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The Light Head. Silhouette of young woman on sky background with sun in her head.To say that the past couple of months have been stressful would be an understatement. With what is currently going on in the world, stress, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues have been affecting seemingly everyone to an extent. Fear of the unknown and what tomorrow may hold, loss of jobs and income, closing of schools, and being forced to stay indoors are all factors in what is likely affecting most people. Unfortunately, we are no experts on the trajectory of this pandemic, so we can’t say when or if things will be getting back to normal, but when it comes to your mental health, don’t wait for when or if, do it now!

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health, and with so many factors that may be affecting it out of your control, it is incredibly important to take control of your situation and make the best of it. There are several things you can be doing every day to help you stay strong mentally and keep from experiencing common issues such as anxiety and depression. Now, these tips should not be used instead of prescribed medication, and it is important to mention that if you are finding that nothing is helping you with your issues, to seek medical advice about how you can help yourself.


Hands of young beautiful woman practicing yoga at homeI know what you are thinking, not everyone can sit in a quiet room for an extended time with the kids home from school and having to help them with their online studies, but it is important for you to be able to be alone with your thoughts. According to Everyday Health, “research suggests even brief meditation sessions can make a difference in managing stress” Try to take some time for yourself, relax, focus on your breathing, and clear your mind, you will be amazed at how good feel after the fact.



Shot of a fit young woman doing yoga at homeWhile most people think of the physical benefits that exercising can have on your body, not many think of the mental benefits too! When you exercise, your body naturally releases hormones that make you feel good. In addition to the natural feeling, exercising will make you feel better about yourself, whether accomplishing a goal, looking better in the mirror, or just feeling better overall, having daily physical activity is crucial to your overall mental health. Exercise can directly impact depression and anxiety, as stated in this article from the Help Guide, a good place to visit for tips and help with mental wellness.



Cropped shot of an attractive young woman wearing a sleep mask while lying in bedSleep is something that most people don’t get enough of. How many hours do you sleep every night? Did you know that during sleep is when your body recovers and heals itself? Maybe if you thought of it that way, you would make sure you got a full night! In fact, this recent Harvard study talks about how sleep deprivation and sleep disruption can negatively impact your mental health.



Go Outside

outdoorsMany of us are stuck at home and forced to stay indoors, but if you are able to go outside, take advantage! Vitamin D is great for your overall health! Take a walk around your neighborhood or relax in the backyard. Catch some rays and let nature help brighten you up. Research even shows the positive impact of outdoor activity on your overall mental health. Read more about it here!



Stay Busy

Young student watching lesson online and studying from home. Young woman taking notes while looking at computer screen following professor doing math on video call. Latin girl student studying from home and watching teacher explaining math formula on video chat.If you are staying home through all of this, and find yourself bored, find something to do to keep yourself busy! Whether reading books, working on home projects, doing some spring cleaning, or taking this time to work on you, it is important to stay busy, and keep your focus on something.


Mental Health and Wellness is important for everyone, especially if you are a seafarer who may not have access to the help and assistance programs that those who aren’t at sea do. If you are a seafarer and need some help, check out SeafarerHelp, a free, confidential, multilingual helpline for seafarers and their families, available 24 hours per day, 365 days per year!

With the spread of COVID-19 causing global concern, rest assured that all of us at MHG are here and ready to answer your insurance questions and concerns relating to the virus. For specific information on how COVID-19 affects your insurance coverage, please call us or visit your insurance carrier’s website.

Unfortunately, we are no experts on the trajectory of this pandemic, so we can’t say when or if things will be getting back to normal, but when it comes to your mental health, don’t wait for when or if, do it now!

Closeup side view of black luxury yacht agains blue sky in sunlight with copy spaceIf you are not working in the insurance industry, there is a good chance that insurance lingo can provide you with some head scratchers. Words and terms that we don’t use in everyday life can leave people feeling confused. So, we thought it would be helpful to put together a list of terms that we find ourselves explaining frequently. Hopefully this list will give you a better understanding of healthcare in general and be able to assist you when purchasing your future plans from the healthcare marketplace.

· Annual Maximum and/or Policy Maximum - The maximum amount that an insurance policy will pay for covered medical expenses. The amount can be different depending on the policy chosen.

· Coinsurance - The percentage of covered medical costs that you pay after you have met your deductible.

