Yacht being dry docked at a shipyardWorking onboard a yacht can be an exciting and fulfilling experience. Yet, being at sea for extended periods of time can present some dangers, from big waves, storms, mechanical issues, etc. But what many don’t realize, that there can be just as many dangers for yacht crew while docked at a shipyard. Yes, you may essentially be on “land” but all that does is raise new opportunities for accidents and tragedies. So if you are scheduled to be docked at a shipyard, be aware of the following mishaps, which can help prevent an injury, or worse.


When the yacht is in the shipyard, there are many people coming onboard which can make a tight area quite crowded. People stepping all over each other, turning a corner and running into someone, there are many scenarios that can lead to an injury. Especially since the majority of the people that will be on the yacht are not familiar to the vessel’s environment. Make sure to have some caution signs to warn the crew of work in progress, or workers that are coming onboard.


Being on a yacht for months at a time, you begin to know every nook and cranny like the back of your hand. Knowing everything from certain creaks, slippery areas, changes in floor elevation, can help keep you from injuring yourself. With many people coming aboard and different crews working throughout, there can be a lot of tools, hoses, drop clothes, wires, open panels, construction materials, and a plethora of other items lying around, just waiting to be tripped over. Also, when docked, there is good chance your yacht is going through an extensive renovation, which can lead to many things being moved around, and not put back in their proper places. Make sure you go around and check if everything is put back correctly, and that equipment is ready to go once cleaning has finished, and watch your step for any materials just laying around!

Land Legs

Did you know that some people suffer from motion sickness once they’re back on land after spending a long time on a boat? When you’re on a boat for a long period of time you get used to the rocking motion and when returning to solid land, some can still feel the rocking sensation which can cause motion sickness. Take the time to obtain your land legs if you will be doing work on solid ground, this way you don’t lose your balance. Do some exercises (jumping jacks, yoga), get some sleep, or try some other stress relieving tips to help you get your legs.


Usually when a yacht is docked at a shipyard, it is time for an extensive cleaning. With cleaning comes some chemicals and fumes that can be very dangerous. Have you ever heard what happens when mixing ammonia and bleach? There are also many other chemicals that can stem from your vessel being docked, from stripping varnishes, water treatments, and new urethanes. Not having the proper protection from harmful chemicals can lead to problems. Be sure to have proper gloves, masks, suits, etc.

MHG is your specialized broker when it comes to crew insurance. Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to find the policy that works best for you. If you are interested in purchasing or have any questions about yacht crew insurance or travel insurance, or would like some advice, please contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at mhginsurance.com. See you at the Newport Charter Yacht Show!

If you are scheduled to be docked at a shipyard, be aware of the following mishaps, which can help prevent an injury, or worse.

window of an airplane overlooking cloudsThe “fasten your seatbelt” light has just lit up! You are now on your way to your destination. Isn’t it exciting traveling to different places? I’m sure it would be even more exciting if long flights didn’t take such a toll on you, mentally and physically. Long international flights can almost make it hard to enjoy your trip, with all the time being seated, and the long customs lines you must go through.

With all the things everyone dreads about international flights, it is all worth it when you get to experience new cultures and traditions, see sights you could never imagine, or relax on a beach for your vacation. Since long flights get a bad rep, use these 5 tips to help survive your next flight, and get you to your enjoyment with more peace of mind!

Request a Special Meal

It used to be customary for you to receive a free meal on all flights, domestic and international. Now you are lucky if you get a bag of peanuts. However, there are still many foreign airlines that may serve you a meal during an international flight. Look up airlines that still have this feature, or try requesting a special meal when you are booking. Having a substantial meal instead of snacking can give you energy and keep you from feeling drained.

Set Your Time

One of the harder things to get accustomed to when traveling internationally is the local time. Your body typically runs on its own clock. So if you are traveling somewhere that is 5 hours ahead, you could be in for a rough transition. Set the time of your destination when boarding the flight. This will give you better judgement of how much time you will have left in the day upon arrival, and also allow you to use the flight to adjust if needed.

