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Resume paper with a penThe yachting industry is entering a busy season of boat shows and symposiums. Our yacht crew insurance clients, especially captains, have been chatting with us about the best ways for crew to find their perfect job. With their help we have put together the following tips on creating the perfect multi-national resume for the marine industry. Building a Resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV) can be a difficult and daunting task. A resume directly represents yourself to an employer, and many times it is a first impression. Add to that, the multi-cultural  environment of our industry and the task becomes more difficult. You should demand it be unparalleled, filled with professional experience, qualifications, strengths, and key skills catered toward the job you want. You wouldn’t go to a job interview poorly dressed and unprepared, so why treat your resume that way? Get your resume looking like it’s dressed to the nines by following these helpful tips. 

Absolute Musts 

There are a few things you must include when it comes to building a yacht crew resume that you may not think about.

1. Include a photo.  

If you have ever worked in an office, you know that this is not a norm in the corporate world, but in the yachting industry, appearance is important. Your photo should signify that you are friendly and professional. If you have a uniform from your current or previous job, that would be the best option to wear. No sunglasses!

2. State your nationality and any visas/ work permits you carry.  

3. Note all languages you speak (don't forget your mother tongue!) 

4. State whether you are a smoker or not (and quit if you are!)  

It doesn't really pay to lie here. You will have to live and work side by side with the other crew, so eventually habits will surface.

5. Clearly define your objective.  

Make sure your objective matches the job that you are applying for. You don't want to state your objective is to become a Captain if you are applying for the job of 1st Mate.

6. List your yachting qualifications.

If possible, include the number of nautical miles traveled. It's not necessary, but as captains scan resumes, if your number is high, it could give you a leg up on the competition. As you consider your yachting qualifications, be sure to include the size and type of boat, the time you spent at the position, the position(s) held, and the locations you covered during your time onboard. If you have any unique experiences to share, consider adding them. One good friend served as Chief Stew on a 162m. yacht in the Mediterranean. When the boat hit issues during a storm, she followed evacuation protocol ensuring the safety of all crew and guests onboard. Engineers will need to include technical information for each boat, Chefs could include any specific events or unusual situations, and so on.

7. List your experience. 

Should you have any experience outside of the yachting community, here is where you would include it. If your experience is extensive, this is a good area to cut.

8. List your education. 

Obviously if you have maritime education, that should go first. If you have university experience, be sure to state it. If not, it can be helpful to include high school (or equivalent) experience. Be sure to clarify the type of school; we work in an international and multicultural industry and names and titles of schools or accreditations are not always clear.

Absolute Don't

For one, it’s especially important that you don’t lie about any of your experience. The industry is small - captains communicate - and eventually they will find out.

Structure and Layout 

When it comes to building and structuring your resume’s layout, it is important to ensure your resume is easy to read - the most important things should stand out - and easy to scan. Most captains collecting resumes at the Fort Lauderdale Yacht Symposium & Job Fair will collect a stack of resumes. To stand out and create a great first impression, make sure your resume gives an organized, clean impression. Keep the length to one page, unless you are a very experienced professional who is applying for a very experienced position, then you can use more than one page,  but no more than two! Don't overcrowd the page, make sure you list the most important elements first, and provide contact information for you that is up to date (we recommend including an email address and Skype address, but leaving a mailing address off as your resume could be kept in the boat files for a while and you may have moved on by the time they reach out to you). Don't use more than two fonts or overuse the bold or italic fonts and more than anything CHECK YOUR SPELLING.

What else should I include? 

Include interests and hobbies. When interviewing for most jobs or careers this wouldn’t be a factor, but again, considering you spend all your time on the boat, captains or yacht owners may want to grasp what you do in your spare time. This can be especially helpful when it comes to your interview. Having something in common with your interviewers can help you to build a good rapport and let them see the ways you would be a good fit for the boat.

No one likes a Big Ego 

The culture in the U.S. expects job prospects to act confident when building their resumes and attending interviews, whereas in Europe and other places throughout the world, the culture expects job prospects to be more humble and modest. As a result, being in an international career, try to find a middle ground between the two. A good tip to help in this aspect is to write as if you are writing your resume for someone else. For example, if you were writing a resume for a peer, you wouldn’t boast about them, you would be very direct and to the point. This also goes for any interviews or face-to-face meetings.

