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Do you remember what life was like 10 years ago? How about 5? It’s hard to think of a world without Social Media and Smartphones, and even harder to remember that these things didn’t even exist a decade ago. Five years ago, having a smartphone was a luxury, not the norm. People were still using Myspace, Facebook , Twitter , and LinkedIn were fairly new or unknown to most, and Instagram and Google+ didn’t even exist yet. Today we live in a world where information is everywhere, and all we have to do is reach into our pocket to unlock it all. Social networking has impacted us in many ways. For one, it has made this gigantic world seem a bit smaller, with all the ways that people can keep in touch, share pictures, and make those close to us feel like they aren’t missing the big moments in our life, just because they are living elsewhere. From a business perspective, it is an essential medium for communicating with clients, and can also be utilized for customer service, lead generation, and relationship building. 

1. Relationships 

People like and communicate with others who are similar to themselves. For instance, parents connect with other parents, college students connect with other college students, doctors connect with other doctors, etc. Social media has changed things by flipping the marketing funnel upside down. Instead of trying to reach the masses in order to gain a few customers or followers, you try to connect to a few, who will then reach the masses for you. Which is why it is important to post material your followers or customers will feel connected to. By building a relationship with a customer he or she may feel like you understand their needs, and may feel inclined to share your material to their friends who are similar to themselves. Which is very important because that can expose your business to others who may have never heard of you and who may feel connected to you as well. For example, every few days Cigna will post an article with healthy lifestyle tips, or State Farm will have a safe driving contest, or best of all, MHG Insurance Brokers will post a Motivational Monday picture. These simple actions engage with customers and give them an incentive to follow you, interact with you, share with others, but most importantly that you care about and value them. 

2. Customer Service 

Social Media has also impacted the way customers are able to contact you. Rather than picking up the phone to dial their broker, they can now use social media to communicate with them in a quicker and more efficient way. Plus, social media gives customers an avenue to give you feedback or vent to you about a problem they are experiencing in your business. This makes it easier and more convenient for the customer, rather than having to call your customer service hotline and be kept on hold for an extended period of time. However, this new way of customers contacting you to give feedback and complain can give you a reason to be on your P’s and Q’s. Before social media, whenever someone had a complaint, they would call your customer service hotline and deal with the issue directly. They say that a person tells 10 people about a complaint, which could hurt your business if the information spread. Now the complaint is posted in a public forum for the world to see, which means it is critical that the issue is handled quickly and the customer is taken care of, or possibly millions can have a reason not to do business with you. 

3. Advertising and Marketing 

Social Media has billions of users, millions of whom use it on a daily basis. Sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn have given insurers the power to advertise to individuals across the world, for FREE. So many companies spend millions of dollars a year on advertising for commercials, magazine ads, radio ads, etc. These ways of advertising also have limits to the amount of people that can see them. For example, they may not have a commercial in Europe that they do in the United States. Or if I don’t have a subscription to the magazine that you put an ad in, I won’t see it. Social Media does not have the limitations and constrictions that other forms of advertising and marketing does. However, there is a catch. In order to market to someone, they either have to be following your page, or already searching for you. Which, as stated before, is why it is important to build connections with people who will then share your content to their friends and followers. It is crazy to think how a post made in Miami, Florida can be seen in Sydney, Australia in a matter of seconds. 

Social Media has made the world a smaller place. Information is more accessible than it has ever been before. The world is in your pocket. Mobile phones are no longer just a communication device, they are a business device. Are you looking for relevant insurance information that isn’t boring? Whether you are looking for a competitive Marine Crew insurance plan, the latest updates on the Affordable Care Act , business insurance news or travel insurance tips, check us out on social media! Follow MHG Insurance on most Social Media platforms to see informative posts, fun content, and get to know us!

3 Ways Social Media Has Changed Insurance


At MHG Insurance Brokers, we make sure that our yacht crew clients are insured in the event of a medical issue or an accident, but we also take an interest in the everyday health and safety of our clients. Today we would like to provide a round up of information from our friends and partners that are experts on Yacht Safety Drills. If you have a story or comment about onboard safety drills, including ways to make a drill fun or memorable, please leave us a comment or join the discussion on our Facebook page .

