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Your Life Insurance May Not Have International CoverageDo you have Life Insurance? It’s a question that many don’t want to think about for obvious reasons. Some believe that Life Insurance isn’t a priority because they procrastinate, or are waiting until a life changing event that will motivate them purchase a policy. It’s a fact, the benefits that a good life insurance policy can supply your family and loved ones are too good to pass up. Many people have life insurance and believe that they have coverage until the day they die. However, in some circumstances that is not the case, and it’s not because your term life policy expired. So maybe a better question would be, do you have International Life Insurance?

Do I have international coverage?

Many people do not know that their life insurance policy will not continue to offer them coverage if they happen to move to a new country. Typically, if you are in a foreign country for 3 or more months, your life insurance will not offer the coverage that you have been paying for. This is part of the “small print” that many may not know about. So if you are a world traveler, or hope to move to a foreign country one day, or are an expat who looks to settle down back home when you are done with your career abroad, it may be smart to look at your policy and see if you are covered.

Does international coverage exist?

There are several life insurance options that offer international coverage, and will pay the death benefit for expats or others who unthinkably pass while not in their home country. I know you’re wondering if having international coverage makes your premiums more expensive, but in many cases the premiums are in the same ball park as life insurance policies that don’t have international coverage, sometimes even less! Usually the only thing that will affect your premium is the policy amount, your age, and any health problems you may have.

Do I need international coverage?

As I stated earlier, having Life Insurance should be a priority for everyone. If being away from your home country or the country where your life insurance policy was purchased for an extended period of time applies to you, then international life insurance should be a priority. Deciding if you need the extra coverage is the easy part, now comes what type of policy is right for you!

There are many things to take into consideration when making the decision of which type of policy is best for you, your family, or loved ones. Are you interested in purchasing Life Insurance or International Life Insurance? Would you like some more information regarding Life Insurance options that are available to you? Would you like to ask some questions to a Life Insurance expert? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, please contact us 954-828-1819 or visit us online at and talk to one of our insurance specialists for help in selecting Life Insurance and other coverage to ensure that you and your loved ones have the protection you need at every stage of life.

Do you have Life Insurance? Maybe a better question would be, do you have International Life Insurance?

couple discussing with their financial advisor to see if they can afford health insurance benefits Let’s face it, businesses measure their success on their bottom-line. Many make decisions based on becoming more profitable either immediately, or increasing profits in the future. Tasks such as reducing costs, marketing strategies to sell more products or services, or growing their business into new locations, are all tasks that are linked to increasing the profits of a business. It can be difficult for a business to afford all the benefits it would like to provide for its employees. Especially new businesses who are trying to create a budget for all their expenses as they grow their employee base. Use these tips to help find affordable health insurance benefit solutions for your workforce.


There seems to be a stigma attached to HMOs (Health Maintenance Organizations) that makes them seem unfavorable to a lot of people. I’m sure it must do with the fact that it may cause some extra work if you are needing to see a specialist, as you would have to get a referral from your primary physician first, however, that usually isn’t the case anymore. Most HMOs are “open access,” which mean you can go directly to a specialist without a referral. The best part is, HMOs will typically be more cost effective providing your employees are in network areas which are normally larger than past years. Cost savings can be significant for your business. So if you’re looking for more affordable healthcare benefits for your employees, start with looking into an HMO.

GAP Insurance

A well-known philosophy of a successful business is to keep your employees feeling “taken care of.” One way to protect them from falling into a financial black hole is by offering a high deductible plan, along with a gap insurance plan. Combining those two plans would give your employees the coverage they need, with less out of pocket. In most cases this will save the business money compared to a plan that has a low deductible.


Many businesses want to offer their employees as many benefits as they can in order to help attract and retain good workers. Sometimes it just isn’t in the budget to offer all of the benefits that you would like to. Remember that you are only obligated to pay 50% of your employee’s health insurance premiums on the lowest health plan offered, and 0% of their dependents.


Offering an HSA (Health Savings Account) may not be your first choice of healthcare benefits you want to offer your employees, but it can save you money. It also may give your employees some tax advantages.

Small Groups

Some small businesses don’t know that they may be eligible for a “tax credit” for offering their workforce health insurance benefits. If you have a group that is below 50 people, contact us by calling the number below to see if you qualify!

Review Periodically

In today’s insurance market, plans are changing all the time. Whether the carriers are adding new plans, or eliminating old ones, it is crucial that you review your plan periodically to assure that you are still paying a competitive price.

