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Healthy Living Tips From Your Marine Insurance Broker

Posted August 5 2012

The experts say if you do something every day for 30 days it will become a habit. Summertime is the perfect time to develop healthy habits that can create positive lifestyle changes.  

For a healthy lifestyle one needs to eat healthy, be active, protect yourself and your family, manage stress and get regular checkups by your doctor. Eating healthy is an easy habit to develop in the summer with the variety of fresh fruits and vegetables that are available.  Stop by a farmer’s market and try some  of the amazing fruit that is in season right now. Make sure you eat a variety of fruits and vegetables each day and include some whole grains.

Limit foods and drinks high in calories, sugar, salt, fat, and alcohol. A balanced diet combined with physical activity will help keep you at a healthy weight. Children and teens need to be active for at least one hour a day and outdoor activities are plentiful this time of year.  Include activities that raise their breathing and heart rates and that strengthen their muscles and bones. Adults should be active for at least 2½ hours a week. You should also include activities that raise your breathing and heart rates and that strengthen your muscles. With the long summer days there are plenty hours of sunlight to get moving in.  

Physical activity helps to maintain your weight, reduces high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, and several forms of cancer. Arthritis pain, depression and anxiety symptoms are also reduced by physical activity. When out enjoying the summer days remember to wear sunscreen and insect repellent.  Protect yourself and your family from injuries with seat belts, helmets, and protective sports equipment. Eating right and daily exercise will help manage stress.  

Remember to balance work, home, and play.  Everyone needs a support group of family and friends. Relaxation and meditation are great stress relievers, take time for yourself.  And strive for 7-9 hours of sleep each night, children including teenagers need even more sleep.  If you are still feeling over whelmed or depressed counseling may be needed. 

Remember to schedule regular checkups for you and your family with your doctors.  Discuss your health problems and risks and devise a plan for improvement.  Find out what exams, tests, and shots you need and when to get them.

A little prevention goes a long way to help ensure a long and healthy life. Check with your broker to see if your health benefits plan covers for those regular checkups, tests, and shots. It is important that you know your coverage before you need it. MHG your Marine Insurance Broker offers a variety of comprehensive medical insurance plans to meet the needs of each unique client. 

Whether you are looking for specialty marine crew insurance , individual health insurance plans, family health insurance plans , or group health insurance plans, the experts at MHG Insurance have the resources to help you choose the ideal policy for your unique requirements. Contact us today at 877-278-7400 to learn more.