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Will My Health Insurance Plan Cover Me Internationally

Accidents and injuries can occur at any time, leaving you in need of skilled medical care. If a medical emergency transpires when you are at home, your health insurance may provide the full range of needed benefits, but most insurance policies have different rules that apply to international travel. Since having the proper insurance coverage can make the difference between an easily managed situation and a medical and financial nightmare, before you head off on an overseas vacation or business trip, you first must find out, “Will my health insurance plan cover me internationally?”

Many US health insurance plans do not include international coverage. 

While there are exceptions to this rule, it is likely that your US Health Insurance plan’s coverage does not extend to countries outside the US. The plans that do include international coverage tend to have limited networks, which causes them to work much less effectively. You will also probably have to pay all associated costs upfront before you can receive treatment, draining your financial resources when you are far from home. Before leaving on your trip, contact your insurance company to see if your plan does offer international coverage.

Medicare does not provide coverage outside the US. 

If you are an American senior whose only source of coverage is Medicare, you effectively have no health insurance benefits outside the U.S. Travel insurance plans are available to the senior market; however, they have a cap of $10,000 in coverage. 

Travel insurance is affordable. 

The insurance experts at MHG Insurance can provide you with plan options from several different insurance companies containing the medical benefits that you need for traveling abroad. International medical insurance plans are available that offer coverage for as little as five days to as long as three years, with deductibles that range from $0 to $25,000 to fit every budget. With a travel insurance plan from one of our designated carriers, you and your family will gain the peace of mind that comes from knowing you are protected in case of emergency. 

The application process for travel insurance is quick and easy. 

Enrollment in the travel insurance plans MHG Insurance offers is surprisingly fast and easy. You can apply right online, and same day coverage is available. 

Travel insurance offers an important benefit for European travelers

If you are a European traveling with your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), you may be eligible for free or reduced medical care for an accident or illness within the 28 EU countries plus Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, but you are still lacking an essential benefit. In the case of a serious illness or injury, the costs of getting you home can be very substantial and these are not covered by the normal social system cover / EHIC. MHG Insurance can match you with medical evacuation insurance that covers the cost of your medical repatriation, so you can be returned to your home country without having to incur a sizable expense. 

Before heading out on your vacation, make certain you and your loved ones are covered in the case of unexpected illness or injury. MHG Insurance can advise you on the best selection of travel health insurance , trip cancellation insurance , and other plans to ensure your coverage matches your itinerary, coverage, and deductible needs. 

Call MHG Insurance at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at to enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing you and your loved ones are fully protected no matter where you roam!

Will My Health Insurance Plan Cover Me Internationally?

Most Common Travel Insurance ClaimsUnexpected events can happen at any time, arising out of nowhere to complicate even the most meticulously scheduled travel plans. A broken bone, allergic reaction, accidental ingestion of bacteria-laden water, or other mishap can turn an idyllic, relaxing sojourn into a nightmare of hassles as you try to navigate care options in a foreign country. As experienced travelers can attest, the best way to protect yourself is by purchasing travel insurance that provides coverage for emergency medical treatment, emergency medical evacuation should the local facilities be inadequate, and other important benefits. For those who think only daredevils and adrenaline junkies need travel insurance, a quick look at the most common travel insurance claims may cause you to revise your opinion.

Slip and Fall / Sports Injury Claims

Knee sprains, strains, and tears are some of the most common travel insurance claims submitted. Knees are unfortunately fairly easy to damage, whether you are an active sports enthusiast enjoying exotic leisure pursuits or just a traveler stepping off a curb. Head injuries are also a common injury seen in slip and fall cases; while remaining alert and focused on your surroundings can help protect you from harm, something as simple as an unseen puddle of water can cause a slip that will derail your entire holiday. Without travel insurance in place, even minor injuries can become a major problem.

Cardiac Arrest / Strokes / Respiratory Claims

It is easy to overextend yourself while on vacation; even a slow-paced walking tour can cause a stroke or cardiac arrest if the weather is too warm or the elevation too high. If you do not have travel insurance, you could be facing hospital and doctor charges in the thousands of dollars in order to receive medical care. If you are in a region that has substandard medical facilities, you will need emergency medical evacuation to a facility that can provide proper treatment. Medical evacuation insurance can completely cover the cost of your evacuation, depending on the coverage options you choose.

