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newlywed“If there are any objections, speak now or forever hold your peace.” “Wait they don’t have life insurance!” Hopefully you don’t find yourself in this situation, and you already have a good life insurance policy in place. However, if you don’t have life insurance, it’s something you need to start thinking about it.  After the honeymoon of course! Who knows, maybe you will say I do again... to life insurance. See what I did there?  


Protect Your Spouse

Unfortunately, death is a part of life that we all have to experience and plan for. Not all marriages are like “The Notebook” where you and your partner live into your golden years and pass away together in each other’s arms. Life insurance is designed with your loved ones in mind and plays an important role in your overall financial planning. If you have anyone depending upon you financially, you probably need Life Insurance even if you are young and healthy. For most, this financial responsibility begins when they either get married or have a baby. Have you thought how your family, or those you care about, would manage without you financially? The grieving process is hard enough, don’t let your better half also have to worry about how they will pay the bills or be able to afford the mortgage. In the event of your untimely death, you want to be reassured that your husband or wife will be financially secure in the event of your passing.

Invest in Your Future Together 

Did you know that life insurance has other benefits besides providing a benefit to your beneficiaries? Certain policies such as a Whole Life policy can act as a way to save and invest money. In most cases, a Whole Life policy has a “cash value” that is invested and can earn as high as 5% interest. The cash value is calculated based on how much money you have paid so far in premiums, and after a certain amount of time, your cash value could be worth more than you have paid! Also, with a Whole Life policy, after a certain amount of time, you can cancel the policy and get back all of the money you have paid so far, and then some!

Lower Premium 

Getting married, buying a house and having baby are life events that prompt us to buy life insurance but it’s really something you should be considering even if you have no assets or dependents. Did you know that in most life insurance policies, you have the same monthly premium for the duration of the policy? That means if you’re paying $50 a month, you will be paying the same amount for the life of the policy. Unless you increase your coverage, you are locked in to a set premium. This is important because as you get older, policies become more expensive. Typically, you can expect your premium to double every 10 years. Good enough reason to stop putting off purchasing a life insurance plan, right? 

If you are interested in purchasing Life insurance, or have any questions, we’re here to help! Please contact us today at 954 828 1819 or visit Congratulations and cheers to many years of wedded bliss!

What Newlyweds Need to Know About Life Insurance

adviceAs insurance brokers we are here to help! Part of that assistance is our expert advice that we provide. So we thought it would be a great idea to ask our employees, “What is one piece of advice you would give your clients?” 

Mark Bononi- Director, Luxury Yacht Division 

Generally speaking, you get what you pay for. Typically, health insurance that has a lower cost will not have the same amount of coverage as one that costs more. If you are looking for health insurance that fits you best but you have a budget, seek advice from someone who knows what they’re talking about, and is experienced on the matter.

Edward “Mole” Telfer- Director, Cruise Division 

Providing a solid employee benefits package can be the key to attracting and retaining the industry’s best employees. Use a “Rolling Benefits Strategy” to build up your benefits over time.

Janine Jeffries- Director, Business Insurance Division

Give your agent a complete picture of the business and description of operations. Each business has unique attributes. The more your broker knows, or has a better understanding, the better we can do our job. Also, be sure to ask questions. You would be surprised how many needs are uncovered during a Q&A session with your broker.

Stephen Beck- Manager, Life & Health Division

I would advise our clients to not WORRY about “What if?” but to ASK about the cost of insuring themselves against each “What if?” that concerns them. Just ask, “How can I protect myself in the event of a ________________?” We have the answer.

Joanna Drysdale- Manager, Underwriting Services 

In our field, insurance isn’t just about protecting yourself against financial loss or covering your contractual obligations. It’s also about showing your employees that they’re valuable to you. Hanging on to a great bunch of crew season after season is worth so much more than the savings you make by skimping on crew benefits.

JW Haagensen- Account Executive, Inside Sales 

Disclose all current and past medical conditions when applying for insurance. Insurance enrollment forms are a contract and if you fail to reveal a portion of your medical history or provide incomplete information, the insurance company could cancel your policy. No matter how minor it may seem, it’s important to advise your entire medical history and keep a file.

Steve Jackson- Consultant, Yacht Division

Find an insurance broker who really knows their field. Having an understanding of the real life of a captain and his crew as well as the technical knowledge of the insurance industry is invaluable.