1. Make drills fun. 

A common discussion in yacht captain forums is how to run safety drills. As one commenter in mentions, anything that breaks up the monotony of daily tasks is usually a welcome break, but making a safety drill fun and competitive will not only help get crew involved, but also makes it easier to recall the procedure under times of stress, when you really need it.

We have an annual contest to see who can get into their survival suit the fastest- you'd be surprised how fast those times are when there is an iPod or $100 (plus bragging rights) on the line for the winner.
To read this discussion in full, click here

2. Spread the knowledge. 

Our second point is a reminder that all crew need strong safety skills, even those skills that may not usually fall under their responsibilities, and it comes from Dockwalk's article on Safety Drills.

Know your stuff. Throughout your yachting career you will receive varying levels of safety training from sea survival to first aid, but keeping these skills fresh could prove to be invaluable in an emergency. “Recently, I was running a drill during which the crew role play. [In this drill,] a lot of the crew had been seriously injured, including the boats medical officer,” says Capt. Nick. “Our allocated deputy [medical officer] had to step up to the mark. I asked her to talk me through the CPR procedure. It was fairly obvious that she had forgotten much of the basics and I realized that refresher courses should be part of our training schedule.”
To read this article in full on Dockwalk's webpage, click here. 

3. Consider the learning styles of your crew when going through drills. 

There are three types of learners: visual, auditory and kinesthetic. In other words, we all commit things to memory using sight, sound, or touch. In order to help all crew remember procedures, consider testing them in using each of these ways. For example, demonstrations will help visual learners, asking crew to repeat information will help an auditory learners and hands-on practice will aid kinesthetic learners.

4. Consider security drills as well as safety drills.

According to a recent article in The Triton by megayacht stew Alene Keenan, safety is just one important drill that should be considered part of crew responsibilities.

The importance of security training is finally being recognized and is now mandatory for all crew on ISPS-compliant yachts. Many young crew think the STCW code consists simply of the four modules of Basic Safety training required to get our first yacht job. Perhaps we don’t think about the relevance of security awareness training unless security issues touch us individually. For me, the relevance of this came about as a direct result of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. I was the new chief stew on a yacht based at Chelsea Piers on 23rd street. We saw it all happen. We were not able to move the vessel because our engines were disabled and so we ended up volunteering. Security drills are mandatory and best practices have been formulated to mitigate risks of a security breach. Ship security plans detail the procedures to follow in the event of an incident. But on that morning, we did not know what to do or what to expect.
To read Alene's article in full, click here.  

5. Take responsibility for yourself. 

Regulations and drills are one thing, but when it comes down to it, safety is everyone's responsibility. If you are a chef onboard and cannot tie a knot, you may come to regret not taking the time to learn basic seamen skills. No matter what position you are in, ask questions, grasp as much familiarity with the boat and the tasks that each mate manages, and consider the additional learning not only a resume builder, but a potential lifesaver.  

5 Things to Know about Yacht Safety Drills

Marine General Liability

First, let's define Commercial General Liability and Marine General Liability. 

Commercial General Liability Commercial General Liability policies protect business owners against claims of liability for bodily injury, property damage, and personal and advertising injury (slander and false advertising). 

Marine General Liability Marine General Liability policies are the same as General Liability policies except they are designed specifically for those who work at sea. These policies include coverage for Marine Contractors and others who work on or near water. 

Commercial General Liability does NOT cover Marine  Liability 

As you may have read in one of our previous blog posts, Marine General Liability vs. General Liability , we explained that General Liability excludes marine work. A General Liability policy doesn’t include watercraft or water sport coverage; including the ownership, maintenance, and use of watercraft owned by you, the insured. The client or shipyard/vessel may never know about these exclusions by just looking at a certificate. It’s in the policy wording- which brings up the fact that an experienced insurance broker could help you when it comes to the specifics of policy exclusions and/or benefits. 