Transportation-Related Accident Claims

Transportation accidents can strike at any time, in any country, regardless of how careful you are, because you have no control over other drivers. Transportation injuries commonly occur with every type of locomotion, including automobiles, bicycles, and scooters; even pedestrians are not safe. These claims vary greatly in severity, from minor whiplash to severe bodily harm; travel insurance covers them all.

Gastrointestinal Issues / Regional Illness Claims

Food poisoning, unclean water, parasites, and changes in diet make gastrointestinal issues one of the most common medical threats that travelers face. Regional illnesses, such as malaria, dengue fever, and exotic bug bites can make travelers so ill that they end up hospitalized for days or even weeks at a time. Without travel insurance in place, expenses for treatment can be so costly that they negatively affect your financial wellbeing as well as your physical health.

Protect your travel plans - and your finances - with a travel insurance plan from MHG Insurance Brokers. Each of our plans offers a choice of geographic area of coverage, policy deductible/excess and, in some cases, choice of coverage limit. MHG Insurance Brokers offers a variety of comprehensive coverage for travelers, including trip cancellation, extreme sports insurance, and many more plans.

Before setting off on your next adventure, call MHG Insurance Brokers at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at to obtain trip cancellation and travel insurance, along with other insurance plans that will make your trip an exciting, hassle-free experience!

Most Common Travel Insurance Claims

Yacht Crew Insurance What Captains Need To know

When you decided to become a yacht captain, you dreamed of an adventurous life spent cruising the  ocean at the helm of a mighty vessel. While that is certainly part of a captain’s life, there are also a host of other tasks you must accomplish when accepting the responsibility of a yacht captain. 

One of the most important of these tasks may include choosing a yacht crew insurance plan for you and your crew. When searching for a comprehensive marine crew insurance plan that will ensure your crew are protected, consider the following:

Evaluate the Full Value of the Plan 

The plan you select will play a role in determining the financial security of your owner and crew, so you need to carefully choose the coverage based on features and services provided. Do not focus solely on the cost. MHG has been providing yacht crew insurance for over 15 years and during that time, we have seen insurance plans come and go. Right now there are some new plans out there that look like Gold, for the price of Pyrite! Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Please, do not buy insurance (or most anything else) based solely on lowest cost. Talk to someone who can help explain what you are really getting (or not) before something happens and you find yourself or your crew thinking something was covered that isn't. 

Crew Leisure Activities May Require Extra Coverage 

Yacht crews tend to be adventurous souls focused on enjoying an active lifestyle, and working on the water presents the opportunity to indulge in some very exciting activities. Some of your crew’s favorite leisure pursuits carry an increased risk, however, and some yacht crew insurance policies do not cover injuries obtained while engaging in certain activities. There are insurance plans that include additional coverage for sporting activities, such as scuba and other water and winter sports, so be sure to look for those features. A comprehensive marine crew insurance plan that includes coverage for crew leisure activities will decrease liability exposure and protect both owner and crew.

Comprehensive Emergency Services Must Be Included  

When a member of your crew suffers a serious injury or illness there are a number of issues that must be resolved quickly. If your crew member is unable to travel with your vessel or continue working onboard, you may be required to provide a flight home for that crewmember. You may want this feature included in the marine crew insurance plan you choose, along with adequate provisions for emergency medical evacuation and repatriation of remains.

Tailor Your Coverage to Your Crew 

When choosing a marine crew insurance policy , the best way to balance costs and benefits is to consider the specific composition of your crew and the coverage desired. For example, if you don’t have any North American crew and do not plan to sail in North America, you can save premium by purchasing a policy that does not include coverage there. Does your crew consist of several members who have been long term crew for this particular yacht owner? Perhaps you should consider tailoring a plan to provide additional benefits for your crew above and beyond the standard policy. 

