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Buying Insurance 101

Young couple shaking hands with a female agentBuying insurance, no matter what type, can be an intimidating and daunting task. For one, there is a ton of tricky lingo, a plethora of different coverages amounts and types, and of course the cost. Unless you are someone who works in the insurance industry, chances are insurance lingo can sometimes sound like a different language, and confusing protocol leaving you wondering what to do next.

However, it doesn’t have to be this way! Follow these 5 easy steps when making any insurance purchasing decision to help ease your mind and make the process as smooth and simple as possible.

What am I trying to protect?

When buying insurance, the first thing you need to ask yourself is “What am I trying to protect?” Are you trying to protect your business? Your health? Your kids? Your assets?

Once you have the answer to that question it will narrow down what you should be looking for. For insurance, If you wanted to protect your business, you would want to consider a General Liability policy, or Marine General Liability depending on the business. Protecting your kids? Look into life insurance.

What is my budget?

Once you know what type of insurance product you are in the market for, next you need to figure out your budget. After all, you don’t want to lapse your policy because you can’t afford it down the line if things become tight down the road, so be smart. Depending on your situation and what you are trying to insure, sit down and figure out what you can realistically afford, and what level of priority is the type of insurance you need.

Who do I know?

One thing that can make the decision easier is to figure out if you know anyone that currently has what are looking to get. If you do, ask them about it. What are the pros and cons? Is there anything they would do differently? Is there anything you need to look out for?

What don’t I know?

As with anything you buy, you should always do your own research. Figure out what products are out there, what pitfalls there are, and anything else that will help you get the best out of what you are buying.

Seek out a reputable broker!

Insurance Brokers often get a bad reputation but using a broker can help you avoid situations like this. For one, the majority of brokers are well-versed with the ins and outs of the insurance industry and can help you avoid a negative trend that you may otherwise know nothing about. Not to mention, brokers work for you! Brokers typically operate at no extra cost to you as it would be if you went straight to the insurance company to get your plan. If you would like to learn more details of using an insurance broker, read our previous blog, “Why You Should Use an Insurance Broker”.

Having proper insurance is important whether you are looking to protect your business, your loved ones, or yourself! Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to find the type of insurance you are in search of, and policy that works best for you and your budget. If you are interested in purchasing, or have any questions about marine crew insurance, life & health insurance, travel insurance, expatriate insurance, property & casualty insurance, or ocean marine insurance, please contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at

Follow these 5 easy steps when making any insurance purchasing decision to help ease your mind and make the process as smooth and simple as possible.

Shot of a couple looking stressed out while working on their finances at homeThe promise of an amazing benefit is great, but what happens when you try to use that benefit and experience resistance? That seems to be happening more and more when it comes to low-cost insurance plans. When buying insurance, a person is buying an intangible promise. With that mindset, one can see why low-cost insurance is rarely ever low-cost.

Can’t Have Good, Quick, and Cheap

Ever hear the saying you can’t have your cake and eat it to? Typically, with anything in life, you get what you pay for. Consumers are constantly trying to save money any way they can on products or services they buy. However, depending on the product or service, a good “deal” can quickly turn into an absolute nightmare. Low-cost insurance plans are no different. Consumers can expect to receive delayed quotes, slow service, claims issues, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

You’ll Pay for It Later

Saving money on premium doesn’t always mean that you’re saving money overall! Many times, those who opt for cheaper insurance end up paying more in the long run because of a lack of coverage that was unknown to them when trying to use their insurance, or even worse, no coverage at all. Imagine being involved in an emergency situation that ends up with you being in the hospital, the last thing you want to be worrying about in that moment is being stuck with the entire hospital bill which could end up being tens of thousands of dollars.

Possibility of No Service

One trend that has popped up as of late are insurance companies offering cheap plans to grow their business. However, businesses can’t afford to continue to operate on low margins, so the customers are the ones who end up suffering. Having a plan with great benefits, but no service when actually trying to use it results in disappointment for the consumer.

