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Young woman with suitcase staring at view We have all thought about it at one point. What would it be like living abroad? The allure of diving into a new culture, discovering opportunities, and learning about yourself is something that many have at least thought about. Some get to experience this due to their job and have to work in a place outside of their home country. While living the life of an expat can certainly have its positives, there are some stressful situations you can find yourself in. One very important reason that comes to mind is assuring you have the proper medical coverage you need, especially being in a foreign place.

What is the best expat health insurance?

If you are an expatriate, and are in the market for expatriate health insurance, you may find yourself overwhelmed with the options of plans to select. So, rather than asking, “What is the best expat health insurance?”, try asking “What do I want or need in my expat health insurance. Let me explain.

What do I need in my expat health insurance?

First and foremost, you need to make sure your medical plan will cover you internationally, as many U.S. health insurances do not include international coverage. It is also important to do some research about the health insurance requirements of your destination country. A number of countries will not let you relocate unless you have health insurance coverage in place, and some require specific coverage, such as medical evacuation or repatriation. Also, if you work will require additional travel, you will need to make sure you will have coverage in those destinations as well. 

What do I want in my expat health insurance?

What you want in your policy really begins to go in line with your budget. For example, how much coverage do you want now that your necessities are covered? Do you have an idea of what you want your deductible or copays to be? Once your needs are met, depending on your budget, you should be able to customize your health insurance to fit your particular lifestyle and budget.

How can I assure that I have everything I want and need?

That is easy, work with a top-rated insurance broker! When looking for the best insurance plan for you and possibly your loved ones, it is always a good idea to work with the experts. For one, they are up to date on everchanging laws and regulations, which benefits you, as you have enough on your plate planning a move to a foreign country. Second, they are experts in the field of insurance, and will be able to help you on all the tricky lingo, such as deductible and max-out-of-pocket. Brokers also have access to a multitude of carriers, so if you have a list of coverage options that you want, they will not be limited to one insurance company, and should be able to offer you a “menu” of different options depending on your budget.

Many of us at MHG are expats ourselves and we understand the global insurance needs of international businesses, and individuals and families living and working around the world. Our Insurance Specialists have the experience, knowledge, and access to multiple international insurance carriers to find you the most suitable plan based on your budget and future plans. Our commitment to your well-being does not end once you have purchased a plan; through our “Concierge Broker Service”, we will continue to assist you with questions about your policy and provide assistance throughout the claims process. Call us at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at for help finding expatriate insurance coverage for you, your family or business!

If you are an expatriate, and are in the market for expatriate health insurance, you may find yourself overwhelmed with the options of plans to select. That's why we're here!

Your Life Insurance May Not Have International CoverageDo you have Life Insurance? It’s a question that many don’t want to think about for obvious reasons. Some believe that Life Insurance isn’t a priority because they procrastinate, or are waiting until a life changing event that will motivate them purchase a policy. It’s a fact, the benefits that a good life insurance policy can supply your family and loved ones are too good to pass up. Many people have life insurance and believe that they have coverage until the day they die. However, in some circumstances that is not the case, and it’s not because your term life policy expired. So maybe a better question would be, do you have International Life Insurance?

Do I have international coverage?

Many people do not know that their life insurance policy will not continue to offer them coverage if they happen to move to a new country. Typically, if you are in a foreign country for 3 or more months, your life insurance will not offer the coverage that you have been paying for. This is part of the “small print” that many may not know about. So if you are a world traveler, or hope to move to a foreign country one day, or are an expat who looks to settle down back home when you are done with your career abroad, it may be smart to look at your policy and see if you are covered.

Does international coverage exist?

There are several life insurance options that offer international coverage, and will pay the death benefit for expats or others who unthinkably pass while not in their home country. I know you’re wondering if having international coverage makes your premiums more expensive, but in many cases the premiums are in the same ball park as life insurance policies that don’t have international coverage, sometimes even less! Usually the only thing that will affect your premium is the policy amount, your age, and any health problems you may have.

