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Cropped shot of an unrecognizable young man stretching at homeWith so many of us stuck in our homes, or indoors in general, it can be hard to find the motivation, or even the tools to get a good workout in. For those of us looking to maintain our figure, or even drop some pounds while we are quarantining, it is important to try to stay active. Better yet, it is important for everyone to stay active, as exercising can help with stress, depression, anxiety, and other mental challenges associated with what is currently going on.

Calisthenics are a great way to get into or stay in shape. In fact, many people use calisthenics as their normal exercise routine. By using different exercises to target each muscle group, you can have a full body workout without leaving your home or your yard, in a short amount of time.

1. Upward and Downward Facing Dog- This is a common yoga exercise and is a great way to get your body warmed up before a workout or cooled down following one. Lay flat on the ground face down. Take a deep breath, push your hands against the ground to push your chest up while keeping your legs flat on the ground. Hold the pose for several breathes. On the last exhale, lift your bottom up to form a 90-degree angle with your body while keeping your feet and hands flat on the ground and your head between your arms. Stay in that pose for several breathes. On the last exhale, bend your knees to the floor so that your knees are under your hips and your hands are under your shoulders.

2. Planks- Planks are one of the best exercises you can do to work out your core. Lay face down on the floor. Prop yourself up with your forearms and keep your elbows directly below your shoulder. Remember to keep your body straight. For beginners, try using a straight arm with your hands directly underneath your shoulders.

3. Wall Sits- This is a great way to focus on your lower body as well as your core. Find a wall, then squat down into a sitting position with your back against the wall and your legs in 90-degree angles.

4. Mountain Climbers- Ready to get your heart rate pumping? Mountain climbers are a unique exercise that can get your heart rate up and work out your entire body without needing machinery or a large space to move around. Start in a push-up position and alternate bringing your knees to your chest.

5. Push-ups- This classic exercise focuses on your upper body strength and your core. To work out different muscles doing this exercise, try doing them on an incline and decline as well.

6. Sit-ups/ Crunches- This is another classic exercise that targets your abdominals. To increase difficulty try doing them with your legs up at a 90-degree angle. Or you could try air bike crunches where you alternate touching opposite elbows to knees.

7. Squats and Lunges- This exercise really targets your thighs and your gluteal muscles. Remember to keep your feet shoulder width apart and keep your heels flat on the ground when squatting.

For lunges, step forward with one leg lowering your hips until both legs are bend at 90-degree angles. Make sure your front knee is directly above your ankle and your back knee doesn’t touch the floor. Rotate legs.

8. Leg Lifts- As you may have already noticed, many of these workouts focus on your core, and leg lifts are one of the best ones you can do. Lay flat on your back and lift your feet 6 inches off the ground. For a change you could also try switching your feet from opened to closed every 10 seconds.

9. Burpees- Burpees are a great exercise that workout the whole body and even gets your heart rate up! Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, then bend your knees and lower your body into a squat. Place your hands on the floor and shift your weight onto them, then jump your feet back and get yourself into a plank or pushup positions. Then jump your feet back to land just behind your hands and rise up to jump explosively in the air. Repeat!

10. Tables- Sit down with your hands and feet on the floor. With your arms behind you, prop yourself up by lifting your hips as high as you can, and squeezing your glutes and shoulder blades as hard as you can.

There are several different ways to approach these exercises, you could try doing each one until exhaustion, breaking them up into different repetitions and sets, or a mixture of both. There are a ton of other non-weight exercises you can do; however, everyone is different, and some may find other exercises more successful than others. Try looking up other exercises and make a workout guide that fits you and your needs best.

With the spread of COVID-19 causing global concern, rest assured that all of us at MHG are here and ready to answer your insurance questions and concerns relating to the virus. For specific information on how COVID-19 affects your insurance coverage, please call us or visit your insurance carrier’s website.

By using different exercises to target each muscle group, you can have a full body workout without leaving your home or your yard, in a short amount of time.