Consumers vs. Insurance Companies

Insurance companies are usually very large, so going toe to toe with one is no easy task if you have a dispute with the plan that you have purchased. Even if the consumer is completely in the right about a particular claim or situation, the costs and time involved can be substantial. It is for this reason that you really need to do your research and choose the best plan for your needs, not just the cheapest.

Use a Broker!

Insurance Brokers often get a bad reputation but using a broker can help you avoid situations like this. For one, the majority of brokers are well-versed with the ins and outs of the insurance industry and can help you avoid a negative trend that you may otherwise know nothing about. Not to mention, brokers work for you! Brokers typically operate at no extra cost to you as it would be if you went straight to the insurance company to get your plan. If you would like to learn more details of using an insurance broker, read our previous blog, “Why You Should Use an Insurance Broker”.

Having proper insurance is important in every aspect of life. Whether you are at sea needing international coverage, looking for proper life insurance coverage, going on a vacation, etc. MHG is your specialized broker. Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to find the policy that works best for you. If you are interested in purchasing, or have any questions about marine crew insurance, travel insurance, U.S. life and health, expatriate insurance, or property and casualty, please contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at

When buying insurance, a person is buying an intangible promise. With that mindset, one can see why low-cost insurance is rarely ever low-cost.

tourist in luxury beach hotel near luxurious swimming pool at sunset, tropical exotic holidays vacation, tourism and travelMany people don’t consider buying a life insurance policy until a major life event such as getting married, buying a house, having a kid. While all of those are great reasons to purchase a life insurance policy, you should actually have a policy before any of those things happen. Yes, even if you’re single, with no dependents or assets to your name. 

1. Investment

One reason to get a life insurance policy when you are single is because it can be used as a long-term investment. Purchasing a Whole Life insurance policy can give you many options on what to do, such as being able to withdraw from the cash value of your policy much like a bank loan. Also, depending on the whole life policy you purchase, it can act as a savings vehicle. So, after a certain amount of time, your cash value will be higher than the amount you have paid, depending on where it has been invested. 

2. Funeral

Here’s a question that many may not want to ask or try to answer. Who is going to pay for your funeral? Funerals are expensive, and unfortunately, it is an expense that many don’t prepare for. Having life insurance that will include your funeral costs into the amount of your policy is a very smart thing to do. Caskets themselves can be thousands of dollars, and funeral total costs can easily exceed $20,000. 

3. Personal debts

If you should pass, who is going to pay for your debts? When you die, if you have any co-signed loans, the full responsibility of paying off the loan will be left to the person who co-signed that loan with you. Which in many cases could be your parents, spouse, kids, etc. It may be tough on them to worry about their debts and in the event of a tragedy all of a sudden have to worry about your debts as well, all while still mourning your loss. Having a life insurance policy can be used to pay off your medical bills, mortgage, credit cards, etc. 

4. Leave a legacy

It can be a good idea to purchase life insurance in order to leave a legacy. For example, if you are passionate about a charity, church, or group, you can leave them as the beneficiary of your policy, which I’m sure they will greatly appreciate and never forget. Also, you can do this if there is someone close to you that you would like to help out. Maybe a friend who is struggling and would refuse to accept any help from you. 

5. Cheaper to get a policy when you are young

If you plan on getting life insurance later in life or waiting until a life event such as the ones stated before, it may make more sense to go ahead and purchase a policy now. Waiting for one of these events can take years and years, and by the time you go to purchase a policy, the premium could be as much as two times as high as if you would purchase it now. That is because the younger you are, the less expensive the premium is, because you are not viewed as a high risk. Also, another great thing is that your premium should be locked in at that price for the length of the term or for your life depending on the type of policy you get. So, in essence, you could be saving yourself money in the long run, by spending a little extra now. 

If you are interested in purchasing life insurance, or have any questions about your policy, or which policy would be best for you and your family, contact us at 954-828-1819 or visit us online at We have the insurance specialists to assist and advise you on the best coverage for you and your loved ones at every stage of life.