Do I need international coverage?

As I stated earlier, having Life Insurance should be a priority for everyone. If being away from your home country or the country where your life insurance policy was purchased for an extended period of time applies to you, then international life insurance should be a priority. Deciding if you need the extra coverage is the easy part, now comes what type of policy is right for you!

There are many things to take into consideration when making the decision of which type of policy is best for you, your family, or loved ones. Are you interested in purchasing Life Insurance or International Life Insurance? Would you like some more information regarding Life Insurance options that are available to you? Would you like to ask some questions to a Life Insurance expert? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, please contact us 954-828-1819 or visit us online at and talk to one of our insurance specialists for help in selecting Life Insurance and other coverage to ensure that you and your loved ones have the protection you need at every stage of life.

Do you have Life Insurance? Maybe a better question would be, do you have International Life Insurance?

Why it’s Great to be an Expat in Fort Lauderdale! You know what they say about real estate, “location, location, location!” There are few better locations to live than in sunny South Florida, Fort Lauderdale to be specific. Minutes away from the beach, vibrant downtown city life, and a growing suburb population, Fort Lauderdale has everything you are looking for in a place to call home.


One of the most glaring is the amazing weather. There is a reason people from colder climates come to South Florida during the winter months. How would you like to live where people vacation? Also, one of the great features of Fort Lauderdale is that it is centrally located in South Florida, between Miami and West Palm Beach. Fort Lauderdale also has a growing number of expatriates and as more and more companies are opening branches and headquarters here, as this area is a link to South America and the Caribbean.

If you are ready to become an expatriate, or are just looking to relocate, Fort Lauderdale should be a city you consider for many reasons.

What to Do

Fort Lauderdale has something for everyone. Are you an outdoors person? You can visit the everglades and go on a hike to see wildlife that you can’t see anywhere else in the world. Go on a fishing trip, saltwater or fresh water. Go camping in one of the nature parks throughout the area.

Looking for something more relaxing? Visit one of the many museums in the city, take in a show at the Broward Center for Performing Arts. Enjoy a day catching some rays at the beach.

Are you a sports fan? Attend a game of one of the many professional and collegiate athletic teams in South Florida. The options are endless. World famous restaurants, world renowned shopping, no matter what you enjoy doing in your spare time, Fort Lauderdale has it!

Business Side

Like many metropolitan areas, Fort Lauderdale has many different professions to choose from. But one profession in particular that brings people from around the world is yachting! Fort Lauderdale is known as the yachting capital of the world, and with that title comes great maritime presence. It just so happens that the city is also home to a very popular port for cruise ships, and is a short car ride away from many of the cruise line’s headquarters.

Before relocating to another country, trying to find expatriate health insurance coverage on your own can be a daunting task. Not to mention the checklist you must complete before leaving. For help developing a checklist, read our previous blog, “Expat Checklist before the Big Move.”

Many of us at MHG are expats ourselves and we understand the global insurance needs of international businesses, and individuals and families living and working around the world. Our Insurance Specialists have the experience, knowledge, and access to multiple international insurance carriers to find you the most suitable plan based on your budget and future plans. Our commitment to your well-being does not end once you have purchased a plan; through our “Concierge Broker Service”, we will continue to assist you with questions about your policy and provide assistance throughout the claims process. Call us at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at for help finding expatriate insurance coverage for you, your family or business!

There are few better locations to live as an expat than in sunny South Florida, Fort Lauderdale to be specific. Read more to learn why!

Tips for Attracting Expat Workers

Tips for Attracting Expat WorkersMoving to a new country for work is a big decision for someone to make. Many times, a person must consider moving their spouse, family, and must do research on the area to see if it is even a feasible option to relocate there. While it can be difficult to finally make the decision to become an expatriate, it can also be difficult for companies to lure expatriate workers to come work for them. While providing great benefits is an obvious must-do to make the job attractive, some businesses don’t realize the extent those benefits can go to in order to assure that their workers are happy and feel taken care of which often creates a loyal employee. Here are some ideas to attract expat workers.

