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Large white yacht surrounded by jetskis and other fun watercraft in the middle of the ocean. What is yacht charter cancellation insurance?

Yacht charter cancellation insurance is similar to trip cancellation insurance as in it is an insurance policy that protects your investment when it comes to a trip being cancelled, however it is focused on a yacht charter rather than another extravagant vacation. It also differs from Travel Insurance, which provides international medical insurance coverage for when you are traveling abroad, outside of your home country. What is covered by yacht charter cancellation insurance?

A good yacht charter cancellation insurance plan should protect you from many issues that may come up causing you to cancel your plans. Examples of items typically covered by a good charter cancellation insurance policy include:

· Sickness, injury or death of insured, a family member, a travel companion, a business partner or a child caregiver

· Primary residence or destination being rendered uninhabitable

· Documented theft of passports/visas

· Involved in a merger, job loss or job relocation

· Documented traffic accident

· Inclement weather that causes cessation of services provided by your common carrier

· Mechanical breakdown of the common carrier

· Evacuations due to natural disasters

· Emergency military duty for national disaster

· A terrorist incident

· NOAA hurricane warning at destination

· Court order to appear as a witness

· Jury duty

· Quarantine

· Hijack

According to CNBC, rates for private crewed yacht charters are generally thought to start around $10,000 . Depending on the size of the yacht, the destinations, and other factors, that amount can increase tenfold. No one wants to lose that investment due to an unexpected event, which is why we say, plan for what is not on the itinerary.

Why focus on yacht charters and not other vacations?

Given what is currently going on in the world, we are seeing that many people are looking to use yacht charters instead of cruises. This is due to the social distancing implications and overall wellbeing concerns and being able to limit who they come into contact with, as well as the destinations they are going. With certain locations opening and getting ready for tourists, such as the Bahamas, it is clear to see why this is going to be an attractive alternative in the coming months.

Life is unpredictable and plans often change. One of the basic issues that insurance protects us against is the fact that life is unpredictable. So, while you may not be able to prevent a situation from happening, you can prevent an issue from becoming a worst-case scenario. For more information on the different types of coverage that trip cancellation insurance offers, contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at

Yacht charter cancellation insurance is similar to trip cancellation insurance as in it is an insurance policy that protects your investment when it comes to a trip being cancelled, however it is focused on a yacht charter rather than another extravagant vacation.

Mother and toddler spending time in the playgroundWhat is the best age to get life insurance?

There is no right answer when it comes to the right time to purchase life insurance, however one thing will always remain the elephant in the room… your age!

There is a reason that cost of life insurance increases as you get older. As you age, the risk for underlying health issues increases, which impacts life insurance premiums, and could even disqualify you from being able to acquire coverage.

So, to put it simply, the best time to buy life insurance is now!

Who should buy life insurance?

According to Bankrate, There are three groups wo always need life insurance: married couples, people with dependents, and co-business owners. While that is a great model to follow, we feel that everyone should pursue a life insurance policy in order to lock-in rates now, potentially saving thousands by the time someone decides to pursue a policy after having a life changing event.

For example, if you decide to purchase life insurance as a 25 year old and are single with no kids, it can save you thousands of dollars of premium obtaining a policy now rather than waiting until you are 35 and have a family.

When to buy Term Life Insurance?

As you know, term life insurance covers you for a temporary amount of time. One of the biggest factors in determining when to buy a term life policy and is anticipating when and how long others may be dependent on your income.

· Did you just have a child?

· Do you have a mortgage?

These are 2 of the most common reason people elect to purchase a term life insurance policy. Coverage until your child is grown, or until your debt is paid off.

When to buy Permanent Life Insurance?

With a permanent life insurance policy, also known as whole life insurance, the major benefit is that as long as you continue to pay the premium, the coverage remains in force until you die. Another benefit is that you can build tax deferred cash value as your premium contributions collect. While you obviously have a death benefit to cover loss of income, this type of life insurance gives you a benefit that you can use throughout your life depending on how early you purchase a policy.