· Copayment or Copay - A fixed dollar amount that you pay directly to your doctor or physician, hospital, or other medical provider (doctor visit or CT scan) at the time of service.

· Cost-Sharing - Determines how much you will pay and how much your insurance plan will cover. Various parts include deductible, copay, and coinsurance.

· Deductible - The amount that you will have to pay out of pocket each year before your insurance plan begins to pay. Some benefits are not subject to the deductible.

· Emergency Evacuation – Transport of the insured person in the event of a life or limb threatening injury or illness which requires treatment at a different location.

· In-Network - Providers that are members of the approved network for your plan.

· Out-of-Network – Any provider that is not a member of the approved network for your plan.

· Out of Pocket Maximum - The maximum you pay during a policy year before your health insurance plan starts to pay 100% for all covered benefits.

· Pre-certification - Contacting your insurance provider for approval before having specific procedures. This process, as well as which procedures require it, can be different depending on your policy.

· Pre-existing Health Condition - An illness, injury, or condition, you had before joining a health insurance plan. All ACA compliant plans cover pre-existing conditions without a waiting period.

· Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) - A plan that allows you to go to any provider that you choose, however insurance pays less for providers that are not in your network.

· Provider - A person or company that provides health care service to you such as a doctor, hospital, urgent care, minute clinic, lab, pharmacy, etc.

· Provider Network - A group of providers with specific agreements to honor a particular health insurance plan or plans.

· Repatriation - A person returning to their home country or place of citizenship.

If you have any more questions about yacht crew insurance terms, please feel free to ask us or comment below! Having proper insurance is important whether you are at sea or docked at a shipyard. MHG is your specialized broker when it comes to crew insurance. Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to find the policy that works best for you. If you are interested in purchasing, or have any questions about yacht crew insurance or travel insurance, please contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at For more information on why service is so important, read our previous blog, “Yacht Crew Case Study: Customer Service Can Be Life Saving”.

If you are not working in the insurance industry, there is a good chance that insurance lingo can provide you with some head scratchers. So, we thought it would be helpful to put together a list of terms that we find ourselves explaining frequently.

Cropped shot of an unrecognizable young man stretching at homeWith so many of us stuck in our homes, or indoors in general, it can be hard to find the motivation, or even the tools to get a good workout in. For those of us looking to maintain our figure, or even drop some pounds while we are quarantining, it is important to try to stay active. Better yet, it is important for everyone to stay active, as exercising can help with stress, depression, anxiety, and other mental challenges associated with what is currently going on.

Calisthenics are a great way to get into or stay in shape. In fact, many people use calisthenics as their normal exercise routine. By using different exercises to target each muscle group, you can have a full body workout without leaving your home or your yard, in a short amount of time.

1. Upward and Downward Facing Dog- This is a common yoga exercise and is a great way to get your body warmed up before a workout or cooled down following one. Lay flat on the ground face down. Take a deep breath, push your hands against the ground to push your chest up while keeping your legs flat on the ground. Hold the pose for several breathes. On the last exhale, lift your bottom up to form a 90-degree angle with your body while keeping your feet and hands flat on the ground and your head between your arms. Stay in that pose for several breathes. On the last exhale, bend your knees to the floor so that your knees are under your hips and your hands are under your shoulders.

2. Planks- Planks are one of the best exercises you can do to work out your core. Lay face down on the floor. Prop yourself up with your forearms and keep your elbows directly below your shoulder. Remember to keep your body straight. For beginners, try using a straight arm with your hands directly underneath your shoulders.

3. Wall Sits- This is a great way to focus on your lower body as well as your core. Find a wall, then squat down into a sitting position with your back against the wall and your legs in 90-degree angles.

4. Mountain Climbers- Ready to get your heart rate pumping? Mountain climbers are a unique exercise that can get your heart rate up and work out your entire body without needing machinery or a large space to move around. Start in a push-up position and alternate bringing your knees to your chest.

5. Push-ups- This classic exercise focuses on your upper body strength and your core. To work out different muscles doing this exercise, try doing them on an incline and decline as well.

6. Sit-ups/ Crunches- This is another classic exercise that targets your abdominals. To increase difficulty try doing them with your legs up at a 90-degree angle. Or you could try air bike crunches where you alternate touching opposite elbows to knees.

7. Squats and Lunges- This exercise really targets your thighs and your gluteal muscles. Remember to keep your feet shoulder width apart and keep your heels flat on the ground when squatting.

