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MHG Blog

Jeff Martin Fort Lauderdale (May 11, 2015) – MHG Insurance Brokers announced today that Jeff Martin has joined the company as a Programmer. Martin will focus his efforts on streamlining certain administrative tasks in the company’s Customer Relationship Management system in addition to building customized client web portals and landing pages. Martin has had an award winning career, spanning over 20 years. Prior to MHG, Martin worked for multiple insurance carriers in addition to consulting work.

“Jeff has a wealth of experience in numerous programming languages and applications” said Kevin Knorr, IT Director at MHG Insurance Brokers. “As MHG continues to grow along with our IT needs, it’s good to have his capabilities in-house.”

MHG Insurance Brokers has had the pleasure of providing insurance advice and solutions to thousands of clients around the world. As MHG approaches its 25th year, the company continues to evolve and grow with the changing and diverse needs of clients, both on land and at sea.

About MHG Insurance Brokers 

Established in 1991 in Miami, Florida, MHG Insurance Brokers is an independent, global, full service insurance brokerage and consultative facility. Through its extensive relationships with international underwriting markets, MHG develops and provides a full range of employee benefits, risk mitigation programs, business insurance and financial services all supported by comprehensive attention to service support for all of our clients. In the marine community, MHG is well known for its expertise in the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC 2006) and developing MLC-aligned crew insurance solutions. In the U.S. MHG provides group and individual employee benefits along with advice on federal regulations regarding Health Care Reform and the Affordable Care Act. For more information about MHG Insurance Brokers and the services we provide, please visit

MHG Insurance Brokers Hires Jeff Martin as a Programmer

MHG and VIKAND Part Ways

MHG Insurance BrokersFORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA (April 10, 2015) – MHG Services, Inc. today announced that it has sold its holdings in VIKAND to Peter Hult, President of VIKAND, effective March 31st, 2015. Hult has simultaneously given up all responsibilities within the MHG Group of companies, including his position as Executive Vice President at MHG Services, Inc. and as a Director of MHG Associates Ltd. MHG founding partners, Andrew Dudzinski, Chairman and CEO, and John Haagensen, President, continue to lead MHG together with a key management team while Dr. Bill Heymann, Medical Director of VIKAND, and Hult have become the majority shareholders of VIKAND.  


“The decision to separate the companies was a difficult one to make” said MHG Chairman and CEO, Andrew Dudzinski. “MHG and VIKAND are both rapidly growing and in order for both companies to continue to expand, we found it necessary to spin-off VIKAND from MHG’s insurance business. We are very pleased to have played a key role as founders in the creation and development of VIKAND and wish Peter and his team great success.”

“I am very excited to embark on this path and for VIKAND to continue to develop new medical services” said VIKAND President, Peter Hult. “At the same time, I am leaving with some sadness after having worked closely with Andrew, John and MHG since 2002. We will continue to have a close relationship with MHG and support each other’s operations, common clients and business partners.” 

MHG has been providing insurance advice and solutions to the marine and aviation industries, international and local business groups and individuals since 1991 and has offices in Fort Lauderdale, Houston, Isle of Man, Hamburg and the Cote d’Azur. 

About MHG Insurance Brokers 

Established in 1991 in Miami, Florida, MHG Insurance Brokers is an independent, global, full service insurance brokerage and consultative facility. Through its extensive relationships with international underwriting markets, MHG develops and provides a full range of employee benefits, risk mitigation programs, business insurance and financial services all supported by comprehensive attention to service support for all of our clients. In the marine community, MHG is well known for its expertise in the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC 2006) and developing MLC-aligned crew insurance solutions. In the U.S. MHG provides group and individual employee benefits along with advice on federal regulations regarding Health Care Reform and the Affordable Care Act. For more information about MHG Insurance Brokers and the services we provide, please visit


