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Small Group Insurance Options Are the Way to Go

Posted November 9 2016

2 employees meeting with HR to discuss employee benefits If you are a small business owner or an employee of a small business (with up to 50 employees) and you have watched the news lately, read a newspaper or browsed the internet, it is very likely that you have seen the numbers and increases that have occurred regarding the Affordable Care Act health insurance plans for 2017.

Open enrollment for individuals and families began Nov 1st, and people around the country are scratching their head wondering why their insurance prices are increasing again and again. In addition to rising costs, people are also learning that there are less and less plans, and some are being forced to change doctors who they have had a relationship with for many years due to changing networks.

If you’re a small business that doesn’t offer an employer sponsored plan, chances are you should consider group health insurance, today.

More Affordable

For one, many businesses that are less than 50 employees give their workers money toward insurance every month, however the employee must find their own insurance. With the state of individual health insurance plans, that idea just may no longer be feasible. Starting a small group plan could lower employee’s insurance costs depending on the plan you select, and how much your employer contributes.

More Choices

Another aspect we have seen is that there are fewer individual insurance plans to choose from. A few years ago, there were dozens of different plans and multiple companies you could choose from, whether you wanted a HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) or PPO (Preferred Provider Organization). With group insurance, plan options are many, and as a new group, open enrollment means that your group can enroll anytime throughout the year without the restrictions one has with Individual coverage.

The Benefits of Offering Employee Benefits

If you are the decision maker of your business, you could be thinking “What benefit do I have offering insurance to my employees?” While you are required to pay 50% of your employees premium if you offer a group plan, there is a chance you are already giving them money to find their own plan. Why not provide quality benefits and not pay more than what you may be providing your employees to get their own insurance?

Another aspect to consider is that happy and healthy employees are important to the success of your business. Making this change could create a loyal workforce who are more willing to go above and beyond for their employer.

We Can Help

If you are the decision maker of a small business and are curious about small group insurance, contact us at 800-817-5598 or emailing Even if you are an employee at a small business who is struggling with finding affordable individual health insurance, present this to your company to see if this is something they are interested in. Remember, our team of insurance specialists are here to help and answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Sometimes there are things in your plan that you don’t understand, or words that you have never heard before. Your well-being is important to us, and part of that is making sure you are properly taken care of. Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to assist and guide you, your family, or group to the best coverage for your budget. If you are interested in purchasing a disability plan , health insurance , or life insurance , contact us at or call us at +1 954 828 1819.