An abstract image representing a screen with security padlocks on it. Most padlocks are closed and show as blue, representing a secure system. Except one which is open and shows in red, representing an insecure system, breach or intrusion. The image symbolizes an attempt at intrusion on a secure system grid.In this ever-changing world, new threats and risks surface seemingly every day. Can you guess what one of the biggest threats to your business is? It’s not looting, and definitely not slander, it’s Cyber Breach! Years ago, a big topic was identity theft, and people having their credit cards compromised. As those issues are still common today, there is a much larger issue at hand. If a company has a breach, millions of customers could be at risk instantly, whereas before, people had their private information breached one by one. Can we go back to the old days?

Companies have begun investing heavily in security and creating in-house security teams to protect themselves from having their private information hacked. With millions of people affected by cyber breach across the world, it has become a common issue for businesses. According to Forbes, in 2019, personal account information surfaced on the dark web resulting from the data breach of Facebook and Instagram, exposing over 400 million user’s personal information.

How do I know if my business is at risk?

Many people think that a cyber breach can only affect businesses that have online stores, or sell a product or service through a website, however, that is not the case. Your business is at risk if it handles sensitive computer data such as credit card information and bank account numbers. Whether online, or in a computer system, information just isn’t safe anymore. Hackers are able to bypass security software and can get into your company’s servers to access all the information they want, at times getting through the best security available.

Unfortunately, these days having the best security software and team cannot guarantee the safety of your business. Although they are good investments to have, because they can make it quite difficult for a hacker which may make your company less of a target.

How will it affect my business?

A breach can cause an extensive threat to your financial stability. No matter the size of your business, federal law now requires you to notify every one of your customers affected by the breach. You may need to pay for extensive damages across your business. If you are one of the companies that has their business breached it may be necessary to hire a PR firm for damage control, forensic services to find out the extent of the breach and make the necessary security changes, legal services to protect you from individual and class action lawsuits, etc.

Hackers can also gain access to your employee’s information through email, and begin to contact others through that email address. This can create a massive headache for your company. Imagine an executive asking someone within the company for money in an emergency situation. Before you know it, your company just lost tens of thousands of dollars. It is critical to define certain protocols that offer an additional layer of protection. Requests for money transfers should be approved by more than one person and confirmation should be done in a secure manner or in person if possible.

How can I protect my business?

Until a few years ago, there was no insurance available to cover cyber liability. Businesses used Commercial General Liability Insurance to obtain coverage for bodily injury and property damage from accidents on their property or in their business, yet this does not protect them from any of the financial losses that can happen from failure to protect the private information of its customers.

Insurance companies now offer stand-alone policies to protect your business from many of the financial pitfalls that were stated earlier, that come with a cyber breach. Prices for these policies vary. Considering what they are protecting, it is well worth looking into the coverage. The application process can be quite simple depending on the need. Because the insurance company must know many details about spy ware protection, internet usage, etc. it is a good idea to work with your IT team when shopping for Cyber Liability coverage.

If you own a business, and are looking for protection against a cyber breach, MHG Insurance Brokers would be happy to assist you. Also, if you are looking to purchase other various forms of Property & Casualty Insurance such as General Liability or Professional Liability, our insurance specialists have the experience to assist your business and offer advice in finding the perfect plan to fit all of its needs. Contact MHG Insurance Brokers today at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at

Can you guess what one of the biggest threats to your business is? It’s not looting, and definitely not slander, it’s Cyber Breach!

Working mother with baby daughter communicating on mobile phone while reading an e-mail on the computer.As you may have heard, we are currently experiencing a global pandemic from COVID-19, also known as coronavirus. Across the world, countries and cities are being locked down to help prevent the spread of this virus, forcing many to be laid off or have to work from home, if their job allows. If you are one of the fortunate ones who are able to work from home and are staying home in these unprecedented times, you are doing your community a great service by doing your part to help stop the spread.

Many may think that working from home is easy, however, there are several challenges and issues that can arise, especially when working from home for an extended period, which looks to be the case for many. The following are some tips to better help develop a routine to make the most of your time, and to help limit distractions when working from home.

