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Why it’s Great to be an Expat in Fort Lauderdale! You know what they say about real estate, “location, location, location!” There are few better locations to live than in sunny South Florida, Fort Lauderdale to be specific. Minutes away from the beach, vibrant downtown city life, and a growing suburb population, Fort Lauderdale has everything you are looking for in a place to call home.


One of the most glaring is the amazing weather. There is a reason people from colder climates come to South Florida during the winter months. How would you like to live where people vacation? Also, one of the great features of Fort Lauderdale is that it is centrally located in South Florida, between Miami and West Palm Beach. Fort Lauderdale also has a growing number of expatriates and as more and more companies are opening branches and headquarters here, as this area is a link to South America and the Caribbean.

If you are ready to become an expatriate, or are just looking to relocate, Fort Lauderdale should be a city you consider for many reasons.

What to Do

Fort Lauderdale has something for everyone. Are you an outdoors person? You can visit the everglades and go on a hike to see wildlife that you can’t see anywhere else in the world. Go on a fishing trip, saltwater or fresh water. Go camping in one of the nature parks throughout the area.

Looking for something more relaxing? Visit one of the many museums in the city, take in a show at the Broward Center for Performing Arts. Enjoy a day catching some rays at the beach.

Are you a sports fan? Attend a game of one of the many professional and collegiate athletic teams in South Florida. The options are endless. World famous restaurants, world renowned shopping, no matter what you enjoy doing in your spare time, Fort Lauderdale has it!

Business Side

Like many metropolitan areas, Fort Lauderdale has many different professions to choose from. But one profession in particular that brings people from around the world is yachting! Fort Lauderdale is known as the yachting capital of the world, and with that title comes great maritime presence. It just so happens that the city is also home to a very popular port for cruise ships, and is a short car ride away from many of the cruise line’s headquarters.

Before relocating to another country, trying to find expatriate health insurance coverage on your own can be a daunting task. Not to mention the checklist you must complete before leaving. For help developing a checklist, read our previous blog, “Expat Checklist before the Big Move.”

Many of us at MHG are expats ourselves and we understand the global insurance needs of international businesses, and individuals and families living and working around the world. Our Insurance Specialists have the experience, knowledge, and access to multiple international insurance carriers to find you the most suitable plan based on your budget and future plans. Our commitment to your well-being does not end once you have purchased a plan; through our “Concierge Broker Service”, we will continue to assist you with questions about your policy and provide assistance throughout the claims process. Call us at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at for help finding expatriate insurance coverage for you, your family or business!

There are few better locations to live as an expat than in sunny South Florida, Fort Lauderdale to be specific. Read more to learn why!

Tips for Attracting Expat Workers

Tips for Attracting Expat WorkersMoving to a new country for work is a big decision for someone to make. Many times, a person must consider moving their spouse, family, and must do research on the area to see if it is even a feasible option to relocate there. While it can be difficult to finally make the decision to become an expatriate, it can also be difficult for companies to lure expatriate workers to come work for them. While providing great benefits is an obvious must-do to make the job attractive, some businesses don’t realize the extent those benefits can go to in order to assure that their workers are happy and feel taken care of which often creates a loyal employee. Here are some ideas to attract expat workers.

Life and Health Benefits

One of the more obvious benefits to offer workers, whether they are expats or not is providing workers with good health insurance. It would be even better if you covered 100% of the premiums, leaving more money in your worker’s paychecks. Also, many companies also cover their employees with life insurance, with the amount dependent on their salary.

Pay for the Move

Something that may assist a foreign worker joining your company is your willingness to assist them on their big move. Relocating from a different country can turn out to be quite the investment. Covering moving costs, or even helping them find housing could be a make or break detail that dictates their decision.

More Vacation

If someone is moving from another country to come and work for your company, they are likely leaving behind friends, family, and a whole other life. Offering more vacation days would allow them to go back home more often to cure any home sickness they get.