Yes, even if you’re single, with no dependents or assets to your name, you should still have a life insurance policy. Read more.

Mother with her daughter thinking of getting life insuranceDo you have Life Insurance? Do you ever wonder what will happen to your family if anything ever happens to you? If you do have Life Insurance, you don’t need to ask yourself questions like that. The problem is not everyone has life insurance. Many don’t even see it as an option because they think it is too expensive or too cumbersome. However, that isn’t always the case. There are plenty of ways to secure your family without going broke.  

What are my Options?

There are two types of Life Insurance, Temporary and Permanent. Temporary Life Insurance covers you for a period of time such as 5 years, 10 years, etc. If you should pass away within the term, your beneficiary will receive the death benefit. Permanent Life Insurance covers you for your entire life. So, no matter when you should pass away, your beneficiary will receive the death benefit. Also, for either type of life insurance, the death benefit will pass to your beneficiaries, income tax free.

Permanent Life Insurance

Permanent Life Insurance covers you for your whole life. You should purchase Permanent Life Insurance if you have a life-long dependent or have an estate or business to protect. In some permanent plans, your money may collect in an account, and after a number of years, you may be able withdraw money, borrow cash, or surrender the policy and receive the surrendering value.

Temporary Life Insurance                        

Temporary Life Insurance, also known as Term Life Insurance, is a good option if you would like to have coverage for a certain period of time. On some temporary plans, you can be approved without a medical exam and in just a few days. Usually an individual will have this coverage during the most vulnerable time of their life. For instance, until the kids are grown and graduated from college, or your house has been paid off. The premiums are lower than the premiums of a permanent life insurance plan. One downfall of this type of plan is that it does not pay a death benefit if you outlive the term of the policy. You may be able to renew your plan once it expires, but your premiums will be substantially higher. There is another type of temporary insurance that refunds your money at the end, if you outlive the term of the plan. This is called a Return of Premium policy and may be a good option to consider.

Not Going Broke

“So how do I purchase Life Insurance without going broke?” First off, there are a number of factors to determine which plan is right for you and which plan you can afford. But in general terms, the route to go would be purchasing a Temporary Life Insurance policy. As stated before, the premiums are less than those of a permanent policy, and your family or dependents will also be protected during the length of the term.

Not for Everyone         

Buying Life Insurance is not for everyone. There may be no need to purchase it if you don’t have any dependents and have enough assets to cover your debt and the cost of dying. Death can very expensive, having to pay for the funeral, estate lawyer’s fees, etc. So, if you are unsure about the need to purchase a Life Insurance Plan, or would like to purchase one, please contact us. We would be happy to assist you with all of your questions and concerns.

Call MHG Insurance Brokers today at 954-828-1819 or visit us online at for help in selecting Life Insurance and other coverage to ensure you and your loved ones have the protection you need at every stage of life.

Are you looking for a life insurance policy to cover your loved one? Here are some options.

Happy family with cardboard boxes in new house at moving day.Are you in the market for a new home? If so, there are some important things you should be doing to prepare yourself, before and after your purchase. First and foremost, buying a home is one of life’s greatest financial accomplishments. Getting approved for a mortgage is a daunting task, and those 30-40 days of the approval process can feel like a lifetime. However, once you sign those closing documents, you feel a sense of pride and joy that you were able to whether the storm, and now you can start this next chapter of your life as a homeowner! Now, just because you are done with the paper work, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be thinking of steps you need to take in order to protect your investment. Life insurance can do just that and provide all of the coverage you need given your newly acquired asset.

Before Buying a Home

Purchasing a home is a major life decision, one that comes with an enormous amount of planning, budgeting, saving, and often forcing one to make lifestyle changes in order to be able to complete the action. If you aren’t required to have a lump sum of money to use as a down payment, count your blessings. However, no matter what route you go, it will be a challenge if you don’t have a good credit score.

