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What is the Best Travel Insurance for International Travel?

Posted February 15 2021

Airplane, Commercial Airplane, Air Vehicle, Mode of Transport, Journey What is the best travel insurance for international travel?

Are you planning to go on a trip? Chances are you have a whole checklist to finish, including securing the proper coverage for you and/or your loved ones. The issue is, that question isn’t as easy to answer as it may seem. First, there are other questions you need to ask yourself.

Where are you traveling to?

Are you a US resident and traveling within the US? Then you do not need to worry about travel insurance because it is only for when you leave your home country. However, if you are traveling abroad, or if you are a resident of a foreign country traveling to the US, we are here to help!

How often are you traveling?

If you are planning a family vacation once or twice per year, you will be a great candidate for a traditional travel insurance plan. However, if you are taking frequent trips of short duration, it may be worth your while to invest in an annual multi-trip travel insurance plan. Basically, one plan that offers coverage for the whole year. Say goodbye to having to double check that you got your plan secured before every trip and hello to removing an item from your checklist!

What are you traveling for?

There are 2 types of travelers, business and pleasure. What type of traveling are you doing? Are you going on a family vacation? Or are you on your way to a tradeshow for work? The reason it is important to know what type of traveling you are doing is because there are different options to be presented. Of course, there is always an opportunity to purchase a travel insurance policy, however, it may save you money in the long run if your company is willing to purchase an annual multi-trip travel insurance plan to offer as a benefit for employees.

Having proper travel insurance can help to limit your distractions and help you to have an efficient and successful business trip. Maybe having an eased mind will allow you to enjoy some of the sites while you are there, or focus on closing that deal! If you have any questions about your travel insurance plan, are interested in an annual multi-trip plan, or are looking to purchase a travel insurance plan for your next business or leisure trip please contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at MHG has the insurance specialists to assist and advise you, your loved ones, group, or business, on all of your insurance needs. Safe travels!