Life and Health Benefits

One of the more obvious benefits to offer workers, whether they are expats or not is providing workers with good health insurance. It would be even better if you covered 100% of the premiums, leaving more money in your worker’s paychecks. Also, many companies also cover their employees with life insurance, with the amount dependent on their salary.

Pay for the Move

Something that may assist a foreign worker joining your company is your willingness to assist them on their big move. Relocating from a different country can turn out to be quite the investment. Covering moving costs, or even helping them find housing could be a make or break detail that dictates their decision.

More Vacation

If someone is moving from another country to come and work for your company, they are likely leaving behind friends, family, and a whole other life. Offering more vacation days would allow them to go back home more often to cure any home sickness they get.

Develop a Program

Many companies have expatriate programs set up to assistance their workers with settling into their new environment. Whether it is getting their kids set up in the best schools nearby, organizing events to mingle and getting to know the area, or even having someone on staff who is the go to person to answer any questions or offer any assistance to those new to the area.

Government and Legal Support

Every country has different laws regarding immigration and expatriates, and some governments offer more assistance than others. If you happen to live in a country who offers more assistance to expats, or it may be easier to get someone cleared to come work for you, take advantage of it. Promote it to workers, and let them know the process won’t give them a headache.


Depending on the country, one perk you may be able to offer workers is more security. Many expatriate workers come from troubled areas, and the idea of move to a more stable and secure country is very appealing. Especially if they can also benefit from a stronger economy than the one back home.

Many of us at MHG are expats ourselves and we understand the global insurance needs of international businesses, and individuals and families living and working around the world. Our Insurance Specialists have the experience, knowledge, and access to multiple international insurance carriers to find you the most suitable plan based on your budget and future plans. Our commitment to your well-being does not end once you have purchased a plan; through our “Concierge Broker Service”, we will continue to assist you with questions about your policy and provide assistance throughout the claims process. Call us at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at for help finding expatriate insurance coverage for you, your family or business!

Moving to a new country for work is a big decision for someone to make. Here are some ideas to attract expat workers.

Old school map of the Isle of ManAre you looking for a change and considering becoming an expat? If the answer is yes, you should consider the Isle of Man. The Isle of Man has an ever growing number of expatriates. More and more people seem to be moving to the island to take advantage of the great benefits it provides its residents. This has caused the island to become somewhat of a melting pot of nationalities and cultures. Islanders are known as 'Manx' but classified (for passport purposes, for instance) as British. With roughly half the population being Manx-born, and the rest coming from the UK, Ireland, and an increasing mix of other nationalities, now is the time to make yourself part of the mix!

The Isle of Man economy has experienced steady growth since the 1970’s due to a combination of low taxation, political and fiscal stability, investment in infrastructure and government initiatives to stimulate economic activity. The island has had one of the fastest growing economies in Europe in recent years and is in its 26th year of continuous growth. This growing and sustainable economy has resulted in a low unemployment rate and a high quality of life. Are you ready to move yet?

Interesting Facts

The Isle of Man is part of the British Isles but not the United Kingdom. It is a Crown dependency, with its own parliament, Tynwald. Established by the Vikings, Tynwald is the oldest continuous parliament in Europe, having celebrated its millennium in 1979. The Island is 33 miles long, 13 miles wide and covers an area of 227 square miles. It has a population of more than 80,000.

What makes it Attractive?

Financially the Isle of Man is very attractive. There is no capital gains tax, no inheritance tax and no stamp duty. In the 2016 Budget the single persons tax free allowance was £10,500, the next £8,500 of income is taxed at 10% with the balance charged at 20% up to the cap. These amounts double for married couples and are fully transferable between husband and wife. Personal income tax is capped at £125,000 per individual. Residents enjoy many benefits including good housing, education and health services, accessible activities, room to move, and a relatively safe community.