MHG Insurance Brokers offer many different insurance solutions for many areas of business. If you are interested in purchasing a disability plan, health insurance, or life insurance, contact us at or call us at +1 954 828 1819. Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to assist and guide you to the best coverage for your budget.

Let’s face it, businesses measure their success on their bottom-line. Use these tips to help find affordable health insurance benefit solutions for your workforce.

NADIA2 FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA (June 7, 2017) – MHG Insurance announced today that Nadia Bedasse-Francis has joined the company’s U.S. Life & Health Division. Bedasse-Francis will provide administrative support for the division’s group clients in addition to further developing relationships in the local business community.

Prior to joining MHG, Bedasse-Francis held various positions in human resources, administration and insurance, most notably as an Independent Agent where she specialized in individual insurance products. Most recently, Bedasse-Francis worked as a call center supervisor for a national insurance company and was responsible for training and coaching agents.

“We’re fortunate to have found an experienced and qualified candidate so quickly for the Account Executive position” said Edward “Mole” Telfer, MHG’s Cruise Division Director. “Nadia’s background, service-minded spirit and outgoing personality make her a great fit for the division and I’m very happy to welcome her to the company.”

MHG Insurance has been providing insurance guidance and solutions since 1991. The company has established an unrivalled reputation for providing quality insurance products that meet clients’ coverage requirements and budget.

About MHG Insurance

Established in 1991 in Miami, Florida, MHG Insurance is an independent, global, full service insurance brokerage and consultative facility. Through its extensive relationships with international underwriting markets, MHG develops and provides a full range of employee benefits, risk mitigation programs, property and casualty insurance and financial services all supported by comprehensive attention to service support for all of our clients. In the marine community, MHG is well known for its expertise in the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC 2006) and developing MLC-aligned crew insurance solutions. In the U.S., MHG provides group and individual employee benefits along with advice on federal regulations regarding the Affordable Care Act. For more information about MHG Insurance and the services we provide, please visit

MHG Insurance Brokers announced today that Nadia Bedasse-Francis has joined the company’s U.S. Life & Health Division.

employee raising their hand during a company benefit review

Today, employers are faced with more challenges than ever before regarding rising health insurance costs and the responsibility to provide employees with affordable coverage. The present climate among the health insurance industry doesn’t help, since no one really knows what the future holds regarding pre-existing conditions, tax penalties, etc. Luckily, many of these question marks don’t apply to group health insurance, however that doesn’t change the fact that rates are continuing to increase. If your company is facing a group health insurance renewal, be sure to follow these tips to help with a smooth renewal process that keeps all parties happy.

  1. Know Your Benefits

    When dealing with an impending renewal, it is important to know the details of your current plan, which can be difficult for someone who is not familiar with insurance lingo. If you aren’t familiar with the benefits you have, then it will be hard to follow tip #2. It’s also important to mention that if you are having difficulty understanding certain aspects of your current plan, reach out to your agent so that you can become totally familiar with it.

  2. Plans and Rates Change

    Insurance plans and rates are changing more now than ever before. One of the issues this presents is that someone who wasn’t completely familiar with their plan before, won’t recognize the changes being made and the impact it will have on the group. Do your research and learn all the small details that will be changing. Also, just because your insurance carrier is changing your plan, doesn’t mean you must stick with what they give you. You can shop around plans and compare details assure all your coverage needs are being met and to assure that you aren’t exceeding your budget.

  3. Listen to Employee Feedback

    Listening to your employees is an important part of the process. While employees may demand the best coverage available, there are certain aspects that may stand out amongst the group such as lower co-pays and deductibles. After all, the purpose of offering a group health insurance plan is to create an attractive work environment that promotes a happy, dedicated, and workforce.

  4. Look for Wellness Programs

    Many of the insurance carriers now have programs in place that promote wellness amongst the group. These programs typically require employee participation, but may reimburse you a percentage of the premium you pay based on the level of employee participation. There are also incentives for employees to participate as there are online rewards stores that employees can spend the points they earn. Some examples of ways to earn points include going to the doctor, exercising, and taking online health quizzes.

  5. Consider Gap Insurance

    While plans with higher deductibles and/or higher copays can effectively keep health care costs in check, conscientious employers may be concerned that these HPHC plans will leave their employees facing financial burdens they will be unable to meet. Gap insurance plans give employers a way to provide their employees with a financial safety net. Having a gap insurance in place could very well provide your employees with better coverage than a top-notch insurance plan, while also saving you money by not paying high premiums for said plan.