Many Marine Contractors don’t offer their employees full coverage on liability insurance, partly because many of them do not know that Commercial General Liability doesn’t cover anything that happens on or near the water. Since their workers are not covered, this can create a substantial problem. If something were to happen to one of their workers, the contractor could be liable and not have any coverage to protect them from a lawsuit. 

Why didn’t I Know about This? 

Marine Contractors purchasing the policies want to save as much money as possible, so they often choose the cheapest policy; however, they are taking a huge risk working without the proper coverage. Without proper coverage the policy may not be worthwhile at all, so what you may be saving could end up costing your livelihood! Also, since shipyards, vessels, and ports don’t look into the coverages provided by workers on a certificate, they let them work with improper coverages, not knowing the exclusions that the contractors have in their policies. This is where the problem arises, since the shipyard is also liable and won’t be covered in the event of a loss or accident. 

Why aren’t Marine Contractors Covered?

General Liability policies generally have a cheaper cost than Marine General Liability policies because they have so many exclusions. Your underwriter (who will develop the policies you need and assesses what premium you should have to pay), should take into account your risks - more risks, such as working around water, means more coverage needed - which determines whether your premium is high or low. So having more coverage is what makes a Marine General Liability policy more expensive than just a General Liability policy. At the end of the day, you get what you pay for. 

If you have any more questions, would like further explanation, or want to change your General Liability policy to a Marine General Liability policy, please contact us here at MHG Insurance by calling 954-828-1819 or visiting We would be happy to assist you with all of your insurance needs.  

Why do I need Marine General Liability? I have Commercial General Liability. Isn't that enough?

Why Business Owners Should Consider an Employment Practices Liability Insurance Policy

In today’s increasingly litigious society, business owners operate under the constant threat of lawsuits from employees, on a variety of issues. The proliferation of federal, state, and local employment laws has created a plethora of exposures that can leave your business vulnerable to costly litigation. Businesses of all sizes are at risk: whether you are the head of a large corporation or the owner of a small neighborhood company, once you hire your first employee, you expose your company to the possibility of a lawsuit.

An Employment Practices Liability Insurance Policy provides necessary protection for your business. 

Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) protects your business, its directors, officers, and employees, providing coverage for the legal costs and damages associated with claims by current, former, and potential employees for a number of employment-related allegations, including:

  • Wrongful dismissal
  • Sexual harassment
  • Hostile work environment
  • Invasion of privacy
  • Denial of promotion
  • Failure to make partner
  • Age, race, gender, or sexual orientation discrimination
  • Failure to accommodate the needs of the disabled
The number of employment related lawsuits filed each year is rising. 

Cases against employers are on the rise. According to the best industry estimate, 3 out of 5 businesses will be sued by an employee. Companies are now vulnerable from the first contact with a potential employee, from the pre-hiring process through the exit interview, even if the potential employee was never hired or was only with the company for a few days. 

A single employee can sink your entire company. 

No matter how vigilant you are, you cannot monitor every hire, termination, and conversation that takes place in your offices. Any misbehavior by your employees - a careless remark, inappropriate joke, or slightly mishandled termination – can be the basis of a lawsuit with the potential to bankrupt your business. There are steps you can take to minimize exposure, such as requiring attendance at workplace relations training sessions, implementing a zero-tolerance policy for sexual harassment, and establishing formal procedures for hiring, firing, and disciplining employees, but there is no way to ensure your company’s safety. 

Defending against discrimination lawsuits, even groundless ones, is expensive.

Legal costs accrue at an incredibly fast rate during business litigation. The average cost to have a meritless lawsuit dismissed is between $10,000 and $15,000. If a slight concern about your company’s possible culpability causes you to agree to a quick settlement, expect expenses of $10,000 to $50,000. Costs rise sharply if there is any merit to the case against your company, with the costs of settlement and defense soaring to $150,000, $200,000, or more. Should your company be served with this type of lawsuit, your EPLI coverage reacts with legal defenses that may be included within or outside of the policy limits and would react to settlements and judgments awarded to the accuser. 

