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3 Ways Social Media Has Changed Insurance

Posted November 11 2014


Do you remember what life was like 10 years ago? How about 5? It’s hard to think of a world without Social Media and Smartphones, and even harder to remember that these things didn’t even exist a decade ago. Five years ago, having a smartphone was a luxury, not the norm. People were still using Myspace, Facebook , Twitter , and LinkedIn were fairly new or unknown to most, and Instagram and Google+ didn’t even exist yet. Today we live in a world where information is everywhere, and all we have to do is reach into our pocket to unlock it all. Social networking has impacted us in many ways. For one, it has made this gigantic world seem a bit smaller, with all the ways that people can keep in touch, share pictures, and make those close to us feel like they aren’t missing the big moments in our life, just because they are living elsewhere. From a business perspective, it is an essential medium for communicating with clients, and can also be utilized for customer service, lead generation, and relationship building. 

1. Relationships 

People like and communicate with others who are similar to themselves. For instance, parents connect with other parents, college students connect with other college students, doctors connect with other doctors, etc. Social media has changed things by flipping the marketing funnel upside down. Instead of trying to reach the masses in order to gain a few customers or followers, you try to connect to a few, who will then reach the masses for you. Which is why it is important to post material your followers or customers will feel connected to. By building a relationship with a customer he or she may feel like you understand their needs, and may feel inclined to share your material to their friends who are similar to themselves. Which is very important because that can expose your business to others who may have never heard of you and who may feel connected to you as well. For example, every few days Cigna will post an article with healthy lifestyle tips, or State Farm will have a safe driving contest, or best of all, MHG Insurance Brokers will post a Motivational Monday picture. These simple actions engage with customers and give them an incentive to follow you, interact with you, share with others, but most importantly that you care about and value them. 

2. Customer Service 

Social Media has also impacted the way customers are able to contact you. Rather than picking up the phone to dial their broker, they can now use social media to communicate with them in a quicker and more efficient way. Plus, social media gives customers an avenue to give you feedback or vent to you about a problem they are experiencing in your business. This makes it easier and more convenient for the customer, rather than having to call your customer service hotline and be kept on hold for an extended period of time. However, this new way of customers contacting you to give feedback and complain can give you a reason to be on your P’s and Q’s. Before social media, whenever someone had a complaint, they would call your customer service hotline and deal with the issue directly. They say that a person tells 10 people about a complaint, which could hurt your business if the information spread. Now the complaint is posted in a public forum for the world to see, which means it is critical that the issue is handled quickly and the customer is taken care of, or possibly millions can have a reason not to do business with you. 

3. Advertising and Marketing 

Social Media has billions of users, millions of whom use it on a daily basis. Sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn have given insurers the power to advertise to individuals across the world, for FREE. So many companies spend millions of dollars a year on advertising for commercials, magazine ads, radio ads, etc. These ways of advertising also have limits to the amount of people that can see them. For example, they may not have a commercial in Europe that they do in the United States. Or if I don’t have a subscription to the magazine that you put an ad in, I won’t see it. Social Media does not have the limitations and constrictions that other forms of advertising and marketing does. However, there is a catch. In order to market to someone, they either have to be following your page, or already searching for you. Which, as stated before, is why it is important to build connections with people who will then share your content to their friends and followers. It is crazy to think how a post made in Miami, Florida can be seen in Sydney, Australia in a matter of seconds. 

Social Media has made the world a smaller place. Information is more accessible than it has ever been before. The world is in your pocket. Mobile phones are no longer just a communication device, they are a business device. Are you looking for relevant insurance information that isn’t boring? Whether you are looking for a competitive Marine Crew insurance plan, the latest updates on the Affordable Care Act , business insurance news or travel insurance tips, check us out on social media! Follow MHG Insurance on most Social Media platforms to see informative posts, fun content, and get to know us!