For lunges, step forward with one leg lowering your hips until both legs are bend at 90-degree angles. Make sure your front knee is directly above your ankle and your back knee doesn’t touch the floor. Rotate legs.

8. Leg Lifts- As you may have already noticed, many of these workouts focus on your core, and leg lifts are one of the best ones you can do. Lay flat on your back and lift your feet 6 inches off the ground. For a change you could also try switching your feet from opened to closed every 10 seconds.

9. Burpees- Burpees are a great exercise that workout the whole body and even gets your heart rate up! Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, then bend your knees and lower your body into a squat. Place your hands on the floor and shift your weight onto them, then jump your feet back and get yourself into a plank or pushup positions. Then jump your feet back to land just behind your hands and rise up to jump explosively in the air. Repeat!

10. Tables- Sit down with your hands and feet on the floor. With your arms behind you, prop yourself up by lifting your hips as high as you can, and squeezing your glutes and shoulder blades as hard as you can.

There are several different ways to approach these exercises, you could try doing each one until exhaustion, breaking them up into different repetitions and sets, or a mixture of both. There are a ton of other non-weight exercises you can do; however, everyone is different, and some may find other exercises more successful than others. Try looking up other exercises and make a workout guide that fits you and your needs best.

With the spread of COVID-19 causing global concern, rest assured that all of us at MHG are here and ready to answer your insurance questions and concerns relating to the virus. For specific information on how COVID-19 affects your insurance coverage, please call us or visit your insurance carrier’s website.

By using different exercises to target each muscle group, you can have a full body workout without leaving your home or your yard, in a short amount of time.

An abstract image representing a screen with security padlocks on it. Most padlocks are closed and show as blue, representing a secure system. Except one which is open and shows in red, representing an insecure system, breach or intrusion. The image symbolizes an attempt at intrusion on a secure system grid.In this ever-changing world, new threats and risks surface seemingly every day. Can you guess what one of the biggest threats to your business is? It’s not looting, and definitely not slander, it’s Cyber Breach! Years ago, a big topic was identity theft, and people having their credit cards compromised. As those issues are still common today, there is a much larger issue at hand. If a company has a breach, millions of customers could be at risk instantly, whereas before, people had their private information breached one by one. Can we go back to the old days?

Companies have begun investing heavily in security and creating in-house security teams to protect themselves from having their private information hacked. With millions of people affected by cyber breach across the world, it has become a common issue for businesses. According to Forbes, in 2019, personal account information surfaced on the dark web resulting from the data breach of Facebook and Instagram, exposing over 400 million user’s personal information.

How do I know if my business is at risk?

Many people think that a cyber breach can only affect businesses that have online stores, or sell a product or service through a website, however, that is not the case. Your business is at risk if it handles sensitive computer data such as credit card information and bank account numbers. Whether online, or in a computer system, information just isn’t safe anymore. Hackers are able to bypass security software and can get into your company’s servers to access all the information they want, at times getting through the best security available.

Unfortunately, these days having the best security software and team cannot guarantee the safety of your business. Although they are good investments to have, because they can make it quite difficult for a hacker which may make your company less of a target.

How will it affect my business?

A breach can cause an extensive threat to your financial stability. No matter the size of your business, federal law now requires you to notify every one of your customers affected by the breach. You may need to pay for extensive damages across your business. If you are one of the companies that has their business breached it may be necessary to hire a PR firm for damage control, forensic services to find out the extent of the breach and make the necessary security changes, legal services to protect you from individual and class action lawsuits, etc.

Hackers can also gain access to your employee’s information through email, and begin to contact others through that email address. This can create a massive headache for your company. Imagine an executive asking someone within the company for money in an emergency situation. Before you know it, your company just lost tens of thousands of dollars. It is critical to define certain protocols that offer an additional layer of protection. Requests for money transfers should be approved by more than one person and confirmation should be done in a secure manner or in person if possible.

How can I protect my business?

Until a few years ago, there was no insurance available to cover cyber liability. Businesses used Commercial General Liability Insurance to obtain coverage for bodily injury and property damage from accidents on their property or in their business, yet this does not protect them from any of the financial losses that can happen from failure to protect the private information of its customers.

