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Common Shore Ex Injuries

jetski sitting in the waves on a beach at a shore ex place Cruises are made to be a fun memorable vacation that individuals, couples, and families can remember for years to come. A major part of the cruise industry are excursions. As Tour and Excursion Operators know, one of the first things guests do when stepping onboard a cruise ship is to book all the excursions they plan to take part in. While excursions are often considered one of the most fun parts of going on a cruise, there are still liabilities, and accidents that can happen, which is why waivers should be signed, and you should be insured! Below are some of the most common injuries reported by Tour and Excursion Operators.


We were notified of 2 separate incidents where the individuals both suffered fatal heart attacks whilst snorkeling. Both had long term medical histories which showed it was effectively ‘natural causes’ and no law suit was filed.


Seeing the world under the surface of the ocean is amazing. However, there is heavy and expensive equipment involved with scuba diving. Luckily, many places will not let people dive without a proper license, but that doesn’t mean you still aren’t exposed to liabilities upon injuries. For instance, what if someone doesn’t come up to the surface properly?

Animal Bites

Many of the top attractions and excursions throughout the Caribbean include swimming with a variety of sea creatures. Whether it be dolphins, sharks, sting rays, or other fish, accidents can happen, and there have been reports of people getting bitten or stung.

Jet Skis

Jet skis are one of the most thrilling and exciting excursions that people choose to partake in. While they can be a very enjoyable time, such thrills and excitement can come at a cost. Improper use of Jet skis has been responsible for tragic crashes, injuries, or even worse. One of the main causes of this stems from inexperience of the individual that is operating the craft, who aren’t well versed in the rules and laws of the water when it comes to other boats or vessels in the area.

Zip Lines

Last but not least, many believe that the most frequent injuries are sustained on zip lines. While you may be thinking that many of the injuries occur because of a fall that is not necessarily the case. Far more common, is injury that is sustained when reaching the end of the line and impacting against poorly maintained equipment at speed.

Now that you are further aware of some of the accidents that can happen in the Shore-Ex industry, cover your liabilities with Shore-Ex Insurance, also known as Tour and Excursion Operators Liability Insurance. Shore-Ex Insurance is a package contingent liability program designed specifically for tour operators seeking to work with the cruise line industry. If you are interested in purchasing a Tour & Excursion Operators Legal Liability Policy, or simply need some more information contact us at or call us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668. Our team of brokers have the knowledge and experience to consult with you on the best coverage for your budget, and can also assist you with any insurance questions you may have.

While excursions are often considered one of the most fun parts of going on a cruise, there are still liabilities, and accidents that can happen.

Pink piggy bank with a dollar bill in the slot Did you know? About 250,000 Americans turn 65 each month, and many don’t feel financially prepared to retire. How is your retirement planning coming along? Are you on track to retire with the lifestyle you have gotten used to?

Studies show that many workers haven’t saved enough money to last them from the time they stop working through the rest of their lives. Part of the reason is the increase of life expectancy due to the advancement of medical technology and services. Many don’t account for the increased amount of medical costs that people experience as they climb in age, as well as the increase in the cost of living. No matter how much you are saving for retirement, it can never hurt to save more. You’ll thank yourself later.

Who Can Benefit?

Diversifying your retirement portfolio is important if you would like to reach your savings goals. A Universal Life insurance policy (UL) can act as another option for those looking to add to their portfolio in other ways than the stock market. It can work well for many; those who are looking for a long term savings option that is tax efficient, executives who would like to save more than the allotment of the company plan, or clients who are concerned with future tax rates and are looking for different options for tax free distributions in retirement.

What You Need to Know

You can invest more money into a Universal Life policy than you can in an IRA or 401-K, however there are still limits. The amount of your policy will determine your premium, which will then determine the window as to how much you can overfund. From there you can decide whether you would like to overfund the policy to invest money.

The Benefits

Some of the main benefits are tax-favored growth, asset protection, no penalty for distribution before age 59 ½, and a disability waiver. One of the great benefits of a Universal Life policy is that you can access your savings through a tax favored loan, essentially borrowing money from yourself. Other benefits include:

· Tax free withdrawals

· Additional retirement savings

· Accrue interest tax deferred

· Little to no market risk

· Death benefit

· Protected from creditors

The Fine Print

If you do happen to use the benefit of borrowing money from the policy, there is something you should know. If you were to pass away prematurely, the dollar amount that you owe will then be taken out of the death benefit before it is paid to your beneficiaries.