Financial Services

To many people, the Isle of Man is known for its financial services partly because its government and tax laws make it an attractive destination for financial companies. In addition to low tax rates for individuals, there is a 0-10% corporate tax, with the banking sector paying 10% while the rest pay 0%.

Niche Businesses

Despite being best known for financial services, the Isle of Man has arguably the most diversified economic base in the world for areas of similar size and is developing a global reputation for a diverse array of niche, quality sectors including:

· High-tech manufacturing

· E-Business

· E-Gaming

· Ship and superyacht management

· Aircraft registration

· Film production

· Space commerce

· Entrepreneur/trading gateway

· Quality food producers and manufacturers

The island's e-gaming sector is now its largest employer, followed by insurance and financial services, although traditional sectors such as the manufacturing industry and agriculture still play a significant role. With a growing market of niche businesses, the Isle of Man is a great place to start a business or open an office.

Before relocating to another country, trying to find expatriate health insurance coverage on your own can be a daunting task. Not to mention the checklist you must complete before leaving. 

Many of us at MHG are expats ourselves and we understand the global insurance needs of international businesses, and individuals and families living and working around the world. Our Insurance Specialists have the experience, knowledge, and access to multiple international insurance carriers to find you the most suitable plan based on your budget and future plans. Our commitment to your well-being does not end once you have purchased a plan; through our “Concierge Broker Service”, we will continue to assist you with questions about your policy and provide assistance throughout the claims process. Call us at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at for help finding expatriate insurance coverage for you, your family or business!

Looking for a change of scenery? Find out why the Isle of Man should be a top location for all expats!

world in my hands Are you looking to move and start a new life? Becoming an expatriate is one of the best ways to make a new start. Moving to a new country, creating a new home, making new friends, it can be a very fulfilling experience. One of the hardest decisions can be deciding where to move. After all, the world is a big place and it can be difficult deciding on one location. So if you are looking to make the big jump but are having trouble deciding on where to go, use the list we complied of some of the top places to be an expat!


According to InterNations , Ecuador is the highest ranking country in the world for overall satisfaction of expatriates. Although the language barrier can be difficult to overcome, it can be very easy to make new friends in Ecuador. It also offers a low cost of living, with growing downtown areas in cities such as Quito and Guayaquil which is creating a plethora of job opportunities.


Switzerland is notorious for having some of the world’s best banks and financial companies. With so many foreigners investing in their financial industry, it has helped create a high standard of living. English is commonly spoken helping to make it easier to adapt and settle down. Switzerland is also full of crystal clear lakes and beautiful mountains which makes it perfect for those who love the outdoors and wish to live an active lifestyle.


One of the biggest draws for expats going to Singapore is the opportunity to earn a higher salary. A higher salary may be needed for those with children, as schooling here can be quite costly. Even though schooling is costly, it may be well worth it as Singapore is home to some of the best schooling in the world. Some other great benefits of living here are a great public transportation system, a stable economy, and low tax rates.


Oh Canada! Canada is a beautiful country that can offer wilderness and one of a kind natural beauty, and also appease to those who wish to live in a metropolitan area. One reason expatriates may be drawn to live in Canada is their national healthcare system. While the majority of Canadians speak English, Canada has a multicultural population with a plethora of friendly locals to help make it easier to settle in to your new country. Just make sure you pack some jackets!


Who wouldn’t want to live in a tropical climate? Or in a place that is home to some of the world’s most beautiful beaches and islands? Aside from Thailand being an exotic location, there are many benefits for expats besides the tourist attractions. Some benefits include a low cost of living and a friendly tax system. Also, Thailand’s capital city, Bangkok, offers plenty of employment opportunities to expatriates.


Many people who visit Australia never want to leave. This could be why there is such a large number of expats living there. Australia offers people a great quality of life, breathtaking landscape and wildlife that can’t be seen anywhere else in the world, and we can’t forget the beautiful beaches. Think about it, how cool would it be to say that you live “down under”?