Bring a Survival Kit

Don’t you hate sitting next to a screaming baby for 20 hours? One way to help prepare is by bringing a survival kit to help you get the rest you need, and keep you in the best mood possible. Pack ear plugs, an eye mask, snacks, toiletries, etc. It is also a good idea to freshen up halfway through the flight to give you your second wind. This will also give you an excuse to get up and move around.

Don’t Forget the Entertainment

A long international flight can sometimes feel like a lifetime, and if you don’t have things to keep you busy, it will feel like an eternity. Pack an iPod, iPad, tablet, laptop, etc. to keep your mind busy. You can also bring a book(s), word puzzles, Sudoku, and other items as well.

Take Care of Your Body

Did you know that flying can dehydrate you? Stay hydrated, and bring water to drink regularly throughout the flight. Also, try to get up and stretch periodically to keep your blood flowing and your body from getting stiff.

We wish you safe travels along your journey. If you are interested in purchasing travel medical insurance, or have any questions or concerns, please contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0)1624 678668 or visit us at mhginsurance.com. Our insurance brokers have the experience to assist you in selecting the right plan for you, with the best value.

Since long flights get a bad rep, use these 5 tips to help survive your next flight, and get you to your enjoyment with more peace of mind!


MarineWelderCommercial General Liability insurance is designed to cover land-based operations. Typically, there is an exclusion in most CGL policies for any work done onboard ship, docks, or piers. The reason for this exclusion is that marine risks are better suited for a Marine General Liability policy. One major area of concern for a marine risk is the coverage for care, custody, and control. This coverage is critical for ship repairers especially and is a standard coverage on an MGL policy.

A Look Back

A General Liability policy doesn’t include watercraft coverage; including the ownership, maintenance, and use of watercraft owned by you, the insured. The client, shipyard or vessel may never know all these exclusion by just looking at a certificate of insurance. The forms and endorsements are included in the policy wording- which brings up the fact that an experienced insurance broker could help you when it comes to the specifics of policy exclusions and/or benefits.

Commercial General Liability

Commercial General Liability policies protect business owners against claims of liability for bodily injury, property damage, and personal and advertising injury (slander and false advertising). Premises/operations coverage pays for bodily injury or property damage that occurs on your premises or as a result of your business operations. Products/completed operations coverage pays for bodily injury and property damage that occurs away from your business premises and is caused by your products or completed work.

Marine General Liability

Marine General Liability policies are designed specifically for those who work on vessels, docks, and ports. These policies include coverage for Marine Contractors, ship repairers, and others who work on or near water.

Why didn’t I Know about This?

Often, contractors that perform work such as carpentry or welding will be asked to do work on a ship or in a port. Their normal operations are on land and they carry CGL coverage. Many do not realize that their current policy will not cover them for work done on a vessel or on a dock. Most shipyards, vessels, and ports don’t check the coverages listed on a certificate of insurance provided by the contractor, they may let them work with improper coverages, not knowing the exclusions that the contractors have in their policies. This is where the problem arises, since they may not be covered in the event of a loss or accident.

Why aren’t Marine Contractors Covered?

Commercial General Liability policies are not designed to cover marine operations. In order to offer coverage for a risk, the underwriter needs to understand the operation. Class codes are used as a way for an underwriter to rate a risk and determine the premium paid. Class codes are also a way for an insurance company to decide what types of business they want to insure. It is important that the company that insures your business understands exactly what you do and how you do it. Otherwise, you may be paying for a policy that will not cover a loss specific to your business. Marine businesses are best insured by a marine underwriter with an insurance company that is familiar with the marine industries.

Working with an expert insurance broker, like the brokers at MHG Insurance Brokers, can help you obtain a policy that specifically addresses your needs and is customized to your benefit. Remember, cruise lines and marinas require proof of appropriate insurance coverage before any job can begin, so make sure you have the right policy in hand. To learn more about the advantages of Marine General Liability coverage, contact an MHG broker today by visiting mhginsurance.com or calling 954-828-1819.