Once you have your strategy in place in terms of the type of loan you are going to use, the down payment amount, and a good enough credit score, the fun part will begin. Ask anyone who has gone through the process of getting approved, and many will agree it is one of the more stressful experiences someone can experience.

After Buying a Home

So, you’ve made it to the finish line, you are officially a homeowner! Now what to do? Before you start to think about investing into your property, fixing the kitchen or adding a pool, you need to think about investing in yourself and your loved ones. You’ve just gone through an extensive process and have probably taken on an extreme amount of debt. What happens to that debt or the responsibility of paying it off if something happens to you?

A life insurance policy is a critical necessity for anyone who has debts they do not want to leave to their loved ones. Do yourself and your family a favor and protect your new investment. For example, if you just bought a house with a 30-year mortgage that was $250,000, for starters you may want to consider a 30-year term life insurance policy with a $250,000 benefit.

Preparing for the Future

The strategy of protecting your investments and assets with life insurance is something that you should be using in every facet of your life, not just when buying a home. Especially if you have a family or dependents. If you are not sure the amount you need, the type of policy to get, or what you can afford, our insurance specialists are here to help!

MHG is here to assist you and offer any advice and help we can in this exciting time in your life. If you have any questions, please contact us today at 954 828 1819 or visit We have the insurance specialists to guide and assist you in finding the best insurance options for you, your family, and loved ones.

Are you in the market for a new home? If so, there are some important things you should be doing to prepare yourself, before and after your purchase!

Shot of a team of colleagues celebrating with a high five in a modern officeLet’s face it group insurance plan comes at a price, and there is a reason many smaller businesses with less than 50 employees elect not to offer a group plan since it is not required. However, not having a plan in place immediately makes your business less competitive when it comes to attracting the best talent to help you succeed. So, what if I told you that there are several options out there that can help you save money when it comes to offering your employees insurance benefits?

Fully-Insured vs. Self-Insured/Level Funded

Most groups with less than 100 employees are covered through Fully-Insured plans as it is the most traditional method of coverage. The premium paid to the insurance carrier is a fixed rate for the year based on the number of employees enrolled. The carrier is responsible for paying all claims while the covered member is responsible for paying copays, coinsurance and deductibles based on the plan benefits. Fully-Insured rates are based on the demographic make of the group (census), changes to that census, comparative rates within a geographic area and industry, and to a smaller degree the claims experience of the members. Any group with 2 or more employees will qualify for Fully-Insured plans (Groups with two employees cannot be a married couple).

Level Funded plan options are becoming increasingly common as more carriers are offering them, and more employers are seeing the advantages. Let’s be clear, not all groups qualify; acceptance is mainly based on the employees’ medical claims history, and carriers require a minimum participation higher than Fully-Insured. Level Funded plans are filed with the Department of Financial Services as “Self-Funded”. A true Self-Funded plan has an arrangement where the employer provides health care to the employees using the company’s own funds. Level Funded follows the same concept, but there is a stop loss in place for each employee on the plan to prevent any liability for the employer. A portion of the premium paid on a Level Funded plan is saved in a funding “pool” which is used to pay claims. After an employee uses a certain amount of the claims fund (amount varies depending on the carrier) stop loss kicks in and the carrier takes over the payment of claims for that employee for the remainder of the year removing that exposure from the employer’s remaining funding pool.

What Are the Advantages of Level Funded?

On average a business spends 7% to 9% of its budget on employee health care. If your group qualifies for Level Funded plans, it is possible that the rates may be better than Fully-Insured when comparing similar plan options. Yes, you can get money back at the end of the year! Carriers typically offer the group a specified percentage of the unused amount left from your funding pool at the end of the year. The reimbursement percentage varies depending on the carrier, and in some instances can be as much as 94%, which can be a significant amount. Carriers may also include additional features on a Level Funded plan not included on Fully-Insured options.

Are There Any Shortfalls on a Level Funded Plan?

Level Funded plans follow the federal mandate as it relates to continuation of coverage. Groups with 20 or more employees will be eligible for federal COBRA. Most Level Funded plans will not administer State Continuation (mini COBRA) for employers with less than 20 employees, this means these employees will not be eligible to continue coverage upon leaving employment.