Moving to a new country can be an amazing experience, however if you decide to move back home there are some things you should be aware of. For more, read our previous blog, “ What to Expect When Repatriating ”. For those that are preparing to move to a new country, read our Expat Checklist for a to-do list to complete before the big move. If you are interested in more information about Expatriate Insurance , or are interested in purchasing Expat Insurance, contact us at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at for help finding expatriate insurance coverage for you, your family or group!

The world is a big place and it can be difficult deciding on one location. So if you are looking to make the big jump to become an expat, use this list we complied of some of the top places to be an expat!


Achtung! When thinking of Germany, there are a few things that come to mind like Oktoberfest, the Autobahn, German automobiles, etc. Germany is considered to have one of the top economies in the world, with major international companies such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Adidas, and Allianz based within its borders. Germany is also one of the most popular migration destinations in the world, partly because it is famous for having a universal health care system. You'll have no problem finding fellow expatriates and making lifelong friends with others who are going through the same experiences as you. So start brushing up on your German, and get ready to make the transition of a lifetime to Hamburg, Germany!


Home to over 1.7 million people, Hamburg is the second largest city in Germany and the eighth largest in Europe. One of the reasons Hamburg is a great place to live is because there is such a large international community, creating somewhat of a “melting pot”. There is so much creativity throughout the city, from the art, to the architecture, to the food, it is easy to see the impact of many different cultures living in one place.

Hamburg is unlike many of the other cities in the country. There is a rich maritime history, diverse cultures, and always something to do. You also may notice that there are a plethora of bridges, over 2,300 to be exact! That is more than London, Venice, and Amsterdam combined!


The city is located on the southern point of the Jutland Peninsula, right on the River Elbe. Since it is so close to the North and Baltic Seas and located right on a major waterway, Hamburg is the largest port in all of Germany. Over time, Hamburg has become a very important trading hub due to its port and harbor, and today it is one of the busiest ports in Europe, second only to Rotterdam.

It’s no wonder Hamburg has such a rich maritime history dating back to its establishment in the 12th century. You can learn more about its history at many of the museums in the city, and there are tons of other things to do involving the water! Also, due to its close proximity to many bodies of water, it is also one of the best places in Germany to get fresh fish.

Stay Busy 

There is always something to do in Hamburg; different festivals, a variety of community events, and seemingly never ending options for night life, it will be hard for you to find yourself “bored”.  Hamburg also has a great shopping district. Everything from worldwide household brand name stores, to local boutiques that are sure to offer items that can’t be found anywhere else. It is also easy to stay active as many choose to walk or bike everywhere. 

Before relocating to another country, trying to find expatriate health insurance coverage on your own can be a daunting task. Not to mention the checklist you must complete before leaving.

Many of us at MHG are expats ourselves and we understand the global insurance needs of international businesses, and individuals and families living and working around the world. Our Insurance Specialists have the experience, knowledge, and access to multiple international insurance carriers to find you the most suitable plan based on your budget and future plans. Our commitment to your well-being does not end once you have purchased a plan; through our “Concierge Broker Service”, we will continue to assist you with questions about your policy and provide assistance throughout the claims process. Call us at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at for help finding expatriate insurance coverage for you and your family or business!

Home to 1.7+ million people, Hamburg is the 2nd largest city in Germany, and a great place to live. Learn why you'll never be bored calling this place home.

houstonHave you ever heard the saying, “Everything’s bigger in Texas!”? For those that haven’t been to Texas, I can assure you that statement is very true. Texas is home to three of the top ten largest cities in the United States, and six of the top twenty! The largest city in Texas, and fourth largest in the country, is none other than the great city of Houston. With the entire metropolitan area being home to over six million people, there is something for everyone, no matter what their interests are. It’s no wonder this city is growing fast, and expats should consider it a top destination. 


