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Effective Habits to Use When Working from Home

Posted March 25 2020

Working mother with baby daughter communicating on mobile phone while reading an e-mail on the computer.As you may have heard, we are currently experiencing a global pandemic from COVID-19, also known as coronavirus. Across the world, countries and cities are being locked down to help prevent the spread of this virus, forcing many to be laid off or have to work from home, if their job allows. If you are one of the fortunate ones who are able to work from home and are staying home in these unprecedented times, you are doing your community a great service by doing your part to help stop the spread.

Many may think that working from home is easy, however, there are several challenges and issues that can arise, especially when working from home for an extended period, which looks to be the case for many. The following are some tips to better help develop a routine to make the most of your time, and to help limit distractions when working from home.

Get Ready in the Morning

Yes, one of the many benefits people may think of when working from home is that you get to stay in your pajamas all day. While everyone loves to have a lazy day, it is recommended to develop a routine. Try getting ready in the morning as if you were heading into the office. Take a hot shower, brew a cup of joe, or catch up on the latest news. Whatever your routine was before, try to mimic it the best you can.

Dedicate a Space

In addition to developing a solid and healthy routine, it’s important to create a dedicated space for your work. Set up your computer or lap tap, office phone, and whatever other supplies you need in order to creative an effective “home office”. Also, pick some place that will limit distractions, perhaps set up at the dining room table rather than in the living room? Whatever space works best for you, and will help you feel like you are clocking in.

Take Breaks

A lot of people don’t realize how many breaks they take at work, and while many supervisors may not want to hear it, frequent breaks are proven to be imperative for efficient work. Getting up from your desk and going to chat with a colleague or gathering around the water jug is something that you won’t have to opportunity to do. Make a note to take a break every so often. Pick a few times throughout the day to get up and walk around the house. If you have a dog, I’m sure they won’t let you forget to go on a walk.

Keep the Kids Busy

As the majority of schools are closing, you may be working from home with a few added responsibilities. Kids, especially younger ones, require a ton of attention, and it can be hard to get anything done if you are constantly having to keep them occupied and entertained. Try to come up with some activities that will keep them busy and inspire them to entertain themselves. Whether it’s putting on a movie, reading a book, or playing some board games, try to come up with some ideas to help keep them engaged.


Last but certainly not least, being stuck inside all day can cause some mental challenges. Ever hear of cabin fever? Depending on where you are and what rules are being instituted in your country or city, go outside for a walk or run and get some physical activity. If you can’t leave your home, come up with an exercise routine for you to do every day. Exercise and physical activity is a great way to help battle the depression or other issues that may arise from being isolated and quarantined, and not to mention, it will only help you and your health!

With the spread of COVID-19 causing global concern, rest assured that all of us at MHG are here and ready to answer your insurance questions and concerns relating to the virus. For specific information on how COVID-19 affects your insurance coverage, please call us or visit your insurance carrier’s website.