insurance policy? These are all questions you should ask yourself when reviewing your policy. Also, maybe you need to increase the overall value of the policy to account for new dependents.

Did You Have Any New Major Purchases or New Debts?

Many times, people decide on the value of their life insurance policy based on their outstanding debt. For example, if you have a mortgage of $200,000, it would be smart to include $200,000 in your calculation for your life insurance to cover the cost of the house if something were to happen to you. Purchases such as buying a house, buying a car, starting a business are all ways to increase your debt, and should be taken into consideration when deciding the value of your policy.

Did Something Change at Your Job?

There are scenarios of changes at the workplace that should give you a reason to review your life insurance policy. One is if you were to start a new job. There is a chance that your job offers employee sponsored life insurance based on your salary. This is a great benefit to have, so take the amount of coverage provided into consideration if you are purchasing a policy.

If you didn't start a new job, there are still changes that may have occurred over the past year that warrant a policy review. Getting a raise may give you more expendable income to increase your policy value. Also, if you received a promotion, there may be changes to the benefits provided to you such as the value of your life insurance policy.

Did You Move?

Moving always seems to bring more changes to someone's life than they originally expected. If you moved to a foreign country, there is a strong possibility that your life insurance coverage didn't follow you to your new home. Many life insurance policies are only covered in the country of purchase. However, it should be noted that there are several options for international life insurance coverage. If you would like more information on international life insurance, read our previous blog " Your Life Insurance May Not Have International Coverage ".

Our wellness and security is important to us. For other things to consider with the New Year right around the corner, read our previous blog, “ Learn Why the Start of a New Year is Important to Your Insurance Benefits ”. Whether you are purchasing  life insurance  for the first time, looking for better coverage or are interested in learning more about other types of insurance available to you, we can help! Visit our website at  or speak with an Insurance Specialist at 954 828 1819. Don’t forget the deadline to enroll in a full-time health insurance plan is January 31st, 2016!

When Was the Last Time You Reviewed the Amount of Your Life Insurance Policy?

Many people consider the "Holiday Season" their favorite time of the year. With so much going on from decorating the house, to baking treats, and getting all of your holiday shopping done in time, this time of the year can also bring some stress. Especially if you have a trip scheduled!

Packing for a trip can be difficult, no matter how many times you double check to make sure you have everything, it can feel like you are still forgetting something. Going on a trip this time of year also leaves you less time to complete all of your other holiday tasks. Don’t become overwhelmed and not properly prepare for your trip, follow these tips to help get you ready to go.

1. Do Your Research

No matter where you are going for your holiday trip, it is important to do your research. Even if you have been there multiple times, it's important to see what the weather forecast and temperatures are expected to be. This will let you pack the proper clothing needed to stay warm, or cool.

Also, it's a good idea to make a list of all the items that you need to pack. Cross off each item as you put it into the bag in order to keep track of everything and minimize your chances of forgetting something.

2. Bring Cash

I'm sure you have heard this saying time and time again, "Cash is king!" Carrying large amounts of cash may not always be the best idea, but going a trip is an exception. If your credit card happens to get compromised while you are away, it will be shut down leaving you with no other way to pay for things. Also, there is a chance that some places you are going don't accept credit cards. Don't take a chance and find yourself stranded in a foreign place.

3. Carry-On Luggage

If traveling on an airplane, there are certain items that should be put in your carry-on bag. Any breakables you are taking should be kept with you at all times. Also, your toiletries should be put in your carry-on luggage in case you need to freshen up at the airport. Most importantly, any prescriptions you have or medications you are taking should be kept in your carry-on. In the event that your luggage is lost, you will still have the medicine you need.

4. Save Space

Whenever you are packing for a trip, saving space is a must. There are several different tips to help you get the most out of your luggage. Try rolling your t-shirts instead of folding them. Also, you can stick rolled up clothing inside your shoes. If you have any large jackets, it may be a good idea to wear them or carry them so they don't take up space in your suitcase.

5. Gifts and Souvenirs

If you are going on a holiday trip to see family or friends, there is a good chance that you will be traveling with gifts. Depending on the gift, it may be better to ship the gift to your destination separately. Or you can plan ahead by only getting small presents that you know will be able to fit in your luggage. Be sure to leave space in your bag for any souvenirs that you may buy, or gifts that you may receive.

