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When Was the Last Time You Reviewed the Amount of Your Life Insurance Policy?

Posted December 30 2015

It’s that time of the year! That time where everyone looks back on the past year and makes changes for the upcoming one. Whether it is taxes, budgets, even weight loss, the motto is “out with the old, in with the new!” However, you may have not originally thought to review your life insurance policy. It’s always a good idea to review any insurance policy periodically, but the end of the year brings a perfect time to look at your current policy, and see if it still offers the coverage you need.

 Do You Have New Dependents or Family Members?

A lot can change over the course of a year, especially when it comes to relationships and families. Did you get married? Did you have children? Do you have new dependents in your life that may need to be made a beneficiary of your life insurance policy? These are all questions you should ask yourself when reviewing your policy. Also, maybe you need to increase the overall value of the policy to account for new dependents.

Did You Have Any New Major Purchases or New Debts?

Many times, people decide on the value of their life insurance policy based on their outstanding debt. For example, if you have a mortgage of $200,000, it would be smart to include $200,000 in your calculation for your life insurance to cover the cost of the house if something were to happen to you. Purchases such as buying a house, buying a car, starting a business are all ways to increase your debt, and should be taken into consideration when deciding the value of your policy.

Did Something Change at Your Job?

There are scenarios of changes at the workplace that should give you a reason to review your life insurance policy. One is if you were to start a new job. There is a chance that your job offers employee sponsored life insurance based on your salary. This is a great benefit to have, so take the amount of coverage provided into consideration if you are purchasing a policy.

If you didn't start a new job, there are still changes that may have occurred over the past year that warrant a policy review. Getting a raise may give you more expendable income to increase your policy value. Also, if you received a promotion, there may be changes to the benefits provided to you such as the value of your life insurance policy.

Did You Move?

Moving always seems to bring more changes to someone's life than they originally expected. If you moved to a foreign country, there is a strong possibility that your life insurance coverage didn't follow you to your new home. Many life insurance policies are only covered in the country of purchase. However, it should be noted that there are several options for international life insurance coverage. If you would like more information on international life insurance, read our previous blog " Your Life Insurance May Not Have International Coverage ".

Our wellness and security is important to us. For other things to consider with the New Year right around the corner, read our previous blog, “ Learn Why the Start of a New Year is Important to Your Insurance Benefits ”. Whether you are purchasing  life insurance  for the first time, looking for better coverage or are interested in learning more about other types of insurance available to you, we can help! Visit our website at  or speak with an Insurance Specialist at 954 828 1819. Don’t forget the deadline to enroll in a full-time health insurance plan is January 31st, 2016!