VIKAND is the leading provider of medical management and consulting services to the cruise industry and today provides consulting, management, medical equipment calibration and audit contracts to almost 60 cruise ships globally. VIKAND’s services range from full management of medical facilities to individual consulting and services modules, including formulary and bio-medical equipment management, Pre-Employment Medical Examination advice and support, marine employee wellness programs, Public Heath support and regulatory guidance. VIKAND’s team has extensive experience in the medical field, as well as the marine industry. VIKAND offers flexible medical services tailored to the clients’ unique requirements, managed by a world-class, medical team who offer a 24/7 on-call service to clients. For more information about VIKAND and the services they provide, please visit

MHG and VIKAND Part Ways

Kriss Lane Isle of Man (March 24, 2015) – MHG Ocean Benefits Ltd, which trades as MHG Insurance Brokers, announced today that Kriss Lane has joined the company as Operations Assistant. In this newly created position, Lane will provide operational support to the Operations Director in addition to providing assistance to the Underwriting and Claims Teams as needed. Lane has over 12 years of experience in the financial services sector in Douglas, having worked for various institutions on the island, including Lloyds Bank in their Fraud Detection Unit.


“As our client base continues to grow, Kriss is a welcome addition to the team” said Cathy Lane, MHG’s European Operations Director. “His experience and knowledge will help us to continue serving our customers in the expedient manner they have come to expect of us.”

MHG’s Isle of Man office has been open for six years and primarily provides insurance solutions to international residents and those who work at sea.

About MHG Insurance Brokers 

Established in 1991 in Miami, Florida, MHG Insurance Brokers is an independent, global, full service insurance brokerage and consultative facility. Through its extensive relationships with international underwriting markets, MHG develops and provides a full range of employee benefits, risk mitigation programs, business insurance and financial services all supported by comprehensive attention to service support for all of our clients. In the marine community, MHG is well known for its expertise in the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC 2006) and developing MLC-aligned crew insurance solutions. In the U.S. MHG provides group and individual employee benefits along with advice on federal regulations regarding Health Care Reform and the Affordable Care Act. For more information about MHG Insurance Brokers and the services we provide, please visit  

Kriss Lane Joins MHG Insurance Brokers as Operations Assistant

Umbrella Policy

Many of us work hard and save up to buy a home, car, save for retirement, etc. Things that are symbolic for success and hard work, and also provide security for you and your family’s future. But what if all of that could be taken away from you? All of that hard work, years and years of saving and planning gone in an instant. All because you were the cause of a major accident, or someone injured themselves at a party you were throwing at your house. Accidents can happen anywhere, anytime, and are never expected. So don’t go through life worrying about when or where an accident is going to happen trying to keep it from happening, you will lose your mind. Just make sure you have a good umbrella policy to give you coverage in those events. And no, I’m not talking about that umbrella. Sometimes you need more coverage 

There are times when your business or company will need coverage. Whether you are working with a company that requires you to have more coverage than your general liability policy. Rather than increasing your general liability, many times you can get an umbrella policy to cover the rest. For example. Say your general liability gives you coverage for $1 million, and you are doing work for a company who will only work with you if you have $2 million in coverage. It may make sense to take out an umbrella policy to cover that extra $1 million.

Excess Liability 

Many times, an umbrella policy can be referred to as excess liability. The excess coverage kicks in when the underlying limits on your general liability policy have been exhausted, or your have been sued for something that it doesn’t cover. It can cover you for many things that your business has nothing to do with such as eviction, defamation, false imprisonment, personal injury, invasion of privacy, malicious prosecution, and wrongful entry. Protection against slander and defamation could be a crucial feature to protecting yourself, as word of mouth and negative publicity can ruin a business. 

Lawsuits happen more than you may think

It’s not uncommon for someone to be involved in an accident and immediately look to sue. All it can take is for someone to slip and fall while walking on your property. If that should ever happen, it could destroy your business and financial security. Did I mention that lawsuits are costly? 

You have A LOT to protect

Many people don’t realize all the things they can lose in a lawsuit. Just because you don’t have $1 million in your bank account doesn’t mean you don’t need that kind of coverage. There is more at stake than which you know such as your retirement funds, investments, future earnings, and even the equity in home. If that doesn’t make you reassess whether you need an umbrella policy, I don’t know what will. 