Sometimes there are things in your plan that you don’t understand, or words that you have never heard before. When going through the renewal process it is important to have regular contact with your insurance agent for all your needs to be met. Your well-being is important to us, and part of that is making sure you are properly taken care of. Here at MHG, we have a team of experienced insurance specialists that can offer advice, guidance, and assistance on what would be the best fit for your employee group based on your budget. You may find an article I wrote titled Small Group Insurance Options Are the Way to Go helpful.

For more information on Employee Benefits, click here. We'll gladly answer any questions you may have click or call us at +1 954 828 1819. or MHG Insurance for more information regarding MHG.

If your company is facing a group health insurance renewal, be sure to follow these tips to help with a smooth renewal process that keeps all parties happy.

CEO of a business talking and giving a speech to his employees As a successful business, you know how important it is to attract and retain top employees. Unfortunately, that is something that we have found to be a major issue among businesses, especially where unique skills and qualifications are required which limit the potential to replace workers. The good news is there are several objectives you can layout to help change the culture within your company, and create one that encourages employee performance and retention. One that you should focus on is employee benefits. Having a proper strategy regarding employee benefits can help your company in several ways. While initially it may seem like offering benefits can add another expense, you should be looking at it as being an investment, here’s why.

Stand Out from the Pack

According to MetLife 59% of employees say that health and wellness benefits are important for increasing loyalty to their employer. Yet according to Zane Benefits, “only 54% of small and medium sized businesses (with fewer than 200 employees) even offer traditional health insurance.” Employees who feel as if they are well taken care of will go above and beyond to pay it back to the company they work for. While employees should be working smarter, not harder, the extra effort can go a long way into the success of your business.

Another way that having good benefits for workers will change your business for the better is by attracting the top employees in your industry or field. The top talent comes at a top price, and while you may be willing to pay them a handsome salary, they often look for more than what is on their pay stub.

Investment not Expense

Good work place benefits will help to keep dedicated workers and the top talent in your organization. They will be less inclined to go look elsewhere for something they aren’t getting, which lowers your turnover and training expenses. According to Zane Benefits, The cost of employee turnover is estimated at the equivalent of 6 to 9 months’ salary. Other studies predict that cost is even more, as high as 2x their annual salary. So instead of looking at it as creating more expenses for business, look at the bigger picture of how your overall expenses can even out while your company gains a good reputation and builds a loyal and dedicated work force.

Promote Wellness

Many of the insurance benefits that companies are implementing include various wellness programs. These programs promote wellness amongst your employees and their families, and reward them for taking the steps necessary to ensure peak health. Another aspect that should be noted, the right benefit mix can assist to lower absenteeism due to illness, and increase productivity. If your workers aren’t provided with good insurance, they are then left to take matters in to their own hands. Therefore, if they aren’t encouraged to visit the doctor or take care of themselves, it may result in less people showing up to work.

Another great benefit of instilling a wellness program is that it can often save your company money when it comes to premiums. If a certain amount of your employees buy into the program and participate, you may reduce the overall cost. According to Rand Corporation, “the two component programs (life style management and disease management) reduced employer’s average health care costs by about $30 per member per month.” That can quickly add up to several thousands of dollars in savings per year!

It should also be known that employees who participate in these programs also receive benefits. Based on tasks they complete such as annual physicals, exercising, etc., they earn rewards points that can be used to purchase items such as gift cards from a rewards website.

We Can Help

Having dedicated and talented workers who aren’t looking for greener grass somewhere else is a recipe for a successful and thriving business, and we can help! If you are the decision maker of your company and are curious about insurance benefit packages including small group insurance, contact us at 800-817-5598 or emailing

Even if you are an employee at a small business who is struggling with finding affordable individual health insurance, present this to your company to see if this is something they are interested in. Remember, our team of insurance specialists are here to help and answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Sometimes there are things in your plan that you don’t understand, or words that you have never heard before. Your well-being is important to us, and part of that is making sure you are properly taken care of. Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to assist and guide you, your family, or group to the best coverage for your budget. If you are interested in purchasing a disability plan, health insurance, or life insurance, contact us at or call us at +1 954 828 1819.

As a successful business, you know how important it is to attract and retain top employees. Read more to learn how to do so.