Clayton Swart- Manager, Business Development 

Whether you’re purchasing group insurance for your employees, insurance for your business or an individual plan for you and your family, it’s important to understand your policy. I know that insurance documents can be boring, but it’s really important that you read through them to make sure you understand the benefits and limitations of the plan. If you find anything confusing, it’s better to address those points before you need to use the plan.

MHG is here to help and provide assistance with all of your insurance needs. Whether you are looking for marine crew insurance, health insurance, life insurance, travel insurance, expatriate insurance or insurance for your business, we have the experience and knowledge to help you find the right policy. Please contact us at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at Let our insurance specialists find you, your family, or group, the best insurance available for your budget.

If You Could Give One Piece of Advice to Your Clients, What Would It Be?

Time to get healthy

There’s never a bad time to make the decision and commitment to live a healthier lifestyle. We all know that the most popular time to start working out and eating better is at the start of the New Year. Probably because people feel that they need to make drastic changes because this is a new year, or want to lose that holiday weight. Gyms are crowded, carbs are being cut, and many are cooking at home rather than eating out. However, there are countless reasons getting healthy should be the number one priority on your list, and it has a lot more to do with than just losing weight and starting to work on your summer body. Here are just a few that may inspire you to start living healthy today!

More Productive 

Many people don’t exercise or stay active because they have an excuse. Many times that excuse is, “I don’t have enough time.” Which is ironic, because people who do make time to work out every day, whether it be getting up earlier or staying up later, actually get more done in a day than people who don’t. Usually in less time too. Especially those that choose to work out or go for a run in the morning before going to work. It’s a bit ironic considering that exercising can make you tired, but if done correctly, it can get the blood pumping and the mind working and get you ready to perform at your best.

More Energy at Work 

One of the reasons people who live healthier are more productive is because they have much more energy. Most of us arrive at work still trying to wake up, needing to get into our zone in order to get some work done. Yet those that live healthy lifestyles tend to not go through that. They arrive at work ready to go, and when 2:00 pm comes around, they are still kicking. There are certain foods that you can eat and avoid as well to make sure you have the energy you need. Eating fruits and vegetables is a natural way to feel energized. If you’ve noticed, anytime you load up on bread and other carbs, or eat a very big meal, you may tend to feel a little drowsy.

Nip it in the Bud 

Living a healthy lifestyle goes beyond eating right and exercising, you also need to go to the doctor and have your yearly check-ups. By doing so, you may catch an issue and be able to do something about it before it is too late. Also, your doctor may be able to suggest something for you to change in your lifestyle that can aide you, such as vitamins, supplements, exercises, and nutritional advice. For instance, if you have changed your diet, you may be losing weight and feeling better, but also may be depriving your body of certain vitamins or minerals. A doctor will be able to tell you to keep up the good work, or recommend something to help! 

You will be Glad You Did 

The most important reason for you to start living a healthy right now is simple, why not? It is never a bad time to take control of your life and make the changes necessary to ensure that it’s as long and fulfilling as possible. Also, if you start now, in no time will you begin to feel better, and pretty soon, you won’t even remember how you felt before you started. If you have excuses or are waiting until next Monday every week, just remember this, the sooner you start, the sooner you reach your goal! 

Your health and wellness is a priority. MHG Insurance Brokers is committed to serving all of our clients and making sure you have the coverage necessary for you to live a healthy life. We have the experience to assist and advise you on what insurance would be the best for you. If you are interested in Health Insurance , or would like more information, contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit .

Why “Now” is the Best Time to Get Healthy

Health & Fitness Tips

Making time for fitness is one of the most important aspects of a healthy and productive lifestyle, yet it’s one of the first things to get pushed aside when life gets hectic. You know how crucial health and fitness are to your overall happiness, performance and body image, but when deadlines, children, meetings and social obligations are calling, how do you find the time? With these 10 health and fitness tips, you’ll be living a healthier, happier, more fit life before you know it, no matter how pressed for time you are.

Break it up

You don’t have to workout for an hour straight to reap the benefits of working out for an hour. Break it up, fitting in short bursts when you have time. Do a 20 minute strength set in the morning, walk a mile on your lunch break, and throw in another set in the evening. Breaking your workout into smaller parts makes it seem less daunting – plus, short bursts seem more manageable, so you’re less likely to skip exercising. 