Develop a Program

Many companies have expatriate programs set up to assistance their workers with settling into their new environment. Whether it is getting their kids set up in the best schools nearby, organizing events to mingle and getting to know the area, or even having someone on staff who is the go to person to answer any questions or offer any assistance to those new to the area.

Government and Legal Support

Every country has different laws regarding immigration and expatriates, and some governments offer more assistance than others. If you happen to live in a country who offers more assistance to expats, or it may be easier to get someone cleared to come work for you, take advantage of it. Promote it to workers, and let them know the process won’t give them a headache.


Depending on the country, one perk you may be able to offer workers is more security. Many expatriate workers come from troubled areas, and the idea of move to a more stable and secure country is very appealing. Especially if they can also benefit from a stronger economy than the one back home.

Many of us at MHG are expats ourselves and we understand the global insurance needs of international businesses, and individuals and families living and working around the world. Our Insurance Specialists have the experience, knowledge, and access to multiple international insurance carriers to find you the most suitable plan based on your budget and future plans. Our commitment to your well-being does not end once you have purchased a plan; through our “Concierge Broker Service”, we will continue to assist you with questions about your policy and provide assistance throughout the claims process. Call us at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at for help finding expatriate insurance coverage for you, your family or business!

Moving to a new country for work is a big decision for someone to make. Here are some ideas to attract expat workers.

Protect Your Business with Life InsuranceMany people consider life insurance a luxury. They don’t see it as being important because they can’t use it while they are alive. However, that doesn’t make it any less important. Do you care about your loved ones? Do you want to leave them responsible for your debts, funeral costs, and other expenses? There is also a chance you may leave your family with a reduced income which could make things very difficult for them. These are common reasons why everyone should consider purchasing a life insurance policy. But one reason you may not have considered is to protect your business.

Are You a Business Owner?

Owning a business is a great accomplishment for any individual or family. You get to be your own boss, make your own rules, and hopefully reap most of the rewards from your company’s endeavors. While there are many positives to owning a business, there also comes many obligations as well. Do you have a lot of overhead? As you know operating a business requires increases expenses, which is why you should consider protecting them with life insurance.

Most people that open a business or are working to grow and expand take on debt to do so. Taking out a life insurance policy can help payoff that debt in the event of your death. One important thing to note, if you are a sole proprietor, your business and all its debts will be left to your family. So, whether your business will be kept or sold, your loved ones will be able to reap more of the proceeds.

Do You Have Business Partners?

If you have business partners, it would be ideal for all of them to get a life insurance policy as well. Many smaller businesses have agreements in place that organize the transfer of ownership from the deceased to the surviving partner(s). The loss of a business partner could leave you and the reaming partners left with more financial obligations which could hurt the company, and even force it to close. When a partner purchases a life insurance policy, they will need to leave the death benefit for the other business owners so that the benefit goes to the business.

Do You Rely on Key Employees?

While owners and partners share an important role in the success of a company, there are also key employees that you may rely on as well. These could be sales people, managers, creative personnel, and even administrators. The sudden death of a key employee could impair the operation of your business. To protect your company from that, you can take out a key employee life insurance policy that will pay your company a benefit if something were to happen to said employee. You will be responsible for the premium, and how much coverage you would like to take out. You may also be allowed to borrow against the policy, and use the benefit any way that would benefit the business.

Keep in mind that life insurance doesn’t replace someone’s income, value, or even an employee. It will only offer a one-time benefit to get you, your loved ones, or your business through a difficult time and situation.

There are many things to take into consideration when making the decision of which type of policy is best for you, your family, or loved ones. Are you interested in purchasing Life Insurance or International Life Insurance? Would you like some more information regarding Life Insurance options that are available to you? Would you like to ask some questions to a Life Insurance expert? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, please contact us 954-828-1819 or visit us online at and talk to one of our insurance specialists for help in selecting Life Insurance and other coverage to ensure that you and your loved ones have the protection you need at every stage of life.

Many people consider life insurance a luxury. But did you know you can use it to protect your business? Read more!