Another area that may affect some employees is dependent coverage. In some states, such as Florida, Fully-Insured plans will allow dependent children to be covered up to age 30, while Level Funded plans will remove dependent children at age 26, which is the federal mandate. In addition, some benefits offered on Fully-Insured may not be offered on Level Funded.

What Option Is Best for Me?

MHG Insurance Brokers comprises of a team of experts who specialize in group insurance. We have unique relationships with carriers and are sometimes the first to know the plans they offer. We have a 5-star Google review rating, and an outstanding 96% client retention rate in the Life and Health Division (Employee Benefits). Our team of experts can complete a full analysis of your current plan’s offerings, and if needed, recommend a package that will enrich your benefits while keeping cost at a minimum. If you do not have a group plan in place, we have you covered! Our team can provide a proposal for your group which may be less than you anticipate. If you are interested in purchasing health insurance, feel free to contact us at 954-548-3599 or visit our website at

What if I told you that there are several options out there that can help you save money when it comes to offering your employees insurance benefits? Read more!

When Was the Last Time You Reviewed the Amount of Your Life Insurance Policy? It’s getting to be that time of the year! That time where everyone looks back on the past year and makes changes for the upcoming one. Whether it is taxes, budgets, even weight loss, the motto is “out with the old, in with the new!” However, you may have not originally thought to review your life insurance policy. It’s always a good idea to review any insurance policy periodically, but the end of the year brings a perfect time to look at your current policy and see if it still offers the coverage you need.

Do You Have New Dependents or Family Members?

A lot can change over the course of a year, especially when it comes to relationships and families. Did you get married? Did you have children? Do you have new dependents in your life that may need to be made a beneficiary of your life insurance policy? These are all questions you should ask yourself when reviewing your policy. Also, maybe you need to increase the overall value of the policy to account for new dependents.

Did You Have Any New Major Purchases or New Debts?

Many times, people decide on the value of their life insurance policy based on their outstanding debt. For example, if you have a mortgage of $200,000, it would be smart to include $200,000 in your calculation for your life insurance to cover the cost of the house if something were to happen to you. Purchases such as buying a house, buying a car, starting a business are all ways to increase your debt, and should be taken into consideration when deciding the value of your policy.

Did Something Change at Your Job?

There are scenarios of changes at the workplace that should give you a reason to review your life insurance policy. One is if you were to start a new job. There is a chance that your job offers employee sponsored life insurance based on your salary. This is a great benefit to have, so take the amount of coverage provided into consideration if you are purchasing a policy.

If you didn't start a new job, there are still changes that may have occurred over the past year that warrant a policy review. Getting a raise may give you more expendable income to increase your policy value. Also, if you received a promotion, there may be changes to the benefits provided to you such as the value of your life insurance policy.

Did You Move?

Moving always seems to bring more changes to someone's life than they originally expected. If you moved to a foreign country, there is a strong possibility that your life insurance coverage didn't follow you to your new home. Many life insurance policies are only covered in the country of purchase. However, it should be noted that there are several options for international life insurance coverage.

There are many things to take into consideration when making the decision of which type of policy is best for you, your family, or loved ones. Are you interested in purchasing Life Insurance or International Life Insurance? Would you like some more information regarding Life Insurance options that are available to you? Would you like to ask some questions to a Life Insurance expert? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, please contact us 954-828-1819 or visit us online at and talk to one of our insurance specialists for help in selecting Life Insurance and other coverage to ensure that you and your loved ones have the protection you need at every stage of life.

It’s always a good idea to review any insurance policy periodically, but the end of the year brings a perfect time to look at your current policy and see if it still offers the coverage you need.