Now that you have a better understanding of the many reasons why business owners should consider an Employment Practices Liability Insurance Policy , you can rely on MHG Insurance Brokers to ensure that you and your business are fully protected. The Insurance Specialists at MHG understand that every business is unique. We have the experience and resources to assemble a complete insurance plan that includes all the business insurance policies your company should have, including Commercial Property Insurance , Workers’ Compensation, Business and General Liability Insurance, and more. 

Call MHG Insurance today at 954-828-1819 or visit us online at and let our Insurance Specialists show you how to protect your business from the expense of costly lawsuits and other risks.   

Why Business Owners Should Consider an Employment Practices Liability Insurance Policy

Life Insurance Myths

Common Misconceptions About Disability Income Insurance

How would you pay your bills and support your family if you suffered a serious illness or injury and could not work? Disability insurance, also known as income protection insurance or sick pay, safeguards families by providing wage earners with a sizeable portion of their income if they are unable to work because of injury or illness. 

Unfortunately, misunderstandings about disability income insurance and the need for the benefits it provides have caused some workers to forego this protection, leaving them and their families in a dangerously vulnerable position. To help ensure that your family has the financial protection they deserve, here are the most common misconceptions about disability income insurance , along with the real facts about this valuable protection.

My employer’s disability insurance provides all the protection I need. 

The group disability income insurance coverage provided by most employers pays around 60 percent of your salary, up to a specified cap, typically $4,000 to $6,000 per month. Any bonuses, commissions, and other forms of compensation you receive are not included, even if they represent a significant portion of your salary. An individual disability income insurance policy can cover up to 70 to 80 percent of your income, depending on the policy you choose, and your benefits are usually not taxed as they are under employer-based plans. Group policies also usually reduce the amount they pay based on any other payments you receive, such as Social Security, a drawback that personal disability income insurance policies do not have. 

Social Security Disability will cover me if I become disabled. 

Despite public perception, only a very small number of people actually receive Social Security disability benefits. The Social Security Administration (SSA) operates under such strict definitions of disability that they only approve approximately 35% of disability applications at the initial application level and only 10% of applicants at the reconsideration level. That leaves the vast majority of disabled workers uncovered by Social Security benefits.

Workers’ Compensation benefits will cover me if I am unable to work. 

Statistics show that only 5% of disabling accidents and injuries are work-related and covered by Workers’ Compensation Insurance. 

My savings will cover my needs.

If you put 10% of your salary into savings every year, a single year of disability could wipe out a decade of savings. Since your income and expenses have grown during that time, you could lose even more, as the interest paid on savings is not commensurate with the rising cost of living. 

Individual disability income insurance is too expensive. 

Actually, individual disability income insurance is far more affordable than most people realize. If you look at your disability income insurance premium as a percentage of your yearly salary, a typical plan only represents 1% to 3% of your income. To put it into perspective: A 45-year-old worker making $50,000 a year can purchase an individual disability income insurance plan for around $150 a month; if that same worker becomes permanently disabled, he or she stands to lose more than $1,000,000 in future earnings. 

All disability income insurance plans are the same. 

Disability income insurance plans can vary in many ways. Differences in definitions of disability, length of waiting periods, as well as the length and levels of coverage provided can have a significant effect on the financial well being of your family. The insurance specialists at MHG can explain the fine print and compare policy benefits and premiums to ensure you have the best individual disability income insurance coverage for your particular financial situation. MHG Insurance can assemble a complete insurance package that includes life insurance, health insurance, disability income protection , AFLAC coverage and more to ensure your family has all the protection they need. 

Call  MHG Insurance  today at 954-828-1819 or visit us online at and let our insurance specialists ensure your family has all the coverage they need. 