It’s important to note that we are not financial advisors. If you would like advice or guidance about your investment portfolio, please contact your financial advisor.

If you are interested in purchasing Life insurance, or have any questions about your policy, or which policy would be best for you and your family, contact us at 954-828-1819 or visit us online at We have the insurance specialists to assist and advise you on the best coverage for you and your loved ones at every stage of life.


. We have the insurance specialists to assist and advise you on the best coverage for you and your loved ones at every stage of life.

How is your retirement planning coming along? Are you on track to retire with the lifestyle you have gotten used to?

Holding Hands Are you expecting to become a parent soon? If so, there are some important things you should be doing to prepare yourself. First and foremost, get as much sleep as you can! Secondly, sleep some more! In all seriousness, having a baby is one of life’s most magical moments, and being a parent can be one of the most fulfilling jobs you will ever have. It is also a huge responsibility, and there are many parts of your life that are about to change. With so many new things to plan for and prioritize, it can be overwhelming at times, and some things may slip your mind, such as insurance. So, we decided to create a reminder of things regarding insurance and a few others that you should be doing to get ready for this next step in your life.

Before the Baby

Before your new family member arrives, there are a few things to consider:

1. Selecting a doctor or midwife to perform the birth. This is an important step because you want to be as comfortable as possible during the delivery. It can be a very intimate and let’s be honest, painful experience, so being as comfortable as possible with whomever is performing the procedure will aid in your experience.

2. Figure out how much of the delivery will be covered by your insurance. Having a baby is expensive. Many times, it can be the one of the most expensive health related events that you will experience. If you are planning on starting a family, it is a clever idea to contact your insurance carrier, as well as review your policy documents to prepare for what the costs will be. Similarly, if you have just become pregnant, it may be a good idea to let your insurance carrier know you are having a baby, and figuring out the costs involved as well as what the next step will be.

3. Select a pediatrician that is in network. Having a pediatrician that you trust and you are comfortable with should be a top priority. Also, it’s important to choose one that is in your insurance network. Children are in and out of the doctor when they are young, partly because their immune systems are still developing, but also because there are many check-ups and immunizations they must receive. Selecting an out of network provider is your choice, but it will certainly cost you more.

After the Baby Arrives                

Once your newborn has arrived, there are some tasks that should be completed, as well as some things to know that may help you save a few bucks.

1. Add your baby to your health insurance plan. You would think that after all the medical bills and doctor visits for your pregnancy, that your insurance company would know to add your new baby to your plan, however in most cases you need to contact them to do so. The good news is under the Affordable Care Act, having a child is one of the qualifying life events that can afford you the opportunity to get an ACA compliant plan, if you do not have coverage already.

2. Claim tax credit. For those that don’t know, the IRS allows taxpayers to claim the Child Tax Credit for children under the age of 17 if your adjusted gross income falls below a certain amount. What this means is a potential reduction in your premium if you qualify and take advantage of the tax credits on the marketplace plans. Also, you now have a dependent that you can claim on your taxes which may also give you some tax breaks or returns. Don’t forget to update your W4!

Preparing for the Future

Having a child is a huge responsibility, both financially and time wise. A child can also give you a reason to start planning the future if you haven’t already.

1. Purchase a life insurance policy. Having life insurance should be a top priority when becoming a parent. Making sure your child will be taken care of financially should be a responsibility all parents take advantage of. After all, life is fragile, and can be taken from you without a moment’s notice. If something were to ever happen to you what would happen to your child? That’s a question every parent should be able to answer. 

2. Make a will. Making a will can fall in the same uncomfortable category as life insurance. However, when a child is in the picture, it should be a must. If there is anything you want to leave to your child, or things you want others to have instead of your child, a will is the way to go. It must be obeyed by law, so be sure to name a trustee that is close and who you trust to manage any property on behalf of your minor children.

3. Start saving for college/university. A four-year degree is getting more and more expensive these days, and it is almost a necessity to have secondary education to land a good job. Our advice, start saving now, or as early as possible. There are a plethora of different saving options you can use from savings bonds, to different savings accounts, even prepaid state college/university plans.

MHG is here to assist you and offer any advice and help we can in this exciting time in your life. If you are interested in purchasing health insurance, life insurance, or have any questions please contact us today at 954 828 1819 or visit We have the insurance specialists to guide and assist you in finding the best insurance options for you, your family, and loved ones.