10 Reasons People Over 60 Need Life InsuranceAs we grow older, there are many of us who think back and regret not doing certain things while we were young. There are activities or decisions that we can’t make now because it’s too late, or we don’t have the time or energy. I’m sure many of you are thinking about skydiving or some other thrill seeking adventure, but I’m talking about purchasing life insurance! While it may be more beneficial to purchase life insurance when you are in the prime of your career, purchasing life insurance after you retire can still have plenty of benefits for you and your loved ones. Don’t regret not purchasing life insurance when you were younger, instead think of all the reasons you should get insured now. If you find yourself asking the question, “Should I Buy Life Insurance in My 60’s?” The answer is YES!

1. Offset Retirement Income

In the event you or your spouse passes away, will you still receive enough income in retirement funds to support yourself? With rising medical costs, chances are that you are going to need some help. Purchasing a life insurance policy to supplement your retirement funds should be a top priority.

2. Funeral Costs

It’s no secret that funeral costs can be outrageously expensive. So much so that many people can’t afford to die because their loved ones are left with the costs, sometimes ranging as high as $20,000+. Having life insurance can erase the financial burden that is left on your family if something happens to you.

3. Pay Off Debts

Debt follows us everywhere, and we pass away, it is then left to our loved ones. Don’t let your loved ones be responsible for your debts.

4. Provide a Gift to Charity

Giving money to charity and those in need is always a good way to make us feel good. Have you considered leaving an important charity or organization the benefit of your life insurance policy? There aren’t many more honorable ways to leave a legacy than that.

5. Creditor Proof

As stated before, debt collectors will go after your loved ones to pay off any debt you leave behind. One of the many great things about a life insurance benefit is that creditors cannot go after any of the benefits that are received, which is a great way to protect your loved ones.

6. Provide Care to a Disabled Spouse/Family Member

Do you currently take care or support a family member or friend in need? What would happen to them if something happens to you? Make sure they will continue to be taken care of, and have enough money to support the care they need.

7. Provide a Gift for Grandchildren

If you are planning to set aside some money for your grandchildren, consider purchasing a life insurance plan and making them the beneficiaries. If you are fortunate enough to have grandkids, there is a good chance they will need some sort of inheritance to pay off student loans, put a down payment on a house, or have more savings for a rainy day.

8. Pay Off Mortgage

While many people have a goal of paying off their mortgage before they retire, not everyone has that ability. If something were to happen to you or your spouse, would you be able to pay off the mortgage with the loss of income? Having a life insurance plan to cover the remaining balance of your mortgage is something everyone should consider.

9. Leave a Legacy

Many of us would like to leave a legacy to our offspring, and that can come in many different ways. For some it can be inheriting the family business or being left the family home. For others it means leaving money behind to our loved ones. A proper life insurance policy can make sure there is enough money to go around to everyone.

10. Pay Estate and Inheritance Taxes

As if there aren’t enough taxes we already have to pay, there is a tax people must pay on inheritance. Set up a policy to cover the amount that your beneficiary would have to pay in taxes, after all life insurance benefits are tax free. You may also want to consider leaving money behind to your loved ones through a life insurance policy for this reason as well.

If you are interested in purchasing Life insurance, or have any questions, we’re here to help! Please contact us today at 954 828 1819 or visit We have the insurance specialists to assist and advise you on the best coverage for you and your loved ones at every stage of life.

If you find yourself asking the question, “Should I Buy Life Insurance in My 60’s?” The answer is YES!

Employer Sponsored Life Insurance May Not Be Enough!Employer based benefits can be hard to come by in today’s world. What used to be a given, has now turned into something should be cherished as so many companies have cut back on the benefits they provide to their employees. Benefits such as health insurance, 401k, disability insurance, and life insurance are things that employees must consider if not already provided by their employer. Even if these benefits are provided, there is a good chance that the coverage provided isn’t enough, especially life insurance.

While having employer sponsored life insurance is a great benefit, it may not be the best idea to fully rely on your employer to provide all of the life insurance coverage you need. There are several different scenarios that can put you and even your family in a tough position, or even leave gaps in your coverage.