Life Insurance Money Saving TipsSaving money is something everyone should be interested in. Especially when it comes to insurance premiums. That is even more the case when it comes to life insurance premiums. In many cases, life insurance is viewed as a luxury. We couldn’t agree less as it should be a necessity, no matter what stage of life you are in. But, that doesn’t stop us from helping people and advising them on ways they could potentially save money, which may motivate them to get the insurance coverage they need. If you have been looking to get a life insurance policy but are turned off by the cost, the following tips may help you get the life insurance coverage to protect your loved ones.

Do Your Research

There are several different types of life insurance policies, but the main two are whole life insurance and term life insurance. Whole life insurance will offer you coverage for the duration of your life, and offers many other benefits. Term life insurance offers you coverage for a period of time, such as 25 years. While having a whole life policy may offer better and more complete coverage, a term life policy tends to have a lower premium.

In addition to figuring out what type of policy you are looking for, you should also look at different companies. Shop around and try to find which insurance company will give you the best deal.

Stop Smoking

It’s no secret that smoking is bad for health, and the healthier you are, the lower your premium will likely be. Insurance companies base your price on risk. Since smoking causes several different diseases, you will be seen as a higher risk client which will then increase the premium you must pay.

Get Insured at a Young Age

Just like with smoking, the older a person is the more likely they are to develop health problems. This should incentivize you to get coverage when you are young and seen as less of a risk. Many people wait to get life insurance to save money in the meantime. However, you will save money in the long run by getting life insurance now!

Get the Proper Coverage Amount

One of the items that dictate the cost of your insurance policy is the pay-out. Some people want a lot of coverage because they see a large number, however you can calculate how much coverage you need! While having a million-dollar life insurance policy is great, you may be able to cover everything and everyone you wanted at half that amount. Talk to your insurance agent to help you formulate a plan and get an idea of everything you should be covering.

There are many things to take into consideration when making the decision of which type of policy is best for you, your family, or loved ones.  Are you interested in purchasing Life insurance or International Life Insurance? Would you like some more information regarding Life Insurance options that are available to you? Would you like to ask some questions to a Life Insurance expert? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, please contact us 954-828-1819 or visit us online at and talk to one of our insurance specialists for help in selecting Life Insurance and other coverage to ensure that you and your loved ones have the protection you need at every stage of life.

If you have been looking to get a life insurance policy but are turned off by the cost, the following tips may help you get the life insurance coverage to protect your loved ones.

Protect Your Business with Life InsuranceMany people consider life insurance a luxury. They don’t see it as being important because they can’t use it while they are alive. However, that doesn’t make it any less important. Do you care about your loved ones? Do you want to leave them responsible for your debts, funeral costs, and other expenses? There is also a chance you may leave your family with a reduced income which could make things very difficult for them. These are common reasons why everyone should consider purchasing a life insurance policy. But one reason you may not have considered is to protect your business.

Are You a Business Owner?

Owning a business is a great accomplishment for any individual or family. You get to be your own boss, make your own rules, and hopefully reap most of the rewards from your company’s endeavors. While there are many positives to owning a business, there also comes many obligations as well. Do you have a lot of overhead? As you know operating a business requires increases expenses, which is why you should consider protecting them with life insurance.

Most people that open a business or are working to grow and expand take on debt to do so. Taking out a life insurance policy can help payoff that debt in the event of your death. One important thing to note, if you are a sole proprietor, your business and all its debts will be left to your family. So, whether your business will be kept or sold, your loved ones will be able to reap more of the proceeds.

Do You Have Business Partners?

If you have business partners, it would be ideal for all of them to get a life insurance policy as well. Many smaller businesses have agreements in place that organize the transfer of ownership from the deceased to the surviving partner(s). The loss of a business partner could leave you and the reaming partners left with more financial obligations which could hurt the company, and even force it to close. When a partner purchases a life insurance policy, they will need to leave the death benefit for the other business owners so that the benefit goes to the business.

Do You Rely on Key Employees?

While owners and partners share an important role in the success of a company, there are also key employees that you may rely on as well. These could be sales people, managers, creative personnel, and even administrators. The sudden death of a key employee could impair the operation of your business. To protect your company from that, you can take out a key employee life insurance policy that will pay your company a benefit if something were to happen to said employee. You will be responsible for the premium, and how much coverage you would like to take out. You may also be allowed to borrow against the policy, and use the benefit any way that would benefit the business.

Keep in mind that life insurance doesn’t replace someone’s income, value, or even an employee. It will only offer a one-time benefit to get you, your loved ones, or your business through a difficult time and situation.

