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Looking to Become an Expat? Here are Some Countries to Consider!

Posted February 25 2016

world in my hands Are you looking to move and start a new life? Becoming an expatriate is one of the best ways to make a new start. Moving to a new country, creating a new home, making new friends, it can be a very fulfilling experience. One of the hardest decisions can be deciding where to move. After all, the world is a big place and it can be difficult deciding on one location. So if you are looking to make the big jump but are having trouble deciding on where to go, use the list we complied of some of the top places to be an expat!


According to InterNations , Ecuador is the highest ranking country in the world for overall satisfaction of expatriates. Although the language barrier can be difficult to overcome, it can be very easy to make new friends in Ecuador. It also offers a low cost of living, with growing downtown areas in cities such as Quito and Guayaquil which is creating a plethora of job opportunities.


Switzerland is notorious for having some of the world’s best banks and financial companies. With so many foreigners investing in their financial industry, it has helped create a high standard of living. English is commonly spoken helping to make it easier to adapt and settle down. Switzerland is also full of crystal clear lakes and beautiful mountains which makes it perfect for those who love the outdoors and wish to live an active lifestyle.


One of the biggest draws for expats going to Singapore is the opportunity to earn a higher salary. A higher salary may be needed for those with children, as schooling here can be quite costly. Even though schooling is costly, it may be well worth it as Singapore is home to some of the best schooling in the world. Some other great benefits of living here are a great public transportation system, a stable economy, and low tax rates.


Oh Canada! Canada is a beautiful country that can offer wilderness and one of a kind natural beauty, and also appease to those who wish to live in a metropolitan area. One reason expatriates may be drawn to live in Canada is their national healthcare system. While the majority of Canadians speak English, Canada has a multicultural population with a plethora of friendly locals to help make it easier to settle in to your new country. Just make sure you pack some jackets!


Who wouldn’t want to live in a tropical climate? Or in a place that is home to some of the world’s most beautiful beaches and islands? Aside from Thailand being an exotic location, there are many benefits for expats besides the tourist attractions. Some benefits include a low cost of living and a friendly tax system. Also, Thailand’s capital city, Bangkok, offers plenty of employment opportunities to expatriates.


Many people who visit Australia never want to leave. This could be why there is such a large number of expats living there. Australia offers people a great quality of life, breathtaking landscape and wildlife that can’t be seen anywhere else in the world, and we can’t forget the beautiful beaches. Think about it, how cool would it be to say that you live “down under”?

Moving to a new country can be an amazing experience, however if you decide to move back home there are some things you should be aware of. For more, read our previous blog, “ What to Expect When Repatriating ”. For those that are preparing to move to a new country, read our Expat Checklist for a to-do list to complete before the big move. If you are interested in more information about Expatriate Insurance , or are interested in purchasing Expat Insurance, contact us at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at for help finding expatriate insurance coverage for you, your family or group!