Get Ready in the Morning

Yes, one of the many benefits people may think of when working from home is that you get to stay in your pajamas all day. While everyone loves to have a lazy day, it is recommended to develop a routine. Try getting ready in the morning as if you were heading into the office. Take a hot shower, brew a cup of joe, or catch up on the latest news. Whatever your routine was before, try to mimic it the best you can.

Dedicate a Space

In addition to developing a solid and healthy routine, it’s important to create a dedicated space for your work. Set up your computer or lap tap, office phone, and whatever other supplies you need in order to creative an effective “home office”. Also, pick some place that will limit distractions, perhaps set up at the dining room table rather than in the living room? Whatever space works best for you, and will help you feel like you are clocking in.

Take Breaks

A lot of people don’t realize how many breaks they take at work, and while many supervisors may not want to hear it, frequent breaks are proven to be imperative for efficient work. Getting up from your desk and going to chat with a colleague or gathering around the water jug is something that you won’t have to opportunity to do. Make a note to take a break every so often. Pick a few times throughout the day to get up and walk around the house. If you have a dog, I’m sure they won’t let you forget to go on a walk.

Keep the Kids Busy

As the majority of schools are closing, you may be working from home with a few added responsibilities. Kids, especially younger ones, require a ton of attention, and it can be hard to get anything done if you are constantly having to keep them occupied and entertained. Try to come up with some activities that will keep them busy and inspire them to entertain themselves. Whether it’s putting on a movie, reading a book, or playing some board games, try to come up with some ideas to help keep them engaged.


Last but certainly not least, being stuck inside all day can cause some mental challenges. Ever hear of cabin fever? Depending on where you are and what rules are being instituted in your country or city, go outside for a walk or run and get some physical activity. If you can’t leave your home, come up with an exercise routine for you to do every day. Exercise and physical activity is a great way to help battle the depression or other issues that may arise from being isolated and quarantined, and not to mention, it will only help you and your health!

With the spread of COVID-19 causing global concern, rest assured that all of us at MHG are here and ready to answer your insurance questions and concerns relating to the virus. For specific information on how COVID-19 affects your insurance coverage, please call us or visit your insurance carrier’s website.

Many may think that working from home is easy, however, there are several challenges and issues that can arise, especially when working from home for an extended period, which looks to be the case for many.

MHG Cruise Report Magazine 2019 COVER2- FLRFORT LAUDERDALE, FL (SEPTEMBER 5, 2019) – MHG Insurance, the cruise industry’s authority on crew benefits, has released the 2019 Cruise Industry Benefits and Trends Report. The report provides a glimpse into the benefits provided to officers and crew at some of the world’s leading cruise lines.

At the center of the report is the highly anticipated benefits matrix which contains a snapshot of what the cruise industry is doing today in terms of benefits provision. The matrix examines four categories including: medical insurance, disability insurance, life insurance, and retirement savings. Coverage details for each benefit are highlighted and lists which group receives them - all in an anonymous format.

Topical articles and trends affecting the industry, such as the anticipated growth across all segments and the introduction of LNG technology and the possible impact on crewing, are also profiled. Guest contributors, Paul Morter, founder of UK based Block 524, takes an in-depth look at retirement savings plans and their importance in a successful attraction and retention strategy while Caitlin Vaughan, Project Manager at the International Seafarers’ Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN), discusses crew mental health at sea.

“Staff attraction and retention set the most successful cruise lines apart from the rest,” said Lyall Duncan, MHG’s Cruise Division Director. “Seafarers may have been plentiful in the past, but with the recent and continued expansion over the next several years, it may prove harder to find and keep qualified officers and crew. We’re pleased to be able to provide our clients with this report so that they can determine which benefits and perks are necessary to be competitive.”