More than just Oil

While Houston is notorious for being run by oil billionaires, its business goes much deeper than just oil. The oil industry is a great industry to be involved in, and brings a great amount of money to the area, but Houston can also offer opportunities for those who don’t see themselves in the oil industry. According to Business Insider, Houston is the number one job creator in the United States and is home to 26 Fortune 500 companies, which is sure to draw a large amount of expats to the area. One of the large industries in Houston that you may want to be a part of include the IT industry, which is always growing and looking for top talent. Other industries include the aerospace industry (NASA has a headquarters there), as well as the healthcare industry (Houston’s medical center is as large as downtown Dallas!).

More than just Cowboys and Cattle

When some people think of Houston and Texas they think of cowboys, horses, farms, etc. However, Houston is not like some place straight out of a John Wayne movie. It is a metropolitan city with plenty of trendy offerings. According to the New York Times, it is “one of the country’s most exciting places to eat.” The city offers all kinds of great food from barbecue, to seafood, to Mexican, and even Cajun. Houston is close in proximity to New Orleans so there is a strong Cajun presence. And what better way to spend a weekend than in New Orleans? Houston is also home to a plethora of parks and one of a kind museums if you’re looking for things to do. Many people visiting the city for the first time are quite surprised at the abundance of greenery and landscape it has to offer. It is also a home to teams from some of America’s top sporting leagues, including the NFL and NBA.

Things to be Aware of

After everything I have covered, it’s easy to picture yourself living in this great city. However, there are some things to be aware that you should plan accordingly. One is that Houston’s climate is very warm. If you are from a country that is predominantly cold, you may want to get a new wardrobe featuring some short sleeves and shorts. It is practically on the Gulf of Mexico, so it can be humid and muggy at times. While it may be hot in the summer, you’ll be quite happy in the winter when you aren’t experiencing frigid temperatures.

Before relocating to another country, trying to find expatriate health insurance coverage on your own can be a daunting task. Not to mention the checklist you must complete before leaving. Many of us at MHG are expats ourselves and we understand the global insurance needs of international businesses, and individuals and families living and working around the world. Our Insurance Specialists have the experience, knowledge, and access to multiple international insurance carriers to find you the most suitable plan based on your budget and future plans. Our commitment to your well-being does not end once you have purchased a plan; through our “Concierge Broker Service”, we will continue to assist you with questions about your policy and provide assistance throughout the claims process. Call us at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at for help finding expatriate insurance coverage for you and your family or business!

Why it’s great to be an Expat in Houston!

retireDoesn’t it seem like whenever you visit some beautiful place, you never want to leave. Well, depending on the terms. I’m pretty sure that Tom Hanks couldn’t wait to get off that island in Cast Away. But if you are on holiday somewhere in the Caribbean, it’s not too hard to envision yourself calling that place “home” and truly “living the life.” That may be why it is becoming more and more popular for people to retire, and move to their dream destination to live out their golden years. But before you jump on that plane, there are some things you need to get squared away. 


Social Security and Other Retirement Funds 

If you lived and worked in the United States and are looking to retire abroad, your Social Security should follow you wherever you go. Also, your 401k, IRA, or any other retirement savings plan you may have administered during your working career should be available to you. However, you may have to get an account at a bank in your new country, or an international one.

Government Sponsored Health Care 

Unlike your Social Security, Medicare (or your countries equivalent) will not follow you to your new country. However, the good news is that in many cases, being a resident in your new country can make you eligible for its government sponsored health care plan. Also, most of the developed countries around the world have Universal Health Care systems, which can be better than what is offered in the U.S. The only con is that it can take a long time to get an appointment or see a doctor.

Insurance Options Local Health Insurance: Domestic health insurance won’t follow you to another country. And if it does, it will only offer a fraction of the coverage that it would have offered back home. So it would only make sense to keep your domestic plan if you planned on traveling back and forth to receive any medical services. In most countries, the local health insurance that is available is much like the one you may have had back home. Including a provider network that lets you know which doctors or hospitals the carrier will provide coverage for. One drawback to having a local plan is that in some cases, they will not write a new policy for you after the age of 63.

