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How to File a Life Insurance Claim

Posted July 14 2015

couple reviewing life insurance claim paperworkLosing a loved one is a reality that we all dread. No one wants to get that phone call that forces them to begin the grieving process. With so many things crossing your mind, the last thing you may want to be thinking about is what the next step is in order to receive a death benefit from the deceased’s life insurance. Yet, there is a process you must go through to attain the payout which may help you when it comes to funeral costs, paying the bills, or putting money away for the kids. 


Where Do I Start?

Locate the policy for specific information about who to contact. It’s a good idea to keep the policies in a place that is easy to find. Once located, contact the insurance company and they should assign an agent to assist you through the steps you need to take in order to submit the claim. If life insurance was provided as a benefit from his or her employer, then contact the employer for the information. The policy will also tell you how much you can expect to be paid.

What Information Will I Need?

You will need to obtain the death certificate as well as any other necessary documents. All documents must be originals or notarized copies. Once all the paperwork is filled out and the documents are sent in, the insurance company will begin to process your claim.

How Long Can it Take to Process? 

Generally, the processing time is quick. Companies want to help those in need as quickly as they can. However, if any of the forms are not filled out correctly or the documentation is wrong, the claims process can turn into a lengthy one.

Are There Different Collection Options? 

There are different ways to collect the benefit. You can receive it in a lump sum, receive it in installments, or leave it to collect interest. Keep in mind that all payouts will be tax free. So if you are trying to avoid paying higher taxes by not selecting to receive the payout in a lump sum, it’s not necessary because you will receive the entire amount.

Can My Claim Be Denied? 

If the insurance company discovers that you were withholding information about a medical condition, there is a good chance your claim will be denied. That’s why it is crucial for you to disclose all information when buying the policy. Also, the insurance company can deny your claim based on the manner of death by the insured. Policies have a list of scenarios that will explain what can get your claim denied, so read the policy and follow directions! If you suspect that the deceased had a life insurance policy, but are unsure, contact the American Council of Life Insurance (ACLI). For a fee, they will investigate and try to locate the policy.

If you are interested in purchasing life insurance, or have any questions about your policy, or which policy would be best for you and your family, contact us at 954-828-1819 or visit us online at We have the insurance specialists to assist and advise you on the best coverage for you and your loved ones at every stage of life.