Insurance companies now offer stand-alone policies to protect your business from many of the financial pitfalls that were stated earlier, that come with a cyber breach. Prices for these policies vary. Considering what they are protecting, it is well worth looking into the coverage. The application process can be quite simple depending on the need. Because the insurance company must know many details about spy ware protection, internet usage, etc. it is a good idea to work with your IT team when shopping for Cyber Liability coverage.

If you own a business, and are looking for protection against a cyber breach, MHG Insurance Brokers would be happy to assist you. Also, if you are looking to purchase other various forms of Property & Casualty Insurance such as General Liability or Professional Liability, our insurance specialists have the experience to assist your business and offer advice in finding the perfect plan to fit all of its needs. Contact MHG Insurance Brokers today at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at

Can you guess what one of the biggest threats to your business is? It’s not looting, and definitely not slander, it’s Cyber Breach!

Working mother with baby daughter communicating on mobile phone while reading an e-mail on the computer.As you may have heard, we are currently experiencing a global pandemic from COVID-19, also known as coronavirus. Across the world, countries and cities are being locked down to help prevent the spread of this virus, forcing many to be laid off or have to work from home, if their job allows. If you are one of the fortunate ones who are able to work from home and are staying home in these unprecedented times, you are doing your community a great service by doing your part to help stop the spread.

Many may think that working from home is easy, however, there are several challenges and issues that can arise, especially when working from home for an extended period, which looks to be the case for many. The following are some tips to better help develop a routine to make the most of your time, and to help limit distractions when working from home.

Get Ready in the Morning

Yes, one of the many benefits people may think of when working from home is that you get to stay in your pajamas all day. While everyone loves to have a lazy day, it is recommended to develop a routine. Try getting ready in the morning as if you were heading into the office. Take a hot shower, brew a cup of joe, or catch up on the latest news. Whatever your routine was before, try to mimic it the best you can.

Dedicate a Space

In addition to developing a solid and healthy routine, it’s important to create a dedicated space for your work. Set up your computer or lap tap, office phone, and whatever other supplies you need in order to creative an effective “home office”. Also, pick some place that will limit distractions, perhaps set up at the dining room table rather than in the living room? Whatever space works best for you, and will help you feel like you are clocking in.

Take Breaks

A lot of people don’t realize how many breaks they take at work, and while many supervisors may not want to hear it, frequent breaks are proven to be imperative for efficient work. Getting up from your desk and going to chat with a colleague or gathering around the water jug is something that you won’t have to opportunity to do. Make a note to take a break every so often. Pick a few times throughout the day to get up and walk around the house. If you have a dog, I’m sure they won’t let you forget to go on a walk.

Keep the Kids Busy

As the majority of schools are closing, you may be working from home with a few added responsibilities. Kids, especially younger ones, require a ton of attention, and it can be hard to get anything done if you are constantly having to keep them occupied and entertained. Try to come up with some activities that will keep them busy and inspire them to entertain themselves. Whether it’s putting on a movie, reading a book, or playing some board games, try to come up with some ideas to help keep them engaged.


Last but certainly not least, being stuck inside all day can cause some mental challenges. Ever hear of cabin fever? Depending on where you are and what rules are being instituted in your country or city, go outside for a walk or run and get some physical activity. If you can’t leave your home, come up with an exercise routine for you to do every day. Exercise and physical activity is a great way to help battle the depression or other issues that may arise from being isolated and quarantined, and not to mention, it will only help you and your health!

With the spread of COVID-19 causing global concern, rest assured that all of us at MHG are here and ready to answer your insurance questions and concerns relating to the virus. For specific information on how COVID-19 affects your insurance coverage, please call us or visit your insurance carrier’s website.

Many may think that working from home is easy, however, there are several challenges and issues that can arise, especially when working from home for an extended period, which looks to be the case for many.

Shot of a young man going over his finances at homeIt’s everyone’s favorite time of the year, tax season! Filing taxes can be a real pain, but if you are one of the lucky ones who are due to receive a nice check from the IRS, this can be a rewarding time. While having the latest iPad is great, you may come to regret that decision later. Instead of spending your tax return on a new gadget or vacation, try paying yourself. Sometimes bills seem like they are never ending, but one bill that you may come to enjoy paying are those that will pay you down the road. Catch my drift?

