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brown paper ripped showing the text uncover the factsIt seems as if every day we hear myths regarding insurance brokers. We often find ourselves debunking false statements and explaining to clients that they received inaccurate information. Sometimes, people or products get a bad reputation that is unwarranted, for whatever reason. So here are five common myths that may have given the term insurance brokers a bad name.

1. “Insurance brokers are more expensive”

Have you ever heard the saying, “brokers make you broker”? That saying could not be further from the truth. In contrast, working with a broker can actually save clients both time and money, in addition to frustration. Insurance brokers receive their compensation from insurers, but that does not (or should not) cloud the judgment of a good broker to recommend whatever policy is most appropriate to the situation as presented by you, the client.

2. “Insurance brokers work for the insurance company”

There are a lot of people who think that insurance brokers work for the insurance company, however again that is not correct. A broker advocates and works on your behalf. Basically, they work for you! Yes, they work with the insurance company in order to deliver proper coverage to people, however their concern should always be their clients.

3. “Insurance brokers are just a middle man”

While brokers may act as the middle man between you and the insurance company, they are so much more than just a middle man. In many cases, an insurance broker will conduct research for you, file and assist you with claims through the entire process, and work to get you the best coverage option for your situation. Often times a broker has direct connections with decision makers at insurance companies so you don’t have to sit on a 1-800 line for 20 minutes to talk to someone that doesn’t have the authority to help you.

4. “Insurance brokers can’t offer the best plans”

Insurance brokers can offer the same plans that an insurance company does, for the same premium as going straight to the insurance company. In fact, going through an insurance broker should give you more value for your dollar simply because of all the added benefits that an insurance broker will perform for you.

5. “Insurance brokers aren’t as knowledgeable”

Insurance brokers are very knowledgeable. They spend all day, every day dealing with insurance. They know the industry, they live and breathe insurance, and they understand all the confusing terminology and phrases, which hopefully they can explain to you in a straightforward, no nonsense way. They also know the insurers, and the people who work there, which is a significant advantage over you calling a toll-free number and hoping for the best.

Having proper insurance is important whether you are at sea, or docked at a shipyard. MHG is your specialized broker when it comes to crew insurance. Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to find the policy that works best for you. If you are interested in purchasing, or have any questions about yacht crew insurance or travel insurance, please contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at For more information on preparing to work on a yacht, read our previous blog, Yacht Crew Insurance Terms 101.

Sometimes, people or products get a bad reputation that is unwarranted, for whatever reason. Insurance brokers are one of them, read more.

stethescope laying on top a pile of one hundred dollar billsIt’s no secret that the United States is home to one of the most expensive healthcare systems in the world, and with these costs come some consequences. Hearing about someone having to file for bankruptcy can bring some assumptions that they mismanaged their finances, lived beyond their means, or made some bad decisions regarding investments. While all of those theories are possible, chances are the person had some unexpected medical bills that they could not afford to pay. So hear in lies the question, “Do I receive medical attention and risk my entire savings account, or do I make a financial decision that is less risky?”

For Example…

Here in the U.S. a visit to the Emergency Room can cost thousands of dollars, there is even a story that has been circulating of a mother who accidentally cut her one-year-old daughter’s finger while clipping her nails. Since her daughter was so young, they decided to be extra careful and took her to the ER in case she needed stiches or any other special treatment. Turns out she only needed a band aid, however the trip to the ER totaled almost $700! While medical bills may be the leading cause of bankruptcies in the U.S., many of those that file for bankruptcy actually could have avoided doing so had they taken the proper steps and precautions. Education is key to knowing what financial impact you may face before seeking medical treatment.

I’m sure we all know someone who has had to battle health issues and conditions, however there’s a good chance we don’t get to see the struggle that person has to deal with financially, only the struggle of them fighting to get better.

Use a Broker

Using an insurance broker may give you an advantage because brokers work for you, not the insurance company. Many times they will assist you in filing claims and dealing with paperwork that you aren’t familiar with and they can often guide you toward minimizing your out of pocket costs.

Find Someone You Can Trust

While using a broker can help you in finding the best insurance coverage for your budget, it also helps to find someone you can trust. You are relying on this person or company to fully protect you, so trust is important.