Life Insurance Myths

Common Misconceptions About Disability Income Insurance

How would you pay your bills and support your family if you suffered a serious illness or injury and could not work? Disability insurance, also known as income protection insurance or sick pay, safeguards families by providing wage earners with a sizeable portion of their income if they are unable to work because of injury or illness. 

Unfortunately, misunderstandings about disability income insurance and the need for the benefits it provides have caused some workers to forego this protection, leaving them and their families in a dangerously vulnerable position. To help ensure that your family has the financial protection they deserve, here are the most common misconceptions about disability income insurance , along with the real facts about this valuable protection.

My employer’s disability insurance provides all the protection I need. 

The group disability income insurance coverage provided by most employers pays around 60 percent of your salary, up to a specified cap, typically $4,000 to $6,000 per month. Any bonuses, commissions, and other forms of compensation you receive are not included, even if they represent a significant portion of your salary. An individual disability income insurance policy can cover up to 70 to 80 percent of your income, depending on the policy you choose, and your benefits are usually not taxed as they are under employer-based plans. Group policies also usually reduce the amount they pay based on any other payments you receive, such as Social Security, a drawback that personal disability income insurance policies do not have. 

Social Security Disability will cover me if I become disabled. 

Despite public perception, only a very small number of people actually receive Social Security disability benefits. The Social Security Administration (SSA) operates under such strict definitions of disability that they only approve approximately 35% of disability applications at the initial application level and only 10% of applicants at the reconsideration level. That leaves the vast majority of disabled workers uncovered by Social Security benefits.

Workers’ Compensation benefits will cover me if I am unable to work. 

Statistics show that only 5% of disabling accidents and injuries are work-related and covered by Workers’ Compensation Insurance. 

My savings will cover my needs.

If you put 10% of your salary into savings every year, a single year of disability could wipe out a decade of savings. Since your income and expenses have grown during that time, you could lose even more, as the interest paid on savings is not commensurate with the rising cost of living. 

Individual disability income insurance is too expensive. 

Actually, individual disability income insurance is far more affordable than most people realize. If you look at your disability income insurance premium as a percentage of your yearly salary, a typical plan only represents 1% to 3% of your income. To put it into perspective: A 45-year-old worker making $50,000 a year can purchase an individual disability income insurance plan for around $150 a month; if that same worker becomes permanently disabled, he or she stands to lose more than $1,000,000 in future earnings. 

All disability income insurance plans are the same. 

Disability income insurance plans can vary in many ways. Differences in definitions of disability, length of waiting periods, as well as the length and levels of coverage provided can have a significant effect on the financial well being of your family. The insurance specialists at MHG can explain the fine print and compare policy benefits and premiums to ensure you have the best individual disability income insurance coverage for your particular financial situation. MHG Insurance can assemble a complete insurance package that includes life insurance, health insurance, disability income protection , AFLAC coverage and more to ensure your family has all the protection they need. 

Call  MHG Insurance  today at 954-828-1819 or visit us online at and let our insurance specialists ensure your family has all the coverage they need. 

Common Misconceptions About Disability Income Insurance

5 Signs You Need Life Insurance

The need for life insurance is something to think about, especially during joyous life events. The thought of leaving our loved ones is a painful one, but with careful planning, we can at least help ensure that our family will have the physical comforts and financial security they deserve.   As we go through life, it can be tempting to focus on the joys of the events that change our lives in various stages.  This can result in  neglecting the long-term planning needs these changes may bring. 

How can you tell if your changing life stage signals a need to obtain or update your life insurance coverage? Look for these 5 signs you need life insurance :

Graduating College –While life insurance may not seem like an urgent necessity at this point, it is the ideal time for you to purchase a policy. Your rates will never be lower, and obtaining life insurance now allows you to make affordable provisions for your future retirement while establishing protection for your future family members. 

Getting Married – You just pledged to love, cherish, and protect your loved one from harm all the days of your life; life insurance allows you to help fulfill that pledge even after you are gone. If something happens to you or your spouse, the survivor would face financial obligations on his or her own, with everything from daily living and funeral expenses to retirement funds now becoming the survivor’s sole responsibility. Life insurance provides help with everyday expenses as well as ensuring the surviving spouse can have a comfortable and secure future. 