If you own a business, and are looking for protection and would like more information about umbrella policies, MHG Insurance Brokers would be happy to assist you. Also, if you are looking to purchase other various forms of business insurance such as General Liability or Professional Liability, our insurance specialists have the experience to assist your business and offer advice in finding the perfect plan to fit all of its needs. Contact MHG Insurance Brokers today at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at .

Why Business Owners Need an Umbrella Policy

Time to get healthy

There’s never a bad time to make the decision and commitment to live a healthier lifestyle. We all know that the most popular time to start working out and eating better is at the start of the New Year. Probably because people feel that they need to make drastic changes because this is a new year, or want to lose that holiday weight. Gyms are crowded, carbs are being cut, and many are cooking at home rather than eating out. However, there are countless reasons getting healthy should be the number one priority on your list, and it has a lot more to do with than just losing weight and starting to work on your summer body. Here are just a few that may inspire you to start living healthy today!

More Productive 

Many people don’t exercise or stay active because they have an excuse. Many times that excuse is, “I don’t have enough time.” Which is ironic, because people who do make time to work out every day, whether it be getting up earlier or staying up later, actually get more done in a day than people who don’t. Usually in less time too. Especially those that choose to work out or go for a run in the morning before going to work. It’s a bit ironic considering that exercising can make you tired, but if done correctly, it can get the blood pumping and the mind working and get you ready to perform at your best.

More Energy at Work 

One of the reasons people who live healthier are more productive is because they have much more energy. Most of us arrive at work still trying to wake up, needing to get into our zone in order to get some work done. Yet those that live healthy lifestyles tend to not go through that. They arrive at work ready to go, and when 2:00 pm comes around, they are still kicking. There are certain foods that you can eat and avoid as well to make sure you have the energy you need. Eating fruits and vegetables is a natural way to feel energized. If you’ve noticed, anytime you load up on bread and other carbs, or eat a very big meal, you may tend to feel a little drowsy.

Nip it in the Bud 

Living a healthy lifestyle goes beyond eating right and exercising, you also need to go to the doctor and have your yearly check-ups. By doing so, you may catch an issue and be able to do something about it before it is too late. Also, your doctor may be able to suggest something for you to change in your lifestyle that can aide you, such as vitamins, supplements, exercises, and nutritional advice. For instance, if you have changed your diet, you may be losing weight and feeling better, but also may be depriving your body of certain vitamins or minerals. A doctor will be able to tell you to keep up the good work, or recommend something to help! 

You will be Glad You Did 

The most important reason for you to start living a healthy right now is simple, why not? It is never a bad time to take control of your life and make the changes necessary to ensure that it’s as long and fulfilling as possible. Also, if you start now, in no time will you begin to feel better, and pretty soon, you won’t even remember how you felt before you started. If you have excuses or are waiting until next Monday every week, just remember this, the sooner you start, the sooner you reach your goal! 

Your health and wellness is a priority. MHG Insurance Brokers is committed to serving all of our clients and making sure you have the coverage necessary for you to live a healthy life. We have the experience to assist and advise you on what insurance would be the best for you. If you are interested in Health Insurance , or would like more information, contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit .

Why “Now” is the Best Time to Get Healthy

New Year's ResolutionAs the clock starts to count down, the New Year is almost here. The countdown can also signify the end of the holiday season. With that comes many people wanting to start the New Year on the right track. Maybe set goals and standards to help assure that this New Year will be better than the previous. Many make New Year’s Resolutions, and most fail to keep them. Whether it’s to lose weight, quit smoking, save money, many people have forgotten their resolutions by the time February comes. So instead of worrying about what to put on your New Year’s Resolution list, worry about how to make that list a long-term reality.     


Pick One Thing 

When making a New Year’s Resolution, try not to “fluff” it up with little things that you would like to change in your life, instead, pick one thing. Pick something that is important, maybe something that needs to change that is affecting your health or relationships. It is easier to focus on one item at a time rather than having several different things or habits you are trying to change. Also, you will be able to put all your time and energy into it, which will increase your chances of being successful. If you are doing well after a couple months, then add something else to the list. With this strategy, you can have a whole new you by the end of the year! 