Losing Your Job

Losing your job is one of the main reasons you should consider purchasing more life insurance coverage. One reason is because your life doesn’t stop if your job does, which means that your life shouldn’t stop being covered. Losing your job doesn’t take away your debts, and doesn’t provide your loved ones with financial coverage if something unexpected were to happen to you.

Employer Stops Benefits

The past several years have been tough on businesses. Decisions have had to be made about lay-offs, downsizing, and budget cuts. One area of the budget that may have been cut is employee benefits. Companies are required to provide its employees with a certain amount of benefits, depending on the size of the company. However in an effort to maximize profits, more and more companies are cutting back the amount of benefits they provide to their employees to the minimum required by law. In the event that your company decides to reduce your benefits, you may be left needing coverage!

Not Enough Coverage

Typically, if you are lucky enough to have a job that includes life insurance as one of the benefits, there is a good chance that the coverage it provides is not enough. Most cases, the company will provide a policy that worth double the employee’s salary. So if you earn a salary of $50,000, your life insurance policy would be $100,000. For some that would be enough coverage, depending on how many children the person has, or how much debt the person is in. Would a life insurance policy that was double your salary be enough to cover your mortgage, provide stability for your loved ones, and pay for a funeral?

No International Coverage

Do you like to travel? Who doesn’t day dream of seeing a different part of the world from time to time? It’s important for you to know that most life insurance policies to do not provide coverage internationally. So when seeking additional coverage, you may want to consider a policy that includes international coverage.

Are you interested in purchasing Life insurance? Would you like some more information regarding options that are available to you? Would you like to ask some questions to an insurance expert? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, please contact us 954-828-1819 or visit us online at and talk to one of our insurance specialists for help in ensuring you and your loved ones have the protection you need at every stage of life. There are many things to take into consideration when making the decision of which type of policy is best for you, your family, or loved ones.

While having employer sponsored life insurance is a great benefit, it may not be the best idea to solely rely on it for the coverage you need.

Group of young people holding a world globe Having life insurance should be a priority for everyone!

Life Insurance can be a topic that is difficult to plan for, and may be something you don’t want to think about. However, no matter what stage you are at in life, it should be a priority. If you are a young person just starting your career, now is the time to purchase a policy so you can lock in a lower premium. If you are a bit more established with children, what will happen to them if something happens to you? If you are about to retire and move to your dream house in the tropics, how will your spouse pay for the mortgage if the unexpected happens?

Questions to Ask Yourself

When purchasing a life insurance policy there are a plethora of things to consider; such as the amount of the benefit, the beneficiaries, and what actions are actually covered. One thing that may be assumed is that the coverage will be provided no matter where you are in the world. However, that is not always the case. For the most part, life insurance policies only provide coverage in the country they are purchased.

When purchasing life insurance, you should ask yourself questions such as:

  • “How much coverage do I need?”
  • “How long do I need coverage for?”
  • “What type of policy should I purchase?”
  • “Who should be my beneficiary?”


Many people don’t think to ask themselves:

  • “Do I have international coverage?”
  • “Do I need international coverage?”


That latter set of questions can be crucial if you are a person who travels a lot. Retirees traveling the world, yacht crew, and cruise ship workers are just a few of the people who may need international coverage. Typically, if you are in a foreign country for 3 or more months, your life insurance will not offer the coverage if something were to happen to you. So if you are a world traveler, or hope to move to a foreign country one day, or are an expat who looks to settle down back home when you are done with your career abroad, it may be smart to look at your policy and see if you are covered.

MHG Can Help!

If being away from home for long periods of time applies to you, then international life insurance should be a priority. Deciding if you need the extra coverage is the easy part, now comes what type of policy is right for you!

A large number of our clients work internationally, and could greatly benefit from having an international life insurance policy. In fact, many of our employees are expats themselves, and have personal and professional experience that can be used to assist you. It should also be noted that the price for international coverage policies are usually comparable to those that don’t have international coverage.