Becoming a Parent – Having a child is a marvelous event that comes with a heavy dose of responsibility. A life insurance policy can help assure your bundle of joy can have the best life has to offer, even if you are not around to help in person. Life insurance benefits will help your spouse provide all the various needs of your child or children, such as food, clothing, and education, minimizing the risk of having to struggle or scrimp. 

Becoming a Homeowner – All too often, surviving spouses are forced to sell a beloved home after their husband or wife dies because they are unable to afford the mortgage payments on their own. When you put in place a life insurance policy that is large enough to cover your entire mortgage, you can give your spouse the peace of mind that comes from a secure living situation. 

Planning for Retirement – Purchasing life insurance can allow you to spend your hard-earned money enjoying your retirement, while still providing a lasting legacy for your loved ones. The current volatility of the market has left some seniors without the resources they thought they would have for their later years; a life insurance policy provides a safe haven that can help protect your assets and provide you with funds that may be used when you are ready for retirement. 

In addition to changing your life insurance needs, these pivotal life events also create a need for the protection of other insurance policies, such as health insurance , disability income insurance, long term care insurance , and more. The dedicated experts at MHG Insurance will work with you to satisfy all your insurance needs, making certain that you and your loved ones have the coverage you need to be fully protected at every stage of your life. 

Call MHG Insurance  today at 954-828-1819 or visit us online at for help in selecting life insurance and other coverage to ensure you and your loved ones have the protection you need at every stage of your life.

5 Signs You Need Life Insurance

Complete Insurance Solutions for Individuals, Families, and Businesses

MHG Insurance are known for being Marine Crew Insurance experts, specializing in insurance plans designed to meet the requirements of marine employers, captains, crew, contractors and concessionaires. But did you know MHG also provides insurance solutions for individuals, families, and businesses in the US? At MHG, we have the experience, expertise, and access to multiple insurance carriers to offer sound, independent advice as to which insurance providers and products are best suited to address the needs of individuals, business owners and employers.

Employee Benefits/Individual Insurance Health Insurance / ACA Guidance – As an approved ACA insurance agency , MHG is able to answer your questions and help you find the perfect plan based on your particular requirements and budget. Speak with MHG’s Insurance Specialists about:

  • Employee Benefits - MHG will help you assemble a competitive employee benefits package, with a wide range of coverage options and benefits which can include Health, Dental, Long and Short-term Disability, Life and Gap insurance.

  • Individual Coverage – Finding the right insurance plan for you and your family can feel a little overwhelming. Not only are there so many options to choose from, but insurance has its own language and sorting through the terminology and key features on your own can be time consuming. Additionally, you may also be wondering if you are eligible to purchase insurance through the Affordable Care Act health exchanges.Let our Insurance Specialists help you find the right insurance plan for you and your family including Health, Life, Dental and Vision, Long-term Care, Supplemental Health, Medicare Plans and AFLAC coverage.
Business Insurance Today’s business owners need to know that there are several different types of insurance coverage available to protect their business as well as their personal assets. Call on MHG’s Insurance Specialists to help you with:

  • General Liability – Provides coverage for bodily injury, property damage, advertising injury, and personal injury, including libel and slander; can also pay defense costs and settlements for any claims against you, even if fraudulent.

  • Commercial Property - Protects your businesses' assets and inventory against physical damage and loss of use due to theft, an accident, or other means.

  • Employment Practices Liability – Protects your business, its directors, officers, and employees against allegations of sexual harassment, discrimination, emotional distress and wrongful termination among others.

  • Workers' Compensation – A mandatory type of insurance for businesses with four or more employees (one or more in the Construction industry), Workers’ Comp provides for your employees' medical expenses and some portion of their wages if they are injured on the job.

  • Commercial Auto – Covers any auto primarily used for business, paying for damages or medical expenses sustained by you or a third party involved in an accident; some policies include coverage for damages caused by a flood, fire or theft.