The experienced Insurance Specialists at MHG Insurance are ready to help you with all the details of yacht crew insurance: what every captain needs to know , what coverage every crew member should have, and which carrier is best for your particular situation. MHG Insurance offers a wide range of yacht crew insurance plans and international medical insurance for expatriates , with customizable coverage for all nationalities and itineraries. 

Call MHG Insurance  today at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at   to find the yacht crew health insurance plan that meets your requirements. 

Yacht Crew Insurance: What Every Captain Needs To Know

Tips for Yacht Captains When Selecting a Group Yacht Crew Insurance Plan

As a yacht captain, you are responsible for ensuring the safety and well-being of your crew and your vessel. Part of this responsibility is making sure your crew is adequately protected in the case of sickness or injury with a comprehensive and appropriate yacht crew group insurance plan. Choosing a group insurance plan to cover your crew can be a daunting task.

The plan you choose needs to ensure your crew is covered while working on the yacht, as well as on their leisure time. To help you in your endeavors, we offer the following ">--> tips for yacht captains when selecting a group yacht crew insurance plan :

  1. Balance the Needs of Your Crew and Your Vessel’s Owner
    When choosing a crew insurance plan, you must strike a balance, considering the features the crew want as well as what is needed to protect the vessel’s owner. Marine crews tend to enjoy adventurous activities so they are looking for coverage that will encompass scuba, winter sports, and other leisure activities. An insurance plan that provides a structured and appropriate response to medical emergencies with cover for your crew’s favorite leisure activities, will decrease liability exposure and protect both owner and crew.

  2. Take into Account Your Itinerary
    Before deciding on a policy, take into account your itinerary and consider which carrier may be best suited for that particular region or regions. Does the insurer have resources in those areas? Do they have doctor and hospital relationships? Are differing time zones an issue?

  3. Ask For Recommendations
    You want to find the best insurance plan for your crew, but it is difficult to interpret how effective a plan’s benefits are from reading a brochure. Tap the invaluable resource that is all around you – your fellow Captains and crews! Asking other marine professionals what their experience was with a particular insurance plan will provide real world information that will help you make an informed decision among your insurance choices.

  4. Seek a Proven, Long-Standing Plan

    Your crew will be counting on this insurance policy to provide for their needs, especially in the case of an emergency. Make sure you select a long-standing marine crew insurance plan with a proven track record of providing service before, during and after claims are made.

  5. Evaluate the Full Value of the Plan
    The plan you select will play a role in determining the financial security of your owner and crew, so you need to carefully choose the coverage based on features and services provided. Do not focus solely on the cost.

  6. Consult an Experienced Broker
    The best source of information on yacht crew insurance plans is an experienced insurance broker. The expert staff at MHG Insurance  can assist you in selecting a group plan that provides the best balance of benefits for you, your crew, and your vessel owner.

We know that dealing with yacht crew insurance  can be complicated. Insurance has its own language and attempting to evaluate all of the information on your own can be overwhelming. As a yacht crew  marine insurance broker  we have the experience and resources to help you select the best solution for your particular circumstances, coverage requirements and budget.

Once you purchase a policy we will continue to assist you and your crew with questions about the policy, details about the coverage it provides and throughout the claims process. Whether you are purchasing a plan for the first time, already have a plan in place and are looking for a more affordable alternative or, simply looking for better coverage, let us know, we would be happy to help.

To learn more about yacht crew health insurance for groups, individuals or fleets call  MHG Insurance  at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at

Tips for Yacht Captains When Selecting a Group Yacht Crew Insurance Plan

Top Reasons to Consider Buying Life Insurance After 60

Now that you are over 60, you may not think that you have a further need for life insurance. After all, your family is grown and you have safely accumulated sufficient assets to enjoy a comfortable retirement. The volatility of the market over the last few years, however, has taught us that few assets are ever truly safe. Now that your family is grown, it is time to look at life insurance differently: as the way to leave a lasting, loving legacy that will protect the people and purposes that are important to you. Some of the top reasons to consider buying life insurance after 60 include:

Asset Protection 

You have worked a lifetime to ensure you can have a comfortable retirement. Life insurance can protect your assets from the volatility of the market, and if you choose, you can decide to receive dividends as a tax-free source of supplemental retirement income or wholly or partially annuitize your cash surrender value to provide additional guaranteed lifetime income. You always have the option of accessing the cash surrender value of your policy, if needed as a source of emergency funds during life. 

Family Support

With life insurance in place, you can rest easy in the comfort of knowing that funds will always be in place to take care of your loved ones. Life insurance funds can be used to offset loss of retirement income to your spouse at death, or provide for the care of a disabled family member. 

Family Legacy

With life insurance in place, you can spend your money enjoying your retirement and still leave a generous legacy to your children and grandchildren. Life insurance adds flexibility to your estate plan, giving you the funds to balance uneven distributions of property or business interests to your children, or provide a gift to charity or grandchildren. Life insurance gives you the chance to give a tax-free inheritance or gift, which may be given at death or at any time prior, if you prefer. 

Debt Clearance

Debt is a tremendous burden your family should not have to face while dealing with the death of a loved one; by obtaining life insurance you can ensure your loved ones are left with no extra expenses at the time of your death. You can obtain one of our life insurance plans that pays all the sundry costs associated with death: all final expenses, debts, estate and inheritance taxes, and pay income in respect of a decedent taxes on IRAs, 401(k)s, etc. Obtaining life insurance after age 60 allows you to enjoy your retirement secure in the knowledge that you have protected your loved ones, your assets, and will be able to leave a legacy that will provide a comfort for years to come. 

Contact MHG Insurance to learn more about obtaining life insurance and the different types of insurance policies available by calling 954-828-1819, or visiting online at . Let us help you begin the preparations today to protect the ones you love most.

Top Reasons to Consider Buying Life Insurance After 60

Mark Bononi Insurance Q&A

MHG Insurance, headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, provides yacht crew health insurance plans designed specifically to meet the needs of today’s global yachting industry. In this week’s blog MHG Insurance Mark Bononi, director of the company’s Yacht Division, answers questions related to yacht crew insurance.

Q: In addition to yacht crew health insurance, what other types of insurance should I be considering? 

A: It’s also important to consider having life insurance and a disability income plan. Life insurance is designed with your loved ones in mind and plays an important role in your overall financial plan. In the event of your death, beneficiaries can be comforted knowing that they have time to re-adjust their standard of living, can pay off debts or other expenses or provide for their children's education. Having a disability income plan is equally important. A disability income plan can offer you peace of mind knowing a significant portion of your income can be replaced in the event of an unfortunate accident or sickness. Unfortunately, we have all heard or read about the tragic stories of a crewmember who suffered a debilitating injury or illness which forced them to leave the yacht and were unable to return to work for an extended period of time. It is also important to be prepared for the less serious injuries that could also keep you off work such as a broken ankle or severe knee injury. If you’re in between yachts or do not need to purchase a full-time health insurance plan, there are short term health insurance solutions that we can help you with as well. 

Q: Do yacht crew health insurance plans cover typical water sports activities like scuba diving?

A: Yes, but as with all insurance policies, there are exclusions and limitations so it is important to check policies carefully if you intend to participate in these activities. Normally, water skiing, jet skiing and winter sports are covered under most yacht crew health insurance plans, but there are still some policies where winter sports are excluded, so you need to review the coverage and ask questions.

Q: Is emergency medical evacuation standard in most plans? 

A: Yes.  However, the circumstances where an evacuation can be performed will vary from plan to plan. Normally, a medical evacuation requires you to be either at risk for loss of life or limb in the opinion of the attending physician, and that there are inadequate medical facilities to treat you. Evacuation is to the nearest facility able to provide the necessary treatment. 

Q: What are the eligibility requirements to sign up for a yacht crew insurance plan? 

A: Generally, you must be a full-time yacht crew member or reasonably expect to be working on a yacht as your primary means of income. Also, medical history can determine what type of insurance you may need, or what plans you may be eligible for. 

Q: What happens to my plan after I leave yachting?

A: In most cases, you will need to find an alternative solution when you return home. It’s important to discuss your current needs and future plans with your insurance specialist when selecting a health insurance plan. A yacht crew health insurance plan may not always be the right solution for you if you’re looking to keep the plan for the long-term. 

Q: As a U.S. citizen I am now required to have health insurance. Do yacht crew insurance plans satisfy this requirement?

A: Currently, there are no individual yacht crew policies which satisfy this requirement. However, MHG is an approved Affordable Healthcare Act (ACA) insurance agency and our team can answer all of your questions and help you find the right US health insurance plan based on your needs and budget. Open enrollment for coverage effective Jan. 1, 2015, begins Nov. 15, 2014.  However, if you’re looking for coverage now, a short-term health insurance plan may be a good interim solution. 

Q: What factors should I consider when selecting a yacht crew health insurance plan?

A: When selecting a yacht crew health insurance plan you should consider your itinerary, medical history, budget and your future plans. If you’re looking for specific coverage such as dependent or maternity coverage or coverage for a specific winter or water sports activity, that should be a consideration as well. 

Q: Am I covered by the yacht owner?

A: Yes, indirectly. However, the yacht owner’s insurance is not your insurance. Also keep in mind that the owner’s insurance and liability does not necessarily extend coverage to you when you are off the vessel or on vacation.  There may be other restrictions and limitations as well, which can create large gaps in your coverage. When you incur medical expenses, doctors and hospitals will hold you responsible for payment, not the vessel owner. 

Q: What other services are included with insurance policies?

A: In addition to your coverage, many insurance plans offer additional assistance such as help with lost luggage, lost passports, health alerts, and safety and security notices. Our Insurance Specialists will be able to tell you more once you start discussing individual plans that are suited to your needs.

Q: Do I always have to pay at time of service and apply for reimbursement?

A: Not always. Most insurance carriers are happy to work directly with doctors and hospitals. However, in many cases, especially for smaller claim amounts, the doctor or hospital will require payment upfront. The key to successful direct billing is to establish communication between the doctor and the insurance carrier as early as possible before treatment. We’re of course happy to help with this.

We know that dealing with insurance can be complicated. Insurance has its own language and attempting to evaluate all of the information on your own can be overwhelming. At MHG, we have the experience and resources to help you select the best solution for your particular circumstances, coverage requirements and budget. Once you purchase a policy we will continue to assist you with questions about your policy, details about the coverage it provides and throughout the claims process. Whether you are purchasing a plan for the first time, already have a plan in place and are looking for a more affordable alternative or, simply looking for better coverage, let us know, we would be happy to help.

To learn more about yacht crew health insurance for groups, individuals or fleets call us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at

Insurance Q&A With Mark Bononi

Travel Insurance Myths

You have been working really hard these past few months and are ready for your well-deserved break! Whether you are cruising in the Caribbean, scaling the Great Wall of China or relaxing on the beach in the Canary Islands, it is important to keep your health in mind and purchase a travel insurance policy. Here are some common myths about travel insurance , and the facts about the valuable coverage it provides:

Myth #1: Travel insurance is too expensive, I can’t afford it. 

The reality is, anyone who travels internationally can’t afford to be without travel insurance. Travel insurance is calculated based on age, type of coverage, the deductible/excess you select, and whether your trip includes travel to the United States, as well as the length of your trip. For example, a 35-year-old male traveling outside the US for 2 weeks, can select a travel insurance plan for as little as $10! Bottom line, there is a travel insurance plan for every trip and budget. 

Myth #2: My health insurance plan will cover me internationally. 

This is a dangerous presumption. If you are a traveling senior from the U.S., it is important to know that Medicare will not cover you outside of the United States. It’s also important to mention that many U.S. health insurance plans do not provide coverage when you are traveling outside of the country and the plans that do, may not respond as well and often require you to pay for services upfront and seek reimbursement later. Speak with your insurance agent or the insurance company to find out if your plan has international coverage before you depart on your trip. 

European Health Insurance Cardholders (EHIC) traveling within the 28 EU countries, as well as Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland, may be eligible for free or reduced medical care; however, what would you do if you were seriously sick or injured and had to be flown home for medical treatment? The EHIC does not cover the cost of medical repatriation and if you do not have adequate insurance, you would be responsible for paying this yourself. To ensure you have the proper coverage in place, select a travel insurance plan that includes a medical repatriation component. 

Myth #3: Travel insurance is just for emergencies. 

Not true, travel insurance is multi-faceted. Travel insurance plans not only cover you for medical emergencies, but can also provide valuable concierge services, such as pre-trip destination information, lost luggage assistance, travel document replacement, identity theft assistance and trip interruption among others. 

Myth #4: Travel insurance isn’t necessary for short trips. 

Whether it’s food poisoning, a sprained ankle or something more serious such as a stroke, unfortunately, accidents and illness can happen at any time. Whether you are away for a long weekend or several weeks, travel insurance can help mitigate these risks. 

Myth #5: I have a credit card that will cover any unforeseen medical emergencies. 

Some credit card companies offer travel insurance as a perk for their card members, but it’s not uncommon for this coverage to be limited, providing coverage for accidents only, not illness. It’s important to contact your credit card company for full details about what is included in the coverage so you can make an informed decision as to whether or not you need a separate travel insurance policy.   

No matter where your vacation or business trip takes you, it is important to have appropriate insurance coverage in place to protect you and your family. Speak with the Insurance Specialists at MHG in the US at 954-828-1819, or in Europe at +44 (0) 1624 678668 for more information and to purchase your travel insurance policy. You can also visit MHG online at: Have a safe and pleasurable trip!

Debunking Common Myths About Travel Insurance

Life Insurance for Children

Did you know that securing a life insurance policy for your child is not only a loving and generous gift, but can also be one of the most valuable tools in securing his or her financial future? You may have heard one of the many myths about children and life insurance , such as them not having any dependents or bringing in an income, as deeming a life insurance policy unnecessary. A life insurance policy for your child, however, can help prepare them for future financial security and help them avoid financial hardships that may arise.

One of the greatest advantages of an insurance policy for a child is that his or her insurability is at its highest and premiums are at their lowest when they are young. Here are a few other reasons to consider when thinking about life insurance for your children:

  1. The Benefit of Starting at a Young Age – Purchasing life insurance at a young age almost always guarantees that it can be purchased. In addition, if you purchase a policy, for example, a Whole Life Policy with a Guaranteed Purchase Option, you will be able to purchase additional coverage at a later date, no medical questions or tests needed. Also, over time, consider the dividends and cash value the policy will have for your child.

  2. Money Options and Retirement – With certain policies, your children will have the option as they age to withdraw money from their accrued cash value. This money may come in handy when it is time to pay for college or use as a down payment on a house. In addition, with a cash value life insurance policy, they can take the cash and convert it into an annuity. Annuities can guarantee continual income, which can help your child pay debts, financial expenses or help fund their retirement.

  3. Future Insurability – We never know what will take place later in life, and there are events or illnesses that could make your child uninsurable. This can make it impossible to secure a life insurance policy at a time when it is needed the most. Purchasing a permanent life insurance policy for your child at a young age secures the availability of coverage as they get older. Speak to one of MHG’s knowledgeable insurance brokers today about affordable life insurance premiums for your child.

As you see, there are many benefits to obtaining a life insurance policy for your child, no matter how young they are. When your child is an adult, you will be able to present them with their life insurance policy, helping them feel confident about their financial security. It is truly one of the most loving and generous gifts a parent can give their child.

To learn more about obtaining a life insurance policy for your child, contact MHG Insurance Brokers by calling 954-828-1819. You can also visit us online at . Let us help you begin the preparations today to protect the ones you love the most. We look forward to serving you!

Life Insurance and Your Children

General Liability vs. Marine General Liability

All companies need protection from certain potential risks associated with operating a business that will provide coverage in an unfortunate event in which they are held accountable.  Broad-spectrum coverage for these risks is called General Liability insurance. General Liability insurance may protect your company and your interests against any of these unfortunate occurrences:

  • Bodily injury;
  • Property damage;
  • Damage to premises;
  • Personal and Advertising injury – this protects your business against oral or written advertised slander, libel, or disparagement ;
  • Fire damage to the premises caused by the negligence of the insured.
When you carry General Liability insurance, the insurer may cover potential legal costs incurred by you, the insured, in the event of a legal claim or lawsuit. We live in a litigious society, making this type of coverage extremely necessary in the maritime industry. Marine General Liability is designed to protect against accidents or injuries that are associated with or have occurred on or around a waterfront, or in another marine setting. Marine General Liability policies provide coverage for the typical liability risks that businesses incur, which are covered in a standard General Liability policy, and may be written to offer additional, more specific protections that address the more unique needs and potential risks associated with maritime operation, such as:

  • Liability absorbed when renting or leasing a boat or watercraft. Protection includes property damage to the vessel, as well as pier damage;
  • Liability and hazards faced by marina operators, and includes property and structure damage protection;
  • Liability met by terminal operators against loss or damage of cargo;
  • Liability met by operators and owners of piers or wharves, covering damage to property of others while in their custody, including tugs, tows, cargo and equipment.
Marine General Liability coverage can be tailored to include employee benefits liability, international liability, stop-gap liability, and more.  It is essential to seek the advice and information from a trusted, knowledgeable broker, such as MHG Insurance Brokers. The team at MHG Insurance Brokers is well versed in the risks and coverage requirements of those who work in the industry. MHG Insurance Brokers works with you to determine your specific needs and budget, and will create a comprehensive liability package that will meet every one of those needs.

Your MHG Insurance Brokers representative will also work to get you the best price and assurance that your interests and good name will be fully protected. MHG Insurance takes the job of helping you reduce your risk and protect your business very seriously.  With over 20 years of experience, you can feel confident and trust the expertise of our highly trained and educated brokers.

It is our practice to assist you in translating complex terminology, clarify key features of the coverage you are considering, and help you assess and determine what your coverage requirements are. We apply our experience and take advantage of resources that we have built over the years to provide you with the best coverage from the most trusted insurers.

Going beyond that, we remain your partner in protection, offering our services to help you with questions, information, and claims assistance if and when you need it – at any time. 

Contact MHG Insurance Brokers to learn more about Marine General Liability coverage, by calling 954-828-1819, or visit MHG Insurance Brokers online at: . We look forward to being your partner in liability protection.

What is the Difference Between General Liability and Marine General Liability?

MHG Insurance Brokers, a national brokerage in the United States specializing in life and health insurance for groups and individuals as well as business insurance , is pleased to announce and welcome Tom Nickerson to our Ft. Lauderdale team in the role of Account Executive.

Tom will be tasked with managing the day to day administration of our Life & Health client accounts. In addition to life and health products for groups and individuals, health care reform guidance and employee benefits solutions , MHG also offers a full line of business insurance solutions.

Tom grew up in North Eastern US (Connecticut, New Jersey & New York), where he attended the New York University, graduating in Communications.  He began his career as an insurance agent, working his way up to Underwriting Support Manager.   He is experienced in customer support and process improvement, as well as sales and sales support. 

“We have high expectations for our Account Executives,” said Stephen Beck, Manager of the Life & Health Division. “Tom’s years of experience and technical aptitude will be a great asset to our team.” 

Tom is a supporter of the organization Ability Beyond Disability, an organization individuals with disabilities to pursue more independent lives. In his spare time, Tom pursues his passion for videography.

About MHG Insurance MHG Insurance Brokers is a full-service insurance brokerage, assisting clients with marine crew insurance, life and health insurance, MLC 2006 and healthcare reform guidance, employee benefits solutions and business insurance.  With over 20 years of industry experience and access to multiple US and international carriers, our insurance specialists can advise which insurance and financial services providers and products are best suited to address the needs of employers as well as individuals. We are committed to providing our clients with the highest level of advice and support in order to deliver solutions that offer the best scope, service and value. MHG has offices in Fort Lauderdale, the Isle of Man, and Hamburg as well as representation on the Cote d’Azur. For more information about MHG Insurance, please visit

Tom Nickerson Joins MHG Insurance Brokers in Fort Lauderdale