· Did you just get married?

· Do you co-own a business?

The cash value that you build may be used for any purpose, such as a down payment to purchase a house, money for college, retirement, etc. and there could be tax advantages as well. From a business standpoint, having yourself and your business partner insured can help to continue operations in the event something were to happen to one of you. Perhaps allowing you to buy-out the other persons share of the business; however these are details that need to be worked out before pursuing a policy.

Do you want to leave more to loved ones? Cover potential loss of income to the household? Then you will need to account for your debts and add more coverage beyond them in order to leave a legacy. Our experts can help you formulate what amount would be best for you in your situation and budget in this case, or any case for that matter. Contact us today at 954 828 1819 or visit us online at for a quick and easy quote!

There is no right answer when it comes to the right time to purchase life insurance, however one thing will always remain the elephant in the room… your age!

Horizontal color image of two people - attractive crew members -  standing on luxury yacht boat at harbor and looking at beautiful sunset. Most professions will have times of the year when there is a busy time and a slow time, that is no different for yacht crew. However, just because you may be headed to the off-season, that does not mean you should not stay busy.

How Can Crew Make the Most of the Off-Season?

If you are between yachts or just have some down time due to the yacht not being used as much, it is important to use the available time in your favor. First off, try making a checklist of things you would like to accomplish with your time. Whether there are tasks you need to complete to advance your career, or just some personal items, try your best to stay organized and on top of things.

Stay Within the Industry

The yachting industry is worldwide, yet it is still a small industry in terms of players. Therefore, if you are not participating in the industry, it is much easier for an opportunity to go to another person. Stay involved and stay connected to the best of your abilities.

Keep Licenses Up to Date

Keep up on any licensing renewals that you may need to take care of, and that includes your ENG 1. If you are looking to move up, taking courses that improve your skills or certifications is also a great way to make use of any spare time. Most professions require people to work and take classes at the same time, so it is highly recommended to make use of any growth opportunities!

Take Care of You

Down time is a great time to re-evaluate your health habits. Do you eat right? Do you exercise regularly? Do you have a healthy stress outlet? This is a great time to assess how well you are taking care of your personal health and wellbeing. It is a lot easier to create new and healthy habits when you are not under stress and high workloads like when you are on back-to-back charters or Owners trips.

Having proper insurance is important whether you are at sea or docked at a shipyard. MHG is your specialized broker when it comes to crew insurance. Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to find the policy that works best for you. If you are interested in purchasing, or have any questions about yacht crew insurance or travel insurance, please contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at For more information on preparing to work on a yacht, read our previous blog, “ Yacht Crew Insurance Terms 101”.

Most professions will have times of the year when there is a busy time and a slow time, that is no different for yacht crew. However, just because you may be headed to the off-season, that does not mean you should not stay busy.

Airplane, Commercial Airplane, Air Vehicle, Mode of Transport, Journey What is the best travel insurance for international travel?

Are you planning to go on a trip? Chances are you have a whole checklist to finish, including securing the proper coverage for you and/or your loved ones. The issue is, that question isn’t as easy to answer as it may seem. First, there are other questions you need to ask yourself.

Where are you traveling to?

Are you a US resident and traveling within the US? Then you do not need to worry about travel insurance because it is only for when you leave your home country. However, if you are traveling abroad, or if you are a resident of a foreign country traveling to the US, we are here to help!

How often are you traveling?

If you are planning a family vacation once or twice per year, you will be a great candidate for a traditional travel insurance plan. However, if you are taking frequent trips of short duration, it may be worth your while to invest in an annual multi-trip travel insurance plan. Basically, one plan that offers coverage for the whole year. Say goodbye to having to double check that you got your plan secured before every trip and hello to removing an item from your checklist!

What are you traveling for?