Be Forward Thinking

Whether you are established in your career or you are just starting out, you should be thinking about your retirement. Sometimes it can be difficult to put yourself in situations later in life, partly because life can be so unexpected. It just happens. But what some people don’t consider is that when you retire, you won’t have the same income to support your lifestyle. One way to fix that is by saving your money! If you are forward thinking and sacrifice the right amount of money now, what you enjoy now you can enjoy later too!

Get a Jump Start

Is it me or do paychecks seem like they are never enough? While there is a lot more to life than earning a wage, the amount you earn is still important because it determines what you can afford. Having a family is important to a lot of people, however a family can be very expensive. Also waiting until you have a family can feel like it is too late to start, or that you missed your chance to begin planning for retirement. While there is a prime age to begin saving for retirement, don’t ever think it is too late to start if you haven’t. Remember, better late than never.

So if you don’t think you have the funds to save for your future and your retirement, using your tax return to do so may be a smart idea! Another thing to note, once you save your tax return, you may feel more motivated and inclined to continue to do so throughout the year.

What Should I Buy?

· Life Insurance – There are several types of life insurance policies that can set you up nicely later in life. Policies such as Whole Life and Universal Life are ones you should consider.

· Annuity – Depending on the person, an annuity may make more sense than a life insurance policy.

· Combination – The best way may be to do a combination of life insurance and an annuity. Ever hear the saying, “Never put all your eggs in one basket”?


The obvious benefit of investing in your future is that you will have income later in life when you decide to “hang them up”. But one benefit that should be considered is one that may be provided by purchasing life insurance. Did you know that if you develop a serious or terminal illness, you could have some of the death benefit value available to you to use while you are still alive for medical bills or whatever you choose. Also, you may have the opportunity to take loans from yourself. Wouldn’t you rather owe yourself money than owe the bank?

It is important to note that MHG Insurance Brokers does not provide tax advice. Speak with a tax advisor if you have any questions regarding your tax filings. Whether you are purchasing life insurance for the first time, looking for better coverage or are interested in learning more about other types of insurance available to you, we can help! Visit our website at or speak with an Insurance Specialist at 954 828 1819.

It's that time of the year, tax season! Instead of using your tax return for the latest fad purchase, use it toward something that will protect your loved ones, life insurance!

Woman looking out at the seaThe beginning of a new era is here, the start of another decade. Which each era comes change, advancement, and a new way of approaching and thinking about issues. That’s the case in every industry, including the marine industry. Over the next decade, there will be new trends in the marine industry that mirror the rest of society, but also that are unique to the marine industry. After some careful thoughts, here are some of the trends that we can expect, in addition to changes that are needed.

Mental Health

One of the biggest topics of conversation over recent years is mental health, and the importance of proper treatment and coverage. Mental Health is also a hot topic in the marine industry, after recent surveys have discovered the amount of crew members that struggle with mental health issues. Something that needs to change in the next decade, sooner than later, is the addressing of mental health in the marine industry. Crew members are often left in isolation, or live in close quarters while working long hours, and are constantly in high stress situations. Some organizations have already begun to step in and offer a helping hand. The International Seafarers’ Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN) have already developed SeafarerHelp, a free, confidential, multilingual helpline for seafarers and their families available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year.

Equal Representation

The next decade is going to result in more women being properly represented across all industries. Women have always been key members of the marine industry, but proper advancement hasn’t been the same for everyone. Another trend that is likely over the next decade is having more women in high- level positions such as Captains and Chief Officers. In the US, data is indicating that women have now surpassed men as a total percentage of the workforce, but when it comes to holding high level positions, there is plenty of room for growth for women.


No one believed that we would have the whole world in our pocket 20 years ago, and today we have that and then some. Technology is making advancements all around us, so why expect in different in the marine industry? Ships that run on Liquid Natural Gas have already begun production, so one would expect that would eventually make its way to yachting too. A fuel that burns more efficiently and is better for the environment? Where do we sign-up?

There will be other trends to come revolving around technology to come that will require crew members to have specialized training in order to keep their positions, or possibly even new positions that don’t even exist just yet.

Environmental Efforts

Climate change has been a constant topic over the past decade, and it will only be even more of a topic over the next decade as we begin to experience some potential issues. As sea levels rise, changes will need to be made across the world when it comes to shipyards and docks. Coral bleaching is another issue that may affect the industry as top destinations begin to lose their allure.

One can expect the environmental efforts to go to another level to save the one thing that we all have in common no matter what sector of the marine industry to find yourself in, the oceans!

