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Planning Your Honeymoon? 5 Reasons to Consider a Trip Cancellation Plan

Posted April 30 2015

honeymoonEveryone knows the only reason people get married is to go on an extravagant vacation, better known as a honeymoon. Just kidding! However, if you are about to tie the knot, I am sure you are looking forward to your trip whether you’re going to be relaxing on the beach in Fiji, exploring the natural beauty of Costa Rica,  cruising the Mediterranean, or visiting some other top newlywed destination. Honeymoons are the one time when you are supposed to splurge and go all out when planning a vacation. From top of the line food, massages, and activities, couples don’t hesitate to celebrate their future life together by enjoying some of the most lavish trips this world has to offer, creating an even greater need for insurance coverage. Although it should be a priority to obtain coverage for any trip that you take abroad, protecting your investment in your honeymoon is a must!  Here are 5 reasons you may need a trip cancellation plan in order to protect the investment made on your honeymoon! Oh, and remember to book the honeymoon suite!

Injury or Illness 

Your spouse told you it wasn’t a good idea to have oysters at the wedding and now you find yourself going toe to toe with food poisoning. If you get ill, or injured, I would highly doubt that you would be looking forward to your honeymoon. You may want to reschedule, or get your money back and book something else.

Jury Duty 

Is it me, or does jury duty seem to always have the worst timing? Sometimes there is nothing you can do about it, and no way to get out of it. By purchasing a trip cancellation plan, your investment in your honeymoon will be protected should you be called for jury duty.

Work Related 

Many stress the importance of a good work/life balance; however, sometimes work can get in the way of your leisure time, especially if you hold a key position in the company. If a last minute meeting comes up, or there is an emergency situation that requires you to come in to work as you are supposed to be leaving on your trip, a good trip cancellation plan could be your best friend.

Labor Strike 

Labor strikes can happen at any time. Airlines could be having disputes, and sometimes their workers will look to take the power in their own hands. If this happens, and it affects your flight or trip, a good trip cancellation plan can reimburse you the amount of your trip, or the policy maximum, whichever is lower.

Losing Your Job 

Losing your job is an unfortunate reality that many of us may have to face at one point or another in our lives.  Usually this is unexpected, and losing your job leading up to your wedding and honeymoon is a sure way to put a damper on things. Not to mention, you may not be able to afford your trip anymore. In this case, you may want to have that money that you already invested back, especially in a time as tough as this one. 

Congratulations on saying “I do!” MHG wishes you safe travels along your journey during your trip. If you are interested in purchasing a trip cancellation plan, or travel insurance, or have any questions or concerns, please contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0)1624 678668 or visit us at Our insurance brokers have the experience to assist you in selecting the right plan for you, with the best value. Enjoy your honeymoon!