Plan Ahead 

After you have selected your resolution, start planning ahead. Make a schedule, and start thinking of how you are going to make this change, and different things you can do to be successful. For example, if your resolution is to lose weight, start planning your workout routine and meals, etc. With a well thought schedule and strategy, it is easier to stick to it rather than waiting to see what comes up. Also, do your research! Read up on it, see what different techniques and tips there are, and see what would work best for you. 

Expect Problems 

Problems will always arise, they are just a part of life. So if something comes up that ruins your routine, try and start back fresh the next day. However, to make sure that there are as few issues as possible, think of all the problems that can come up ahead of time, and how you will deal with them.

Accept Failure

Many times, New Year’s Resolutions are created to break existing habits. They say it takes about three weeks to break a habit or create a new one. So expect to fail or have a setback. If you sneak a cigarette one day, it isn’t the end of the world, it is only part of the process. So, don’t give up! Learn from the failure, figure out what triggers caused the setback, and try to avoid them in the future. 

Reward Yourself

Resolution ListThe best incentive for hard work is reward. We go to work every day to be rewarded with a pay check. We try to get healthy and lose weight to be rewarded for looking and feeling better. However, sometimes hard work can leave you with no rewards to see. Which is why it is important to reward yourself, especially through those tough first weeks. Start with little rewards in the beginning, and as you achieve your goals, make the rewards fewer and farther between. Then at the end of the year, give yourself an anniversary reward such as a nice vacation or gift. Something that you will look forward to and will keep you motivated!

MHG Insurance Brokers would like to wish you, your family, and loved ones a very Happy and Healthy New Year. In order to ensure that the upcoming year is a healthy one, make sure you have the proper insurance coverage today by calling +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit for more information. Our insurance specialists have the experience to advise and assist you in selecting the best plan for you, your family, and your business.

5 Tips on How to Make a Successful New Year’s Resolution

Buying Travel Insurance

We all consider insurance to be necessary when it comes to our health, automobiles, and homes. Though it is difficult for the average person to understand the verbiage that is contained in most policies, that does not hinder people from purchasing life insurance and other types of coverage once they reach a certain age and wish to start a family, or start planning for retirement. One type of insurance that often gets overlooked, however, is travel insurance.  Many people are not sure if they need it, or are aware of what exactly it can do for them. Travel insurance is a valuable tool that is designed to protect those traveling domestically or abroad, for business or recreation. There are several options to choose from depending on the types of coverage you require, but most travel insurance policies provide coverage for the following occurrences:

  • Medial emergency or evacuation: This should be the primary reason to buy travel insurance. Although your current health plan may cover you in certain instances while you travel, emergency medical transportation is often not covered, and the cost of this service can rise upward toward $100,000. Travel insurance comes in handy here, as it can prevent you from maxing out the benefits allotted through your health plan. There are primary as well as secondary plans available, which work in tandem with your current health plan.
  • Trip cancellation: When you plan a trip months in advance, there is no way to predict what circumstances may arise between now and your departure date. Trip cancellation insurance will protect you in the unfortunate event of a death in the family, an illness, or an accident. You are also covered for situations that occur which are outside of your control, such as severe weather causing the delay or cancellation of your flight.
  • Baggage or Personal Items Loss/Theft: This covers you if the airline loses your luggage, or if you stored your laptop in your hotel room one afternoon, only to come back to find it missing. You can also insure camera equipment, and other valuables.

  • Personal Liability:  If you are involved in a car accident while driving in a different country, or accidentally cause damage to something and are now finding yourself being asked to remedy the situation, this coverage will be of great value to you.
How can you determine if you need travel insurance? Here are some things to think about:

  • Take Inventory: Assess the policies that you currently have in place to check to see if you are covered for health emergencies, medical care and treatment when you travel. Check the credit cards you use as well. Some automatically cover things like baggage loss or flight cancellations.