Having proper insurance is important in every aspect of life. Whether you are at sea needing international coverage, looking for proper life insurance coverage, going on a vacation, etc. MHG is your specialized broker. Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to find the policy that works best for you. If you are interested in purchasing, or have any questions about marine crew insurance, travel insurance, U.S. life and health, expatriate insurance, or property and casualty, please contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at

After some careful thoughts, here are some of the trends that we can expect in the marine industry over the next decade, in addition to changes that are needed.

Young Hispanic female volunteer nurse checks a mid adult woman's blood pressure in free medical clinic. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has brought a lot of changes in the health insurance industry. Depending on who you talk to some of these changes can be good or bad. One thing that is usually universally agreed upon as a positive change is that insurance companies are no longer allowed to deny you coverage if you have a pre-existing condition. Another positive is that plans considered to be creditable coverage offers preventive care at no cost to the member! Health is wealth and taking preventive actions to ensure you stay healthy is the best way to avoid an illness or an issue in the future. Also, it is important to note that preventive services will only be fully covered when seeing a doctor or medical provider that is in your plan’s network.

What is preventive care?

Preventive care is typically a procedure that is done to detect or prevent an illness or condition. Preventive health care can be anything from screening for diseases such as diabetes to screenings and counseling for alcohol misuse and tobacco use.


Preventive care is typically broken down into three groups, adults, women, and children. Depending on your age and/or gender, different procedures can be considered preventive care. For example, children have certain screenings to test for conditions that aren’t needed as an adult, such as an autism screening. Further, while adults are able to be covered for certain preventive services, women may need some services that are not needed by men for procedures such as a Pap smear. For more information on what procedures are deemed preventive care for each group, visit

Why is preventive care important?

Just because you feel 100% healthy, doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be taking advantage of regular check-ups. Part of staying healthy is catching issues before they arise or early enough to correct them. There are many conditions that don’t offer early symptoms such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol. The only way to see if they are at healthy levels is to check them regularly. We can’t stress enough that everyone should be using preventive care!

Some things to be aware of

While receiving preventive care should be free thanks to the Affordable Care Act, there are some things you should still be aware of. First, if something is found during your screening, any treatment you receive to help your condition won’t be “free”. You will be required to pay for further treatments according to your insurance plan. Also, in some cases there must be a valid reason to receive fully covered preventive services. You either must be due for one, like women 40 and over receiving a mammogram every 1-2 years (per , or a doctor must prescribe it.

For more information about job based benefits, read our previous blog, What You Need to Know about Company Sponsored Insurance Benefits ”. Sometimes there are things in your plan that you don’t understand, or words that you have never heard before. Your well-being is important to us, and part of that is making sure you are properly taken care of. Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to assist and guide you, your family, or group to the best coverage for your budget. If you are interested in purchasing a disability plan, health insurance, or life insurance, contact us at or call us at +1 954 828 1819.

Health is wealth and taking preventive actions to ensure you stay healthy is the best way avoid an illness or an issue in the future. Read more!

2020 is the Year of Vision

Woman selecting eyeglasses in optical storeDo you have 2020 vision? Well technically, this year, everyone has 2020 vision. See what I did there? Ok, no more vision puns. If you don’t offer a vision insurance benefit to your employees, you are missing out on a great opportunity to save your staff money, improve their eye health, and potentially make their overall quality of life better. In return you can get a more loyal, healthier, and productive workforce. Since this year is 2020, it makes it a perfect time for you to open your eyes to the new possibilities you can have with your benefits. That was the last one I promise.

The Basics

Your eyes are two of your most important organs, which is why they need special coverage to promote their health. Vision insurance helps to ensure and motivate people to take care of themselves, the same way health insurance encourages overall health.

There are different plan options with different coverages, so it is important to do your research when deciding what plan is right for you. Do you want your plan to only cover eye exams, contacts, and glasses, or do you want something more comprehensive to also include eye surgery or treatment for certain diseases or issues like glaucoma or retinal detachment?

What You Need to Know

Most vision insurance policies simplify their operation by offering flat rate reimbursements; rather than having to pay a deductible, then pay a percentage until reaching an out of pocket maximum, etc.

It is also important to know that all plans are different, and some may provide coverage for 2 glasses in a year and some may provide coverage for either one pair of glasses or contacts for the year, again do your research.