Typically, there is an exclusion in most CGL policies for any work done onboard ship, docks, or piers. Read to learn more!

524710540 26 July 2018

The International Seafarers’ Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN) is partnering with MHG Insurance to launch a survey of seafarers who work on superyachts to investigate welfare issues specific to the sector. Questions will be asked on food, cabins and communications, as well as the health and wellbeing of the men and women working on board. The survey has been designed to:

· highlight areas of welfare needs among seafarers on superyachts

· see what is working well under current conditions to meet their welfare needs, and what needs improvement

· explore how existing seafarers’ welfare structures may meet these needs and where there is scope for new provision

A recent survey commissioned by Yachting Pages Media Group found that 75% of crew surveyed said that the industry is not doing enough to tackle mental health problems and look after the overall wellbeing of crew.

‘Maritime welfare organisations are used to dealing with seafarers on cargo and cruise ships. The number of seafarers in the yacht sector has grown to around 35,000, and we need to know more about the challenges which are specific to the superyacht sector. As seafarers on superyachts are covered by the provisions of the ILO Maritime Labour Convention their welfare needs – at sea and ashore – should be better known and provided for,’ said Roger Harris, Executive Director of ISWAN.

Andrew Dudzinski, CEO of MHG Insurance, explained their support of this initiative: ‘The welfare of all crew, but especially those who are insured with MHG, is a primary concern for us. The mental and physical health and wellbeing of these seafarers is not just a professional interest. We want to know better what makes them tick and how their time at sea can be improved.’

Andrew Wright, Secretary General of the Mission to Seafarers, who are assisting with the distribution of the survey, said: ‘Yacht crew do an amazing job, catering to a small but very influential clientele, providing a phenomenal level of professionalism and service. For most crew this is a satisfying and wonderful job, but we need to see where improvements can be made.’

The results will be published in a report on the ISWAN website ( www.seafarerswelfare.org ) in December 2018.

For further information, please contact:

Tom Holmer

ISWAN, Croydon, UK

Telephone: +44 20 8253 0163


Mobile: +44 7807 311852 tom.holmer@iswan.org.uk tom.holmer@iswan.org.uk

Diana Gonzalez

MHG Insurance, Florida, USA

Telephone: +1 954 548 3581


Mobile: +1 954 232 2957



International Seafarers' Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN): An international charity dedicated to the relief of need, hardship or distress amongst seafarers of all nationalities, races, colour and creeds irrespective of gender. seafarerswelfare.org

MHG Insurance: Established in 1991 in Miami, Florida, MHG Insurance is an independent, global, full service insurance brokerage and consultative facility. Through its extensive relationships with international underwriting markets, MHG develops and provides a full range of employee benefits, risk mitigation programs, property and casualty insurance and financial services all supported by comprehensive attention to service support for all of our clients. In the marine community, MHG is well known for its expertise in the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC 2006) and developing MLC-aligned crew insurance solutions. In the U.S., MHG provides group and individual employee benefits along with advice on federal regulations regarding the Affordable Care Act. For more information about MHG Insurance and the services we provide, please visit mhginsurance.com

The International Seafarers’ Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN) is partnering with MHG Insurance Brokers to launch a survey of seafarers who work on superyachts to investigate welfare issues specific to the sector.

yacht crew wanting to know more about crew insuranceHaving insurance is a necessity in today’s world, whether you work on land or on water. There are so many different types of insurance available to you, many times it can be confusing what you should be including in your plan. Even more so for yachties! Yacht crew need a different insurance plan than normal, because they live a completely different lifestyle that those who are land based. Also, crew may be traveling around the world rather than staying in one country. So, if you’re a crew member, here are 5 things you should be thinking about when purchasing crew insurance.

1. All crew insurance policies ARE NOT created equal.
There are many different types of crew insurance. You can have coverage for a variety of different things depending on what your preferences are and the yacht owner’s needs. Just keep in mind, the more coverage you have, the more you are protected.