  • Don’t Skimp on Protection: Most people skip travel insurance because they just see it as an added expense being tacked on to their trip. With most travel insurance policies costing somewhere between 3% and 8% of what the trip costs, this is a drop in the bucket compared to out-of-pocket costs if an incident does occur and you aren’t covered.

  • You Snooze, You Lose: If you are considering buying travel insurance, it is best to purchase it within 24 hours of booking a trip, or as soon as possible afterward in order to get the best rate.

  • Travel More, Save More! If you travel frequently, you can consider multi trip insurance policies, or annual policies, which may be less expensive as compared to obtaining coverage right before each trip.
MHG Insurance Brokers draws from their extensive experience and knowledge in the insurance industry to give clients the greatest value and most comprehensive coverage available. MHG insurance specialists will clearly outline the coverage provided to you in your travel insurance policy, as well as tell you about any limitations or exclusions so you are fully aware of how protected you are before your trip.  Visit MHG Insurance Brokers online at , or call and speak to an MHG insurance specialist today at 954-828-1819. Don’t leave home unprotected.

Must Knows Before Buying Travel Insurance

Health & Fitness Tips

Making time for fitness is one of the most important aspects of a healthy and productive lifestyle, yet it’s one of the first things to get pushed aside when life gets hectic. You know how crucial health and fitness are to your overall happiness, performance and body image, but when deadlines, children, meetings and social obligations are calling, how do you find the time? With these 10 health and fitness tips, you’ll be living a healthier, happier, more fit life before you know it, no matter how pressed for time you are.

Break it up

You don’t have to workout for an hour straight to reap the benefits of working out for an hour. Break it up, fitting in short bursts when you have time. Do a 20 minute strength set in the morning, walk a mile on your lunch break, and throw in another set in the evening. Breaking your workout into smaller parts makes it seem less daunting – plus, short bursts seem more manageable, so you’re less likely to skip exercising. 

Fast, healthy food fixes 

A busy lifestyle often lends itself to convenience foods, which usually aren’t healthy. Invest time now in learning fast recipes you can easily throw together no matter how exhausted you are at the end of the day. Gourmet salads, veggie burritos and turkey steak are healthy options that can be whipped up in 10 minutes flat.

Healthy hotels matter 

Traveling for work can be great for your career, not so great for your waistline. People who travel for work more than 20 times per month are 2.61 times more likely to feel like they have poor health and 1.92 times more likely to be obese compared to those who only travel six times per month, according to a Journal of Occupational Environmental Medicine study. Make traveling work to your advantage. Stay in hotels with gyms and healthy menu options, and try to get in quick workouts. Bonus: Exercise sharpens your mind, so your work performance could improve by staying at healthy hotels too. 

Be active all day

Sometimes, getting to the gym is impossible. For these seasons, making exercise a part of your lifestyle will keep you healthy no matter what your schedule. You can do lunges while you’re on the phone, squats while brushing your teeth, turn date night into rock climbing, hiking or ice skating, take the stairs, run instead of walk when you take your dog out, chase your kids around the park, or head to yoga with a friend instead of grabbing a drink. Every bit of exercise counts - be creative! 

The smart commute

If possible, turn your commute into a workout. Walk, bike, or run if you have a place at your office to store extra clothes. You might be surprised how fast you arrive, and if you live somewhere with bad traffic it might even be a shorter commute. Don’t live close enough for these options? Get off the metro or bus a few stops early and savor the morning air, or park far away so you can still get a few blocks of walking in.

Become a morning person

It might sound excruciating, but people who workout early usually workout more, and you’ll get used to the early wake up call. If you set your alarm early, it means you can finish your workout before the rest of your day begins. For extra motivation, sleep in your gym clothes so all you have to do is wake up and go. 

Maximize your lunch break 

Lunch hour is great for catching up with colleagues, but make a point a few times a week to squeeze in some exercise. Sixty minutes is enough time to go for a walk, or even hit the gym. Best of all, it’s been proven that people are more productive after exercising or taking a break from their computer, than they are if they eat at their desks or work all day straight.