There are many things to take into consideration when making the decision of which type of policy is best for you, your family, or loved ones. Are you interested in purchasing Life insurance or International Life Insurance? Would you like some more information regarding Life Insurance options that are available to you? Would you like to ask some questions to a Life Insurance expert? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, please contact us 954-828-1819 or visit us online at and talk to one of our insurance specialists for help in selecting Life Insurance and other coverage to ensure that you and your loved ones have the protection you need at every stage of life.

Did you know? Your life insurance may not cover you internationally! Read more.

world in my hands Are you looking to move and start a new life? Becoming an expatriate is one of the best ways to make a new start. Moving to a new country, creating a new home, making new friends, it can be a very fulfilling experience. One of the hardest decisions can be deciding where to move. After all, the world is a big place and it can be difficult deciding on one location. So if you are looking to make the big jump but are having trouble deciding on where to go, use the list we complied of some of the top places to be an expat!


According to InterNations , Ecuador is the highest ranking country in the world for overall satisfaction of expatriates. Although the language barrier can be difficult to overcome, it can be very easy to make new friends in Ecuador. It also offers a low cost of living, with growing downtown areas in cities such as Quito and Guayaquil which is creating a plethora of job opportunities.


Switzerland is notorious for having some of the world’s best banks and financial companies. With so many foreigners investing in their financial industry, it has helped create a high standard of living. English is commonly spoken helping to make it easier to adapt and settle down. Switzerland is also full of crystal clear lakes and beautiful mountains which makes it perfect for those who love the outdoors and wish to live an active lifestyle.


One of the biggest draws for expats going to Singapore is the opportunity to earn a higher salary. A higher salary may be needed for those with children, as schooling here can be quite costly. Even though schooling is costly, it may be well worth it as Singapore is home to some of the best schooling in the world. Some other great benefits of living here are a great public transportation system, a stable economy, and low tax rates.


Oh Canada! Canada is a beautiful country that can offer wilderness and one of a kind natural beauty, and also appease to those who wish to live in a metropolitan area. One reason expatriates may be drawn to live in Canada is their national healthcare system. While the majority of Canadians speak English, Canada has a multicultural population with a plethora of friendly locals to help make it easier to settle in to your new country. Just make sure you pack some jackets!


Who wouldn’t want to live in a tropical climate? Or in a place that is home to some of the world’s most beautiful beaches and islands? Aside from Thailand being an exotic location, there are many benefits for expats besides the tourist attractions. Some benefits include a low cost of living and a friendly tax system. Also, Thailand’s capital city, Bangkok, offers plenty of employment opportunities to expatriates.


Many people who visit Australia never want to leave. This could be why there is such a large number of expats living there. Australia offers people a great quality of life, breathtaking landscape and wildlife that can’t be seen anywhere else in the world, and we can’t forget the beautiful beaches. Think about it, how cool would it be to say that you live “down under”?

Moving to a new country can be an amazing experience, however if you decide to move back home there are some things you should be aware of. For more, read our previous blog, “ What to Expect When Repatriating ”. For those that are preparing to move to a new country, read our Expat Checklist for a to-do list to complete before the big move. If you are interested in more information about Expatriate Insurance , or are interested in purchasing Expat Insurance, contact us at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at for help finding expatriate insurance coverage for you, your family or group!

The world is a big place and it can be difficult deciding on one location. So if you are looking to make the big jump to become an expat, use this list we complied of some of the top places to be an expat!

activeDo you ever find yourself too busy to exercise? Is working a full time job making it difficult for you to find the time to stay active? Trying to find time for yourself, or time to work out can be quite a challenge when working full time. After all, spending the majority of your day at work and battling rush hour can take a lot of energy. Yet, there still is no excuse for taking care of yourself. Living a healthy lifestyle is important, and sometimes it can feel like work gets in the way of that. So if you find yourself willing to try something new in order to stay active while working full time, follow some of these great tips! 