There are 2 types of travelers, business and pleasure. What type of traveling are you doing? Are you going on a family vacation? Or are you on your way to a tradeshow for work? The reason it is important to know what type of traveling you are doing is because there are different options to be presented. Of course, there is always an opportunity to purchase a travel insurance policy, however, it may save you money in the long run if your company is willing to purchase an annual multi-trip travel insurance plan to offer as a benefit for employees.

Having proper travel insurance can help to limit your distractions and help you to have an efficient and successful business trip. Maybe having an eased mind will allow you to enjoy some of the sites while you are there, or focus on closing that deal! If you have any questions about your travel insurance plan, are interested in an annual multi-trip plan, or are looking to purchase a travel insurance plan for your next business or leisure trip please contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at MHG has the insurance specialists to assist and advise you, your loved ones, group, or business, on all of your insurance needs. Safe travels!

Are you planning to go on a trip? Chances are you have a whole checklist to finish, including securing the proper coverage for you and/or your loved ones. The issue is, that question isn’t as easy to answer as it may seem. First, there are other questions you need to ask yourself.

Parents carrying kids, playing on meadowWhat is no medical exam life insurance?

No medical life insurance is a life insurance policy that does not require an individual to go through the medical screening process to be approved for purchase. According to Forbes, Over the past decade, more and more insurers have stated offering life insurance policies that don’t require medical exams. This may seem strange, as you would l think that insurers would want to have as much information as they could obtain about you before deciding whether or not to insure you, however many people are turned off by having a stranger come examine them in their home (or elsewhere) in order to be approved to make a purchase. Also, insurance companies have access to health records through the Medical Information Bureau (MIB) and other resources to make an overall decision on the risk that you may present to them.

What is a life insurance medical exam?

The medical exam associated with life insurance is part of the underwriting process and is usually a simple medical screening, but can be more involved, especially for older applicants. The exam can take up to an hour or more and will check your height, weight, blood pressure, and include a blood and urine sample. The exam will look to confirm that your vital signs are where they are supposed to be based on age and look to confirm whether or not you may pose a higher risk in terms of overall health. It is part of the underwriting process, where the insurer decides how insurable you are, much like the lending process of trying to qualify for a loan.

Who benefits from not having to take a medical exam?

Not having to take a medical exam benefits people who are concerned about having an unknown medical examiner come to their home, or who are simply looking to save time. It can offer quicker coverage without having to go through the typical full underwriting process.

What are the pros of no medical life insurance?

· Quick approval

· Good coverage

· No need to go through invasive screening process

· Transparent pricing

What are the cons of no medical life insurance?

· Coverage amounts are limited

· Can only obtain a term policy limit of 20 years

· Fewer policies to choose from

· Higher potential premiums than policies that require medical exam

Do you want to leave more to loved ones? Cover potential loss of income to the household? Then you will need to account for your debts and add more coverage beyond them to leave a legacy. Our experts can help you formulate what amount would be best for you in your situation and budget in this case, or any case for that matter. Contact us today at 954 828 1819 or visit us online at for a quick and easy quote!

No medical life insurance is a life insurance policy that does not require an individual to go through the medical screening process to be approved for purchase. Read more!

Young happy couple and their insurance agent working on a computer during a meeting in the office. What is the difference between a broker and an agent?

The main difference between an insurance agent and an insurance broker is that agents represent insurance companies, and brokers represent customers. Knowing the difference can be extremely helpful when you are shopping for a new policy or in the market for new coverage.

Why do brokers have a stigma?

Insurance brokers are not evil, in fact they are quite helpful. It is a common misconception that brokers work for insurance companies, however that could not be further from the truth. As insurance brokers, we work for you, the people!

It is also incorrect that working through an insurance broker costs the client more money. In contrast, working with a broker can save clients both time and money, in addition to frustration. Insurance brokers receive their compensation from insurers, but that does not (or should not) cloud the judgement of a good broker to recommend whatever policy is most appropriate to the situation as presented by you, the client.

What does a broker do that I cannot do myself?