Hipster businessman with laptop Have you ever found yourself in a situation where your health insurance refuses to cover a certain medical bill that you thought would be covered? Bills such as visits to a provider who was once in your network, and without notice was removed from the network is a prime example. Sometimes mistakes are made, and just because your insurance carrier denies your claim, doesn’t always mean that you will be left to foot the bill. There are steps that you can use to take action and try to ensure that you will receive the coverage that you have been paying for. By filing an appeal or disputing a health insurance claim, you can hopefully change the outcome.

Internal Appeal vs. External Appeal

There are different types of appeals processes. You can use an internal appeal where your insurance company will review the case and make the decision. If the internal appeal process does not work you can use an external appeal where an independent third party will review and then have the power to make the decision, meaning the insurance company will not have the final say.

Ask for Help!

We are here to help you! Being insurance brokers, we work for you, not the insurance company. We protect you best interest and help you in any way we can. Many times, we have the relationships built, know the loopholes, and have past cases that are similar that we can use to help get a favorable response.

Don’t Take No for an Answer

Sometimes, the insurance company’s representative on the phone is simply following their basic protocol. The agent may not have the authority to make decisions beyond there guidelines, so ask for their supervisor. If the supervisor doesn’t give you a positive answer, ask for the department that can escalate your case for review.

Reach Out to Contacts

We reach out to contacts at your insurance carrier. Sometimes, relationships can help you get the answer you want to hear or point you in the right direction. Also, our relationships with people at the insurance company may benefit you in the form of exceptions for your case. Some of our contacts have that authority. Remember, sometimes it’s who you know! If that’s not enough, we ask about filing an appeal. Identifying similar cases may help in finding a loop hole or scenario that you can benefit from. This can determine the likelihood of getting an approved appeal.

Be Patient

Disputing a health insurance claim is a lengthy process. It can take up to 90 days to conduct the appeal, so patience is a virtue.


The best way to avoid disputing a claim is to read your policy and the updates that are sent to you. Do your research and learn exactly what you have coverage for, who is in your network, etc. If your doctor recommends a procedure, you will be better prepared to ask questions.

Sometimes there are things in your plan that you don’t understand, or words that you have never heard before.  If you are interested in purchasing health insurance, or have any questions about your plan, or which plan would be best for you and your family, contact us at 954-828-1819 or visit us online at We have the insurance specialists to assist and advise you on the best coverage for you and your loved ones at every stage of life.

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where your health insurance refuses to cover a certain medical bill that you thought would be covered?

5 Whole Life Insurance Myths Debunked!Purchasing a Life Insurance policy isn’t something you do every day. The benefits and coverage it can provide for you and your loved ones in the event of a loss is irreplaceable, but with that being said, who wants to plan their “death.” We know this is a very sensitive subject, so we took the time to clear the air of some myths that we have heard about whole life insurance. Since purchasing life insurance can be a little unsettling, we wanted to make sure you are prepared and know exactly what you are getting yourself into, in order for you to make the best decision for you. So here are 5 myths that are associated with Whole Life Insurance.

1. Whole Life is too expensive!

Yes, a whole life premium is considerably more money than that of a term life insurance premium, depending on the value of the policy. However, there are some things to take into account. With term life insurance, you will not accumulate any value, once the term ends, you own nothing. As opposed to a whole life insurance policy, where your premiums will build a cash value that will belong to you at the end of the policy.
Also, another thing to consider is the total cost of a policy over your lifetime. Term is not designed to cover you for life, so when your term expires and you would like to purchase more coverage, the cost will increase. When putting the two types of policies together to compare, whole life is substantially less costly than a life time of premiums for term life insurance.

2. Only your beneficiaries will benefit!

While having life insurance helps protect your family in the event that something happens to you, your beneficiaries aren’t the only ones who benefit. A whole life policy can also be used as an investment option. Many times, you will have access to the policies’ cash value for withdrawals and loans which can be tax free. Also, certain companies will generally pay dividends to policy owners after the first policy year. Many times these dividends can be used to help pay premiums or purchase more permanent increments.