Fast, healthy food fixes 

A busy lifestyle often lends itself to convenience foods, which usually aren’t healthy. Invest time now in learning fast recipes you can easily throw together no matter how exhausted you are at the end of the day. Gourmet salads, veggie burritos and turkey steak are healthy options that can be whipped up in 10 minutes flat.

Healthy hotels matter 

Traveling for work can be great for your career, not so great for your waistline. People who travel for work more than 20 times per month are 2.61 times more likely to feel like they have poor health and 1.92 times more likely to be obese compared to those who only travel six times per month, according to a Journal of Occupational Environmental Medicine study. Make traveling work to your advantage. Stay in hotels with gyms and healthy menu options, and try to get in quick workouts. Bonus: Exercise sharpens your mind, so your work performance could improve by staying at healthy hotels too. 

Be active all day

Sometimes, getting to the gym is impossible. For these seasons, making exercise a part of your lifestyle will keep you healthy no matter what your schedule. You can do lunges while you’re on the phone, squats while brushing your teeth, turn date night into rock climbing, hiking or ice skating, take the stairs, run instead of walk when you take your dog out, chase your kids around the park, or head to yoga with a friend instead of grabbing a drink. Every bit of exercise counts - be creative! 

The smart commute

If possible, turn your commute into a workout. Walk, bike, or run if you have a place at your office to store extra clothes. You might be surprised how fast you arrive, and if you live somewhere with bad traffic it might even be a shorter commute. Don’t live close enough for these options? Get off the metro or bus a few stops early and savor the morning air, or park far away so you can still get a few blocks of walking in.

Become a morning person

It might sound excruciating, but people who workout early usually workout more, and you’ll get used to the early wake up call. If you set your alarm early, it means you can finish your workout before the rest of your day begins. For extra motivation, sleep in your gym clothes so all you have to do is wake up and go. 

Maximize your lunch break 

Lunch hour is great for catching up with colleagues, but make a point a few times a week to squeeze in some exercise. Sixty minutes is enough time to go for a walk, or even hit the gym. Best of all, it’s been proven that people are more productive after exercising or taking a break from their computer, than they are if they eat at their desks or work all day straight.

Make it a family affair 

Busy parents know it’s not always easy to make time for yourself when kids are young. However, children are active beings, so join in their day-to-day activities and you’ll be getting all the exercise you need.  Play tag, blast music and dance, jump rope, or take a family bike ride. This way you get fun, family and fitness in one. 

Make it count 

When you do get to the gym, make it count so you have some leeway on the days you don’t get there. Do supersets, maximizing your time and muscle. Instead of resting between sets, rest the muscle group you’ve just trained while working another, before reversing again. So, work out your lower back, then rest it while you do your abs, then rest your abs while you do the next set of lower back, and so on.

Fitness fun for everyone 

Combining your work/social life with your fitness life can bring the ultimate payoff. Next time a friend suggests coffee, try a spinning class instead. Hold one-on-one meetings over a walk in the park, or turn company outings into bowling instead of drinks/dinner. Not only do you get exercise in, but making plans with other people also ensures you don’t skip out. If you tell your friend you’ll meet her at yoga, you’re accountable and more likely to actually go. As always, before starting any fitness routine, consult a doctor. When debating between healthy recipe options or possible new supplements, a nutritionist can be beneficial as well. It’s also a good idea to look over your health plan to see what types of health specialists are covered. 

If you need assistance in obtaining a new health plan or have questions about your existing policy, visit , or call MHG at 954-828-1819 and speak with one of our knowledgeable insurance representatives. MHG Insurance cares about its clients, and encourages everyone to eat healthy and exercise, no matter how busy their lives are.

Top 10 Health & Fitness Tips for Busy People!

Life Insurance Myths

Common Misconceptions About Disability Income Insurance

How would you pay your bills and support your family if you suffered a serious illness or injury and could not work? Disability insurance, also known as income protection insurance or sick pay, safeguards families by providing wage earners with a sizeable portion of their income if they are unable to work because of injury or illness. 

Unfortunately, misunderstandings about disability income insurance and the need for the benefits it provides have caused some workers to forego this protection, leaving them and their families in a dangerously vulnerable position. To help ensure that your family has the financial protection they deserve, here are the most common misconceptions about disability income insurance , along with the real facts about this valuable protection.