Before setting off on your next adventure, call MHG Insurance Brokers at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at  to obtain  trip cancellation and travel insurance , along with other insurance plans that will make your trip an exciting, hassle-free experience! MHG Insurance Brokers hopes that you arrive and return safe and sound. For more holiday travel tips, read our previous blog, " Save Time and Money with These Holiday Travel Tips ". Happy Holidays!

Packing for a trip can be difficult, especially during the holiday season. Follow these tips to help get you ready to go.

Kelly Morris

Fort Lauderdale (December 10, 2015) – MHG Insurance Brokers announced today that Kelly Morris has joined the company as Claims Specialist. Morris will be part of the claims team, based in the US, extending MHG’s claims support capabilities across 3 time zones. Her primary focus will be on claims support for international health policies.

Morris joins MHG Insurance Brokers with over 12 years of international insurance experience. Throughout her insurance career at International Medical Group (IMG) she has had several responsibilities from sorting mail in the missionary claims department in her early days to becoming the primary sales service contact for mission, marine and Bahamian brokers, who represented over $25 million in annual premiums.

“Kelly is extremely experienced in the international insurance industry.” said Peter Dudzinski, Underwriter and Broking Director for the MHG Group of Companies. “For several years she was our go to person on the claims handling side at International Medical Group. Not only was she a great advocate for MHG but also a great partner to work with and I’m pleased to now have her as a member of my team.”

MHG continues to be at the forefront of developing insurance solutions and products to meet the changing needs of businesses and individuals around the world. Most recently, the Insurance Specialists at MHG developed a new travel insurance program exclusively for U.S. Superyacht Association’s members which covers medical expenses while employees are traveling outside their home country.

About MHG Insurance Brokers 

Since 1991, MHG Insurance Brokers has been committed to providing expert insurance advice and innovative solutions for the marine, aviation, energy and related industries. Today, with over two decades of experience and relationships with some of the world’s top insurance markets, MHG has established an enviable reputation for providing quality advice, products and service for groups, businesses and individuals around the world. Based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida MHG has Insurance Specialists worldwide, with offices in Houston, Isle of Man, the Cote d’Azur and Hamburg. For more information, please visit

MHG Insurance Brokers Hires New Claims Specialist

Packing for Your Next Contract

It's no secret that those who work on cruise ships can be away for long periods of time. Contracts can last anywhere from a few months to almost a year. Being on a ship for that amount of time can be difficult to pack for. How are you to know what items you will need a month from now?  Here are some tips you should use to make packing for your next contract simpler and more efficient, after getting proper insurance of course!


  MHG cruise employees Infographic

Packing for Your Next Contract

london The Isle of Man Maritime Group is hosting an evening reception during London International Shipping Week 2015 at historic Trinity House. LISW is one of the highlights of the maritime calendar with more than 100 industry events taking place in London from September 7-11. It is aimed at the movers and shakers from the international shipping and superyacht community. 

As official sponsors of LISW 2015, the Isle of Man Maritime Group’s “Nautical by Nature” event on September 8 will lead guests on a journey through the Island’s rich seafaring heritage to its current position of maritime centre of excellence.  Manx actors and musicians will bring to life the legacy of the Vikings; introduce the ringleaders of the Mutiny on the Bounty; remember the courage of Captain John Quilliam who was First Lieutenant on HMS Victory and set the scene for the inspiration of Sir William Hilary, who founded the RNLI

The music and drama will be showcased in the historic surroundings of Trinity House, the remarkable 18th Century headquarters of the Corporation of Trinity House, which has maintained British lighthouses since the 16th Century. Guests will be met by Isle of Man’s own sea cadets and guided up the grand, sweeping staircase to a reception on the first floor. All the rooms will be open to guests including the Pepys Room, the library and the reading room. 

Isle of Man Maritime Group Chairman, Bruce McGregor said: “LISW is the ideal opportunity for us to promote the wealth of maritime services and experience delivered on the Isle of Man. This event will celebrate our rich seafaring tradition and how we have evolved into a modern, technically astute global centre of excellence.” 