MHG Insurance continues to be at the forefront of developing innovative insurance solutions and products to meet the changing needs of the cruise industry, businesses, and individuals around the world. To receive a copy of the Cruise Industry Benefits and Trends Report or to schedule an appointment to review the report and discuss your benefit strategy, please contact MHG Insurance at +1 954-828-1819 or

About MHG Insurance

Established in 1991 in Miami, Florida, MHG Insurance is an independent, global, full-service insurance brokerage and consultative facility. Through its extensive relationships with international underwriting markets, MHG develops and provides a full range of employee benefits, risk mitigation programs, business insurance and financial services all supported by comprehensive attention to service support for all of our clients. In the marine community, MHG is well known for its expertise in the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC 2006) and developing MLC-aligned crew insurance solutions. For more information about MHG Insurance and the services we provide, please visit

MHG Insurance Brokers, the cruise industry’s authority on crew benefits, has released the 2019 Cruise Industry Benefits and Trends Report. The report provides a glimpse into the benefits provided to officers and crew at some of the world’s leading cruise lines.

Foam wake in the Mediterranean SeaEach year at SeaTrade we reminisce about how much cruising has grown since its inception, but this year, the industry is on the cusp of one of its most massive growth spurts yet. In addition to the ongoing and constant introduction of new tonnage by the mass market heavyweights, this year multiple new players are about to introduce ships into service in the premium, luxury and expeditionary cruise sectors. Cruising always offered different options to the public however the pending industry growth and expansion of riverboats, luxury, expedition and other cruise experiences means that the future of cruising is all about diversity.

The technology, innovation and imagination of the industry continues to startle and amaze. Cruising has moved beyond baked Alaska, buffets and shuffleboard to tattoos, rollercoasters and polar expeditions! Indeed, today a cruise exists to suit every preference and (almost) no destination is out of reach. The wealth of cruising options available to the public is immense. Big ship, medium ship or small ship? Alaska, Asia, Europe, Galapagos, Antarctica or a world cruise? Family fun, reunion or romantic getaway? Theme cruises? Broadway and Vegas style entertainment? The cruise industry continues to diversify and grow and so does the consuming public’s choices and options for cruise experiences.

Notwithstanding all the enticing bells, whistles, gimmicks and innovations, every new cruise ship still requires officers and crew to serve its guests and safely operate the vessel. As cruise industry technology continues to advance, the need for certain specialized training amongst the crew increases. Training and investing time to educate crew is not an inexpensive matter. For every new LNG powered vessel and innovative technologies in bow thrusters, propulsion & emission systems mean additional training and certification amongst the crew is needed. The newest generation of cruise ships crosses the spectrum of small mega-yachts to multi-thousand passenger-ships akin to a small city. For a seafarer, this diversity implies totally different work spaces, conditions and operations, thus different training.

With the expansion of the luxury sector, this creates a demand for crew that can provide superior service. Luxury brands tend to attract a repeating loyalty base of customers who acknowledge and expect consistent superior service. Many luxury operators focus on the guest-crew ratio, aspiring towards one crew member per paying guest. However, this means that these seafarers must often do multiple tasks to make up for the lack of other crew. Not every crew member is capable of delivering high-end 5- or 6-star service. To this end many luxury operators have their own schools or programs devised to provide specialized service training for certain crew to meet the high demands of its customers.

Perhaps the biggest pending expansion in the cruise industry is within the expedition sector. Traditionally these types of voyages were entirely destination driven but bare bones minimal so far as service and cuisine. The new expedition ships boast 5- and 6-star service complete with helicopters, submarines, decompression chambers and expedition leaders. The high degree of technology, service & innovation encompassed in these new vessels combined with specialized polar navigation rules and remote, isolated and longer itineraries implies a further need for specialized training and certification amongst crew.

All the above implies that as the cruise industry continues to grow and diversify the training and education of seafarers will also diversify and as a result continue to be more complex and costly. Accordingly, cruise operators should look to protect the substantial investments they are making in their crew in order to train them for these diverse cruise experiences. The LNG engineer, the personal butler and the expeditionary team leader are all seafarers, each with a unique skill set relative to the vessel they are employed on. Having to replace any of these jobs can be challenging. Accordingly, each of these crewmembers should be viewed as an asset to be protected and retained.