Change Your Mindset

Nowadays many people tend to think of health insurance as something that the government is forcing you to purchase, however you should try to think of it as an investment into your health. The cornerstone of insurance is to protect you financially; wouldn’t you rather pay a monthly premium than having to clear out your savings account if you get sick? Instead of thinking of insurance as buyer beware. Think of medical expenses as buyer beware.

MHG is here to help and provide assistance with all of your insurance needs. Please contact us at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at Let our insurance specialists find you, your family, or group, the best insurance available for your budget.

Medical bills are one of the leading causes of bankruptcies in the United States. Read more.

Employer Sponsored Life Insurance May Not Be Enough!Employer based benefits can be hard to come by in today’s world. What used to be a given, has now turned into something should be cherished as so many companies have cut back on the benefits they provide to their employees. Benefits such as health insurance, 401k, disability insurance, and life insurance are things that employees must consider if not already provided by their employer. Even if these benefits are provided, there is a good chance that the coverage provided isn’t enough, especially life insurance.

While having employer sponsored life insurance is a great benefit, it may not be the best idea to fully rely on your employer to provide all of the life insurance coverage you need. There are several different scenarios that can put you and even your family in a tough position, or even leave gaps in your coverage.

Losing Your Job

Losing your job is one of the main reasons you should consider purchasing more life insurance coverage. One reason is because your life doesn’t stop if your job does, which means that your life shouldn’t stop being covered. Losing your job doesn’t take away your debts, and doesn’t provide your loved ones with financial coverage if something unexpected were to happen to you.

Employer Stops Benefits

The past several years have been tough on businesses. Decisions have had to be made about lay-offs, downsizing, and budget cuts. One area of the budget that may have been cut is employee benefits. Companies are required to provide its employees with a certain amount of benefits, depending on the size of the company. However in an effort to maximize profits, more and more companies are cutting back the amount of benefits they provide to their employees to the minimum required by law. In the event that your company decides to reduce your benefits, you may be left needing coverage!

Not Enough Coverage

Typically, if you are lucky enough to have a job that includes life insurance as one of the benefits, there is a good chance that the coverage it provides is not enough. Most cases, the company will provide a policy that worth double the employee’s salary. So if you earn a salary of $50,000, your life insurance policy would be $100,000. For some that would be enough coverage, depending on how many children the person has, or how much debt the person is in. Would a life insurance policy that was double your salary be enough to cover your mortgage, provide stability for your loved ones, and pay for a funeral?

No International Coverage

Do you like to travel? Who doesn’t day dream of seeing a different part of the world from time to time? It’s important for you to know that most life insurance policies to do not provide coverage internationally. So when seeking additional coverage, you may want to consider a policy that includes international coverage.

Are you interested in purchasing Life insurance? Would you like some more information regarding options that are available to you? Would you like to ask some questions to an insurance expert? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, please contact us 954-828-1819 or visit us online at and talk to one of our insurance specialists for help in ensuring you and your loved ones have the protection you need at every stage of life. There are many things to take into consideration when making the decision of which type of policy is best for you, your family, or loved ones.

While having employer sponsored life insurance is a great benefit, it may not be the best idea to solely rely on it for the coverage you need.

Wheelchair in a doctors office Having employer based benefits is important. Not all companies have them in today’s world, so if you are someone who’s fortunate enough to receive benefits offered by your employer, count your blessings. However, even if you receive benefits, you may not have sufficient coverage. There are several different scenarios where you can find yourself needing additional coverage.

While employer based benefits are important, it may not be the best idea to fully rely on your employer to provide all of the benefits and coverage you need. What if you were to lose your job? Or maybe your company is having to make some budget cuts, and happen to cut the amount of benefits you receive. One of those benefits is disability insurance. For those that don’t know, disability insurance is a great way for your employer to give you and your family the coverage you need in the event you develop an illness or sustain an injury and are unable to work.

Coverage Options

Different coverage options for disability insurance can range from the length of coverage, to the amount of coverage you may need. A short term plan will usually provide coverage for up to two years, while a long term plan should provide coverage from anywhere after two years until retirement age, depending on the plan.

Can’t Work Due to Injury

There are several reasons you should consider disability insurance coverage. One of the main scenarios that would call for an individual disability plan is in the event your employer doesn’t offer a plan. What if you were doing some gardening one weekend and hurt your back? If the injury keeps you from being able to do your job, your company may not be willing to pay your salary while you recover, leaving you without a wage. Having an individual disability plan would provide you with a way to receive a wage in order to pay your bills and support your family.