My employer’s disability insurance provides all the protection I need. 

The group disability income insurance coverage provided by most employers pays around 60 percent of your salary, up to a specified cap, typically $4,000 to $6,000 per month. Any bonuses, commissions, and other forms of compensation you receive are not included, even if they represent a significant portion of your salary. An individual disability income insurance policy can cover up to 70 to 80 percent of your income, depending on the policy you choose, and your benefits are usually not taxed as they are under employer-based plans. Group policies also usually reduce the amount they pay based on any other payments you receive, such as Social Security, a drawback that personal disability income insurance policies do not have. 

Social Security Disability will cover me if I become disabled. 

Despite public perception, only a very small number of people actually receive Social Security disability benefits. The Social Security Administration (SSA) operates under such strict definitions of disability that they only approve approximately 35% of disability applications at the initial application level and only 10% of applicants at the reconsideration level. That leaves the vast majority of disabled workers uncovered by Social Security benefits.

Workers’ Compensation benefits will cover me if I am unable to work. 

Statistics show that only 5% of disabling accidents and injuries are work-related and covered by Workers’ Compensation Insurance. 

My savings will cover my needs.

If you put 10% of your salary into savings every year, a single year of disability could wipe out a decade of savings. Since your income and expenses have grown during that time, you could lose even more, as the interest paid on savings is not commensurate with the rising cost of living. 

Individual disability income insurance is too expensive. 

Actually, individual disability income insurance is far more affordable than most people realize. If you look at your disability income insurance premium as a percentage of your yearly salary, a typical plan only represents 1% to 3% of your income. To put it into perspective: A 45-year-old worker making $50,000 a year can purchase an individual disability income insurance plan for around $150 a month; if that same worker becomes permanently disabled, he or she stands to lose more than $1,000,000 in future earnings. 

All disability income insurance plans are the same. 

Disability income insurance plans can vary in many ways. Differences in definitions of disability, length of waiting periods, as well as the length and levels of coverage provided can have a significant effect on the financial well being of your family. The insurance specialists at MHG can explain the fine print and compare policy benefits and premiums to ensure you have the best individual disability income insurance coverage for your particular financial situation. MHG Insurance can assemble a complete insurance package that includes life insurance, health insurance, disability income protection , AFLAC coverage and more to ensure your family has all the protection they need. 

Call  MHG Insurance  today at 954-828-1819 or visit us online at and let our insurance specialists ensure your family has all the coverage they need. 

Life Insurance Myths

Common Misconceptions About Disability Income Insurance

How would you pay your bills and support your family if you suffered a serious illness or injury and could not work? Disability insurance, also known as income protection insurance or sick pay, safeguards families by providing wage earners with a sizeable portion of their income if they are unable to work because of injury or illness. 

Unfortunately, misunderstandings about disability income insurance and the need for the benefits it provides have caused some workers to forego this protection, leaving them and their families in a dangerously vulnerable position. To help ensure that your family has the financial protection they deserve, here are the most common misconceptions about disability income insurance , along with the real facts about this valuable protection.

My employer’s disability insurance provides all the protection I need. 

The group disability income insurance coverage provided by most employers pays around 60 percent of your salary, up to a specified cap, typically $4,000 to $6,000 per month. Any bonuses, commissions, and other forms of compensation you receive are not included, even if they represent a significant portion of your salary. An individual disability income insurance policy can cover up to 70 to 80 percent of your income, depending on the policy you choose, and your benefits are usually not taxed as they are under employer-based plans. Group policies also usually reduce the amount they pay based on any other payments you receive, such as Social Security, a drawback that personal disability income insurance policies do not have. 

Social Security Disability will cover me if I become disabled. 

Despite public perception, only a very small number of people actually receive Social Security disability benefits. The Social Security Administration (SSA) operates under such strict definitions of disability that they only approve approximately 35% of disability applications at the initial application level and only 10% of applicants at the reconsideration level. That leaves the vast majority of disabled workers uncovered by Social Security benefits.

Workers’ Compensation benefits will cover me if I am unable to work. 

Statistics show that only 5% of disabling accidents and injuries are work-related and covered by Workers’ Compensation Insurance. 

My savings will cover my needs.

If you put 10% of your salary into savings every year, a single year of disability could wipe out a decade of savings. Since your income and expenses have grown during that time, you could lose even more, as the interest paid on savings is not commensurate with the rising cost of living. 