As part of any employee retention strategy, the offering of employee benefits should be highly considered. Indeed, many existing cruise companies have taken their obligations under the Maritime Labour Convention (2006) seriously and already provide some crew with a basic benefit package that includes insurance and retirement account(s). The new entrants into cruising should definitely take note. The diversification of the industry will require diversification of crew. Competition for competent and diverse crew will only increase over time but providing a menu of benefits to your crew can help to ensure that they remain happy in the job, and able to contribute to the company’s future successes.

MHG offers a diverse package of benefits for seafarers. Come and see us at Seartrade, Booth 2349!

Cruising always offered different options to the public however the pending industry growth and expansion of riverboats, luxury, expedition and other cruise experiences means that the future of cruising is all about diversity.

Smiling ship commander standing with his arms foldedThe cruise industry has always provided an amazing opportunity for those looking to travel as well as expand their career to something different from the norm. However, seafarers don’t simply step onto the gangway and into a job. A cruise operator must place substantial time and expense in sourcing, recruiting and training of its seafarers.

With the cruise industry currently on the verge of a massive expansion over the next 5-7 years, sourcing, recruiting, hiring, training, and ultimately retaining quality competent and qualified crew will be a critical factor for the successful cruise operator going forward. At last count, there was a minimum of 125 new cruise vessels on order. Remarkably, this growth expands across the spectrum of this industry, ranging from gigantic mass market behemoths to small, medium sized, luxury and expeditionary vessels. Accordingly, a conservative estimate of new seafarers to be sourced, hired, retained and required to crew this influx of diverse vessels is upwards of 150,000. With all this growth, and new cruise ships of all types and designs on the horizon, what steps have you taken to get yourself ready?

Crew Will Require More Specializations Than Ever Before

Not only will a plethora of new crewmembers be required, but the future of the cruise industry will entail more advanced crew specialization, including sectors that have never been seen before. The evolution of LNG (Liquid Natural Gas) power will necessitate new specialized technical education and training for engineers. Up to 40 new luxury vessels (and counting) implies a need for staff with a higher level of white glove, concierge service experience. The over 28 new expedition class vessels will look to combine LNG technology as well as luxury service, which will result in crew that may need to be specialized in several different areas to keep onboard staffing as low as possible given the smaller capacity of these ships. In short, the cruise industry overall will need to recruit, train, and retain a new generation of specialized seafarers.

How to Set Yourself Apart from the Competition

Retaining the best crew in the wake of industry expansion will only become more of a challenge as the demand for quality specialized crew becomes more competitive. Thus, having a long-term strategy in place for employee attraction and retention will be imperative. A happy and contented crew results in higher productivity, less turnover, and as a result, hopefully, increased revenue.

There are many factors that affect overall job satisfaction: working conditions, opportunity for advancement, workload & stress level, co-workers & management and of course financial reward. Increasingly though, financial reward cannot be limited to just money in the bank at the end of the month. The solution lies in an integrated employee benefits package; and this package takes on an increased level of importance as it not only affects the officer or crew member but potentially their dependents as well.

MHG Insurance offers different insurance solutions for many areas of business. Our years of experience in working with the marine industry can assist you in maximizing the overall value that a solid benefits package brings to the table. If you would like to discuss a rolling benefits strategy, or are interested in purchasing marine crew insurance, contact us at or call us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668. Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to assist and guide you to the best coverage for your budget. MHG Insurance will be at Seatrade Miami this year! Come see us at booth 2349!

With the cruise industry currently on the verge of a massive expansion over the next 5-7 years, sourcing, recruiting, hiring, training and ultimately retaining quality competent and qualified crew will be a critical factor for the successful cruise operator going forward.

Kayaking and canoeing with family. Children on canoe. Family on kayak ride. Did you know MHG Insurance Brokers is offering Tour & Excursion Operators Legal Liability insurance, also known as Shore-Ex Insurance? Here’s more about our program.

The Basics

Shore-Ex Insurance is a package contingent liability program designed specifically for tour operators seeking to work with the cruise line industry. Depending on the nature of the business itself, the program offers three principal lines of insurance coverage that address the exposures of the operation in question.