No Health Insurance: You have the option of having no insurance coverage at all. Thus meaning you would have to pay cash for everything. If you live in the Unites States, this may seem like a crazy idea given the fact that health care costs can be more than twice as much as other countries. But, even with costs in other countries being lower, this still may not be the smartest option.

International Health Insurance: International health insurance, also known as expatriate insurance, is essentially the same as your domestic health insurance, with coverage all around the world. So you would have coverage whether you are in your new home, or visiting your old one. This may be the best option of health insurance for most people that are retiring abroad. Especially for those who are over the age of 63 and cannot purchase a new local health insurance. 

Moving to a new country, no matter what stage in life can be an exhilarating experience. With so many tasks to complete in order to prepare yourself, it can be easy to forget some items. If you are interested in purchasing an international medical insurance plan, also known as expatriate insurance, please contact our insurance specialists at 1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at We have an office full of expats, and others who have re-located, who can assist you and advise you about all the necessary steps to take when selecting the proper insurance for you or your family.

Want to Retire Overseas? What You Need to Know

repatriatingLucy…I’m home! You’ve been working for several years as an expat and now that you’ve completed your contract, it’s time to go home. Phew! It really has been a whirlwind experience. From the great friends that you have met from around the world, to the amazing places you have visited, you sure have made a lifetime of memories! But now that your time to head back home is drawing near, you might be feeling a range of emotions from excitement to sadness. Of course you’re looking forward to reuniting with old friends and spending time with family, but you’ve also made a life for yourself in this place far from home and you’re going to miss it immensely! As you start preparing yourself for the transition back home, here are a few things to consider. 


Déjà vu                                                

Packing boxes, finding new schools for the children, closing out accounts, canceling subscriptions, garage sale…sound familiar? Well, unfortunately everything you did on your way over, you’re going to have to do again on your way back home. The best advice that we can give is to take one thing at a time because it’s easy to get overwhelmed. There are going to be hiccups along the way but try to take them in stride.


Many expats while away from their home country, pay a different tax, such as a non-resident tax. When repatriating, you may have to re-register as a resident in order to begin to pay the necessary taxes, and avoid back taxes in the future. Also, while living abroad, you may have had your bank account(s) in an international bank, or a bank of that country. Now you may want to transfer your money to a local or domestic bank, and close out the old accounts.

Emotional Concerns

While you may be very excited to return home, repatriating can be a bittersweet experience. Yes, you may be returning to your family, loved ones, and old friends, but you are leaving new ones. However long you have been at your new home, whether 5, 10, or 20 years, there are a plethora of memories that you cherish. The feelings and emotions you could be going through may be similar to those that you had when you first left. Also, this can be a stressful time. After all, you are moving your whole life from one place to another. Again.

Health Insurance 

You have a long list of items on your to-do list, but one of the most important is arranging your health insurance. As an expat, you probably had an international health insurance plan, but now that you’re returning home, your coverage needs will be different and it’s important that you find a plan that will match your new lifestyle. Depending on where you call home will determine the type of plan you need, or whether or not you even need insurance. For example, if you’re returning to a social system, you may not need health insurance at all. Maybe you are retiring, and moving back to the U.S. where you may be eligible for Medicare, or maybe you will have to purchase an individual health insurance plan. 

Many of us at MHG are expats ourselves and understand the global insurance needs of international businesses, individuals, and families living and working around the world. Our Insurance Specialists have the experience, knowledge, and access to multiple international insurance carriers to help you find the most suitable plan based on your budget and future plans. At MHG Insurance Brokers, our commitment to your well-being does not end once you have purchased a plan; through our “Concierge Broker Service”, we will continue to assist you with questions about your policy and provide guidance throughout the claims process if necessary. Call MHG Insurance Brokers at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at for help finding insurance coverage for you, your family or business!

What to Expect when Repatriating