Individual disability income insurance is too expensive. 

Actually, individual disability income insurance is far more affordable than most people realize. If you look at your disability income insurance premium as a percentage of your yearly salary, a typical plan only represents 1% to 3% of your income. To put it into perspective: A 45-year-old worker making $50,000 a year can purchase an individual disability income insurance plan for around $150 a month; if that same worker becomes permanently disabled, he or she stands to lose more than $1,000,000 in future earnings. 

All disability income insurance plans are the same. 

Disability income insurance plans can vary in many ways. Differences in definitions of disability, length of waiting periods, as well as the length and levels of coverage provided can have a significant effect on the financial well being of your family. The insurance specialists at MHG can explain the fine print and compare policy benefits and premiums to ensure you have the best individual disability income insurance coverage for your particular financial situation. MHG Insurance can assemble a complete insurance package that includes life insurance, health insurance, disability income protection , AFLAC coverage and more to ensure your family has all the protection they need. 

Call  MHG Insurance  today at 954-828-1819 or visit us online at and let our insurance specialists ensure your family has all the coverage they need. 

Common Misconceptions About Disability Income Insurance

5 Signs You Need Life Insurance

The need for life insurance is something to think about, especially during joyous life events. The thought of leaving our loved ones is a painful one, but with careful planning, we can at least help ensure that our family will have the physical comforts and financial security they deserve.   As we go through life, it can be tempting to focus on the joys of the events that change our lives in various stages.  This can result in  neglecting the long-term planning needs these changes may bring. 

How can you tell if your changing life stage signals a need to obtain or update your life insurance coverage? Look for these 5 signs you need life insurance :

Graduating College –While life insurance may not seem like an urgent necessity at this point, it is the ideal time for you to purchase a policy. Your rates will never be lower, and obtaining life insurance now allows you to make affordable provisions for your future retirement while establishing protection for your future family members. 

Getting Married – You just pledged to love, cherish, and protect your loved one from harm all the days of your life; life insurance allows you to help fulfill that pledge even after you are gone. If something happens to you or your spouse, the survivor would face financial obligations on his or her own, with everything from daily living and funeral expenses to retirement funds now becoming the survivor’s sole responsibility. Life insurance provides help with everyday expenses as well as ensuring the surviving spouse can have a comfortable and secure future. 

Becoming a Parent – Having a child is a marvelous event that comes with a heavy dose of responsibility. A life insurance policy can help assure your bundle of joy can have the best life has to offer, even if you are not around to help in person. Life insurance benefits will help your spouse provide all the various needs of your child or children, such as food, clothing, and education, minimizing the risk of having to struggle or scrimp. 

Becoming a Homeowner – All too often, surviving spouses are forced to sell a beloved home after their husband or wife dies because they are unable to afford the mortgage payments on their own. When you put in place a life insurance policy that is large enough to cover your entire mortgage, you can give your spouse the peace of mind that comes from a secure living situation. 

Planning for Retirement – Purchasing life insurance can allow you to spend your hard-earned money enjoying your retirement, while still providing a lasting legacy for your loved ones. The current volatility of the market has left some seniors without the resources they thought they would have for their later years; a life insurance policy provides a safe haven that can help protect your assets and provide you with funds that may be used when you are ready for retirement. 

In addition to changing your life insurance needs, these pivotal life events also create a need for the protection of other insurance policies, such as health insurance , disability income insurance, long term care insurance , and more. The dedicated experts at MHG Insurance will work with you to satisfy all your insurance needs, making certain that you and your loved ones have the coverage you need to be fully protected at every stage of your life. 

Call MHG Insurance  today at 954-828-1819 or visit us online at for help in selecting life insurance and other coverage to ensure you and your loved ones have the protection you need at every stage of your life.

5 Signs You Need Life Insurance

Complete Insurance Solutions for Individuals, Families, and Businesses

MHG Insurance are known for being Marine Crew Insurance experts, specializing in insurance plans designed to meet the requirements of marine employers, captains, crew, contractors and concessionaires. But did you know MHG also provides insurance solutions for individuals, families, and businesses in the US? At MHG, we have the experience, expertise, and access to multiple insurance carriers to offer sound, independent advice as to which insurance providers and products are best suited to address the needs of individuals, business owners and employers.