1. Commercial General Liability- Responds to suits brought against you by third parties on the grounds of bodily injury and/or material damage caused by your negligence.

2. Contingent Watercraft Liability- Provides excess insurance coverage that sits on top of an underlying Protection & Indemnity (P&I) policy thereby increasing your overall limit of insurance.

3. Contingent Auto Liability- Provides coverage over and above any locally placed Commercial Auto policies for liability arising from the operation of your motor vehicles.


· Includes worldwide jurisdiction, satisfying cruise line requirements.

· Limits up to $5,000,000 available.

· ‘A’ rated insurance carrier.

Types of Excursions / Tours that are Covered

The Shore-Ex policy offers coverage for a wide variety of excursions and tours. Whether your company offers sightseeing, scuba, paddle boarding, parasailing, ziplining or ATV tours among other activities, we can help!

We Work for You!

Let us focus on your insurance so you can get back to running your business. Even with the best intentions, accidents happen and it is important to have the proper insurance coverage in place to appropriately cover the day-to-day risks that you face. As a trusted partner of the cruise lines, we have been providing insurance advice and guidance to the cruise industry for over 25 years. Not only do our dedicated insurance specialists have the knowledge and expertise to pair you with the right policy, but our team consists of staff who were once underwriters for Tour & Excursion Operators Liability and who ran shore excursion companies worldwide. Whether you are setting up a new business and purchasing a policy for the first time or already have a policy in place, we can help.

Having proper insurance is important in every aspect of life. Here at MHG Insurance, we offer a variety of different solutions for many industry sectors. From Yacht Crew insurance, Property & Casualty, Ocean Marine insurance to Individual and Group Health insurance, even Life Insurance, we offer a comprehensive suite of tailored products to protect you, your family and your business. If you are interested in purchasing a Tour & Excursion Operators Legal Liability Policy, or simply need some more information contact us at or call us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668. Our team of brokers have the knowledge and experience to consult with you on the best coverage for your budget, and can also assist you with any insurance questions you may have.

Did you know MHG Insurance Brokers is offering Tour & Excursion Operators Legal Liability insurance, also known as Shore-Ex Insurance? Here’s more about our program.

524710540RELEASE DATE: 5/12/18

The results of new research into the welfare needs of superyacht crew were announced on Monday at a seminar held at Inmarsat’s headquarters in London.

The International Seafarers’ Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN) partnered with MHG Insurance to conduct a survey of seafarers who work on superyachts to investigate welfare issues specific to the sector, backed up by in-depth interviews and diary studies. Based on responses from 402 superyacht crew responding to the 50-question survey, the report finds:

· 82% had experienced low crew morale ‘sometimes’, ‘often’ or ‘always’

· 77% of women, and 55% of men, had experienced problems with on-board leadership ‘sometimes’, ‘often’ or ‘always’

· 67% ‘usually’ or ‘always’ felt rested in port

· 79% were on permanent contracts

· 51% were satisfied with their leave entitlement

· 57% of women and 39% of men suffered from social isolation or loneliness ‘sometimes’, ‘often’ or ‘always’ while working on board.

Yachting offers wonderful opportunities and this side was revealed in the report in quotes including: ‘Yachting delivers beautiful adventures to remote parts of the world…at a fraction of a cost that any other occupation can offer.’ It is also a hard life physically: ‘…you work bloody long hours without a day off in weeks during charters.’ The report covers the very good side of working on superyachts, without shying away from areas where improvements can be made: ‘I know a lot of yachts look after their crew but a lot don’t.’