First, they spend all day, every day dealing with insurance. They know the insurance industry, they live and breathe insurance, and they understand all the confusing terminology and phrases, which hopefully they can explain to you in a straightforward, no nonsense way. They also know the insurers, and the people who work there, which is a significant advantage over you calling a toll-free number and hoping for the best.

Second, insurance brokers evaluate and research the marketplace on a regular basis. A reputable broker knows the dynamics of the insurance industry, what the headlines are, what is no longer relevant, and which carriers provide consistent service. Nothing is more frustrating than finding an insurance plan that fits your needs, only to realize at time of claim that the company does not deliver.

Finally, as stated before, a broker advocates and works on your behalf. When a situation arises where a helping hand is needed, you can turn to your broker for assistance, leaving you to continue to concentrate on your work.

How do you know if a broker is reputable?

Word of mouth is the best form of marketing for a business, as well as the best form of research for a customer. There is no better way to find something than by asking someone you trust who has experience with your issues or concerns. This is also the case when finding a good insurance broker. Generally, though, you want to look for a broker with experience and longevity in the health insurance business and one who certainly should be able to provide references. It is also important that the broker is specialized and experienced in the yacht crew area as it is quite different from the typical expat insurance market.

Having proper insurance is important. MHG is your specialized broker when it comes to marine specific insurance. Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to find the policy that works best for you. If you are interested in purchasing, or have any questions about yacht crew insurance or travel insurance, please contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at

Learn about the benefits of using an insurace broker, and why everyone needs to consider usig one.

What is an HMO?

Doctor's office clerk explaining insurance benefits to customer, patient A Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) is a type of health insurance plan that operates with a network of participating providers such as primary care physicians (PCP), doctors, and hospitals. Typically, there is no coverage offered if you use a provider that is outside of the network.

As opposed to an HMO, a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) is a type of health insurance plan that operates with a network of participating providers, much like an HMO, however there is still coverage, albeit limited, offered if you use a provider outside of the network.

What is the difference between an HMO and a PPO?

The main difference between an HMO and a PPO is that an HMO is more limiting in terms of having access to see certain providers. Yes, you always have to freedom to see whoever you want, but with an HMO, there is typically little to no coverage if that provider is outside of your network.

What are the benefits of an HMO?

· Lower premiums

· Lower Out-of-Pocket Costs

· Claims process is easier since all claims are in network

· Having a primary care physician lead your overall care

Who does an HMO work best for?

While HMOs are considered to be a less expensive option, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation’s 2019 Health Benefits Survey , HMOs only account for 19% of covered workers in 2019. Even though they are not the most popular option, HMOs are great options for those that do not require extensive medical care, those that are younger, and those that are overall very healthy benefit more. Partly because most young people do not require to see a doctor or a specialist as often as someone who is elderly or not in the best health, therefore they do not require as much thought or care for who they are seeing or being seen by, and benefit from the lower cost associated with the plan.

Selecting the right health insurance plan for you or your employees can be a difficult task, but the experienced insurance brokers at MHG are glad to help you sort through the terminology and key features to determine the best health insurance plan for your situation. Our Insurance Specialists will help you assemble a complete insurance offering that includes health insurance, gap insurance coverage, life insurance, disability, and more. Call us today at 954-828-1819 or visit us online at for help in selecting the ideal health insurance plan for you and/or your employees.

A Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) is a type of health insurance plan that operates with a network of participating providers such as primary care physicians (PCP), doctors, and hospitals.

A retired senior couple support family by babysitting. Three young children sit on their grandparents' laps. The group is reading a book together.Before applying for a life insurance quote and before answering the question, “How much life insurance do I need?”, we first need to investigate what type of life insurance policy is best for you.

What type of life insurance do I need?

There are essentially two basic options when it comes to life insurance:

· Term Life, also known as temporary life insurance

· Whole Life, also known as permanent life insurance

As you may have guessed, term life covers you for a period of time or a “term”, and whole life covers you for your “whole life”! Discovering what option is best for you and your situation can be tricky, and you may need to do some assessing to see where you are at in your life, what priorities you have, and financial goals you have set for yourself and/or your family.