3. It’s a money pit!

One of the things that makes a whole life policy differ from a term policy is the fact that at the end of your policy, many times you will receive the value of your policy. Which can be a great investment decision for your financial portfolio, given the fact that it isn’t correlated to the stock market and mostly guaranteed by the insurer so death benefits and cash values aren’t affected by declining markets.

4. Cash in your policy once you retire!

Back in the day, many people would cash in their life insurance policy when they retired. However, today that is the time when many start to realize the importance of it. Having a whole life policy in your financial strategy could provide you security, financial freedom, as well as a legacy for loved ones.

5. Once you buy Life Insurance, you don’t have to think about it ever again!

Performing maintenance on your policy can save you money. Health changes can sometimes lead to lower premiums. Also, policies with loans and withdrawals, if not managed correctly can hinder some long term provisions and guarantees. Performing regular maintenance may also link your advisors together, which can help build a team around you with strengthened relationships, putting everyone on the same page for your investments, taxes, and your estate.

MHG Insurance Brokers is dedicated to making your Insurance experience as stress free and informative as possible. We have insurance specialists with the experience and knowledge to get the best coverage to fit you, your family, and loved ones. If you are interested in purchasing Life Insurance, have any questions, or need advice, please contact us at 954 828 1819 or visit our website at

We know this is a very sensitive subject, so we took the time to clear the air of some myths that we have heard about whole life insurance.

Recently Laid Off: What Are My Insurance Options? You’re fired! Two words no one wants to hear. Losing your job is a reality that some of us may have to deal with one day, whether we like it or not. The main reaction of someone losing their job is questioning where their income is going to come from. How will I pay the bills? How will I buy food? With careful planning, should that day arise, you would have saved some money and created a safety net for yourself until you land another job. Even with savings set aside to cover the necessities, one thing that is sometimes put on the back burner is a loss of benefits offered by your employer. We have some options you may want to consider.

COBRA/State Continuation

If you loved the coverage that your employer offered, there is good news. You may be able to keep your plan through COBRA continuation coverage. COBRA is a federal law that was implemented to let you pay to keep you and your family on your employer’s health insurance after your employment has been terminated. This applies to employees of companies that employ 20 or more employees. State continuation sometimes called mini Cobra in essence serves the same purpose which is to extend employer coverage after separation. Main difference is Cobra is a federal program while state continuation is mandated by the state. It is good to note that this is only for a limited time, usually a maximum of 18 months. Also, you typically pay a higher premium than the one you were paying while employed because your employer is no longer contributing towards your premium.


If you have lost your job for any reason, whether you were laid-off or you quit, you can buy a plan from the healthcare marketplace. Now I know what you’re thinking, the marketplace is only open during open enrollment. However, losing your job qualifies you for a Special Enrollment Period. This gives you the opportunity to purchase a plan that is acceptable under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), thus keeping you from paying an extra tax/penalty the following year for not having proper insurance. You may also qualify for tax credits and subsidies based on a number of factors.

Short-term Medical Plan

If you lose your job in the middle of the year, you still have some time before open enrollment begins. This will leave a gap in your medical coverage, which not only leaves you unprotected, but also liable to pay the healthcare tax. If you don’t want to purchase an ACA private healthcare plan, you can purchase a short-term medical plan which can give you coverage for up to one year. Though you should know, short-term medical plans do not meet the minimum benefit requirement and will not prevent you from paying a penalty.

Spouse’s Insurance

If your spouse or domestic partner’s company offers health insurance as a benefit, there is a good chance that they offer the same coverage to you. You may have to pay more than they do in order to be on their plan, partly because employers are required by law to cover 50% of the insurance premiums for employees and 0% for spouses even though they may choose to pay more.

MHG has the insurance specialists to advise and assist you in choosing the best health insurance that suits you, your family, or your group. Our team of brokers have the experience to get you the coverage that fits you and your budget. If you are interested in reviewing your health insurance options, please contact us at 954 828 1819 or visit our website at

Losing your job is a reality that some of us may have to deal with one day, whether we like it or not. But not many think about their what their insurance options will be, read more!