Are you expecting to become a parent soon? If so, there are some important things you should be doing to prepare yourself.

Unrecognizable senior signing a contract with help of financial advisor. Having the proper life insurance policy is very important in order to protect loved ones in the event of an unexpected tragedy. A difficult part is deciding what the proper life insurance policy is for you. While at one point in your life, term life insurance made sense, now it may seem like it isn't the best option. Maybe at this point in time, having a permanent life insurance policy is a better option. If you find yourself in this dilemma, the following may help you make a decision on whether or not you should convert your term life insurance policy into a whole life insurance policy.

Is it Convertible?

Before you consider converting your term life policy to a whole life policy, you must first find out if it is convertible. Depending on the policy, there is a chance that you will not be able to convert to a whole life plan. If it is an older policy, it is more likely unconvertible as newer policies are more flexible to make changes.

Have You Developed an Illness?

Have you developed an illness that may be life threatening at some point? If so, most insurance companies will deny you coverage due to a pre-existing condition. Most insurance companies do not provide coverage for those with a pre-existing condition because the risk is too high. If you had a term life policy, you would be able to convert it to a whole life policy where the benefit never expires because you had already been insured. This is a way to get continued coverage if you have developed a condition that will make life insurance a necessity in the future.

Would You Like More Time?

When many people purchase a term life insurance plan, they make a decision on the number of years they would like to be covered, maybe 15 or 20 years to cover a child until they are an adult. However, life is full of surprises, and what you once thought was the right amount of years has turned out to be too short of time. Maybe you had more children, or have new dependents. You also could have new debt that you want to cover in the event something happens to you. If that is the case, converting to a whole life policy is crucial as the policy doesn't end until it is cancelled, or the policy holder passes away.

Want to Build Cash Value?

A term policy and a whole life policy can be compared to renting and owning. A term policy often costs less than a whole life policy, however you only have coverage for a limited period of time, like renting an apartment. A whole life policy lasts as long as you would like it to last, and the money that you use to pay for it will collect and build a cash value or become an asset, much like buying a house. Another benefit is that after a certain amount of time, you can take out a loan from your whole life policy, essentially borrowing money from yourself.

Whether you are purchasing Life insurance for the first time, looking for better coverage or are interested in learning more about other types of insurance available to you, we can help! Visit our website at or speak with an Insurance Specialist at 954 828 1819.

While at one point in your life, term life insurance made sense, now it may seem like it isn't the best option. Read more!

How to File a Marine General Liability Insurance Claim Filing an insurance claim can be a confusing and lengthy process. In many cases, people have never been involved in a claim before. They may not think to do things in the moment that may help them later during the claims process. Let us help by offering some tips when filing a Marine General Liability insurance claim.

Call Insurance Agent and Insurance Company

The most important place to start when there has been a loss is with your insurance agent. If you are unsure whether a claim should to be filed, your agent can help. Your agent will collect the necessary information, and guide you with the next steps that you will need to take. Do not hesitate to contact your agent, he or she handles claims daily and will be able to give you advise that can save you time and aggravation.

List All Damages Incurred

Make a list of all the damages that have been incurred. Some damages may not be obvious, and may require further investigation by the adjuster or another trained professional. Make notes of any specifics about the incident like time of day, weather, and people present at the time of the incident.

Take Pictures

Having proof of damage can affect the outcome of a claim. If an incident occurs, take pictures to document the damage to property as soon as possible. This will help the adjuster if emergency repairs need to be completed to prevent further damage. Keep all photos and receipts for emergency repairs in a safe place and be sure to hand them off to the adjuster as soon as possible.

Prevent Further Damage

After assessing and documenting the damages, do what you can to prevent further damages from occurring. Whether that means clearing the area of other materials, or securing machinery, do what you can to limit the extent of the damage. It is also important to exercise caution when trying to prevent further damage. If it is not safe to be in the area, do not risk injury to yourself or others by trying to limit damages to property.

Who Should the Company Contact to Follow Up on Claim?

It is important to organize who will oversee the claims process within your company. Make sure this person has access to certain information about your business that may be needed during the process. Also, having one person be in charge may also make this process more efficient and ultimately help close the claim faster.

