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Tips for Yacht Captains When Selecting a Group Yacht Crew Insurance Plan

Posted June 26 2014

Tips for Yacht Captains When Selecting a Group Yacht Crew Insurance Plan

As a yacht captain, you are responsible for ensuring the safety and well-being of your crew and your vessel. Part of this responsibility is making sure your crew is adequately protected in the case of sickness or injury with a comprehensive and appropriate yacht crew group insurance plan. Choosing a group insurance plan to cover your crew can be a daunting task.

The plan you choose needs to ensure your crew is covered while working on the yacht, as well as on their leisure time. To help you in your endeavors, we offer the following ">--> tips for yacht captains when selecting a group yacht crew insurance plan :

  1. Balance the Needs of Your Crew and Your Vessel’s Owner
    When choosing a crew insurance plan, you must strike a balance, considering the features the crew want as well as what is needed to protect the vessel’s owner. Marine crews tend to enjoy adventurous activities so they are looking for coverage that will encompass scuba, winter sports, and other leisure activities. An insurance plan that provides a structured and appropriate response to medical emergencies with cover for your crew’s favorite leisure activities, will decrease liability exposure and protect both owner and crew.

  2. Take into Account Your Itinerary
    Before deciding on a policy, take into account your itinerary and consider which carrier may be best suited for that particular region or regions. Does the insurer have resources in those areas? Do they have doctor and hospital relationships? Are differing time zones an issue?

  3. Ask For Recommendations
    You want to find the best insurance plan for your crew, but it is difficult to interpret how effective a plan’s benefits are from reading a brochure. Tap the invaluable resource that is all around you – your fellow Captains and crews! Asking other marine professionals what their experience was with a particular insurance plan will provide real world information that will help you make an informed decision among your insurance choices.

  4. Seek a Proven, Long-Standing Plan

    Your crew will be counting on this insurance policy to provide for their needs, especially in the case of an emergency. Make sure you select a long-standing marine crew insurance plan with a proven track record of providing service before, during and after claims are made.

  5. Evaluate the Full Value of the Plan
    The plan you select will play a role in determining the financial security of your owner and crew, so you need to carefully choose the coverage based on features and services provided. Do not focus solely on the cost.

  6. Consult an Experienced Broker
    The best source of information on yacht crew insurance plans is an experienced insurance broker. The expert staff at MHG Insurance  can assist you in selecting a group plan that provides the best balance of benefits for you, your crew, and your vessel owner.

We know that dealing with yacht crew insurance  can be complicated. Insurance has its own language and attempting to evaluate all of the information on your own can be overwhelming. As a yacht crew  marine insurance broker  we have the experience and resources to help you select the best solution for your particular circumstances, coverage requirements and budget.

Once you purchase a policy we will continue to assist you and your crew with questions about the policy, details about the coverage it provides and throughout the claims process. Whether you are purchasing a plan for the first time, already have a plan in place and are looking for a more affordable alternative or, simply looking for better coverage, let us know, we would be happy to help.

To learn more about yacht crew health insurance for groups, individuals or fleets call  MHG Insurance  at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at