The Yacht Symposium & Job Fair (October 9-10, 2014) 

All of these tips and information will be incredibly valuable in preparation for the Yacht Symposium & Job Fair on October 9-10, 2014. The event will be held in the Fort Lauderdale Convention Center, where you can see me speaking from 3:30-4:00 pm on October 10th about Crew Health Insurance and the Maritime Labour Convention.

The final word... 

Having a great resume on hand can make or break a career, no matter what the industry. When you save your resume, use a cloud document service like Google Drive or Dropbox so that you can easily share it from your cell phone no matter where in the world you are. And before you go in for any interview, always do your research, which leads to our question for you:

Question: What was your best or worst job interview?  

The worst interview I ever conducted was one in which I asked, "Why are you a good fit for this position?" and the response was, "What is the position?"

Call MHG Insurance Brokers today at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at for help finding individual or group yacht crew health insurance plans that perfectly meet your needs!

Yacht Crew Resume Guide and Helpful Tips

life ring onboard a yachtFalls don't "just happen," and people don't fall only because they get older. Many falls are linked to a person's physical condition or a medical problem. Other causes could be safety hazards onboard or in your environment. 

Some Risk Factors and pointers 

Scientists have linked a number of personal risk factors to falling. Here’s just a few:

  • Muscle weakness, especially in the legs. People with weak muscles are more likely to fall than are those who maintain their muscle strength, as well as their flexibility and endurance.
Are you on your feet all day? Sure you are.  Be aware of muscle weakness in your legs.  Stretch often and stay fit.

  • Blood pressure that drops when you get up from lying down or sitting. This condition -- called postural hypotension -- might result from dehydration, or certain medications.
Drink plenty of water and stay away from too much caffeine or alcohol to help prevent a fall.

  • Wearing unsafe footwear. Backless shoes and slippers, high-heeled shoes, and shoes with smooth leather soles are examples of unsafe footwear.
Sound similar to the shoes you wear? Your feet have to last your entire life. Take care of them and they’ll take care of you.

  • Sensory problems. If your senses don't work well, you will be less aware of your environment.
Do I need to say more about this? Don’t do things that impair your senses.

  • Not seeing well.  It takes a while for your eyes to adjust to see clearly when you move between darkness and light.
Certainly something you experience frequently onboard, and sunglasses are a requirement.  MHG Insurance has them if you need a pair, just give us a shout on our MHG Facebook page! Although falls can happen anywhere, well over half of all falls happen at home (onboard). Falls often happen while a person is doing normal daily activities. Some of these falls are caused by factors in the person's living environment. For instance, a slick floor or a poorly lit narrow stairway may lead to a fall.  But I’m sure you never have those conditions onboard, do you?

Call MHG Insurance today at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at for more safety information or help finding a yacht health insurance plan that perfectly meets your needs!

Yacht Health Insurance Advice for Onboard Safety Hazards

Expat Insurance Quote Options

Expat Insurance Quote Options Moving to another country can be the exciting adventure of a lifetime. Whether you will be pursuing your studies during a semester abroad or relocating more permanently to further your career, it is imperative that you have a health insurance policy that provides coverage in the country where you will be residing. In certain cases, you may qualify for the national health plan of your host country, but the majority of travelers will need to obtain expatriate health insurance coverage.

If this is your first time purchasing an international health insurance policy, the process can be a little confusing so we have provided these expat insurance quote options to help you on your way.

  1. Research the health insurance requirements of your destination country A number of countries will not let you relocate unless you have health insurance coverage in place, and some require specific coverage, such as medical evacuation coverage or repatriation of your remains if you should die. Research the requirements for your destination country well in advance of your move date so you have time to investigate various plans, obtain the necessary coverage, and submit any required documentation. Good places to start your research include your employer and your home country’s governmental department regulating international travel (U.S. citizens should consult the U.S. State Department).

  2. Consider your needs If your work or recreation plans include travel to other countries, your international health insurance plan will need to include coverage for those destinations as well. In most cases, the simplest option is to choose worldwide coverage, so you do not have to reapply each time you cross a border. You may want a plan that includes coverage in your home country as well; many expats prefer to return to their home country for serious operations and to give birth. If you intend to participate in sports or hazardous activities, you may need to purchase a rider on your policy to ensure any injuries are covered.

  3. Buy before you leave Medical underwriting for international policies is not instantaneous; it can take anywhere from several days to several weeks for approval. Make sure you begin the application process early, or you could arrive at your destination only to discover that your application for expatriate health insurance coverage has been declined.

  4. Read your policy carefully Reading the schedule of benefits, usually found on the first three to five pages of an expat policy, will give you a valuable overview of your coverage, deductibles, benefit limits, and any co-pays or co-insurance. It is just as important to read the limitations and exclusions, however; riders and additional coverage can be purchased for some excluded injuries, conditions, or activities, as long as you make provisions ahead of time.

Trying to find expatriate health insurance coverage on your own can be a daunting task. At MHG, many of us are expats ourselves, and we are well-acquainted with the needs of individuals living and working around the globe. Our Insurance Specialists have the experience, knowledge and access to multiple international insurance carriers to find you the most suitable plan based on your budget and future plans, whether you are looking for International Health Insurance, Expatriate Disability Income Insurance, or Life Insurance. At MHG Insurance, our commitment to your well-being does not end once you have purchased a plan; through our "Concierge Broker Service”, we will continue to assist you with questions about your policy and provide assistance throughout the claims process. 

Before you relocate to another country, call MHG Insurance at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at for help finding the expatriate insurance coverage you need!

Expat Insurance Quote Options

Woman standing in front of yachtsAs a yacht captain, you have the weighty responsibility of choosing a group yacht crew insurance plan for your crew. You have taken your duty seriously, carefully comparing policies and benefits to ensure your crew has comprehensive coverage in all the countries you will be visiting; but have you thought about the subject of routine medical coverage? There is a common perception that routine medical coverage is an unnecessary additional cost; however it’s our experience that including routine medical coverage on your group plan helps to attract and retain crew as well as keep crew members healthy and happy. If you are unfamiliar with the provisions of routine medical coverage, you may be wondering whether your crewmembers truly need this benefit; perusing these 4 reasons to add routine medical coverage to your group yacht crew insurance plan options will help you make the best decision for your crew. 

  1. Regular Medical Checkups Mean Healthier Crewmembers

    Demonstrating an interest in the well-being of your crew is an important step in having a healthy & happy crew whose performance you can rely on. Annual “wellness” visits to a primary care physician or internist, which are covered under routine medical coverage, are generally recommended for all adults after the age of 18 to 20. During these regular check-ups, medical professionals can detect any number of serious medical conditions that affect seemingly healthy young adults, such as hypertension, diabetes, and more.

  2. Annual Checkups Ensure Busy Crewmembers Get the Care They Need

    Crewmembers can end up working so hard that they forget to take the time to take care of themselves. Initially minor physical concerns that are neglected by busy crewmembers who are unwilling or unable to request time off can turn into major problems if left unchecked. During the annual wellness visits that are included as part of routine medical coverage, physicians can identify crewmembers’ health problems while they are still minor, and develop treatment plans to eliminate these health issues before they can turn into serious or even life-threatening problems.

  3. ENG1 Exams Cannot Replace Routine Medical Care

    Many crewmembers think because they undergo bi-yearly ENG1 exams that there is no need to have additional examinations or screenings by a primary physician. Doctors perform a number of essential screenings during annual wellness visits that ENG1 exams do not address. These screenings, which are designed to detect serious medical conditions that can affect otherwise healthy individuals, include mole examinations, gynecological /pelvic exams, with pap smears and mammograms, and blood tests that scan for a variety of conditions, including cancer, diabetes, high cholesterol, and thyroid issues.

  4. Routine Medical Coverage is a High Value, Low Expense Addition

    Routine medical coverage is relatively inexpensive to add to a group marine crew insurance plan, especially compared to the perceived value of the benefit. Crewmembers feel appreciated and valued when you add routine medical coverage to their benefits, because the extra coverage makes them feel like their health and well-being is important to their employer.
MHG Insurance offers a wide range of yacht crew insurance plans, including international health insurance, marine crew disability coverage, and more. Our yacht crew marine insurance brokers have the experience and resources to help you select the best solution for your crews’ particular circumstances, coverage requirements, and budget. Questions about your current yacht crew insurance plan? Our team of Insurance Specialists will be out and about at the Monaco Yacht Show September 24th-27th.

Call MHG Insurance today at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at  for help finding the group yacht crew health insurance plan that perfectly meets your needs!

Group Yacht Crew Insurance Plan Options

Cruise Line Travel Insurance Coverage for Visiting Family and Friends

Working as an officer or crew member onboard a cruise ship has afforded you the opportunity to travel, meet people from around the world and experience other cultures. Now your family and friends are coming to visit so they can share those amazing experiences with you, leaving you with the question, “Where can I find cruise line travel insurance coverage for visiting family and friends ?” Turn to MHG Insurance, the same company you rely on for your marine crew insurance needs! MHG is a full-service insurance brokerage, with travel insurance plans that will ensure your guests are fully covered in case an accident or illness occurs.

With Travel Insurance, your guests have coverage wherever they roam.

Most U.S. health insurance coverage does not extend to countries outside the United States; plans that do include international coverage usually have limited or no networks, which can leave policyholders without coverage when they need it most. If your guests suffer an accident, injury or illness while exploring on shore, you will need to find skilled, professional medical care in a hurry. MHG offers travel insurance plans that are specifically designed to work in the geographic areas you will be visiting, and they can provide referrals to local qualified doctors and hospitals, and if needed, can provide translation assistance during treatment.

Travel insurance provides a range of coverage.

There are several travel insurance policies available through MHG; while they have differing benefit limits and deductible amounts, they all provide coverage for emergency medical expenses, including the cost of emergency medical evacuation to transport policyholders to the nearest medical facility qualified to treat their medical condition. Emergency message relay to family, friends and co-workers will help to maintain contact during an emergency, and if emergency medical evacuation is necessary, travel insurance may even cover the transportation, lodging, and meal costs of a relative so no one is left without family support in an unfamiliar country. After the chosen deductible is met, travel insurance helps cover the cost of inpatient and outpatient medical expenses, ambulance services, and can help pay for physical therapy, emergency dental services, and other important benefits.

Count on MHG Insurance to provide easy, affordable travel insurance options.

MHG’s travel insurance plans are surprisingly affordable and easy to attain! Your guests can apply online right now and instantly receive a travel insurance quote and coverage - the whole process takes just a few minutes, and coverage can start as early as tomorrow! MHG has several different travel insurance policies available; your guests have their choice of geographic area of coverage, policy deductible/excess and, in some cases, choice of coverage limit. If you plan to include some of the more adventurous activities on your trip, such as scuba diving, wakeboarding, or paragliding, your guests can easily add extreme sports insurance to complete their coverage. Call the Insurance Specialists at MHG Insurance to ensure your family and friends have complete coverage for their cruise line vacation with international medical insurance, extreme sports insurance, trip cancellation insurance, and more.

Call MHG Insurance at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at to ensure your family and friends have travel insurance coverage that protects them wherever they roam!

Cruise Line Travel Insurance Coverage for Visiting Family and Friends

5 Reasons You Need Cruise Trip Cancellation Insurance You have been looking forward to your cruise for months, waiting with eager anticipation to set off on your dream vacation. Cruises can be expensive, but the opportunity to enjoy the all-inclusive comfort of a cruise ship while visiting multiple exotic destinations is well worth the price. Cruises have extremely strict cancellation policies, however - if an unforeseen complication arises and you have to cancel your trip, you could lose all the money you invested in the cruise. Trip cancellation insurance can protect you in this situation, allowing you to recover your non-refundable, unused payments and deposits so you can reschedule your cruise and enjoy your dream vacation at another time. While you may be unable to imagine anything that would make you cancel your long-awaited trip, there are actually many reasons why a cancellation may be necessary. 

Medical Issues

Illnesses and injuries can happen at any time, leaving you unable to set off on your cruise. Trip cancellation insurance reimburses your cruise expenditures if you, a family member, business partner, travel companion, or travel companion’s family member becomes ill or suffers an injury or death. Some trip cancellation insurance coverage even reimburses you if you have to cancel your cruise due to the sudden flare-up of a pre-existing condition, provided you purchased the insurance within 15 calendar days of the  initial covered trip payment, and you were able to attend the cruise on the day you purchased the policy.

Job-Related Issues 

Even though you planned your cruise and arranged for leave from work, sometimes circumstances related to your job can cause you to delay or cancel your trip. Some work crises may require your presence; if you are a key employee at work and an emergency occurs, cruise cancellation insurance has you covered. Active and reserve duty members of the military, police, or fire department that have their personal leave cancelled so they can provide relief or aid related to a natural disaster or terrorist act, will have their cancelled cruise expenses returned.

Unable to Leave

Sometimes unforeseen events can make it impossible for you to leave on your cruise. Covered events include an auto accident on the way to the scheduled departure point; unexpected jury duty; and the documented theft of your passport or visa. You are also covered if your or your travel companion’s home is made uninhabitable, due to fire, vandalism, or natural disaster.

Financial Circumstances

If you are suddenly terminated or laid off from your long-term job, you may need the money set aside for your cruise to cover your living expenses. Provided you were at the same job for a certain amount of time, (typically one to three years, depending on the terms of your particular policy) you can be reimbursed for your paid cruise expenses. Cruise trip cancellations due to the financial default of a travel supplier are also covered.

Natural and Other Disasters

Events that are completely beyond your control can interfere with your ability to safely depart on your cruise. Natural disasters resulting in the cessation of the travel supplier’s services, terrorist incidents, organized labor strikes, and medical quarantines are all covered reasons for cancelling your cruise. In addition to these five reasons you need cruise trip cancellation insurance , emergency medical expenses, repatriation services, and baggage delay can also cause expenses that are covered when you have trip cancellation insurance from MHG.

Call the trip specialists at MHG Insurance Brokers to ensure you have complete coverage for your vacation with trip cancellation insurance, international medical insurance, extreme sports insurance, and more.

When you are ready to book your dream vacation, call MHG Insurance Brokers at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at to obtain trip cancellation and travel insurance, along with other insurance plans that will make your trip an exciting, hassle-free adventure!

5 Reasons You Need Cruise Trip Cancellation Insurance

Why Business Owners Should Consider an Employment Practices Liability Insurance Policy

In today’s increasingly litigious society, business owners operate under the constant threat of lawsuits from employees, on a variety of issues. The proliferation of federal, state, and local employment laws has created a plethora of exposures that can leave your business vulnerable to costly litigation. Businesses of all sizes are at risk: whether you are the head of a large corporation or the owner of a small neighborhood company, once you hire your first employee, you expose your company to the possibility of a lawsuit.

An Employment Practices Liability Insurance Policy provides necessary protection for your business. 

Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) protects your business, its directors, officers, and employees, providing coverage for the legal costs and damages associated with claims by current, former, and potential employees for a number of employment-related allegations, including:

  • Wrongful dismissal
  • Sexual harassment
  • Hostile work environment
  • Invasion of privacy
  • Denial of promotion
  • Failure to make partner
  • Age, race, gender, or sexual orientation discrimination
  • Failure to accommodate the needs of the disabled
The number of employment related lawsuits filed each year is rising. 

Cases against employers are on the rise. According to the best industry estimate, 3 out of 5 businesses will be sued by an employee. Companies are now vulnerable from the first contact with a potential employee, from the pre-hiring process through the exit interview, even if the potential employee was never hired or was only with the company for a few days. 

A single employee can sink your entire company. 

No matter how vigilant you are, you cannot monitor every hire, termination, and conversation that takes place in your offices. Any misbehavior by your employees - a careless remark, inappropriate joke, or slightly mishandled termination – can be the basis of a lawsuit with the potential to bankrupt your business. There are steps you can take to minimize exposure, such as requiring attendance at workplace relations training sessions, implementing a zero-tolerance policy for sexual harassment, and establishing formal procedures for hiring, firing, and disciplining employees, but there is no way to ensure your company’s safety. 

Defending against discrimination lawsuits, even groundless ones, is expensive.

Legal costs accrue at an incredibly fast rate during business litigation. The average cost to have a meritless lawsuit dismissed is between $10,000 and $15,000. If a slight concern about your company’s possible culpability causes you to agree to a quick settlement, expect expenses of $10,000 to $50,000. Costs rise sharply if there is any merit to the case against your company, with the costs of settlement and defense soaring to $150,000, $200,000, or more. Should your company be served with this type of lawsuit, your EPLI coverage reacts with legal defenses that may be included within or outside of the policy limits and would react to settlements and judgments awarded to the accuser. 

Now that you have a better understanding of the many reasons why business owners should consider an Employment Practices Liability Insurance Policy , you can rely on MHG Insurance Brokers to ensure that you and your business are fully protected. The Insurance Specialists at MHG understand that every business is unique. We have the experience and resources to assemble a complete insurance plan that includes all the business insurance policies your company should have, including Commercial Property Insurance , Workers’ Compensation, Business and General Liability Insurance, and more. 

Call MHG Insurance today at 954-828-1819 or visit us online at and let our Insurance Specialists show you how to protect your business from the expense of costly lawsuits and other risks.   

Why Business Owners Should Consider an Employment Practices Liability Insurance Policy

Life Insurance Myths

Common Misconceptions About Disability Income Insurance

How would you pay your bills and support your family if you suffered a serious illness or injury and could not work? Disability insurance, also known as income protection insurance or sick pay, safeguards families by providing wage earners with a sizeable portion of their income if they are unable to work because of injury or illness. 

Unfortunately, misunderstandings about disability income insurance and the need for the benefits it provides have caused some workers to forego this protection, leaving them and their families in a dangerously vulnerable position. To help ensure that your family has the financial protection they deserve, here are the most common misconceptions about disability income insurance , along with the real facts about this valuable protection.

My employer’s disability insurance provides all the protection I need. 

The group disability income insurance coverage provided by most employers pays around 60 percent of your salary, up to a specified cap, typically $4,000 to $6,000 per month. Any bonuses, commissions, and other forms of compensation you receive are not included, even if they represent a significant portion of your salary. An individual disability income insurance policy can cover up to 70 to 80 percent of your income, depending on the policy you choose, and your benefits are usually not taxed as they are under employer-based plans. Group policies also usually reduce the amount they pay based on any other payments you receive, such as Social Security, a drawback that personal disability income insurance policies do not have. 

Social Security Disability will cover me if I become disabled. 

Despite public perception, only a very small number of people actually receive Social Security disability benefits. The Social Security Administration (SSA) operates under such strict definitions of disability that they only approve approximately 35% of disability applications at the initial application level and only 10% of applicants at the reconsideration level. That leaves the vast majority of disabled workers uncovered by Social Security benefits.

Workers’ Compensation benefits will cover me if I am unable to work. 

Statistics show that only 5% of disabling accidents and injuries are work-related and covered by Workers’ Compensation Insurance. 

My savings will cover my needs.

If you put 10% of your salary into savings every year, a single year of disability could wipe out a decade of savings. Since your income and expenses have grown during that time, you could lose even more, as the interest paid on savings is not commensurate with the rising cost of living. 

Individual disability income insurance is too expensive. 

Actually, individual disability income insurance is far more affordable than most people realize. If you look at your disability income insurance premium as a percentage of your yearly salary, a typical plan only represents 1% to 3% of your income. To put it into perspective: A 45-year-old worker making $50,000 a year can purchase an individual disability income insurance plan for around $150 a month; if that same worker becomes permanently disabled, he or she stands to lose more than $1,000,000 in future earnings. 

All disability income insurance plans are the same. 

Disability income insurance plans can vary in many ways. Differences in definitions of disability, length of waiting periods, as well as the length and levels of coverage provided can have a significant effect on the financial well being of your family. The insurance specialists at MHG can explain the fine print and compare policy benefits and premiums to ensure you have the best individual disability income insurance coverage for your particular financial situation. MHG Insurance can assemble a complete insurance package that includes life insurance, health insurance, disability income protection , AFLAC coverage and more to ensure your family has all the protection they need. 

Call  MHG Insurance  today at 954-828-1819 or visit us online at and let our insurance specialists ensure your family has all the coverage they need. 

Life Insurance Myths

Common Misconceptions About Disability Income Insurance

How would you pay your bills and support your family if you suffered a serious illness or injury and could not work? Disability insurance, also known as income protection insurance or sick pay, safeguards families by providing wage earners with a sizeable portion of their income if they are unable to work because of injury or illness. 

Unfortunately, misunderstandings about disability income insurance and the need for the benefits it provides have caused some workers to forego this protection, leaving them and their families in a dangerously vulnerable position. To help ensure that your family has the financial protection they deserve, here are the most common misconceptions about disability income insurance , along with the real facts about this valuable protection.

My employer’s disability insurance provides all the protection I need. 

The group disability income insurance coverage provided by most employers pays around 60 percent of your salary, up to a specified cap, typically $4,000 to $6,000 per month. Any bonuses, commissions, and other forms of compensation you receive are not included, even if they represent a significant portion of your salary. An individual disability income insurance policy can cover up to 70 to 80 percent of your income, depending on the policy you choose, and your benefits are usually not taxed as they are under employer-based plans. Group policies also usually reduce the amount they pay based on any other payments you receive, such as Social Security, a drawback that personal disability income insurance policies do not have. 

Social Security Disability will cover me if I become disabled. 

Despite public perception, only a very small number of people actually receive Social Security disability benefits. The Social Security Administration (SSA) operates under such strict definitions of disability that they only approve approximately 35% of disability applications at the initial application level and only 10% of applicants at the reconsideration level. That leaves the vast majority of disabled workers uncovered by Social Security benefits.

Workers’ Compensation benefits will cover me if I am unable to work. 

Statistics show that only 5% of disabling accidents and injuries are work-related and covered by Workers’ Compensation Insurance. 

My savings will cover my needs.

If you put 10% of your salary into savings every year, a single year of disability could wipe out a decade of savings. Since your income and expenses have grown during that time, you could lose even more, as the interest paid on savings is not commensurate with the rising cost of living. 

Individual disability income insurance is too expensive. 

Actually, individual disability income insurance is far more affordable than most people realize. If you look at your disability income insurance premium as a percentage of your yearly salary, a typical plan only represents 1% to 3% of your income. To put it into perspective: A 45-year-old worker making $50,000 a year can purchase an individual disability income insurance plan for around $150 a month; if that same worker becomes permanently disabled, he or she stands to lose more than $1,000,000 in future earnings. 

All disability income insurance plans are the same. 

Disability income insurance plans can vary in many ways. Differences in definitions of disability, length of waiting periods, as well as the length and levels of coverage provided can have a significant effect on the financial well being of your family. The insurance specialists at MHG can explain the fine print and compare policy benefits and premiums to ensure you have the best individual disability income insurance coverage for your particular financial situation. MHG Insurance can assemble a complete insurance package that includes life insurance, health insurance, disability income protection , AFLAC coverage and more to ensure your family has all the protection they need. 

Call  MHG Insurance  today at 954-828-1819 or visit us online at and let our insurance specialists ensure your family has all the coverage they need. 

Common Misconceptions About Disability Income Insurance

5 Signs You Need Life Insurance

The need for life insurance is something to think about, especially during joyous life events. The thought of leaving our loved ones is a painful one, but with careful planning, we can at least help ensure that our family will have the physical comforts and financial security they deserve.   As we go through life, it can be tempting to focus on the joys of the events that change our lives in various stages.  This can result in  neglecting the long-term planning needs these changes may bring. 

How can you tell if your changing life stage signals a need to obtain or update your life insurance coverage? Look for these 5 signs you need life insurance :

Graduating College –While life insurance may not seem like an urgent necessity at this point, it is the ideal time for you to purchase a policy. Your rates will never be lower, and obtaining life insurance now allows you to make affordable provisions for your future retirement while establishing protection for your future family members. 

Getting Married – You just pledged to love, cherish, and protect your loved one from harm all the days of your life; life insurance allows you to help fulfill that pledge even after you are gone. If something happens to you or your spouse, the survivor would face financial obligations on his or her own, with everything from daily living and funeral expenses to retirement funds now becoming the survivor’s sole responsibility. Life insurance provides help with everyday expenses as well as ensuring the surviving spouse can have a comfortable and secure future. 

Becoming a Parent – Having a child is a marvelous event that comes with a heavy dose of responsibility. A life insurance policy can help assure your bundle of joy can have the best life has to offer, even if you are not around to help in person. Life insurance benefits will help your spouse provide all the various needs of your child or children, such as food, clothing, and education, minimizing the risk of having to struggle or scrimp. 

Becoming a Homeowner – All too often, surviving spouses are forced to sell a beloved home after their husband or wife dies because they are unable to afford the mortgage payments on their own. When you put in place a life insurance policy that is large enough to cover your entire mortgage, you can give your spouse the peace of mind that comes from a secure living situation. 

Planning for Retirement – Purchasing life insurance can allow you to spend your hard-earned money enjoying your retirement, while still providing a lasting legacy for your loved ones. The current volatility of the market has left some seniors without the resources they thought they would have for their later years; a life insurance policy provides a safe haven that can help protect your assets and provide you with funds that may be used when you are ready for retirement. 

In addition to changing your life insurance needs, these pivotal life events also create a need for the protection of other insurance policies, such as health insurance , disability income insurance, long term care insurance , and more. The dedicated experts at MHG Insurance will work with you to satisfy all your insurance needs, making certain that you and your loved ones have the coverage you need to be fully protected at every stage of your life. 

Call MHG Insurance  today at 954-828-1819 or visit us online at for help in selecting life insurance and other coverage to ensure you and your loved ones have the protection you need at every stage of your life.

5 Signs You Need Life Insurance