2. Price should not be the first or only thing you look at.
Although you may not want to pay more for more coverage, you may want to rethink your strategy. Anything can happen while at sea, so it may be a smarter idea to have a more comprehensive plan that offers better coverage in the event that there is an emergency or something tragic happens, which may do even more damage to your wallet. After all, your health and safety should be a bigger priority than trying to save a buck.

3. Work with a specialized broker.
It is important to work with a specialized broker when buying crew insurance, because, as stated before, there are so many intricacies in a crew insurance plan. There are certain liabilities that need to be covered that a normal broker may not think to include in your plan. Also, a broker will work for you to get you the best package for you and your crew, and also work for you when needing to file a claim. Many agents can sign their clients up for a policies and not fully understand the conditions of the policy that could leave the owner exposed. So you don’t have to stress, let the experts handle it!

4. Crew insurance means a lot of different things to a lot of different people.
What does crew insurance mean to you? Crew insurance is not P & I insurance and not personal accident insurance, it is a type of medical insurance. Believe it or not, there are group and individual crew plans. Sometimes owners will leave it up to the crew to fend for themselves when selecting insurance and reimburse them up to a certain amount. This can make things tricky because there will be a lack of uniformity on board, with crew members having different plans from different companies. If that is the case, be sure to know the contact information for their insurance in the event of an emergency.

5. Having proper crew insurance is YOUR responsibility.
Having proper insurance is your responsibility. Not that of the yacht owner. As stated earlier, there are instances where the owner leaves it up to you to insure yourself and will reimburse you up to a certain amount. Just because you are working on a yacht, doesn’t automatically mean you have coverage.

MHG is your specialized broker when it comes to crew insurance. Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to find the policy that works best for you. If you are interested in purchasing crew insurance, or would like some advice, please contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at mhginsurance.com.

If you’re a crew member, here are 5 things you should be thinking about when purchasing crew insurance.

Plane lands at an airfield at the sunsetDid you know that taking at least one trip a year, reduces your risk of heart disease by 30%? With a statistic like that, how can you not already have your bags packed?! Before you rush out to book your next trip, be sure to use our checklist below when making any decisions about travel insurance, as well as traveling abroad. Traveling abroad can create some of life’s greatest experiences. Seeing other countries, cultures, and people can create memories that can be shared for a lifetime. In order to ensure that those memories are happy ones, travel insurance should be on the top of your list before you book that flight.

Having an emergency while you're abroad can be a scary experience for many reasons. You are far from home, in a country that you do not know much about and may not know where to go in the event of an emergency. Maybe you don’t speak the language which could make it impossible to try and get assistance from a local. You don’t have the family/ friend support that you do at home. Travel insurance should provide you with the proper coverage to protect from an array of unplanned events that can really ruin a trip.

Travel Insurance Checklist

A good Travel Medical policy should include the following:

· Maximum plan limit of at least $1,000,000.

· Provide coverage in most countries around the world.

· Provide coverage for accidents, illness and the acute onset of a pre-existing condition.

· Emergency air/ground transportation to the nearest qualified hospital.

· 24-hour worldwide emergency assistance.

· Pre-trip health and safety advisories on your destination such as required vaccinations, health risks and travel restrictions, medical monitoring, provider referrals for Western-style medical facilities, medical and dental practices and pharmacies. Other useful services include travel document replacement, lost luggage assistance, emergency travel arrangements and translation services.

· Simple online enrollment.

· Easy claim submission.

Travel insurance benefits can vary and it's best to review a few different options from a reputable company to see which plan is best for you. Also, using an Insurance Broker can provide with you benefits that you may truly value. An insurance broker will typically work for you, the client, and offer you advice and assistant to getting the best l plan possible according to your budget. One reason they may be able to get you better coverage is because they represent several companies as opposed to just one. Their best interest is in the customer rather than the company. They can also assist you in with any claims you make and work on your behalf.

What should I Bring?