· How old are you?

· Are you married?

· Do you have kids or other dependents?

· What are your financial goals?

· Do you have debt, and if so, how much?

You may think that these questions are somewhat independent of each other, but the answers can help you decide not only what life insurance you need, but how much. For example, do you need coverage until your kids are a certain age and able to be self-sufficient? Do you want your coverage to also act as an investment opportunity that can build cash value?

How much life insurance do I need?

Most people typically start out by deciding on a coverage amount that will be enough to cover their remaining debt so that it does not pass on to their loved ones in the case of their demise. According to CNBC, “the average American has about $38,000 in personal debt, excluding home mortgages.” Obviously that number will increase substantially if mortgages were included. Adding your remaining mortgage balance, student loans, car loans, and any outstanding credit card debt can help you decide this amount. Generally speaking the younger you are, the more life insurance you will want to obtain, and also the easier it will be to qualify for the best rates. It is not uncommon to apply for 20 times your annual salary if you are in your twenties or early thirties with a child, a spouse and a mortgage.

Do you want to leave more to loved ones? Cover potential loss of income to the household? Then you will need to account for your debts and add more coverage beyond them in order to leave a legacy. Our experts can help you formulate what amount would be best for you in your situation and budget in this case, or any case for that matter. Contact us today at 954 828 1819 or visit us online at for a quick and easy quote!

Before applying for a life insurance quote and before answering the question, “How much life insurance do I need?”, we first need to investigate what type of life insurance policy is best for you.

Mega Yacht at anchorChoosing insurance for your crew could be a more complicated job than you originally imagined. There is a lot of research to be done, quotes to be reviewed, and conversations to be had when deciding on what the best insurance options are for your crew. After all, crew insurance is not crew insurance, there is not one solution for all. That may not make much sense, but let me explain.

Having your yacht crew covered with proper insurance goes more in depth than having just one kind of insurance, or trying to pick the best price between two policies. There are several different policies that you should consider if you are the decision maker. Whether you are a Yacht Owner, Yacht Captain, or the person who has been delegated the responsibility of selecting the insurance for everyone on board, we are here to help!

Medical/Health Insurance

Medical insurance can speak for itself. Many of us are familiar with it because of the amount of times that we use it. However, there are many different aspects of a plan to consider. What’s the deductible? Is there a co-pay? What about co-insurance? Does it include dental and vision? If you feel overwhelmed, please feel free to contact us for assistance and guidance on what plan would fit your yacht crew best.

Life insurance

While having life insurance is a personal option, there are yachts that include life insurance coverage as part of their benefits package. Offering coverage for your crew may give them some assurance that if anything happens to them while they are at sea, their loved ones will be more able to cope financially back home. Typically, the coverage amount is fixed in increments of $10,000, up to $100,000.

Accidental Death and Dismemberment

Accidental death and dismemberment, also known as AD&D, is very similar to life insurance. The difference is that there is only a benefit from an accidental death, or significant dismembering injury. This type of insurance typically provides coverage 24/7, not just while at work.

Personal Accident

Personal accident is a crucial insurance policy for your crew members. Often times referred to as PA cover, personal accident insurance will pay out a sum of money for permanent injury (and sometimes permanent illness). It is often confused with medical insurance, however it doesn’t provide coverage for any medical bills or doctors’ appointments, it simply provides a one-time payment after experiencing a permanent injury.

Disability Insurance

Disability insurance is a great way to offer coverage for your crew in the event they get hurt and can’t work for a short period of time. Having this policy will cover a percentage of the person’s wages if they are unable to perform their occupation and can last for up to two years due to an injury or illness. If the disabling event becomes permanent, the personal accident (if purchased as above) may kick-in and pay a lump sum. 