Employee Benefits/Individual Insurance Health Insurance / ACA Guidance – As an approved ACA insurance agency , MHG is able to answer your questions and help you find the perfect plan based on your particular requirements and budget. Speak with MHG’s Insurance Specialists about:

  • Employee Benefits - MHG will help you assemble a competitive employee benefits package, with a wide range of coverage options and benefits which can include Health, Dental, Long and Short-term Disability, Life and Gap insurance.

  • Individual Coverage – Finding the right insurance plan for you and your family can feel a little overwhelming. Not only are there so many options to choose from, but insurance has its own language and sorting through the terminology and key features on your own can be time consuming. Additionally, you may also be wondering if you are eligible to purchase insurance through the Affordable Care Act health exchanges.Let our Insurance Specialists help you find the right insurance plan for you and your family including Health, Life, Dental and Vision, Long-term Care, Supplemental Health, Medicare Plans and AFLAC coverage.
Business Insurance Today’s business owners need to know that there are several different types of insurance coverage available to protect their business as well as their personal assets. Call on MHG’s Insurance Specialists to help you with:

  • General Liability – Provides coverage for bodily injury, property damage, advertising injury, and personal injury, including libel and slander; can also pay defense costs and settlements for any claims against you, even if fraudulent.

  • Commercial Property - Protects your businesses' assets and inventory against physical damage and loss of use due to theft, an accident, or other means.

  • Employment Practices Liability – Protects your business, its directors, officers, and employees against allegations of sexual harassment, discrimination, emotional distress and wrongful termination among others.

  • Workers' Compensation – A mandatory type of insurance for businesses with four or more employees (one or more in the Construction industry), Workers’ Comp provides for your employees' medical expenses and some portion of their wages if they are injured on the job.

  • Commercial Auto – Covers any auto primarily used for business, paying for damages or medical expenses sustained by you or a third party involved in an accident; some policies include coverage for damages caused by a flood, fire or theft.

  • Professional Liability – Protects businesses that provide advice to clients, covering from claims made for negligence, failure to perform, and inaccurate advice.

  • Excess/Umbrella/Bumbershoot – For businesses that want complete protection from liability issues, Excess or Umbrella policies provide coverage above the limits of a General Liability policy, Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI), or Hired and Non-Owned Auto policy.

  • Specialty Lines – Insurance coverage for businesses with unusual or difficult risks, such as staffing companies, security guards (armed and unarmed), home health care or businesses with high losses, lapses in coverage or dangerous exposures.
Now that you are aware that MHG provides complete insurance solutions for individuals, families, and businesses as well as marine crew insurance policies, it is time to let the Insurance Specialists at MHG help you find and purchase the right insurance plans to meet your business and personal coverage needs. 

Call MHG Insurance  today at 954-828-1819 or visit us online at for help in selecting the right business and personal insurance plans to meet your coverage requirements.

MHG Provides Complete Insurance Solutions for Individuals, Families, and Businesses

Tips for Selecting the Right Health insurance Plan for Your Small Group Choosing a health insurance plan for your small group or company is a weighty responsibility. Whether you are purchasing benefits for the first time or already have a group benefit plan in place and are looking for a more affordable alternative, your number one priority is keeping your employees safe and healthy. Since the decisions you make can have a profound effect on the physical and financial well-being of your employees, your co-workers, and yourself, the Insurance Specialists at MHG Insurance Brokers have provided these five tips for selecting the right health insurance plan for your small group in hopes of making your task a little easier.

  1. Pick an insurance carrier that is widely accepted.

    Recently carriers have introduced limited networks that are accepted by very few providers. Protect your employees by staying away from plans with names that include words like “Select”.

  2. Include plans with various prices and benefit levels.

     Plans with higher deductibles have lower premiums, making them more affordable. Since your employees have different financial circumstances, be certain to include a plan that includes copays for physician visits, prescriptions, urgent care, and emergency room visits (if possible).

  3. Understand the difference between copays and coinsurance.

    Copays are a fixed dollar amount, while coinsurance is in the form of a percentage.

  4. Verify what each plan includes in the out of pocket maximum.

    For plans purchased from 2014 onward, the out of pocket maximum includes the deductible, copays, coinsurance, and prescriptions. Some of these may have been excluded in previous years and on current plans that were purchased prior to 2014.

