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What Newlyweds Need to Know About Life Insurance

Posted May 28 2015

newlywed“If there are any objections, speak now or forever hold your peace.” “Wait they don’t have life insurance!” Hopefully you don’t find yourself in this situation, and you already have a good life insurance policy in place. However, if you don’t have life insurance, it’s something you need to start thinking about it.  After the honeymoon of course! Who knows, maybe you will say I do again... to life insurance. See what I did there?  


Protect Your Spouse

Unfortunately, death is a part of life that we all have to experience and plan for. Not all marriages are like “The Notebook” where you and your partner live into your golden years and pass away together in each other’s arms. Life insurance is designed with your loved ones in mind and plays an important role in your overall financial planning. If you have anyone depending upon you financially, you probably need Life Insurance even if you are young and healthy. For most, this financial responsibility begins when they either get married or have a baby. Have you thought how your family, or those you care about, would manage without you financially? The grieving process is hard enough, don’t let your better half also have to worry about how they will pay the bills or be able to afford the mortgage. In the event of your untimely death, you want to be reassured that your husband or wife will be financially secure in the event of your passing.

Invest in Your Future Together 

Did you know that life insurance has other benefits besides providing a benefit to your beneficiaries? Certain policies such as a Whole Life policy can act as a way to save and invest money. In most cases, a Whole Life policy has a “cash value” that is invested and can earn as high as 5% interest. The cash value is calculated based on how much money you have paid so far in premiums, and after a certain amount of time, your cash value could be worth more than you have paid! Also, with a Whole Life policy, after a certain amount of time, you can cancel the policy and get back all of the money you have paid so far, and then some!

Lower Premium 

Getting married, buying a house and having baby are life events that prompt us to buy life insurance but it’s really something you should be considering even if you have no assets or dependents. Did you know that in most life insurance policies, you have the same monthly premium for the duration of the policy? That means if you’re paying $50 a month, you will be paying the same amount for the life of the policy. Unless you increase your coverage, you are locked in to a set premium. This is important because as you get older, policies become more expensive. Typically, you can expect your premium to double every 10 years. Good enough reason to stop putting off purchasing a life insurance plan, right? 

If you are interested in purchasing Life insurance, or have any questions, we’re here to help! Please contact us today at 954 828 1819 or visit Congratulations and cheers to many years of wedded bliss!