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Single? 5 Reasons You Need Life Insurance

Posted July 25 2019

tourist in luxury beach hotel near luxurious swimming pool at sunset, tropical exotic holidays vacation, tourism and travelMany people don’t consider buying a life insurance policy until a major life event such as getting married, buying a house, having a kid. While all of those are great reasons to purchase a life insurance policy, you should actually have a policy before any of those things happen. Yes, even if you’re single, with no dependents or assets to your name. 

1. Investment

One reason to get a life insurance policy when you are single is because it can be used as a long-term investment. Purchasing a Whole Life insurance policy can give you many options on what to do, such as being able to withdraw from the cash value of your policy much like a bank loan. Also, depending on the whole life policy you purchase, it can act as a savings vehicle. So, after a certain amount of time, your cash value will be higher than the amount you have paid, depending on where it has been invested. 

2. Funeral

Here’s a question that many may not want to ask or try to answer. Who is going to pay for your funeral? Funerals are expensive, and unfortunately, it is an expense that many don’t prepare for. Having life insurance that will include your funeral costs into the amount of your policy is a very smart thing to do. Caskets themselves can be thousands of dollars, and funeral total costs can easily exceed $20,000. 

3. Personal debts

If you should pass, who is going to pay for your debts? When you die, if you have any co-signed loans, the full responsibility of paying off the loan will be left to the person who co-signed that loan with you. Which in many cases could be your parents, spouse, kids, etc. It may be tough on them to worry about their debts and in the event of a tragedy all of a sudden have to worry about your debts as well, all while still mourning your loss. Having a life insurance policy can be used to pay off your medical bills, mortgage, credit cards, etc. 

4. Leave a legacy

It can be a good idea to purchase life insurance in order to leave a legacy. For example, if you are passionate about a charity, church, or group, you can leave them as the beneficiary of your policy, which I’m sure they will greatly appreciate and never forget. Also, you can do this if there is someone close to you that you would like to help out. Maybe a friend who is struggling and would refuse to accept any help from you. 

5. Cheaper to get a policy when you are young

If you plan on getting life insurance later in life or waiting until a life event such as the ones stated before, it may make more sense to go ahead and purchase a policy now. Waiting for one of these events can take years and years, and by the time you go to purchase a policy, the premium could be as much as two times as high as if you would purchase it now. That is because the younger you are, the less expensive the premium is, because you are not viewed as a high risk. Also, another great thing is that your premium should be locked in at that price for the length of the term or for your life depending on the type of policy you get. So, in essence, you could be saving yourself money in the long run, by spending a little extra now. 

If you are interested in purchasing life insurance, or have any questions about your policy, or which policy would be best for you and your family, contact us at 954-828-1819 or visit us online at We have the insurance specialists to assist and advise you on the best coverage for you and your loved ones at every stage of life.