Guests at the reception will be able to meet representatives from the Isle of Man Maritime Group including the IOM Ship Registry; IOM Shipping Association; IOM Superyacht Forum KPMG; Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (Isle of Man); Döhle (IOM) Group of Companies; PDMS Maritime; Simcocks Advocates; MHG Insurance Brokers; Affinity Management Services and InterManager. To register for the event please visit the group’s website at or contact the group at If you would like speak to someone from the group in more detail please contact Bruce McGregor on +44 (0) 1624 664000.


LISW will be the ‘must attend’ event of 2015, offering over 100 industry functions and unique networking opportunities for leaders across all sectors of the international shipping industry – regulators, charterers, ship owners, ship managers, bunker suppliers, lawyers, ship brokers, bankers, insurers, insurance brokers, commodity traders and brokers, ship suppliers, port operators, shipping service providers and many more. The UK is the leading centre worldwide for the supply of a broad range of professional and business services to the international maritime community, accounting for 21per cent of premiums in international marine insurance, over $64bn in committed ship finance (or 15per cent of the world loan book) and it has the largest concentration of legal service firms specialising in the sector.  London is also the predominant supplier of shipbroking services worldwide and is the major player when it comes to maritime dispute resolution. London is also home to the second biggest port in the UK. For more information, please visit

The Isle of Man is "Nautical by Nature"

Long flights tend to get a bad rep. Use these 10 tips to help you survive your next international flight, but don't leave without getting travel insurance ! Contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0)1624 678668 or visit us at to find the best plan for you, your family, or group.

international flight

MHG Travel Infographic

Tips to Survive Your Next International Flight

adviceAs insurance brokers we are here to help! Part of that assistance is our expert advice that we provide. So we thought it would be a great idea to ask our employees, “What is one piece of advice you would give your clients?” 

Mark Bononi- Director, Luxury Yacht Division 

Generally speaking, you get what you pay for. Typically, health insurance that has a lower cost will not have the same amount of coverage as one that costs more. If you are looking for health insurance that fits you best but you have a budget, seek advice from someone who knows what they’re talking about, and is experienced on the matter.

Edward “Mole” Telfer- Director, Cruise Division 

Providing a solid employee benefits package can be the key to attracting and retaining the industry’s best employees. Use a “Rolling Benefits Strategy” to build up your benefits over time.

Janine Jeffries- Director, Business Insurance Division

Give your agent a complete picture of the business and description of operations. Each business has unique attributes. The more your broker knows, or has a better understanding, the better we can do our job. Also, be sure to ask questions. You would be surprised how many needs are uncovered during a Q&A session with your broker.

Stephen Beck- Manager, Life & Health Division

I would advise our clients to not WORRY about “What if?” but to ASK about the cost of insuring themselves against each “What if?” that concerns them. Just ask, “How can I protect myself in the event of a ________________?” We have the answer.

Joanna Drysdale- Manager, Underwriting Services 

In our field, insurance isn’t just about protecting yourself against financial loss or covering your contractual obligations. It’s also about showing your employees that they’re valuable to you. Hanging on to a great bunch of crew season after season is worth so much more than the savings you make by skimping on crew benefits.

JW Haagensen- Account Executive, Inside Sales 

Disclose all current and past medical conditions when applying for insurance. Insurance enrollment forms are a contract and if you fail to reveal a portion of your medical history or provide incomplete information, the insurance company could cancel your policy. No matter how minor it may seem, it’s important to advise your entire medical history and keep a file.

Steve Jackson- Consultant, Yacht Division

Find an insurance broker who really knows their field. Having an understanding of the real life of a captain and his crew as well as the technical knowledge of the insurance industry is invaluable.

Clayton Swart- Manager, Business Development 

Whether you’re purchasing group insurance for your employees, insurance for your business or an individual plan for you and your family, it’s important to understand your policy. I know that insurance documents can be boring, but it’s really important that you read through them to make sure you understand the benefits and limitations of the plan. If you find anything confusing, it’s better to address those points before you need to use the plan.

MHG is here to help and provide assistance with all of your insurance needs. Whether you are looking for marine crew insurance, health insurance, life insurance, travel insurance, expatriate insurance or insurance for your business, we have the experience and knowledge to help you find the right policy. Please contact us at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at Let our insurance specialists find you, your family, or group, the best insurance available for your budget.

If You Could Give One Piece of Advice to Your Clients, What Would It Be?