Don’t Stop at Vision

While implementing vision insurance is a great way to help attract, motivate, and retain employees, there are plenty of other benefits you should investigate offering your workforce in order to have a complete and competitive benefits package. Benefits such as Dental, Short- and Long-Term Disability, Group Life Insurance, and Gap Insurance are common additions to a Group Health Insurance Plan, and often have minimal costs in comparisons to the coverage they can provide. After all, a happy and healthy workforce is the key to any successful business!

MHG Insurance Brokers comprises of a team of experts who specialize in group insurance. We have unique relationships with carriers and are sometimes the first to know the plans they offer. We have a 5-star Google review rating, and an outstanding 96% client retention rate in the Life and Health Division (Employee Benefits). Our team of experts can complete a full analysis of your current plan’s offerings, and if needed, recommend a package that will enrich your benefits while keeping cost at a minimum. If you do not have a group plan in place, we have you covered! Our team can provide a proposal for your group which may be less than you anticipate. If you are interested in purchasing health insurance, feel free to contact us at 954-548-3599 or visit our website at

If you don’t offer a vision insurance benefit to your employees, you are missing out on a great opportunity to save your staff money, improve their eye health, and potentially make their overall quality of life better.

Ready to go! Close up cropped low angle photo of shoe of female athlete on the starting line of a stadium track, preparing for a run. Sunny spring day You know the saying, “New year, new me!” Well it’s that time of the year, everything is fresh, people are motivated, and many of you have just begun a new benefit year in terms of your insurance as well. So why not take some time to figure out how to make the most out of your insurance benefits, the same way you would try to make the most out the year when it comes to vacations, starting new habits, or even just trying new things. Here are some tips to follow to better help you start your benefit year off right. Keep in mind the tips below are only for those times when seeing a medical professional can be planned in advance, if you are sick or in need of medical attention, please consult your physician immediately.

Read Your Policy

Reading your insurance policy may not be your first priority, but without reviewing your benefits, you might be missing covered benefits you can take advantage of. A big one is knowing the doctors in your network, depending on your coverage, some providers might be categorized in a special group which allows you to pay less. Check if you have dental and vision insurance and what is covered, there can be some benefits that are completely free of charge to you, even covering multiple visits throughout the year.

Do You Have a Rewards Program?

Most health insurance companies now offer a rewards program to help motivate people to live a healthy lifestyle. Get yourself involved as soon as you can so you can start earning rewards for things you do every day like walking, logging meals, weighing yourself, etc. Also, these programs can offer points for visiting the doctor, getting your teeth cleaned, getting a flu shot, and taking other preventable measures.

Plan Your Year

As stated before, once you understand your insurance coverage, you will have a better understanding of how to plan your year. Yes, you should always expect the unexpected, no one plans to catch a cold, but by understanding your benefits you can use providers that will cost you less. When it comes to making doctors’ appointments, your benefit year should be taken into consideration. For example, if you are in need of a procedure that is medically necessary but you have been putting it off, would it make more sense to have it when the year is fresh, or when you have reached closer to your max out of pocket, typically later in the year? Sometimes timing can be important and can be the difference from having to pay thousands versus having to pay nothing.

Avoid the Mad Dash

I don’t know if you have ever been to a medical facility at the end of the year, but more than likely they are slammed with people trying to use the last bit of insurance before the new year starts. By planning your year ahead, you can do what you can to try and avoid the headache of having to wait hours, or deal with nurses and doctors who are understaffed or stretched too thin. Most medical plans now include telemedicine which can be used in the convenience of your home using a smart device, if you need a prescription the telemedicine doctor will prescribe what you need at the pharmacy of your choice. In some cases, telemedicine can be free.

MHG Insurance Brokers comprises of a team of experts who specialize in group insurance. We have unique relationships with carriers and are sometimes the first to know the plans they offer. We have a 5-star Google review rating, and an outstanding 96% client retention rate in the Life and Health Division (Employee Benefits). Our team of experts can complete a full analysis of your current plan’s offerings, and if needed, recommend a package that will enrich your benefits while keeping cost at a minimum. If you do not have a group plan in place, we have you covered! Our team can provide a proposal for your group which may be less than you anticipate. If you are interested in purchasing health insurance, feel free to contact us at 954-548-3599 or visit our website at

Here are some tips to follow to better help you start your benefit year off right.