Once you purchase your travel insurance, you can begin fully to enjoying yourself and look forward to your adventure without having to worry about the unknown. Packing is very important, and be sure to include the following to make it as hassle free as possible:

1. Travel insurance card

2. Passport and visa

· Make sure the expiration date is not during your trip, also bring a copy of your passport for back up purposes

3. Flight itinerary

4. Immunization documents

5. A Full list of all accommodations

· Including addresses and phone numbers from all the locations you will be staying. Also be sure to include this information with a friend or family member who will be staying home.

7. Contact information for your country’s embassy or consulate in your destination

8. Emergency contacts

· It is smart to keep in touch with loved ones during your trip, checking in every so often.

9. Money

· Never have all of your cash in one place. Cash, cards, checks, passport, if you include them all in your day bag, and it happens to be misplaced or stolen, you may be stranded.

10. Map of where you will be going, along with a translation dictionary.

Once you have completed these checklists, you can officially kick back and enjoy your time. Don’t forget to take lots of pictures!

MHG Insurance Brokers wishes you safe travels along your journey. If you are interested in purchasing travel insurance, or have any questions or concerns, please contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0)1624 678668 or visit us at mhginsurance.com. Our insurance brokers are experienced and can assist you in selecting the right plan for you, with the best value.

Traveling abroad can create some of life’s greatest experiences. Seeing other countries, cultures, and people can create memories that can be shared for a lifetime.

ODIN1 FORT LAUDERDALE, FL (July 3, 2018) – MHG Insurance announced today that Odin Bujeiro has joined the company’s IT Department as a Programmer. In this role, Bujeiro will develop, test, troubleshoot, and deploy solutions for MHG’s CRM System and web portal.

Bujeiro joins MHG with more than 20 years of experience as a programmer. Bujeiro previously worked as a Software Developer for a company specializing in vacation awards and incentives for the hospitality industry and more recently, as a Senior Software Engineer for a GPS tracking solutions company.

“Odin is a talented programmer and his skills are much needed as MHG continues to grow,” said Kevin Knorr, MHG’s IT Director. “His extensive knowledge and experience will only benefit our company and help us run more efficiently.”

MHG Insurance has been providing insurance guidance and solutions since 1991. The company has established an unrivalled reputation for providing quality insurance products that meet clients’ coverage requirements and budget.

About MHG Insurance

Established in 1991 in Miami, Florida, MHG Insurance is an independent, global, full-service insurance brokerage and consultative facility. Through its extensive relationships with international underwriting markets, MHG develops and provides a full range of employee benefits, risk mitigation programs, property and casualty insurance and financial services all supported by comprehensive attention to service support for all of our clients. In the marine community, MHG is well known for its expertise in the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC 2006) and developing MLC-aligned crew insurance solutions. In the U.S., MHG provides group and individual employee benefits along with advice on federal regulations regarding the Affordable Care Act. For more information about MHG Insurance and the services we provide, please visit mhginsurance.com

MHG Insurance Brokers announced today that Odin Bujeiro has joined the company’s IT Department as a Programmer.

drawig of a man trying to decide between yacht crew insurance optionsThere are two words no one ever wants to hear, you’re fired! Those words usually carry a little more sting hearing them from your boss. Being part of a yacht crew and losing your job can make for one mess that most people don’t look forward to cleaning up. Whether you were fired, laid off, quit, or are transitioning to a new job, having health insurance coverage through the process may not be the first thing on your mind. Typically, with loss of employment comes loss of health insurance. Maybe you didn’t realize that you lost your coverage in this process. If that is the case, don’t worry, there are four options you can chose from if you find yourself in this situation. Let’s break them down.

Go Naked

For those that are wondering, “Go Naked” doesn’t mean what you may be thinking. It means to go without insurance coverage, leaving you vulnerable and unprotected, or better yet, naked. We don’t recommend going through any stage of your life without coverage, but there are times when it may make sense. For example, if you lost your job as a part of a yacht crew, and you are going back to your home country, in some scenarios you can go back home to socialized coverage. In countries with socialized care, assuming you have been properly contributing, you’ll have coverage there. Other than that scenario, this option is probably not the one for you.