There are many things to take into consideration when making the decision of which type of policy is best for you, your family, or loved ones. Are you interested in purchasing Life Insurance or International Life Insurance? Would you like some more information regarding Life Insurance options that are available to you? Would you like to ask some questions to a Life Insurance expert? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, please contact us 954-828-1819 or visit us online at and talk to one of our insurance specialists for help in selecting Life Insurance and other coverage to ensure that you and your loved ones have the protection you need at every stage of life.

Many people consider life insurance a luxury. But did you know you can use it to protect your business? Read more!

Young couple meeting with a insurance brokerMany people in the insurance industry work hard to avoid the bad reputation that insurance typically carries. However, people often jump to negative conclusions about anything involving insurance. Time and time again, we come across people who have the wrong idea of what an insurance broker is and why they are actually advantageous to the consumer. We have heard they are a waste of time, waste of money, and only care about making their commission. Being a dedicated group of insurance brokers, we can tell you that those descriptions are often false! Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but when we hear information that is incorrect, it encourages us to step in. Do you know what an insurance broker does?

If you know the answer to, then you are already aware of all the benefits of using an insurance broker. If not, learn why you should be using one. Take the time to find a quality, reputable broker to work with you in fulfilling your insurance needs. Not only will it be time well spent in the beginning, but it will also serve you well for the entire time that you have insurance needs, whether you are working on a yacht or wherever your travels may take you.

Brokers Can Offer More of a Selection

One benefit of an insurance broker is the selection of policies and plans. Typically, brokers can help you select insurance from a variety of different companies. Different insurance companies offer different plans, so having access to plans from multiple companies can afford you the opportunity to find the coverage that fits you best.

Also, depending on the insurance brokerage they may sell different types of insurance, allowing you to have a one stop solution for all your insurance needs.

Brokers Do Much More Than Sell Insurance

While brokers may act as the middle man between you and the insurance company, they can be so much more than that. An insurance broker will conduct research for you, file and assist you with the claims process, and work to get you the best coverage option for your situation. Often times a broker has direct connections with decision makers at the insurance companies so you may not have to sit on a 1-800 line for a long time, only to learn someone doesn’t have the authority to help you. Brokers also know which carriers provide consistent service, allowing you to avoid companies that may not deliver the level of care that you deserve at time of claim.

We Work for You

As brokers, we do not work for any insurance company, we work for you! Our goals are to please you, and make sure all you questions and concerns are handled. If you think about it, with all the benefits of using an insurance broker, it is certainly better than just going out and buying a policy from an insurance agent. Will an agent fight for you and your best interests?

Having proper insurance is important in every aspect of life. Whether you are at sea needing international coverage, looking for proper life insurance coverage, going on a vacation, etc. MHG is your specialized broker. Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to find the policy that works best for you. If you are interested in purchasing, or have any questions about marine crew insurance, travel insurance, U.S. life and health, expatriate insurance, or property and casualty, please contact us at

+1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668
or visit us online at For more information on debunking insurance broker myths, read our previous blog, Debunking 5 Myths About Insurance Brokers.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but when we hear information that is incorrect, it encourages us to step in. Do you know what an insurance broker does?

10 Reasons People Over 60 Need Life InsuranceAs we grow older, there are many of us who think back and regret not doing certain things while we were young. There are activities or decisions that we can’t make now because it’s too late, or we don’t have the time or energy. I’m sure many of you are thinking about skydiving or some other thrill seeking adventure, but I’m talking about purchasing life insurance! While it may be more beneficial to purchase life insurance when you are in the prime of your career, purchasing life insurance after you retire can still have plenty of benefits for you and your loved ones. Don’t regret not purchasing life insurance when you were younger, instead think of all the reasons you should get insured now. If you find yourself asking the question, “Should I Buy Life Insurance in My 60’s?” The answer is YES!

1. Offset Retirement Income

In the event you or your spouse passes away, will you still receive enough income in retirement funds to support yourself? With rising medical costs, chances are that you are going to need some help. Purchasing a life insurance policy to supplement your retirement funds should be a top priority.

2. Funeral Costs

It’s no secret that funeral costs can be outrageously expensive. So much so that many people can’t afford to die because their loved ones are left with the costs, sometimes ranging as high as $20,000+. Having life insurance can erase the financial burden that is left on your family if something happens to you.

3. Pay Off Debts

Debt follows us everywhere, and we pass away, it is then left to our loved ones. Don’t let your loved ones be responsible for your debts.

4. Provide a Gift to Charity

Giving money to charity and those in need is always a good way to make us feel good. Have you considered leaving an important charity or organization the benefit of your life insurance policy? There aren’t many more honorable ways to leave a legacy than that.