Having the proper insurance coverage is crucial for the success of any business, and every business needs coverage specific for its characteristics. If you have any more questions, would like further explanation, want to change your general liability policy to a marine general liability policy, or are interested in any other form of business insurance, please contact us by calling 954-828-1819 or visiting We look forward to assisting you with all your insurance needs.

Let us help by offering some tips when filing a Marine General Liability insurance claim.

What Are My Life Insurance Options? Do you have Life Insurance? Do you ever wonder what will happen to your family if anything ever happens to you? If you do have Life Insurance, you don’t need to ask yourself questions like that. The problem is not everyone has life insurance. Many don’t even see it as an option because they think it is too expensive. However, that isn’t the case. There are plenty of ways to secure your family without going broke.  

What are my Options?

There are two types of Life Insurance, Temporary and Permanent. Temporary Life Insurance covers you for a period of time such as 5 years, 10 years, etc. If you should pass away within the term, your beneficiary will receive the death benefit. Permanent Life Insurance covers you for your entire life. So no matter when you should pass away, your beneficiary will receive the death benefit. Also, for either type of life insurance, the death benefit will pass to your beneficiaries income tax free.

Permanent Life Insurance

Permanent Life Insurance covers you for your whole life. You should purchase Permanent Life Insurance if you have a life-long dependent, or have an estate or business to protect. In some permanent plans, your money may collect in an account, and after a number of years, you may be able withdraw money, borrow cash, or surrender the policy and receive the surrendering value.

Temporary Life Insurance

Temporary Life Insurance, also known as Term Life Insurance, is a good option if you would like to have coverage for a certain period of time. Usually an individual will have this coverage during the most vulnerable time of their life. For instance, until the kids are grown and graduated from college, or your house has been paid off. Many times, the premiums are lower than the premiums of a permanent life insurance plan. The only downfall of this type of plan is that once the term is over, IT’S OVER. You may be able to renew your plan once it expires, but your premiums may increase because you will be older than when you purchased your prior plan.

Not Going Broke

“So how do I purchase Life Insurance without going broke?” First off, there are a number of factors to determine which plan is right for you and which plan you can afford. But in general terms, the route to go would be purchasing a Temporary Life Insurance policy. As stated before, the premiums generally are less money than those of a permanent policy, and you and your family or dependents will also be protected during the length of the term.

Not for Everyone          

Buying Life Insurance is not for everyone. There may be no need to purchase it if you don’t have any dependents and enough assets to cover your debt and the cost of dying. Death can very expensive, having to pay for the funeral, estate lawyer’s fees, etc. So if you are unsure about the need to purchase a Life Insurance Plan, or would like to purchase one, please contact us. We would be happy to assist you with all of your questions and concerns.

Call MHG Insurance today at 954-828-1819 or visit us online at for help in selecting Life Insurance and other coverage to ensure you and your loved ones have the protection you need at every stage of life.

Do you have Life Insurance? Do you ever wonder what will happen to your family if anything ever happens to you? Read more!

Your Life Insurance May Not Have International CoverageDo you have Life Insurance? It’s a question that many don’t want to think about for obvious reasons. Some believe that Life Insurance isn’t a priority because they procrastinate, or are waiting until a life changing event that will motivate them purchase a policy. It’s a fact, the benefits that a good life insurance policy can supply your family and loved ones are too good to pass up. Many people have life insurance and believe that they have coverage until the day they die. However, in some circumstances that is not the case, and it’s not because your term life policy expired. So maybe a better question would be, do you have International Life Insurance?

Do I have international coverage?

Many people do not know that their life insurance policy will not continue to offer them coverage if they happen to move to a new country. Typically, if you are in a foreign country for 3 or more months, your life insurance will not offer the coverage that you have been paying for. This is part of the “small print” that many may not know about. So if you are a world traveler, or hope to move to a foreign country one day, or are an expat who looks to settle down back home when you are done with your career abroad, it may be smart to look at your policy and see if you are covered.

Does international coverage exist?

There are several life insurance options that offer international coverage, and will pay the death benefit for expats or others who unthinkably pass while not in their home country. I know you’re wondering if having international coverage makes your premiums more expensive, but in many cases the premiums are in the same ball park as life insurance policies that don’t have international coverage, sometimes even less! Usually the only thing that will affect your premium is the policy amount, your age, and any health problems you may have.

Do I need international coverage?

