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Must Knows Before Buying Travel Insurance

Posted November 29 2014

Buying Travel Insurance

We all consider insurance to be necessary when it comes to our health, automobiles, and homes. Though it is difficult for the average person to understand the verbiage that is contained in most policies, that does not hinder people from purchasing life insurance and other types of coverage once they reach a certain age and wish to start a family, or start planning for retirement. One type of insurance that often gets overlooked, however, is travel insurance.  Many people are not sure if they need it, or are aware of what exactly it can do for them. Travel insurance is a valuable tool that is designed to protect those traveling domestically or abroad, for business or recreation. There are several options to choose from depending on the types of coverage you require, but most travel insurance policies provide coverage for the following occurrences:

  • Medial emergency or evacuation: This should be the primary reason to buy travel insurance. Although your current health plan may cover you in certain instances while you travel, emergency medical transportation is often not covered, and the cost of this service can rise upward toward $100,000. Travel insurance comes in handy here, as it can prevent you from maxing out the benefits allotted through your health plan. There are primary as well as secondary plans available, which work in tandem with your current health plan.
  • Trip cancellation: When you plan a trip months in advance, there is no way to predict what circumstances may arise between now and your departure date. Trip cancellation insurance will protect you in the unfortunate event of a death in the family, an illness, or an accident. You are also covered for situations that occur which are outside of your control, such as severe weather causing the delay or cancellation of your flight.
  • Baggage or Personal Items Loss/Theft: This covers you if the airline loses your luggage, or if you stored your laptop in your hotel room one afternoon, only to come back to find it missing. You can also insure camera equipment, and other valuables.

  • Personal Liability:  If you are involved in a car accident while driving in a different country, or accidentally cause damage to something and are now finding yourself being asked to remedy the situation, this coverage will be of great value to you.
How can you determine if you need travel insurance? Here are some things to think about:

  • Take Inventory: Assess the policies that you currently have in place to check to see if you are covered for health emergencies, medical care and treatment when you travel. Check the credit cards you use as well. Some automatically cover things like baggage loss or flight cancellations.

  • Don’t Skimp on Protection: Most people skip travel insurance because they just see it as an added expense being tacked on to their trip. With most travel insurance policies costing somewhere between 3% and 8% of what the trip costs, this is a drop in the bucket compared to out-of-pocket costs if an incident does occur and you aren’t covered.

  • You Snooze, You Lose: If you are considering buying travel insurance, it is best to purchase it within 24 hours of booking a trip, or as soon as possible afterward in order to get the best rate.

  • Travel More, Save More! If you travel frequently, you can consider multi trip insurance policies, or annual policies, which may be less expensive as compared to obtaining coverage right before each trip.
MHG Insurance Brokers draws from their extensive experience and knowledge in the insurance industry to give clients the greatest value and most comprehensive coverage available. MHG insurance specialists will clearly outline the coverage provided to you in your travel insurance policy, as well as tell you about any limitations or exclusions so you are fully aware of how protected you are before your trip.  Visit MHG Insurance Brokers online at , or call and speak to an MHG insurance specialist today at 954-828-1819. Don’t leave home unprotected.