Elect COBRA (if available)

Some insurance plans, particularly the US based ones, will allow a crewmember to continue their insurance for up to 18 months after loss of employment. However, this is not widespread in yachting so you will need to ask about this option, should you wish to explore it. While the coverage will probably be better than a private plan that can get anywhere else, it unfortunately be probably also quite expensive. This may make it an unattractive option, particularly if you’re unemployed. However, if you have ongoing medical issues, this is an excellent option.

Purchase Travel Medical Insurance

The next insurance option for yachties without a job is to purchase travel insurance. Travel Medical insurance will typically offer insurance coverage all over the world, which is great for yachties who rarely know where they will be traveling in advance. There are limitations, however. Yes, you may have worldwide coverage, but it doesn’t usually include your home country. That is because travel insurance is designed to offer you coverage outside of your home country, under the assumption that you already have local insurance. It should also be said that is less costly than purchasing a full time insurance plan, partly because it only offers coverage for accidents and illness, not routine check-ups, appointments, etc.

Purchase a Full Time Plan

Your last insurance option is to purchase a full-time insurance plan. This is typically the same type of plan that you had when you were working, however there may be different amounts of coverage depending on what your budget is and what you feel you need coverage for. Also, depending on your previous job, you may not have had to pay for your insurance or only had to pay for a percentage. In this instance, you will be responsible for 100% of payment, but you get to choose the coverage you want. It is also important to mention that the plan will be yours no matter what yacht you’re on.

MHG is your specialized broker when it comes to crew insurance. Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to find the policy that works best for you. If you are interested in purchasing or have any questions about yacht crew insurance or travel insurance, or would like some advice, please contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at mhginsurance.com. Don’t forget, the Palm Beach International Boat Show is this week, see you there!

Typically, with loss of employment comes loss of health insurance. Don’t worry, there are four options you can chose from if you find yourself in this situation.

5 Whole Life Insurance Myths Debunked!Purchasing a Life Insurance policy isn’t something you do every day. The benefits and coverage it can provide for you and your loved ones in the event of a loss is irreplaceable, but with that being said, who wants to plan their “death.” We know this is a very sensitive subject, so we took the time to clear the air of some myths that we have heard about whole life insurance. Since purchasing life insurance can be a little unsettling, we wanted to make sure you are prepared and know exactly what you are getting yourself into, in order for you to make the best decision for you. So here are 5 myths that are associated with Whole Life Insurance.

1. Whole Life is too expensive!

Yes, a whole life premium is considerably more money than that of a term life insurance premium, depending on the value of the policy. However, there are some things to take into account. With term life insurance, you will not accumulate any value, once the term ends, you own nothing. As opposed to a whole life insurance policy, where your premiums will build a cash value that will belong to you at the end of the policy.
Also, another thing to consider is the total cost of a policy over your lifetime. Term is not designed to cover you for life, so when your term expires and you would like to purchase more coverage, the cost will increase. When putting the two types of policies together to compare, whole life is substantially less costly than a life time of premiums for term life insurance.

2. Only your beneficiaries will benefit!

While having life insurance helps protect your family in the event that something happens to you, your beneficiaries aren’t the only ones who benefit. A whole life policy can also be used as an investment option. Many times, you will have access to the policies’ cash value for withdrawals and loans which can be tax free. Also, certain companies will generally pay dividends to policy owners after the first policy year. Many times these dividends can be used to help pay premiums or purchase more permanent increments.

3. It’s a money pit!

One of the things that makes a whole life policy differ from a term policy is the fact that at the end of your policy, many times you will receive the value of your policy. Which can be a great investment decision for your financial portfolio, given the fact that it isn’t correlated to the stock market and mostly guaranteed by the insurer so death benefits and cash values aren’t affected by declining markets.

4. Cash in your policy once you retire!

Back in the day, many people would cash in their life insurance policy when they retired. However, today that is the time when many start to realize the importance of it. Having a whole life policy in your financial strategy could provide you security, financial freedom, as well as a legacy for loved ones.