  5. Make sure your employees understand HMOs, PPOs, and POS plans.

    These plans have similar benefits, but some distinct differences greatly affect coverage. The key differences are as follows:

    1. HMO plans require that the members use in network providers only.

      Generally less expensive than similar PPO or POS plans, HMOs require members to select a Primary Care Physician (PCP); before members can see a Specialist, they must get a referral from their PCP. In recent years, Open Access HMOs that do not require PCP selection or referrals have become more prevalent. HMO benefits are restricted to a particular geographic region.

    2. POS plans are HMO derivatives that include out of network benefits.

      POS plans resemble HMOs for in-network services; services received outside of the network are usually reimbursed based on a fee schedule, or what is considered to be reasonable and customary charges.

    3. PPO plans have in and out of network benefits.

      Referrals are never required with a PPO. Members have the option of seeing any doctor they choose, although benefits paid for visits to out of network doctors can be considerably lower.

    4. HSA (Health Savings Accounts) work with HDHP (High Deductible Health Plans) but generally do not pay benefits until the plan deductible is met.

      Once the deductible is met, members usually do not have copays for routine benefits like physicians’ visits, prescriptions, etc.
Selecting the right health insurance plan for your business is an important responsibility. The experienced insurance brokers at MHG will help you sort through the terminology and key features to determine the best group health insurance plan for your business, taking into account your employees’ circumstances, coverage requirements, and budgets. MHG Insurance Brokers offers a wide range of insurance coverage for businesses and individuals including disability insurance, life insurance, travel insurance, and more. 

Call MHG Insurance Brokers today at 954-828-1819 or visit us online at for help in selecting the ideal group health insurance policies for your business.

Tips for Selecting the Right Health insurance Plan for Your Small Group (US Life & Health)

Will My Health Insurance Plan Cover Me Internationally

Accidents and injuries can occur at any time, leaving you in need of skilled medical care. If a medical emergency transpires when you are at home, your health insurance may provide the full range of needed benefits, but most insurance policies have different rules that apply to international travel. Since having the proper insurance coverage can make the difference between an easily managed situation and a medical and financial nightmare, before you head off on an overseas vacation or business trip, you first must find out, “Will my health insurance plan cover me internationally?”

Many US health insurance plans do not include international coverage. 

While there are exceptions to this rule, it is likely that your US Health Insurance plan’s coverage does not extend to countries outside the US. The plans that do include international coverage tend to have limited networks, which causes them to work much less effectively. You will also probably have to pay all associated costs upfront before you can receive treatment, draining your financial resources when you are far from home. Before leaving on your trip, contact your insurance company to see if your plan does offer international coverage.

Medicare does not provide coverage outside the US. 

If you are an American senior whose only source of coverage is Medicare, you effectively have no health insurance benefits outside the U.S. Travel insurance plans are available to the senior market; however, they have a cap of $10,000 in coverage. 

Travel insurance is affordable. 

The insurance experts at MHG Insurance can provide you with plan options from several different insurance companies containing the medical benefits that you need for traveling abroad. International medical insurance plans are available that offer coverage for as little as five days to as long as three years, with deductibles that range from $0 to $25,000 to fit every budget. With a travel insurance plan from one of our designated carriers, you and your family will gain the peace of mind that comes from knowing you are protected in case of emergency. 

The application process for travel insurance is quick and easy. 

Enrollment in the travel insurance plans MHG Insurance offers is surprisingly fast and easy. You can apply right online, and same day coverage is available. 

Travel insurance offers an important benefit for European travelers

If you are a European traveling with your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), you may be eligible for free or reduced medical care for an accident or illness within the 28 EU countries plus Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, but you are still lacking an essential benefit. In the case of a serious illness or injury, the costs of getting you home can be very substantial and these are not covered by the normal social system cover / EHIC. MHG Insurance can match you with medical evacuation insurance that covers the cost of your medical repatriation, so you can be returned to your home country without having to incur a sizable expense. 

Before heading out on your vacation, make certain you and your loved ones are covered in the case of unexpected illness or injury. MHG Insurance can advise you on the best selection of travel health insurance , trip cancellation insurance , and other plans to ensure your coverage matches your itinerary, coverage, and deductible needs. 

Call MHG Insurance at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at to enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing you and your loved ones are fully protected no matter where you roam!

Will My Health Insurance Plan Cover Me Internationally?