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5 Tips for Staying Fit and Active While Working Full Time

Posted December 10 2015

activeDo you ever find yourself too busy to exercise? Is working a full time job making it difficult for you to find the time to stay active? Trying to find time for yourself, or time to work out can be quite a challenge when working full time. After all, spending the majority of your day at work and battling rush hour can take a lot of energy. Yet, there still is no excuse for taking care of yourself. Living a healthy lifestyle is important, and sometimes it can feel like work gets in the way of that. So if you find yourself willing to try something new in order to stay active while working full time, follow some of these great tips! 


1. Get Up Early Waking up early can be a drag if you aren't a morning person. Hitting the "snooze" button is almost unavoidable. While it may take some will power and extra motivation, getting up earlier to work out can have an amazing impact on your day. For one, exercising in the morning is a great way to start the day, get your blood pumping, and give you that feeling like you are ready to take on the world. You will even find that by working out in the morning that you may be sharper throughout the day.

2. Ride Your Bike or Walk to Work One fun way to try and stay active is to walk or ride your bike to work. While this option may not work for everyone, those that live in close proximity to their job should give it a try. Enjoy the scenery, get some fresh air, and have some time to clear your mind before starting your day at the office. The best part is that you will be saving money on gas!

3. Take Periodic Walks While on the job, you want to be productive as you possibly can. So taking a long walk might be a bad idea. However, try breaking that long walk into shorter ones throughout the entire day. Use a bathroom break to walk around the building for a few minutes. Doing this every couple of hours will add up, and by the end of the day you might be surprised how much you have walked. Try wearing a pedometer to help keep track of your steps and help you reach any daily goals you might have.

4. Join a Gym Close to Work If you work close to a gym, consider getting a gym membership there. You can go for a work out on the way in or just after you get off. Waiting until you get home to exercise is another option, but after having along day on the job and having to battle through rush hour can leave you feeling exhausted by the time you get home.

5. Use Your Lunch Break Going on your lunch break is one of everyone's favorite parts of the day. If you plan on eating at nearby restaurant or are picking up food to take back, try walking instead of driving. Or if you joined a nearby gym, try going there during your lunch break to save time. Just be sure to shower before heading back to the office, no one wants to sit next to the sweaty person. 

Here at MHG Insurance Brokers, we look forward to sharing tips and information with you that may help keep your stress levels down, and your quality of life up! Whether you are purchasing health insurance for the first time or already have a plan in place, or are simply looking for better coverage, we want to help you find an affordable health plan that works for you. MHG Insurance Brokers is an Affordable Care Act certified insurance brokerage, and can offer you expert advice and solutions for you, your family, or your business. If you have any further questions or concerns about the Affordable Care Act and open enrollment, please feel free to contact us here by calling 954-828-1819, or visiting! Don’t forget, Open Enrollment began on November 1st and runs through January 31st, 2016.