Employer Stops Benefits

It’s no secret that the past several years have been tough on businesses. The recession forced companies to make some tough decisions. Many people lost their jobs, and many that were fortunate to keep their jobs may have lost some of their benefits due to budget cuts. In the event that your company decides to reduce your benefits, you may be left needing coverage!

Not Enough Coverage

It’s important to know whether your employer offers a short-term or long-term disability insurance plan. If your company offers short-term disability insurance, you may want to think about purchasing a long-term disability insurance plan in case you are unable to work for two or more years. If your company offers long-term disability insurance, you may want to think about purchasing a short-term disability insurance plan to give yourself coverage until the long term coverage kicks in.

It’s also important to note that disability insurance often doesn’t fully match your existing wage. Typically, employer based disability insurance will provide you with 66% of your normal wage, while supplemental disability should cover the remaining percentage. So in order to fully cover your wage amount, you may want to obtain both.

Are you interested in purchasing disability insurance? Would you like some more information regarding options that are available to you? Would you like to ask some questions to an insurance expert? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, please contact us 954-828-1819 or visit us online at and talk to one of our insurance specialists for help in selecting disability insurance and other coverage to ensure that you and your loved ones have the protection you need at every stage of life.

What if you were doing some gardening one weekend and hurt your back, keeping you from being able to work?

Group of young people holding a world globe Having life insurance should be a priority for everyone!

Life Insurance can be a topic that is difficult to plan for, and may be something you don’t want to think about. However, no matter what stage you are at in life, it should be a priority. If you are a young person just starting your career, now is the time to purchase a policy so you can lock in a lower premium. If you are a bit more established with children, what will happen to them if something happens to you? If you are about to retire and move to your dream house in the tropics, how will your spouse pay for the mortgage if the unexpected happens?

Questions to Ask Yourself

When purchasing a life insurance policy there are a plethora of things to consider; such as the amount of the benefit, the beneficiaries, and what actions are actually covered. One thing that may be assumed is that the coverage will be provided no matter where you are in the world. However, that is not always the case. For the most part, life insurance policies only provide coverage in the country they are purchased.

When purchasing life insurance, you should ask yourself questions such as:

  • “How much coverage do I need?”
  • “How long do I need coverage for?”
  • “What type of policy should I purchase?”
  • “Who should be my beneficiary?”


Many people don’t think to ask themselves:

  • “Do I have international coverage?”
  • “Do I need international coverage?”


That latter set of questions can be crucial if you are a person who travels a lot. Retirees traveling the world, yacht crew, and cruise ship workers are just a few of the people who may need international coverage. Typically, if you are in a foreign country for 3 or more months, your life insurance will not offer the coverage if something were to happen to you. So if you are a world traveler, or hope to move to a foreign country one day, or are an expat who looks to settle down back home when you are done with your career abroad, it may be smart to look at your policy and see if you are covered.

MHG Can Help!

If being away from home for long periods of time applies to you, then international life insurance should be a priority. Deciding if you need the extra coverage is the easy part, now comes what type of policy is right for you!

A large number of our clients work internationally, and could greatly benefit from having an international life insurance policy. In fact, many of our employees are expats themselves, and have personal and professional experience that can be used to assist you. It should also be noted that the price for international coverage policies are usually comparable to those that don’t have international coverage.

There are many things to take into consideration when making the decision of which type of policy is best for you, your family, or loved ones. Are you interested in purchasing Life insurance or International Life Insurance? Would you like some more information regarding Life Insurance options that are available to you? Would you like to ask some questions to a Life Insurance expert? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, please contact us 954-828-1819 or visit us online at and talk to one of our insurance specialists for help in selecting Life Insurance and other coverage to ensure that you and your loved ones have the protection you need at every stage of life.

Did you know? Your life insurance may not cover you internationally! Read more.

Close up of senior man shaking hands with insurance broker Have you ever heard the saying, “brokers make you broker”?

Brokers and insurance companies tend to have a bad reputation. Some people immediately have negative thoughts whether they are warranted or not. In fact, when we ask someone if they know what an insurance broker is or what they do, we receive all kinds of answers, most of them being negative. It’s time to improve on the perception of an insurance broker.

