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Earlier this year, reports were issued that showed that the rise in life expectancy of Americans has been much slower than that of other wealthy nations. In a country where one in three adults are overweight and smoking deaths from the Baby Boomer generation reached unprecedented numbers, it’s no wonder the U.S. spends more on health care than any other country.

Americans may indulge in unhealthy habits more than other rich nations, but that doesn’t mean bad eating habits and cigarettes aren’t major health risks in other countries all together. As time and society progresses, we’re spending more time working and less time looking after our health – whether it’s cooking nutritious meals or finding healthy ways to manage stress.

The global decline in health has caused millions of people to miss work due to serious health conditions. A disabling injury occurs every 1.5 seconds, and debilitating illnesses like cancer or a stroke are even more likely than a disabling accident. With stats like these, you very well may want to consider securing disability income protection.

Financially, a disability can be even worse than death, since living expenses continue and typically increase due to the need for specialized care. Disability income insurance is designed to replace the majority of your income in the event that you are disabled by an injury or illness. 

While popular health documentaries like “Food Inc.” and “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead,” urge us to make our health a priority, it simply isn’t realistic for the majority of people to make a complete lifestyle overhaul. Whether it’s a condition caused by habits that are under our control, or a life-threatening illness or accident, any disabling condition can result in extended periods of time out of work.

Protect yourself by securing individual disability income insurance today. MHG Insurance Brokers offer many different plans for individuals in varying circumstances. Contact your local MHG expert today for more information.

Disability Income Insurance: More Necessary Now Than Ever Before