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5 Whole Life Insurance Myths Debunked!

Posted June 21 2018

5 Whole Life Insurance Myths Debunked!Purchasing a Life Insurance policy isn’t something you do every day. The benefits and coverage it can provide for you and your loved ones in the event of a loss is irreplaceable, but with that being said, who wants to plan their “death.” We know this is a very sensitive subject, so we took the time to clear the air of some myths that we have heard about whole life insurance. Since purchasing life insurance can be a little unsettling, we wanted to make sure you are prepared and know exactly what you are getting yourself into, in order for you to make the best decision for you. So here are 5 myths that are associated with Whole Life Insurance.

1. Whole Life is too expensive!

Yes, a whole life premium is considerably more money than that of a term life insurance premium, depending on the value of the policy. However, there are some things to take into account. With term life insurance, you will not accumulate any value, once the term ends, you own nothing. As opposed to a whole life insurance policy, where your premiums will build a cash value that will belong to you at the end of the policy.
Also, another thing to consider is the total cost of a policy over your lifetime. Term is not designed to cover you for life, so when your term expires and you would like to purchase more coverage, the cost will increase. When putting the two types of policies together to compare, whole life is substantially less costly than a life time of premiums for term life insurance.

2. Only your beneficiaries will benefit!

While having life insurance helps protect your family in the event that something happens to you, your beneficiaries aren’t the only ones who benefit. A whole life policy can also be used as an investment option. Many times, you will have access to the policies’ cash value for withdrawals and loans which can be tax free. Also, certain companies will generally pay dividends to policy owners after the first policy year. Many times these dividends can be used to help pay premiums or purchase more permanent increments.

3. It’s a money pit!

One of the things that makes a whole life policy differ from a term policy is the fact that at the end of your policy, many times you will receive the value of your policy. Which can be a great investment decision for your financial portfolio, given the fact that it isn’t correlated to the stock market and mostly guaranteed by the insurer so death benefits and cash values aren’t affected by declining markets.

4. Cash in your policy once you retire!

Back in the day, many people would cash in their life insurance policy when they retired. However, today that is the time when many start to realize the importance of it. Having a whole life policy in your financial strategy could provide you security, financial freedom, as well as a legacy for loved ones.

5. Once you buy Life Insurance, you don’t have to think about it ever again!

Performing maintenance on your policy can save you money. Health changes can sometimes lead to lower premiums. Also, policies with loans and withdrawals, if not managed correctly can hinder some long term provisions and guarantees. Performing regular maintenance may also link your advisors together, which can help build a team around you with strengthened relationships, putting everyone on the same page for your investments, taxes, and your estate.

MHG Insurance Brokers is dedicated to making your Insurance experience as stress free and informative as possible. We have insurance specialists with the experience and knowledge to get the best coverage to fit you, your family, and loved ones. If you are interested in purchasing Life Insurance, have any questions, or need advice, please contact us at 954 828 1819 or visit our website at