Take the time to find a quality, reputable broker to work with you in fulfilling your insurance needs. Not only will it be time well spent in the beginning when finding a plan, but it will also serve you well for the entire time that you have private health insurance needs, on a yacht or wherever your travels may take you.

Common Misconceptions

Insurance brokers aren’t evil, in fact they are quite helpful. It is a common misconception that brokers work for insurance companies, however that couldn’t be further from the truth. As insurance brokers, we work for you, the people!

It is also incorrect that working through an insurance broker costs the client more money. In contrast, working with a broker can actually save clients both time and money, in addition to frustration. Insurance brokers receive their compensation from insurers, but that does not (or should not) cloud the judgement of a good broker to recommend whatever policy is most appropriate to the situation as presented by you, the client.

Who Can Benefit?

Everyone who works on board a private or charter yacht that is travelling internationally should have private health insurance. Whether health insurance is provided by the vessel owner, or is purchased by each crew member individually, each person needs protection from a potential financial disaster caused by an unexpected illness or accident. The challenge is that it can be quite a task to sort through all of the options allowing you to determine what plan is best suited for your needs, or the needs of your group. This is where an insurance broker can be an invaluable source of information, and most importantly a helping hand.

So What Does a Broker Actually Do That You Cannot Do Yourselves?

First, they spend all day, every day dealing with insurance. They know the insurance industry, they live and breathe insurance, and they understand all the confusing terminology and phrases, which hopefully they can explain to you in a straightforward, no nonsense way. They also know the insurers, and the people who work there, which is a significant advantage over you calling a toll-free number and hoping for the best.

Second, insurance brokers evaluate and research the marketplace on a regular basis. A reputable broker knows the dynamics of the health insurance industry, what the headlines are, what is no longer relevant and which carriers provide consistent service. Nothing is more frustrating than finding an insurance plan that fits your needs, only to realize at time of claim that the company does not deliver.

Finally, a broker advocates and works on your behalf. If and when a situation arises where a shore-side helping hand is needed you can turn to your broker for assistance leaving you to continue to concentrate on your employment at sea.

How Do You know if a Broker is Reputable?

Word of mouth is the best form of marketing for a business, as well as the best form of research for a customer. There is no better way to find something than by asking someone you trust who has experience with your issues or concerns. This is also the case when finding a good insurance broker. Generally though, you want to look for a broker with experience and longevity in the health insurance business and one who certainly should be able to provide references. It is also important that the broker is specialized and experienced in the yacht crew area as it is quite different from the typical expat insurance market.

Having proper insurance is important whether you are at sea, or docked at a shipyard. MHG is your specialized broker when it comes to crew insurance. Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to find the policy that works best for you. If you are interested in purchasing, or have any questions about yacht crew insurance or travel insurance, please contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at For more information on preparing to work on a yacht, read our previous blog, “ Yacht Crew Insurance Terms 101”.

Have you ever heard the saying, “brokers make you broker”? That couldn't be further from the truth. Read more!

It’s that time of the year! That time where everyone looks back on the past year and makes changes for the upcoming one. Whether it is taxes, budgets, even weight loss, the motto is “out with the old, in with the new!” However, you may have not originally thought to review your life insurance policy. It’s always a good idea to review any insurance policy periodically, but the end of the year brings a perfect time to look at your current policy, and see if it still offers the coverage you need.

 Do You Have New Dependents or Family Members?

A lot can change over the course of a year, especially when it comes to relationships and families. Did you get married? Did you have children? Do you have new dependents in your life that may need to be made a beneficiary of your life insurance policy? These are all questions you should ask yourself when reviewing your policy. Also, maybe you need to increase the overall value of the policy to account for new dependents.

Did You Have Any New Major Purchases or New Debts?

Many times, people decide on the value of their life insurance policy based on their outstanding debt. For example, if you have a mortgage of $200,000, it would be smart to include $200,000 in your calculation for your life insurance to cover the cost of the house if something were to happen to you. Purchases such as buying a house, buying a car, starting a business are all ways to increase your debt, and should be taken into consideration when deciding the value of your policy.

Did Something Change at Your Job?

There are scenarios of changes at the workplace that should give you a reason to review your life insurance policy. One is if you were to start a new job. There is a chance that your job offers employee sponsored life insurance based on your salary. This is a great benefit to have, so take the amount of coverage provided into consideration if you are purchasing a policy.

If you didn't start a new job, there are still changes that may have occurred over the past year that warrant a policy review. Getting a raise may give you more expendable income to increase your policy value. Also, if you received a promotion, there may be changes to the benefits provided to you such as the value of your life insurance policy.

Did You Move?

Moving always seems to bring more changes to someone's life than they originally expected. If you moved to a foreign country, there is a strong possibility that your life insurance coverage didn't follow you to your new home. Many life insurance policies are only covered in the country of purchase. However, it should be noted that there are several options for international life insurance coverage. If you would like more information on international life insurance, read our previous blog " Your Life Insurance May Not Have International Coverage ".

Our wellness and security is important to us. For other things to consider with the New Year right around the corner, read our previous blog, “ Learn Why the Start of a New Year is Important to Your Insurance Benefits ”. Whether you are purchasing  life insurance  for the first time, looking for better coverage or are interested in learning more about other types of insurance available to you, we can help! Visit our website at  or speak with an Insurance Specialist at 954 828 1819. Don’t forget the deadline to enroll in a full-time health insurance plan is January 31st, 2016!

When Was the Last Time You Reviewed the Amount of Your Life Insurance Policy?

activeDo you ever find yourself too busy to exercise? Is working a full time job making it difficult for you to find the time to stay active? Trying to find time for yourself, or time to work out can be quite a challenge when working full time. After all, spending the majority of your day at work and battling rush hour can take a lot of energy. Yet, there still is no excuse for taking care of yourself. Living a healthy lifestyle is important, and sometimes it can feel like work gets in the way of that. So if you find yourself willing to try something new in order to stay active while working full time, follow some of these great tips! 


1. Get Up Early Waking up early can be a drag if you aren't a morning person. Hitting the "snooze" button is almost unavoidable. While it may take some will power and extra motivation, getting up earlier to work out can have an amazing impact on your day. For one, exercising in the morning is a great way to start the day, get your blood pumping, and give you that feeling like you are ready to take on the world. You will even find that by working out in the morning that you may be sharper throughout the day.

2. Ride Your Bike or Walk to Work One fun way to try and stay active is to walk or ride your bike to work. While this option may not work for everyone, those that live in close proximity to their job should give it a try. Enjoy the scenery, get some fresh air, and have some time to clear your mind before starting your day at the office. The best part is that you will be saving money on gas!

3. Take Periodic Walks While on the job, you want to be productive as you possibly can. So taking a long walk might be a bad idea. However, try breaking that long walk into shorter ones throughout the entire day. Use a bathroom break to walk around the building for a few minutes. Doing this every couple of hours will add up, and by the end of the day you might be surprised how much you have walked. Try wearing a pedometer to help keep track of your steps and help you reach any daily goals you might have.

4. Join a Gym Close to Work If you work close to a gym, consider getting a gym membership there. You can go for a work out on the way in or just after you get off. Waiting until you get home to exercise is another option, but after having along day on the job and having to battle through rush hour can leave you feeling exhausted by the time you get home.

5. Use Your Lunch Break Going on your lunch break is one of everyone's favorite parts of the day. If you plan on eating at nearby restaurant or are picking up food to take back, try walking instead of driving. Or if you joined a nearby gym, try going there during your lunch break to save time. Just be sure to shower before heading back to the office, no one wants to sit next to the sweaty person. 

Here at MHG Insurance Brokers, we look forward to sharing tips and information with you that may help keep your stress levels down, and your quality of life up! Whether you are purchasing health insurance for the first time or already have a plan in place, or are simply looking for better coverage, we want to help you find an affordable health plan that works for you. MHG Insurance Brokers is an Affordable Care Act certified insurance brokerage, and can offer you expert advice and solutions for you, your family, or your business. If you have any further questions or concerns about the Affordable Care Act and open enrollment, please feel free to contact us here by calling 954-828-1819, or visiting! Don’t forget, Open Enrollment began on November 1st and runs through January 31st, 2016.