Make it a family affair 

Busy parents know it’s not always easy to make time for yourself when kids are young. However, children are active beings, so join in their day-to-day activities and you’ll be getting all the exercise you need.  Play tag, blast music and dance, jump rope, or take a family bike ride. This way you get fun, family and fitness in one. 

Make it count 

When you do get to the gym, make it count so you have some leeway on the days you don’t get there. Do supersets, maximizing your time and muscle. Instead of resting between sets, rest the muscle group you’ve just trained while working another, before reversing again. So, work out your lower back, then rest it while you do your abs, then rest your abs while you do the next set of lower back, and so on.

Fitness fun for everyone 

Combining your work/social life with your fitness life can bring the ultimate payoff. Next time a friend suggests coffee, try a spinning class instead. Hold one-on-one meetings over a walk in the park, or turn company outings into bowling instead of drinks/dinner. Not only do you get exercise in, but making plans with other people also ensures you don’t skip out. If you tell your friend you’ll meet her at yoga, you’re accountable and more likely to actually go. As always, before starting any fitness routine, consult a doctor. When debating between healthy recipe options or possible new supplements, a nutritionist can be beneficial as well. It’s also a good idea to look over your health plan to see what types of health specialists are covered. 

If you need assistance in obtaining a new health plan or have questions about your existing policy, visit , or call MHG at 954-828-1819 and speak with one of our knowledgeable insurance representatives. MHG Insurance cares about its clients, and encourages everyone to eat healthy and exercise, no matter how busy their lives are.

Top 10 Health & Fitness Tips for Busy People!

Business Insurance Policies

As a business owner working in today’s litigious society, there are many different types of coverage that your company may need in place not only to protect your business but to protect your personal assets as well. Which type of insurance and the correct policy amount differs depending on your type of business.  It’s important to mention that your insurance needs will also change over time, as your business continues to grow. 

MHG can help you determine which insurance will most benefit your needs; here are the five most common commercial insurance policies that are essential to almost every business:

General Liability Insurance – General Liability insurance is the most basic form of business insurance available and protects you, the business owner, should someone suffer an injury and you are named liable. General Liability policies also provide coverage for property damage, advertising injury and personal injury, including slander. Should you be served with a lawsuit, this type of insurance could also pay defense costs and settlements even if the claims made against you are fraudulent. You should consider obtaining this coverage if you or your employees:

  • Visit a client’s place of work or if a client visits yours
  • Have access to a client’s equipment
  • Write or speak about a client’s business
  • Use third party locations for any business related activities
Commercial Property Insurance – Disaster can strike at any time. Commercial Property insurance can protect your businesses' assets and inventory against physical damage and loss of use due to theft, an accident or other means. If you are leasing office space or retail location, you may only need to purchase "contents" coverage to protect your fixtures, furniture, inventory, office equipment and supplies; however, if you've made 'improvements and betterments' to the space you're leasing, you may want to include those expenses in your insurance policy as well. No matter what size your business is you may qualify for a Business Owners Policy or a "BOP" which allows business owners to secure Commercial General Liability, Property Insurance and often, includes loss of income and extra expenses that you may suffer following a loss. 

Commercial Auto Insurance - Car accidents happen every day and as a business owner, you need to make sure you have the proper insurance coverage in place to protect you, your employees, your assets and get you back on the road as quickly as possible. As a rule of thumb, if the vehicle is used primarily for business purposes or is titled in the company's name, you should have a Commercial Auto policy regardless if you lease or own the vehicle. Commercial Auto policies may pay for damages or medical expenses sustained by you, an authorized driver on your policy, or a third party. Depending on the type of coverage you select, your company vehicle may also be insured against damage caused by a flood, fire, or theft. 

Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) – We unfortunately live in a very litigious society and it’s important for business owners to have the right coverage in place to protect themselves against frivolous and legitimate lawsuits made by current, former and potential employees. An EPLI policy protects the business, its directors and officers and employees against allegations of sexual harassment, discrimination, emotional distress and wrongful termination among others.

