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Packing Tips for Your Upcoming Holiday Travels

Posted December 30 2015

Many people consider the "Holiday Season" their favorite time of the year. With so much going on from decorating the house, to baking treats, and getting all of your holiday shopping done in time, this time of the year can also bring some stress. Especially if you have a trip scheduled!

Packing for a trip can be difficult, no matter how many times you double check to make sure you have everything, it can feel like you are still forgetting something. Going on a trip this time of year also leaves you less time to complete all of your other holiday tasks. Don’t become overwhelmed and not properly prepare for your trip, follow these tips to help get you ready to go.

1. Do Your Research

No matter where you are going for your holiday trip, it is important to do your research. Even if you have been there multiple times, it's important to see what the weather forecast and temperatures are expected to be. This will let you pack the proper clothing needed to stay warm, or cool.

Also, it's a good idea to make a list of all the items that you need to pack. Cross off each item as you put it into the bag in order to keep track of everything and minimize your chances of forgetting something.

2. Bring Cash

I'm sure you have heard this saying time and time again, "Cash is king!" Carrying large amounts of cash may not always be the best idea, but going a trip is an exception. If your credit card happens to get compromised while you are away, it will be shut down leaving you with no other way to pay for things. Also, there is a chance that some places you are going don't accept credit cards. Don't take a chance and find yourself stranded in a foreign place.

3. Carry-On Luggage

If traveling on an airplane, there are certain items that should be put in your carry-on bag. Any breakables you are taking should be kept with you at all times. Also, your toiletries should be put in your carry-on luggage in case you need to freshen up at the airport. Most importantly, any prescriptions you have or medications you are taking should be kept in your carry-on. In the event that your luggage is lost, you will still have the medicine you need.

4. Save Space

Whenever you are packing for a trip, saving space is a must. There are several different tips to help you get the most out of your luggage. Try rolling your t-shirts instead of folding them. Also, you can stick rolled up clothing inside your shoes. If you have any large jackets, it may be a good idea to wear them or carry them so they don't take up space in your suitcase.

5. Gifts and Souvenirs

If you are going on a holiday trip to see family or friends, there is a good chance that you will be traveling with gifts. Depending on the gift, it may be better to ship the gift to your destination separately. Or you can plan ahead by only getting small presents that you know will be able to fit in your luggage. Be sure to leave space in your bag for any souvenirs that you may buy, or gifts that you may receive.

Before setting off on your next adventure, call MHG Insurance Brokers at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at  to obtain  trip cancellation and travel insurance , along with other insurance plans that will make your trip an exciting, hassle-free experience! MHG Insurance Brokers hopes that you arrive and return safe and sound. For more holiday travel tips, read our previous blog, " Save Time and Money with These Holiday Travel Tips ". Happy Holidays!