The recommendations of the report include the following:

· Improving recruits’ knowledge of what to expect on board before they go to sea

· Improved support for seafarers who are coming out of the superyacht sector

· Raising awareness of what support for wellbeing is out there for seafarers, and widening distribution of welfare materials and information to include yacht crew

· An increase in the availability of rotational posts, which would make a concession to family life

· Enabling more time for rest and relaxation

Rob Myers – Senior Director, Large Yacht and Passenger at Inmarsat, the seminar host – opened the launch in London by introducing Inmarsat’s recent work on improving superyacht crew communications. Dr Olivia Swift, who conducted the research for ISWAN, presented the results to delegates and a panel then addressed three key discussion points stemming from the report: gender, religion and leadership. The panel members were:

Andrew Wright – Secretary General at The Mission to Seafarers

Karen Passman – Founder of Impact Crew

Peter Dudzinski – Director, Underwriting Services at MHG Insurance

Nicola Morgan – Director, Recruitment Manager & Shore Based Positions at wilsonhalligan

Danny McGowan – Strategic Organiser at Nautilus International

Richard Le Quesne – Financial Director & Honorary Treasurer at the Professional Yachting Association

Commenting on the report, MHG Insurance’ Chairman and CEO Andrew Dudzinski said: ‘How can we expect to recruit and retain loyal crew tomorrow if we don’t understand their welfare concerns today?’

The research was described by seminar delegates as ‘long overdue’ (Dùghall macLachlainn, a superyacht captain), at the ‘forefront of development of crew welfare’ (yacht recruitment agency wilsonhalligan), and ‘a step in the right direction for the future of superyachting in a modern world’ (Sara Ballinger, Crew-Glue).

ISWAN’s Executive Director Roger Harris said: ‘The research highlights some real concerns of crew working on superyachts that need to be addressed by the sector. We are grateful to MHG Insurance for funding the research and to The Mission to Seafarers for supporting it.’

Andrew Wright, Secretary General at The Mission to Seafarers, said: ‘I was absolutely delighted to attend the excellent superyacht seminar. The findings of the study confirm my own experience of the industry and were properly thought-provoking. This is an area of need which has been insufficiently on the radar of most maritime welfare organisations. At The Mission to Seafarers we are determined to take forward current discussions. Working with partners, we are looking to develop appropriate kinds of support, focused on identified areas of need and using our particular skills and experience.’

The report can be downloaded here:

For further information, please contact:

Tom Holmer

ISWAN, Croydon, UK

Telephone: +44 20 8253 0163

Mobile: +44 7807 311852

Diana Gonzalez

MHG Insurance, Florida, USA

Telephone: +1 954 548 3581

Mobile: +1 954 232 2957

The results of new research into the welfare needs of superyacht crew were announced on Monday at a seminar held at Inmarsat’s headquarters in London.

MarineWelderCommercial General Liability insurance is designed to cover land-based operations. Typically, there is an exclusion in most CGL policies for any work done onboard ship, docks, or piers. The reason for this exclusion is that marine risks are better suited for a Marine General Liability policy. One major area of concern for a marine risk is the coverage for care, custody, and control. This coverage is critical for ship repairers especially and is a standard coverage on an MGL policy.

A Look Back

A General Liability policy doesn’t include watercraft coverage; including the ownership, maintenance, and use of watercraft owned by you, the insured. The client, shipyard or vessel may never know all these exclusion by just looking at a certificate of insurance. The forms and endorsements are included in the policy wording- which brings up the fact that an experienced insurance broker could help you when it comes to the specifics of policy exclusions and/or benefits.

Commercial General Liability

Commercial General Liability policies protect business owners against claims of liability for bodily injury, property damage, and personal and advertising injury (slander and false advertising). Premises/operations coverage pays for bodily injury or property damage that occurs on your premises or as a result of your business operations. Products/completed operations coverage pays for bodily injury and property damage that occurs away from your business premises and is caused by your products or completed work.

Marine General Liability

Marine General Liability policies are designed specifically for those who work on vessels, docks, and ports. These policies include coverage for Marine Contractors, ship repairers, and others who work on or near water.

Why didn’t I Know about This?

Often, contractors that perform work such as carpentry or welding will be asked to do work on a ship or in a port. Their normal operations are on land and they carry CGL coverage. Many do not realize that their current policy will not cover them for work done on a vessel or on a dock. Most shipyards, vessels, and ports don’t check the coverages listed on a certificate of insurance provided by the contractor, they may let them work with improper coverages, not knowing the exclusions that the contractors have in their policies. This is where the problem arises, since they may not be covered in the event of a loss or accident.