Workers Compensation Insurance - As a business owner, you do your best to provide your employees with a safe working environment; however, accidents happen and it is important to have the proper protection in place. Workers’ Comp policies are mandatory for all businesses employing four or more people although contractors are required to carry a Workers’ Comp policy if they have at least one employee. Workers’ Comp covers medical expenses and some portion of an employee’s wages if they were injured on the job. Accidental injuries, occupational diseases, and even death arising from the employee’s employment are covered under this policy. In the marine industry, The Longshore Harbor Worker’s Compensation Act (USL&H) provides similar Workers’ Comp benefits for employees working on navigable waters, on a dock, during a dry dock or other areas commonly used by vessels. Workers' Comp policies can be endorsed to offer coverage for the employee while working on land as well as for USL&H exposures.

The Insurance Specialists at MHG understand that every business is unique. We have the experience and resources to help you find and purchase the right insurance to meet the needs of your business. Let us help you protect your business, good name and reputation. 

Call and speak with one of our Insurance Specialists to discuss options to cover your company's risk appropriately at 954-828-1819 or visit MHG Insurance Brokers online at to learn more. 

Common Business Insurance Policies

Why it's Great to be an Expat

Have you ever jumped out of a plane? Climbed a mountain? Gone scuba diving? Relocating to a new country can evoke many of the same feelings and emotions. But, isn’t that what life is all about? Living it to the fullest? The fear and excitement of the unknown? That’s why it’s great to be an expat! An expat, otherwise known as an expatriate, is someone who lives outside of their native country. Did you know there are a staggering 50.5 million expats living and working around the world?  That number is expected to increase to 56+ million by 2017! Maybe you’ve been considering packing your bags and moving halfway across the world for your dream job, but aren’t quite sure if you’re ready to uproot your life. So for those that are on the fence, MHG would like to share some advice from our own expats that will hopefully encourage you to jump and take that leap of faith.

A New Start

A New Start New start, clean slate! Becoming an expat can allow you to leave your baggage and drama behind and give you the opportunity to, make new friends, have an exciting new job, and who knows, maybe meet your significant other.   


Lanuage Depending on where you go as an Expat, you may need to learn a new language. Learning a new language isn’t an easy task, however, it allows you to learn more than just some words, it can force you to learn the culture as well. You wouldn’t have the opportunity to learn a new culture by just visiting or vacationing somewhere.  By living there and having to make an effort to adapt is when you really get to experience new cultures.

Life Skills

Life Skills Living in a new country can also force you to learn some basic skills such as cooking, fixing a car, performing maintenance around the house, etc. While living in your home country, if you didn’t know how to do something, you may have had the option of calling someone to come help you or fix it for you. That may not help in a new country.

Job Opportunities 

Job Opportunities Many people become expats because of the work opportunities. Maybe you have been eyeing that dream management job which is just out of reach at home but more attainable overseas. In addition to the job opportunities, expats find compensation packages to be very enticing which can include a competitive salary, international health insurance, housing, annual tickets home, car and school tuition for the kids to name a few.

See the World

See the World What better way to see the world than by becoming an expat! Expats will tell you from first-hand experience the only way to  truly experience a country’s culture, tradition, and language, is to live there for an extended period of time. Living like a local will allow you to see the sites and taste new foods. Before you know it, you will be involved in and partaking in things you never thought you would have. Getting to experience things that you wouldn’t have gotten to experience by just visiting. You may also develop an admiration for the traditions, and find yourself really loving your adopted country, maybe even more than “home,” and possibly want to have this same experience at a new location. 

Before relocating to another country, trying to find expatriate health insurance coverage on your own can be a daunting task. Many of us at MHG are expats ourselves and we understand the global insurance needs of international businesses, and individuals and families living and working around the world. Our Insurance Specialists have the experience, knowledge, and access to multiple international insurance carriers to find you the most suitable plan based on your budget and future plans.

At MHG Insurance, our commitment to your well-being does not end once you have purchased a plan; through our “Concierge Broker Service”, we will continue to assist you with questions about your policy and provide assistance throughout the claims process. Call MHG Insurance at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at for help finding expatriate insurance coverage for you and your family or business!

5 Reasons why it’s Great to be an Expat