1. Get Up Early Waking up early can be a drag if you aren't a morning person. Hitting the "snooze" button is almost unavoidable. While it may take some will power and extra motivation, getting up earlier to work out can have an amazing impact on your day. For one, exercising in the morning is a great way to start the day, get your blood pumping, and give you that feeling like you are ready to take on the world. You will even find that by working out in the morning that you may be sharper throughout the day.

2. Ride Your Bike or Walk to Work One fun way to try and stay active is to walk or ride your bike to work. While this option may not work for everyone, those that live in close proximity to their job should give it a try. Enjoy the scenery, get some fresh air, and have some time to clear your mind before starting your day at the office. The best part is that you will be saving money on gas!

3. Take Periodic Walks While on the job, you want to be productive as you possibly can. So taking a long walk might be a bad idea. However, try breaking that long walk into shorter ones throughout the entire day. Use a bathroom break to walk around the building for a few minutes. Doing this every couple of hours will add up, and by the end of the day you might be surprised how much you have walked. Try wearing a pedometer to help keep track of your steps and help you reach any daily goals you might have.

4. Join a Gym Close to Work If you work close to a gym, consider getting a gym membership there. You can go for a work out on the way in or just after you get off. Waiting until you get home to exercise is another option, but after having along day on the job and having to battle through rush hour can leave you feeling exhausted by the time you get home.

5. Use Your Lunch Break Going on your lunch break is one of everyone's favorite parts of the day. If you plan on eating at nearby restaurant or are picking up food to take back, try walking instead of driving. Or if you joined a nearby gym, try going there during your lunch break to save time. Just be sure to shower before heading back to the office, no one wants to sit next to the sweaty person. 

Here at MHG Insurance Brokers, we look forward to sharing tips and information with you that may help keep your stress levels down, and your quality of life up! Whether you are purchasing health insurance for the first time or already have a plan in place, or are simply looking for better coverage, we want to help you find an affordable health plan that works for you. MHG Insurance Brokers is an Affordable Care Act certified insurance brokerage, and can offer you expert advice and solutions for you, your family, or your business. If you have any further questions or concerns about the Affordable Care Act and open enrollment, please feel free to contact us here by calling 954-828-1819, or visiting! Don’t forget, Open Enrollment began on November 1st and runs through January 31st, 2016.

5 Tips for Staying Fit and Active While Working Full Time


Achtung! When thinking of Germany, there are a few things that come to mind like Oktoberfest, the Autobahn, German automobiles, etc. Germany is considered to have one of the top economies in the world, with major international companies such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Adidas, and Allianz based within its borders. Germany is also one of the most popular migration destinations in the world, partly because it is famous for having a universal health care system. You'll have no problem finding fellow expatriates and making lifelong friends with others who are going through the same experiences as you. So start brushing up on your German, and get ready to make the transition of a lifetime to Hamburg, Germany!


Home to over 1.7 million people, Hamburg is the second largest city in Germany and the eighth largest in Europe. One of the reasons Hamburg is a great place to live is because there is such a large international community, creating somewhat of a “melting pot”. There is so much creativity throughout the city, from the art, to the architecture, to the food, it is easy to see the impact of many different cultures living in one place.

Hamburg is unlike many of the other cities in the country. There is a rich maritime history, diverse cultures, and always something to do. You also may notice that there are a plethora of bridges, over 2,300 to be exact! That is more than London, Venice, and Amsterdam combined!


The city is located on the southern point of the Jutland Peninsula, right on the River Elbe. Since it is so close to the North and Baltic Seas and located right on a major waterway, Hamburg is the largest port in all of Germany. Over time, Hamburg has become a very important trading hub due to its port and harbor, and today it is one of the busiest ports in Europe, second only to Rotterdam.

It’s no wonder Hamburg has such a rich maritime history dating back to its establishment in the 12th century. You can learn more about its history at many of the museums in the city, and there are tons of other things to do involving the water! Also, due to its close proximity to many bodies of water, it is also one of the best places in Germany to get fresh fish.

