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Benefits That Aren’t in the Insurance Contract

Posted January 18 2018

insurance brokers on the phone explaing benefits that aren't in the insurance contractWhen looking at what insurance plan is best for you and your crew, there are the typical thoughts that come to mind. How much is the premium? What is the deductible? Will my primary physician be in network? Yacht crew have a specific set of needs when it comes to their medical insurance plan, even more than just international coverage. What about many of the benefits that may help yacht crew, that aren’t in the insurance contract? Which is why it is so important to get to know the service and support side of yacht crew insurance. The following are several of the different points that you should be thinking about when selecting your yacht crew insurance plan.

Help When You Have a Need

The first point is pretty self-explanatory. Some companies have better customer service than others, whether it is the insurance carrier or the broker. If you don’t work in the insurance industry, it is quite easy to get confused by terminology and policy wording. Even just understanding how your policy works can be a challenge. You want to make sure you are partnering with companies that will be there for you in your time of need, whether guiding you through a medical emergency, or answering a basic question.

Stuck Paying the Entire Medical Bill

One of the more common issues seen across yacht crew insurance is crew members stuck paying for the entire medical bill and then claiming back. The main reason is because yacht crew travel all around the world, making it easy to go to a doctor, or an office, or a hospital that isn’t in your network. This is why it is so important to always ask for assistance before seeking care (especially a potentially higher cost treatment), and having a service minded insurance company can greatly assist.

Top Rated Doctors in Network

A complaint that many have regarding the medical industry is how someone can trust a doctor they know nothing about. This is especially true if you are in a foreign country with a different healthcare system (and possibly a different language!) than your home country. Do they use different practices? Different medicine? One way to combat this issue is by using a carrier that has global knowledge and experience. They may be able to help guide you to doctors who have a higher rate of successful outcomes for the type of care you need, in the area you are located.

24/7 Assistance

Medical emergencies don’t wait, and they don’t only happen during normal office hours. If a crew member is having an emergency at 3 a.m., the last thing you want to hear is a voicemail telling you that someone will contact you during business hours. It is important to make sure your insurance carrier is available and responsive 24/7.

Having proper insurance is important whether you are at sea, or docked at a shipyard. MHG is your specialized broker when it comes to crew insurance. Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to find the policy that works best for you. If you are interested in purchasing, or have any questions about yacht crew insurance or travel insurance, please contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at For more information on the importance of having a proper insurance plan, read our previous blog, “Why Yacht Crew Should have a U.S. Friendly Insurance Plan”.