As I stated earlier, having Life Insurance should be a priority for everyone. If being away from your home country or the country where your life insurance policy was purchased for an extended period of time applies to you, then international life insurance should be a priority. Deciding if you need the extra coverage is the easy part, now comes what type of policy is right for you!

There are many things to take into consideration when making the decision of which type of policy is best for you, your family, or loved ones. Are you interested in purchasing Life Insurance or International Life Insurance? Would you like some more information regarding Life Insurance options that are available to you? Would you like to ask some questions to a Life Insurance expert? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, please contact us 954-828-1819 or visit us online at and talk to one of our insurance specialists for help in selecting Life Insurance and other coverage to ensure that you and your loved ones have the protection you need at every stage of life.

Do you have Life Insurance? Maybe a better question would be, do you have International Life Insurance?

couple discussing with their financial advisor to see if they can afford health insurance benefits Let’s face it, businesses measure their success on their bottom-line. Many make decisions based on becoming more profitable either immediately, or increasing profits in the future. Tasks such as reducing costs, marketing strategies to sell more products or services, or growing their business into new locations, are all tasks that are linked to increasing the profits of a business. It can be difficult for a business to afford all the benefits it would like to provide for its employees. Especially new businesses who are trying to create a budget for all their expenses as they grow their employee base. Use these tips to help find affordable health insurance benefit solutions for your workforce.


There seems to be a stigma attached to HMOs (Health Maintenance Organizations) that makes them seem unfavorable to a lot of people. I’m sure it must do with the fact that it may cause some extra work if you are needing to see a specialist, as you would have to get a referral from your primary physician first, however, that usually isn’t the case anymore. Most HMOs are “open access,” which mean you can go directly to a specialist without a referral. The best part is, HMOs will typically be more cost effective providing your employees are in network areas which are normally larger than past years. Cost savings can be significant for your business. So if you’re looking for more affordable healthcare benefits for your employees, start with looking into an HMO.

GAP Insurance

A well-known philosophy of a successful business is to keep your employees feeling “taken care of.” One way to protect them from falling into a financial black hole is by offering a high deductible plan, along with a gap insurance plan. Combining those two plans would give your employees the coverage they need, with less out of pocket. In most cases this will save the business money compared to a plan that has a low deductible.


Many businesses want to offer their employees as many benefits as they can in order to help attract and retain good workers. Sometimes it just isn’t in the budget to offer all of the benefits that you would like to. Remember that you are only obligated to pay 50% of your employee’s health insurance premiums on the lowest health plan offered, and 0% of their dependents.


Offering an HSA (Health Savings Account) may not be your first choice of healthcare benefits you want to offer your employees, but it can save you money. It also may give your employees some tax advantages.

Small Groups

Some small businesses don’t know that they may be eligible for a “tax credit” for offering their workforce health insurance benefits. If you have a group that is below 50 people, contact us by calling the number below to see if you qualify!

Review Periodically

In today’s insurance market, plans are changing all the time. Whether the carriers are adding new plans, or eliminating old ones, it is crucial that you review your plan periodically to assure that you are still paying a competitive price.

MHG Insurance Brokers offer many different insurance solutions for many areas of business. If you are interested in purchasing a disability plan, health insurance, or life insurance, contact us at or call us at +1 954 828 1819. Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to assist and guide you to the best coverage for your budget.

Let’s face it, businesses measure their success on their bottom-line. Use these tips to help find affordable health insurance benefit solutions for your workforce.

mgl claim No matter what type of business you have, every business has unique needs when it comes to liability protection. Especially if your business is conducted near or on the water, such as marinas and shipyards. Marine general liability coverage is necessary for businesses of this nature. There are some businesses who aren’t aware of the difference between marine general liability and commercial general liability. One difference is that commercial general liability policies often include an exclusion for work done on or near water. This is important because if the incorrect policy is purchased, there may be no coverage at the time of a claim. Claims typically happen when you least expect them. The following are three common marine general liability claims. 

Slip and Falls 

We are all familiar with slip and fall accidents. Businesses on or near the water can create more opportunities for wet floors, or other areas of moisture. It is important to have proper signage around your property/building giving warnings of “slippery when wet.” Installing non-skid flooring is another way to help prevent a slip and fall claim. Keep in mind that slip and falls can happen whether there are wet floors or not. No matter how much precaution you take, you still need proper insurance coverage in case of a claim.