Stay Busy 

There is always something to do in Hamburg; different festivals, a variety of community events, and seemingly never ending options for night life, it will be hard for you to find yourself “bored”.  Hamburg also has a great shopping district. Everything from worldwide household brand name stores, to local boutiques that are sure to offer items that can’t be found anywhere else. It is also easy to stay active as many choose to walk or bike everywhere. 

Before relocating to another country, trying to find expatriate health insurance coverage on your own can be a daunting task. Not to mention the checklist you must complete before leaving.

Many of us at MHG are expats ourselves and we understand the global insurance needs of international businesses, and individuals and families living and working around the world. Our Insurance Specialists have the experience, knowledge, and access to multiple international insurance carriers to find you the most suitable plan based on your budget and future plans. Our commitment to your well-being does not end once you have purchased a plan; through our “Concierge Broker Service”, we will continue to assist you with questions about your policy and provide assistance throughout the claims process. Call us at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at for help finding expatriate insurance coverage for you and your family or business!

Home to 1.7+ million people, Hamburg is the 2nd largest city in Germany, and a great place to live. Learn why you'll never be bored calling this place home.

houstonHave you ever heard the saying, “Everything’s bigger in Texas!”? For those that haven’t been to Texas, I can assure you that statement is very true. Texas is home to three of the top ten largest cities in the United States, and six of the top twenty! The largest city in Texas, and fourth largest in the country, is none other than the great city of Houston. With the entire metropolitan area being home to over six million people, there is something for everyone, no matter what their interests are. It’s no wonder this city is growing fast, and expats should consider it a top destination. 


More than just Oil

While Houston is notorious for being run by oil billionaires, its business goes much deeper than just oil. The oil industry is a great industry to be involved in, and brings a great amount of money to the area, but Houston can also offer opportunities for those who don’t see themselves in the oil industry. According to Business Insider, Houston is the number one job creator in the United States and is home to 26 Fortune 500 companies, which is sure to draw a large amount of expats to the area. One of the large industries in Houston that you may want to be a part of include the IT industry, which is always growing and looking for top talent. Other industries include the aerospace industry (NASA has a headquarters there), as well as the healthcare industry (Houston’s medical center is as large as downtown Dallas!).

More than just Cowboys and Cattle

When some people think of Houston and Texas they think of cowboys, horses, farms, etc. However, Houston is not like some place straight out of a John Wayne movie. It is a metropolitan city with plenty of trendy offerings. According to the New York Times, it is “one of the country’s most exciting places to eat.” The city offers all kinds of great food from barbecue, to seafood, to Mexican, and even Cajun. Houston is close in proximity to New Orleans so there is a strong Cajun presence. And what better way to spend a weekend than in New Orleans? Houston is also home to a plethora of parks and one of a kind museums if you’re looking for things to do. Many people visiting the city for the first time are quite surprised at the abundance of greenery and landscape it has to offer. It is also a home to teams from some of America’s top sporting leagues, including the NFL and NBA.

Things to be Aware of

After everything I have covered, it’s easy to picture yourself living in this great city. However, there are some things to be aware that you should plan accordingly. One is that Houston’s climate is very warm. If you are from a country that is predominantly cold, you may want to get a new wardrobe featuring some short sleeves and shorts. It is practically on the Gulf of Mexico, so it can be humid and muggy at times. While it may be hot in the summer, you’ll be quite happy in the winter when you aren’t experiencing frigid temperatures.

Before relocating to another country, trying to find expatriate health insurance coverage on your own can be a daunting task. Not to mention the checklist you must complete before leaving. Many of us at MHG are expats ourselves and we understand the global insurance needs of international businesses, and individuals and families living and working around the world. Our Insurance Specialists have the experience, knowledge, and access to multiple international insurance carriers to find you the most suitable plan based on your budget and future plans. Our commitment to your well-being does not end once you have purchased a plan; through our “Concierge Broker Service”, we will continue to assist you with questions about your policy and provide assistance throughout the claims process. Call us at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at for help finding expatriate insurance coverage for you and your family or business!

Why it’s great to be an Expat in Houston!