5 Tips for Staying Fit and Active While Working Full Time

word When looking for a job, many people put just as much importance on the benefits the job offers as they do on salary. This is because sometimes those benefits help increase the amount of our salary we can take home, by saving money on health insurance or not having to purchase as much life insurance. People like to feel taken care of, and working at a company that offers great benefits can create a loyal workforce. However, there are still things people need to consider when it comes to their insurance benefits. 

Health Insurance

In most cases, if you could have a choice between individual health insurance and group health insurance, you should choose group health insurance. One reason is being part of a group plan offered through your employer may be less expensive for you than purchasing your own individual plan. That is because your employer is required contribute at least 50% towards your premium. Also, you should note that networks for group plans are much larger than networks for individual plans. One thing to be aware of when using a company sponsored health insurance plan is that you may lose insurance coverage if you lose your job. There are options that can allow you to keep your coverage, but it will be more expensive. 

Life Insurance

There are some companies who will offer their employees life insurance coverage as a benefit. Typically the policy has a low face value. $10,000 and $15,000 are common. Some may think that they don’t need to purchase their own life insurance policy because it is offered through their work, however, you still should have your own policy for several different reasons. One reason is if you were to ever leave your current job, you would lose that life insurance policy. If you have people that depend on you, having your own life insurance could be just what your family needs. Even if you happen to stay at your job, the policy may be too low, and may not cover all of your needs and debts if something were to happen to you prematurely.

Disability Insurance

Disability insurance is a great way for your employer to give you and your family the coverage you need in the event you develop an illness or sustain and injury and are unable to work. It’s important to know whether your employer offers a short-term or long-term disability insurance plan. If your company offers short-term disability insurance, you may want to think about purchasing a long-term disability insurance plan in case you are unable to work for two or more years. If your company offers long-term disability insurance, you may want to think about purchasing a short-term disability insurance plan to give yourself coverage until the long-term coverage kicks in.

Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to assist and guide you, your family, or group to the best coverage for your budget. If you are interested in purchasing a disability plan, health insurance, or life insurance, contact us at or call us at +1 954 828 1819.

What You Need to Know About Company Sponsored Insurance Benefits

couple reviewing life insurance claim paperworkLosing a loved one is a reality that we all dread. No one wants to get that phone call that forces them to begin the grieving process. With so many things crossing your mind, the last thing you may want to be thinking about is what the next step is in order to receive a death benefit from the deceased’s life insurance. Yet, there is a process you must go through to attain the payout which may help you when it comes to funeral costs, paying the bills, or putting money away for the kids. 


Where Do I Start?

Locate the policy for specific information about who to contact. It’s a good idea to keep the policies in a place that is easy to find. Once located, contact the insurance company and they should assign an agent to assist you through the steps you need to take in order to submit the claim. If life insurance was provided as a benefit from his or her employer, then contact the employer for the information. The policy will also tell you how much you can expect to be paid.

What Information Will I Need?

You will need to obtain the death certificate as well as any other necessary documents. All documents must be originals or notarized copies. Once all the paperwork is filled out and the documents are sent in, the insurance company will begin to process your claim.

How Long Can it Take to Process? 

Generally, the processing time is quick. Companies want to help those in need as quickly as they can. However, if any of the forms are not filled out correctly or the documentation is wrong, the claims process can turn into a lengthy one.

Are There Different Collection Options? 

There are different ways to collect the benefit. You can receive it in a lump sum, receive it in installments, or leave it to collect interest. Keep in mind that all payouts will be tax free. So if you are trying to avoid paying higher taxes by not selecting to receive the payout in a lump sum, it’s not necessary because you will receive the entire amount.

Can My Claim Be Denied? 

If the insurance company discovers that you were withholding information about a medical condition, there is a good chance your claim will be denied. That’s why it is crucial for you to disclose all information when buying the policy. Also, the insurance company can deny your claim based on the manner of death by the insured. Policies have a list of scenarios that will explain what can get your claim denied, so read the policy and follow directions! If you suspect that the deceased had a life insurance policy, but are unsure, contact the American Council of Life Insurance (ACLI). For a fee, they will investigate and try to locate the policy.

If you are interested in purchasing life insurance, or have any questions about your policy, or which policy would be best for you and your family, contact us at 954-828-1819 or visit us online at We have the insurance specialists to assist and advise you on the best coverage for you and your loved ones at every stage of life.

How to File a Life Insurance Claim