  • Professional Liability – Protects businesses that provide advice to clients, covering from claims made for negligence, failure to perform, and inaccurate advice.

  • Excess/Umbrella/Bumbershoot – For businesses that want complete protection from liability issues, Excess or Umbrella policies provide coverage above the limits of a General Liability policy, Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI), or Hired and Non-Owned Auto policy.

  • Specialty Lines – Insurance coverage for businesses with unusual or difficult risks, such as staffing companies, security guards (armed and unarmed), home health care or businesses with high losses, lapses in coverage or dangerous exposures.
Now that you are aware that MHG provides complete insurance solutions for individuals, families, and businesses as well as marine crew insurance policies, it is time to let the Insurance Specialists at MHG help you find and purchase the right insurance plans to meet your business and personal coverage needs. 

Call MHG Insurance  today at 954-828-1819 or visit us online at for help in selecting the right business and personal insurance plans to meet your coverage requirements.

MHG Provides Complete Insurance Solutions for Individuals, Families, and Businesses

Tips for Selecting the Right Health insurance Plan for Your Small Group Choosing a health insurance plan for your small group or company is a weighty responsibility. Whether you are purchasing benefits for the first time or already have a group benefit plan in place and are looking for a more affordable alternative, your number one priority is keeping your employees safe and healthy. Since the decisions you make can have a profound effect on the physical and financial well-being of your employees, your co-workers, and yourself, the Insurance Specialists at MHG Insurance Brokers have provided these five tips for selecting the right health insurance plan for your small group in hopes of making your task a little easier.

  1. Pick an insurance carrier that is widely accepted.

    Recently carriers have introduced limited networks that are accepted by very few providers. Protect your employees by staying away from plans with names that include words like “Select”.

  2. Include plans with various prices and benefit levels.

     Plans with higher deductibles have lower premiums, making them more affordable. Since your employees have different financial circumstances, be certain to include a plan that includes copays for physician visits, prescriptions, urgent care, and emergency room visits (if possible).

  3. Understand the difference between copays and coinsurance.

    Copays are a fixed dollar amount, while coinsurance is in the form of a percentage.

  4. Verify what each plan includes in the out of pocket maximum.

    For plans purchased from 2014 onward, the out of pocket maximum includes the deductible, copays, coinsurance, and prescriptions. Some of these may have been excluded in previous years and on current plans that were purchased prior to 2014.

  5. Make sure your employees understand HMOs, PPOs, and POS plans.

    These plans have similar benefits, but some distinct differences greatly affect coverage. The key differences are as follows:

    1. HMO plans require that the members use in network providers only.

      Generally less expensive than similar PPO or POS plans, HMOs require members to select a Primary Care Physician (PCP); before members can see a Specialist, they must get a referral from their PCP. In recent years, Open Access HMOs that do not require PCP selection or referrals have become more prevalent. HMO benefits are restricted to a particular geographic region.

    2. POS plans are HMO derivatives that include out of network benefits.

      POS plans resemble HMOs for in-network services; services received outside of the network are usually reimbursed based on a fee schedule, or what is considered to be reasonable and customary charges.

    3. PPO plans have in and out of network benefits.

      Referrals are never required with a PPO. Members have the option of seeing any doctor they choose, although benefits paid for visits to out of network doctors can be considerably lower.

    4. HSA (Health Savings Accounts) work with HDHP (High Deductible Health Plans) but generally do not pay benefits until the plan deductible is met.

      Once the deductible is met, members usually do not have copays for routine benefits like physicians’ visits, prescriptions, etc.
Selecting the right health insurance plan for your business is an important responsibility. The experienced insurance brokers at MHG will help you sort through the terminology and key features to determine the best group health insurance plan for your business, taking into account your employees’ circumstances, coverage requirements, and budgets. MHG Insurance Brokers offers a wide range of insurance coverage for businesses and individuals including disability insurance, life insurance, travel insurance, and more. 