Why aren’t Marine Contractors Covered?

Commercial General Liability policies are not designed to cover marine operations. In order to offer coverage for a risk, the underwriter needs to understand the operation. Class codes are used as a way for an underwriter to rate a risk and determine the premium paid. Class codes are also a way for an insurance company to decide what types of business they want to insure. It is important that the company that insures your business understands exactly what you do and how you do it. Otherwise, you may be paying for a policy that will not cover a loss specific to your business. Marine businesses are best insured by a marine underwriter with an insurance company that is familiar with the marine industries.

Working with an expert insurance broker, like the brokers at MHG Insurance Brokers, can help you obtain a policy that specifically addresses your needs and is customized to your benefit. Remember, cruise lines and marinas require proof of appropriate insurance coverage before any job can begin, so make sure you have the right policy in hand. To learn more about the advantages of Marine General Liability coverage, contact an MHG broker today by visiting or calling 954-828-1819.

Typically, there is an exclusion in most CGL policies for any work done onboard ship, docks, or piers. Read to learn more!

524710540 26 July 2018

The International Seafarers’ Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN) is partnering with MHG Insurance to launch a survey of seafarers who work on superyachts to investigate welfare issues specific to the sector. Questions will be asked on food, cabins and communications, as well as the health and wellbeing of the men and women working on board. The survey has been designed to:

· highlight areas of welfare needs among seafarers on superyachts

· see what is working well under current conditions to meet their welfare needs, and what needs improvement

· explore how existing seafarers’ welfare structures may meet these needs and where there is scope for new provision

A recent survey commissioned by Yachting Pages Media Group found that 75% of crew surveyed said that the industry is not doing enough to tackle mental health problems and look after the overall wellbeing of crew.

‘Maritime welfare organisations are used to dealing with seafarers on cargo and cruise ships. The number of seafarers in the yacht sector has grown to around 35,000, and we need to know more about the challenges which are specific to the superyacht sector. As seafarers on superyachts are covered by the provisions of the ILO Maritime Labour Convention their welfare needs – at sea and ashore – should be better known and provided for,’ said Roger Harris, Executive Director of ISWAN.

Andrew Dudzinski, CEO of MHG Insurance, explained their support of this initiative: ‘The welfare of all crew, but especially those who are insured with MHG, is a primary concern for us. The mental and physical health and wellbeing of these seafarers is not just a professional interest. We want to know better what makes them tick and how their time at sea can be improved.’

Andrew Wright, Secretary General of the Mission to Seafarers, who are assisting with the distribution of the survey, said: ‘Yacht crew do an amazing job, catering to a small but very influential clientele, providing a phenomenal level of professionalism and service. For most crew this is a satisfying and wonderful job, but we need to see where improvements can be made.’

The results will be published in a report on the ISWAN website ( ) in December 2018.

For further information, please contact:

Tom Holmer

ISWAN, Croydon, UK

Telephone: +44 20 8253 0163

Mobile: +44 7807 311852

Diana Gonzalez

MHG Insurance, Florida, USA

Telephone: +1 954 548 3581

Mobile: +1 954 232 2957



International Seafarers' Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN): An international charity dedicated to the relief of need, hardship or distress amongst seafarers of all nationalities, races, colour and creeds irrespective of gender.

MHG Insurance: Established in 1991 in Miami, Florida, MHG Insurance is an independent, global, full service insurance brokerage and consultative facility. Through its extensive relationships with international underwriting markets, MHG develops and provides a full range of employee benefits, risk mitigation programs, property and casualty insurance and financial services all supported by comprehensive attention to service support for all of our clients. In the marine community, MHG is well known for its expertise in the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC 2006) and developing MLC-aligned crew insurance solutions. In the U.S., MHG provides group and individual employee benefits along with advice on federal regulations regarding the Affordable Care Act. For more information about MHG Insurance and the services we provide, please visit

The International Seafarers’ Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN) is partnering with MHG Insurance Brokers to launch a survey of seafarers who work on superyachts to investigate welfare issues specific to the sector.