5. Creditor Proof

As stated before, debt collectors will go after your loved ones to pay off any debt you leave behind. One of the many great things about a life insurance benefit is that creditors cannot go after any of the benefits that are received, which is a great way to protect your loved ones.

6. Provide Care to a Disabled Spouse/Family Member

Do you currently take care or support a family member or friend in need? What would happen to them if something happens to you? Make sure they will continue to be taken care of, and have enough money to support the care they need.

7. Provide a Gift for Grandchildren

If you are planning to set aside some money for your grandchildren, consider purchasing a life insurance plan and making them the beneficiaries. If you are fortunate enough to have grandkids, there is a good chance they will need some sort of inheritance to pay off student loans, put a down payment on a house, or have more savings for a rainy day.

8. Pay Off Mortgage

While many people have a goal of paying off their mortgage before they retire, not everyone has that ability. If something were to happen to you or your spouse, would you be able to pay off the mortgage with the loss of income? Having a life insurance plan to cover the remaining balance of your mortgage is something everyone should consider.

9. Leave a Legacy

Many of us would like to leave a legacy to our offspring, and that can come in many different ways. For some it can be inheriting the family business or being left the family home. For others it means leaving money behind to our loved ones. A proper life insurance policy can make sure there is enough money to go around to everyone.

10. Pay Estate and Inheritance Taxes

As if there aren’t enough taxes we already have to pay, there is a tax people must pay on inheritance. Set up a policy to cover the amount that your beneficiary would have to pay in taxes, after all life insurance benefits are tax free. You may also want to consider leaving money behind to your loved ones through a life insurance policy for this reason as well.

If you are interested in purchasing Life insurance, or have any questions, we’re here to help! Please contact us today at 954 828 1819 or visit We have the insurance specialists to assist and advise you on the best coverage for you and your loved ones at every stage of life.

If you find yourself asking the question, “Should I Buy Life Insurance in My 60’s?” The answer is YES!

2 employees meeting with HR to discuss employee benefits If you are a small business owner or an employee of a small business (with up to 50 employees) and you have watched the news lately, read a newspaper or browsed the internet, it is very likely that you have seen the numbers and increases that have occurred regarding the Affordable Care Act health insurance plans for 2017.

Open enrollment for individuals and families began Nov 1st, and people around the country are scratching their head wondering why their insurance prices are increasing again and again. In addition to rising costs, people are also learning that there are less and less plans, and some are being forced to change doctors who they have had a relationship with for many years due to changing networks.

If you’re a small business that doesn’t offer an employer sponsored plan, chances are you should consider group health insurance, today.

More Affordable

For one, many businesses that are less than 50 employees give their workers money toward insurance every month, however the employee must find their own insurance. With the state of individual health insurance plans, that idea just may no longer be feasible. Starting a small group plan could lower employee’s insurance costs depending on the plan you select, and how much your employer contributes.

More Choices

Another aspect we have seen is that there are fewer individual insurance plans to choose from. A few years ago, there were dozens of different plans and multiple companies you could choose from, whether you wanted a HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) or PPO (Preferred Provider Organization). With group insurance, plan options are many, and as a new group, open enrollment means that your group can enroll anytime throughout the year without the restrictions one has with Individual coverage.

The Benefits of Offering Employee Benefits

If you are the decision maker of your business, you could be thinking “What benefit do I have offering insurance to my employees?” While you are required to pay 50% of your employees premium if you offer a group plan, there is a chance you are already giving them money to find their own plan. Why not provide quality benefits and not pay more than what you may be providing your employees to get their own insurance?

Another aspect to consider is that happy and healthy employees are important to the success of your business. Making this change could create a loyal workforce who are more willing to go above and beyond for their employer.

We Can Help

If you are the decision maker of a small business and are curious about small group insurance, contact us at 800-817-5598 or emailing Even if you are an employee at a small business who is struggling with finding affordable individual health insurance, present this to your company to see if this is something they are interested in. Remember, our team of insurance specialists are here to help and answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Sometimes there are things in your plan that you don’t understand, or words that you have never heard before. Your well-being is important to us, and part of that is making sure you are properly taken care of. Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to assist and guide you, your family, or group to the best coverage for your budget. If you are interested in purchasing a disability plan , health insurance , or life insurance , contact us at or call us at +1 954 828 1819.

If you’re a small business that doesn’t offer an employer sponsored plan, chances are you should consider a small group insurance plan.