Call MHG Insurance Brokers today at 954-828-1819 or visit us online at for help in selecting the ideal group health insurance policies for your business.

Tips for Selecting the Right Health insurance Plan for Your Small Group (US Life & Health)

Worst Advice About Yacht Crew Insurance

When you have insurance questions, it is tempting to ask friends and coworkers for their advice. You turn to these people for guidance in your personal life, so it is natural to seek their input when considering other important issues. Basing your insurance decisions solely on advice from non-professionals may not be a good idea, however, as this advice is usually based on an individual’s own experiences and anecdotes. In honor of these well-intentioned but ill-informed sources, we have decided to share with you the worst advice we’ve ever heard about yacht crew insurance – along with the real facts you can use to make informed decisions about your health insurance coverage.  

We Don’t Need Insurance Because We Are Covered By the Owner 

Not true. The yacht owner’s insurance is not your insurance. Also keep in mind that the owner’s insurance and liability does not necessarily extend coverage to you when you are off the vessel or on vacation. There may be other restrictions and limitations as well, which can create large gaps in your coverage. When you incur medical expenses, doctors and hospitals will hold you responsible for payment, not the vessel owner. Rule of thumb is, unless the owner has a separate group crew health insurance plan, it’s best to have your own individual health insurance plan. The Insurance Specialists at MHG work with several leading international and US carriers and are happy to help find the right plan that meets your coverage requirements and budget.   

Your Stateside Insurance Plan Will Cover You as We Travel 

Some crew members think that as long as they have medical insurance at home, they are fully covered wherever they roam. Actually, typical medical insurance only provides coverage while you are in your home country, leaving you unprotected for any injuries or illnesses that could occur while you’re away. MHG Insurance Brokers offer international health insurance plans designed specifically for yacht Captains and Crew. These plans typically offer worldwide coverage on and off the vessel, emergency evacuation/repatriation, winter and water sports coverage, amateur sailboat racing, maternity and dependent options, to ensure you are fully covered no matter where you go. 

You Can Wait To File A Claim 

It’s important to keep in mind that some policies have a time limit on submitting claims. While there are reasons for the limitation, the most important thing to know is that if you have a claim where you need to be reimbursed, you need to get it submitted in a timely manner. The limit can be as short as 90 days from when you received the treatment. That seems like a very easy deadline to meet, but we have seen claims coming in from two or three years ago and in some cases the insurance carriers will not allow the claim. Of course at MHG, we're here to help get a claim paid in your favor when we can. In fact, that's when it's often our time to shine! 

Don’t Claim Because You Might Lose Your Job 

Filing a health insurance claim should not endanger your job; in fact, filing a claim should have absolutely no effect on your job status, because it is your right to have proper health care and insurance while you are employed. 

Find The Cheapest Plan Because They Are All The Same

Yacht crew insurance plans vary greatly, and price should never be your only consideration. If two policies seem similar but the costs are different, look closely at the deductible, coverage, and copay amounts. A company’s service record should also be a consideration. Whether you have a question about your coverage, policy or claim, you’re looking for a company that provides prompt, friendly, personalized attention. Right now there are some new plans out there that look like Gold, for the price of Pyrite. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Speak with an insurance broker who can help explain what you are really getting (or not) before something happens and you find yourself or your crew thinking something was covered that isn't.

As independent brokers who are constantly scanning the marketplace, we at MHG are your advocates and are here to help guide you and help keep you safe. Selecting the right insurance plan is important and should not be taken lightly. The experienced marine insurance brokers at MHG will help you sort through the terminology and key features to determine the best plan for your unique circumstances, coverage requirements, and budget. MHG Insurance offers a wide range of yacht crew insurance plans including international health insurance, US health insurance, sick pay/disability insurance, life insurance and travel insurance.  Solutions for individuals, groups and fleets are available. 

Call MHG Insurance  today at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at   to find the yacht crew health insurance plan that perfectly meets your needs. 

The Worst Advice We’ve Ever Heard About Yacht Crew Insurance