Hospital Indemnity

Hospital indemnity insurance at first glance would make you think that it covers hospital visits, however that is not the case. Think of this type of insurance as a poor man’s disability insurance. Depending on the policy, it provides a benefit each day your crew member is in the hospital. For example, if someone was hurt on the job and had to go to the hospital, the insurance would pay that person $100 per day that they are admitted in the hospital. This doesn’t cover their hospital bills, it just provides the person with an added benefit.

Features That Are Not Features

While the above list is not exhaustive of every option and feature, one thing to note is that some insurance providers tout features that do not hold true. For example, there is no such thing as a Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) compliant yacht crew insurance. It sounds good, but it means nothing. Another thing to be wary of is a plan that says ‘unlimited coverage’. Almost always with international policies, there are restrictions and limitations on the benefits such that the ‘unlimited’ part is actually quite ‘limited’.

Having proper insurance is important whether you are at sea, or docked at a shipyard. MHG is your specialized broker when it comes to crew insurance. Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to find the policy that works best for you. If you are interested in purchasing, or have any questions about yacht crew insurance or travel insurance, please contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at For more information on preparing to work on a yacht, read our previous blog, “Yacht Crew Insurance Terms 101”.

Having your yacht crew covered with proper insurance goes more in depth than having just one kind of insurance, or trying to pick the best price between two policies. There are several different policies that you should consider if you are the decision maker.

Closeup side view of black luxury yacht agains blue sky in sunlight with copy spaceIf you are not working in the insurance industry, there is a good chance that insurance lingo can provide you with some head scratchers. Words and terms that we don’t use in everyday life can leave people feeling confused. So, we thought it would be helpful to put together a list of terms that we find ourselves explaining frequently. Hopefully this list will give you a better understanding of healthcare in general and be able to assist you when purchasing your future plans from the healthcare marketplace.

· Annual Maximum and/or Policy Maximum - The maximum amount that an insurance policy will pay for covered medical expenses. The amount can be different depending on the policy chosen.

· Coinsurance - The percentage of covered medical costs that you pay after you have met your deductible.

· Copayment or Copay - A fixed dollar amount that you pay directly to your doctor or physician, hospital, or other medical provider (doctor visit or CT scan) at the time of service.

· Cost-Sharing - Determines how much you will pay and how much your insurance plan will cover. Various parts include deductible, copay, and coinsurance.

· Deductible - The amount that you will have to pay out of pocket each year before your insurance plan begins to pay. Some benefits are not subject to the deductible.

· Emergency Evacuation – Transport of the insured person in the event of a life or limb threatening injury or illness which requires treatment at a different location.

· In-Network - Providers that are members of the approved network for your plan.

· Out-of-Network – Any provider that is not a member of the approved network for your plan.

· Out of Pocket Maximum - The maximum you pay during a policy year before your health insurance plan starts to pay 100% for all covered benefits.

· Pre-certification - Contacting your insurance provider for approval before having specific procedures. This process, as well as which procedures require it, can be different depending on your policy.

· Pre-existing Health Condition - An illness, injury, or condition, you had before joining a health insurance plan. All ACA compliant plans cover pre-existing conditions without a waiting period.

· Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) - A plan that allows you to go to any provider that you choose, however insurance pays less for providers that are not in your network.

· Provider - A person or company that provides health care service to you such as a doctor, hospital, urgent care, minute clinic, lab, pharmacy, etc.

· Provider Network - A group of providers with specific agreements to honor a particular health insurance plan or plans.

· Repatriation - A person returning to their home country or place of citizenship.

If you have any more questions about yacht crew insurance terms, please feel free to ask us or comment below! Having proper insurance is important whether you are at sea or docked at a shipyard. MHG is your specialized broker when it comes to crew insurance. Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to find the policy that works best for you. If you are interested in purchasing, or have any questions about yacht crew insurance or travel insurance, please contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at For more information on why service is so important, read our previous blog, “Yacht Crew Case Study: Customer Service Can Be Life Saving”.

If you are not working in the insurance industry, there is a good chance that insurance lingo can provide you with some head scratchers. So, we thought it would be helpful to put together a list of terms that we find ourselves explaining frequently.