5. Once you buy Life Insurance, you don’t have to think about it ever again!

Performing maintenance on your policy can save you money. Health changes can sometimes lead to lower premiums. Also, policies with loans and withdrawals, if not managed correctly can hinder some long term provisions and guarantees. Performing regular maintenance may also link your advisors together, which can help build a team around you with strengthened relationships, putting everyone on the same page for your investments, taxes, and your estate.

MHG Insurance Brokers is dedicated to making your Insurance experience as stress free and informative as possible. We have insurance specialists with the experience and knowledge to get the best coverage to fit you, your family, and loved ones. If you are interested in purchasing Life Insurance, have any questions, or need advice, please contact us at 954 828 1819 or visit our website at mhginsurance.com.

We know this is a very sensitive subject, so we took the time to clear the air of some myths that we have heard about whole life insurance.

Why Business Owners Should Consider an Employment Practices Liability Insurance Policy In today’s increasingly litigious society, business owners operate under the constant threat of lawsuits from employees, on a variety of issues. The proliferation of federal, state, and local employment laws has created a plethora of exposures that can leave your business vulnerable to costly litigation. Businesses of all sizes are at risk: whether you are the head of a large corporation or the owner of a small neighborhood company, once you hire your first employee, you expose your company to the possibility of a lawsuit.

An Employment Practices Liability Insurance Policy provides necessary protection for your business.

Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) protects your business, its directors, officers, and employees, providing coverage for the legal costs and damages associated with claims by current, former, and potential employees for a number of employment-related allegations, including:

  • Wrongful dismissal
  • Sexual harassment
  • Hostile work environment
  • Invasion of privacy
  • Denial of promotion
  • Failure to make partner
  • Age, race, gender, or sexual orientation discrimination
  • Failure to accommodate the needs of the disabled


The number of employment related lawsuits filed each year is rising.

Cases against employers are on the rise. According to the best industry estimate, 3 out of 5 businesses will be sued by an employee. Companies are now vulnerable from the first contact with a potential employee, from the pre-hiring process through the exit interview, even if the potential employee was never hired or was only with the company for a few days.

A single employee can sink your entire company.

No matter how vigilant you are, you cannot monitor every hire, termination, and conversation that takes place in your offices. Any misbehavior by your employees - a careless remark, inappropriate joke, or slightly mishandled termination – can be the basis of a lawsuit with the potential to bankrupt your business. There are steps you can take to minimize exposure, such as requiring attendance at workplace relations training sessions, implementing a zero-tolerance policy for sexual harassment, and establishing formal procedures for hiring, firing, and disciplining employees, but there is no way to ensure your company’s safety.

Defending against discrimination lawsuits, even groundless ones, is expensive.

Legal costs accrue at an incredibly fast rate during business litigation. The average cost to have a meritless lawsuit dismissed is between $10,000 and $15,000. If a slight concern about your company’s possible culpability causes you to agree to a quick settlement, expect expenses of $10,000 to $50,000. Costs rise sharply if there is any merit to the case against your company, with the costs of settlement and defense soaring to $150,000, $200,000, or more. Should your company be served with this type of lawsuit, your EPLI coverage reacts with legal defenses that may be included within or outside of the policy limits and would react to settlements and judgments awarded to the accuser.

Now that you have a better understanding of the many reasons why business owners should consider an Employment Practices Liability Insurance Policy, you can rely on MHG Insurance to ensure that you and your business are fully protected. The Insurance Specialists at MHG understand that every business is unique. We have the experience and resources to assemble a complete insurance plan that includes all the business insurance policies your company should have, including Commercial Property Insurance, Workers’ Compensation, Business and General Liability Insurance, and more. Call us today at 954-828-1819 or visit us online at mhginsurance.com, and let our Insurance Specialists show you how to protect your business from the expense of costly lawsuits and other risks.

Businesses of all sizes are at risk: whether you are the head of a large corporation or the owner of a small neighborhood company, once you hire your first employee, you expose your company to the possibility of a lawsuit.