Damage to Someone Else’s Property

Just as damages and mishaps can happen on your property, they can happen on others’ property as well. If your business involves employees doing work at a marina, shipyard or private dock, you may be held liable for damage caused by your employee. Properly train your employees, and provide safety procedures that employees are required to follow at every location. Marine contractors that do work involving welding are especially vulnerable to this type of claim.

Pollution Liability

Work done on or near the water involving boats has an inherent risk of a pollution loss. There are state and federal regulations involving pollution both from gasoline and oil. Both substances are used daily in many marine operations. It is very important that the policy include coverage for Sudden and Accidental Pollution Liability. A marine contractor can be subject to stiff fines and penalties for polluting a body of water.

Having the proper insurance coverage is crucial for the success of any business, and every business needs coverage specific for its characteristics. If you have any more questions, would like further explanation, want to change your general liability policy to a marine general liability policy, or are interested in any other form of business insurance, please contact us by calling 954-828-1819 or visiting We look forward to assisting you with all of your insurance needs.

Claims typically happen when you least expect them. The following are three common marine general liability claims.

shipyard with cranes Shipyard owners are concerned with protecting their businesses from exposure to financial damage, especially in the form of lawsuits and liability issues. As part of their ongoing efforts to insulate their businesses from harm, these conscientious proprietors are checking to make sure that the firms they do business with meet all insurance coverage requirements. If your maritime business lacks the necessary USL&H coverage, you could find yourself facing the harshest of penalties – including the loss of valuable contracts, the imposition of stiff fines, and even actual jail time!

Does your business have the USL&H coverage it needs? Find out by perusing this handy guide on the key facts of Maritime Workers Compensation coverage:

USL&H Is a Requirement to Work on Board Vessels 65' or Greater in Length or at a Dock, Port, or Shipyard

USL&H, which refers to the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act, was enacted to provide compensation to employees in the event of their injury or death while performing maritime work on board a vessel or at a dock, port, or shipyard on navigable waters of the United States. USL&H is federally mandated, which means companies that fail to obtain Maritime Workers Compensation coverage as required are subject to stiff penalties that can include fines of up to $10,000 and incarceration in prison for a year. Even more seriously, uninsured employers and company officers may also be held personally and severally liable for compensation and any other benefits that may accrue to an injured employee.

USL&H Is Workers' Comp Coverage for Contractors Working on/with Vessels

USL&H coverage provides benefits similar to Workers' Compensation to contractors performing any maritime work on or with vessels on navigable waters of the United States. Accidental injuries, occupational diseases, and death arising from the employee's employment are covered by Workers' Comp; similar benefits accrue to maritime employees under USL&H coverage. Even contractors’ employees who have "incidental USL&H" exposure, such as electricians, heating and AC contractors, flooring installers, and other personnel performing repairs on equipment located on a boat, are covered under Maritime Workers Compensation if they suffer any damage while performing their duties.

Shipyards Can Require USL&H Coverage for Even a Single Employee

While USL&H benefits are similar to benefits provided by Workers’ Compensation Insurance, the rules are far more stringent. Workers’ Comp is only required for businesses with four or more employees in Florida, other states may vary, including owners unless they are exempt. Contractors that fall under USL&H guidelines, however, need to provide coverage even if only one employee at their company will be performing qualifying work.

Carrying Inadequate Marine Insurance Coverage Can Be Costly

In addition to Maritime Workers Compensation benefits, MHG Insurance Brokers also provide marine general liability insurance, which protects you in the case of liability or property damages to a third party while engaged in marine related operations. Marine general liability insurance is an absolute necessity for any business providing repair or other services on vessels, as even seemingly minor damage to a boat can prove to be expensive. Now that you know the relevant details about USL&H – shipyards are checking if you have it, Federal law requires you to carry it, and there are stiff penalties for companies that do not have it - the experienced Insurance Specialists at MHG Insurance Brokers can help you obtain the USL&H policy that best suits your needs.

At MHG, we understand the unique environmental conditions of working on the sea, as well as the accompanying challenges. We strive to help marine companies find the best, most affordable marine insurance plans to suit each and every employee.

To learn more about USL&H coverage, marine general liability insurance, and other marine insurance plans, call MHG Insurance Brokers at +1 954 828 1819 or visit us online at

Does your business have the USL&H coverage it needs? Find out by perusing this handy guide on the key facts of Maritime Workers Compensation coverage: