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Top Reasons to Consider Buying Life Insurance After 60

Posted June 19 2014

Top Reasons to Consider Buying Life Insurance After 60

Now that you are over 60, you may not think that you have a further need for life insurance. After all, your family is grown and you have safely accumulated sufficient assets to enjoy a comfortable retirement. The volatility of the market over the last few years, however, has taught us that few assets are ever truly safe. Now that your family is grown, it is time to look at life insurance differently: as the way to leave a lasting, loving legacy that will protect the people and purposes that are important to you. Some of the top reasons to consider buying life insurance after 60 include:

Asset Protection 

You have worked a lifetime to ensure you can have a comfortable retirement. Life insurance can protect your assets from the volatility of the market, and if you choose, you can decide to receive dividends as a tax-free source of supplemental retirement income or wholly or partially annuitize your cash surrender value to provide additional guaranteed lifetime income. You always have the option of accessing the cash surrender value of your policy, if needed as a source of emergency funds during life. 

Family Support

With life insurance in place, you can rest easy in the comfort of knowing that funds will always be in place to take care of your loved ones. Life insurance funds can be used to offset loss of retirement income to your spouse at death, or provide for the care of a disabled family member. 

Family Legacy

With life insurance in place, you can spend your money enjoying your retirement and still leave a generous legacy to your children and grandchildren. Life insurance adds flexibility to your estate plan, giving you the funds to balance uneven distributions of property or business interests to your children, or provide a gift to charity or grandchildren. Life insurance gives you the chance to give a tax-free inheritance or gift, which may be given at death or at any time prior, if you prefer. 

Debt Clearance

Debt is a tremendous burden your family should not have to face while dealing with the death of a loved one; by obtaining life insurance you can ensure your loved ones are left with no extra expenses at the time of your death. You can obtain one of our life insurance plans that pays all the sundry costs associated with death: all final expenses, debts, estate and inheritance taxes, and pay income in respect of a decedent taxes on IRAs, 401(k)s, etc. Obtaining life insurance after age 60 allows you to enjoy your retirement secure in the knowledge that you have protected your loved ones, your assets, and will be able to leave a legacy that will provide a comfort for years to come. 

Contact MHG Insurance to learn more about obtaining life insurance and the different types of insurance policies available by calling 954-828-1819, or visiting online at . Let us help you begin the preparations today to protect the ones you love most.