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life ring onboard a yachtFalls don't "just happen," and people don't fall only because they get older. Many falls are linked to a person's physical condition or a medical problem. Other causes could be safety hazards onboard or in your environment. 

Some Risk Factors and pointers 

Scientists have linked a number of personal risk factors to falling. Here’s just a few:

  • Muscle weakness, especially in the legs. People with weak muscles are more likely to fall than are those who maintain their muscle strength, as well as their flexibility and endurance.
Are you on your feet all day? Sure you are.  Be aware of muscle weakness in your legs.  Stretch often and stay fit.

  • Blood pressure that drops when you get up from lying down or sitting. This condition -- called postural hypotension -- might result from dehydration, or certain medications.
Drink plenty of water and stay away from too much caffeine or alcohol to help prevent a fall.

  • Wearing unsafe footwear. Backless shoes and slippers, high-heeled shoes, and shoes with smooth leather soles are examples of unsafe footwear.
Sound similar to the shoes you wear? Your feet have to last your entire life. Take care of them and they’ll take care of you.

  • Sensory problems. If your senses don't work well, you will be less aware of your environment.
Do I need to say more about this? Don’t do things that impair your senses.

  • Not seeing well.  It takes a while for your eyes to adjust to see clearly when you move between darkness and light.
Certainly something you experience frequently onboard, and sunglasses are a requirement.  MHG Insurance has them if you need a pair, just give us a shout on our MHG Facebook page! Although falls can happen anywhere, well over half of all falls happen at home (onboard). Falls often happen while a person is doing normal daily activities. Some of these falls are caused by factors in the person's living environment. For instance, a slick floor or a poorly lit narrow stairway may lead to a fall.  But I’m sure you never have those conditions onboard, do you?

Call MHG Insurance today at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at for more safety information or help finding a yacht health insurance plan that perfectly meets your needs!

Yacht Health Insurance Advice for Onboard Safety Hazards

Woman standing in front of yachtsAs a yacht captain, you have the weighty responsibility of choosing a group yacht crew insurance plan for your crew. You have taken your duty seriously, carefully comparing policies and benefits to ensure your crew has comprehensive coverage in all the countries you will be visiting; but have you thought about the subject of routine medical coverage? There is a common perception that routine medical coverage is an unnecessary additional cost; however it’s our experience that including routine medical coverage on your group plan helps to attract and retain crew as well as keep crew members healthy and happy. If you are unfamiliar with the provisions of routine medical coverage, you may be wondering whether your crewmembers truly need this benefit; perusing these 4 reasons to add routine medical coverage to your group yacht crew insurance plan options will help you make the best decision for your crew. 

  1. Regular Medical Checkups Mean Healthier Crewmembers

    Demonstrating an interest in the well-being of your crew is an important step in having a healthy & happy crew whose performance you can rely on. Annual “wellness” visits to a primary care physician or internist, which are covered under routine medical coverage, are generally recommended for all adults after the age of 18 to 20. During these regular check-ups, medical professionals can detect any number of serious medical conditions that affect seemingly healthy young adults, such as hypertension, diabetes, and more.

  2. Annual Checkups Ensure Busy Crewmembers Get the Care They Need

    Crewmembers can end up working so hard that they forget to take the time to take care of themselves. Initially minor physical concerns that are neglected by busy crewmembers who are unwilling or unable to request time off can turn into major problems if left unchecked. During the annual wellness visits that are included as part of routine medical coverage, physicians can identify crewmembers’ health problems while they are still minor, and develop treatment plans to eliminate these health issues before they can turn into serious or even life-threatening problems.

  3. ENG1 Exams Cannot Replace Routine Medical Care

    Many crewmembers think because they undergo bi-yearly ENG1 exams that there is no need to have additional examinations or screenings by a primary physician. Doctors perform a number of essential screenings during annual wellness visits that ENG1 exams do not address. These screenings, which are designed to detect serious medical conditions that can affect otherwise healthy individuals, include mole examinations, gynecological /pelvic exams, with pap smears and mammograms, and blood tests that scan for a variety of conditions, including cancer, diabetes, high cholesterol, and thyroid issues.

  4. Routine Medical Coverage is a High Value, Low Expense Addition

    Routine medical coverage is relatively inexpensive to add to a group marine crew insurance plan, especially compared to the perceived value of the benefit. Crewmembers feel appreciated and valued when you add routine medical coverage to their benefits, because the extra coverage makes them feel like their health and well-being is important to their employer.
MHG Insurance offers a wide range of yacht crew insurance plans, including international health insurance, marine crew disability coverage, and more. Our yacht crew marine insurance brokers have the experience and resources to help you select the best solution for your crews’ particular circumstances, coverage requirements, and budget. Questions about your current yacht crew insurance plan? Our team of Insurance Specialists will be out and about at the Monaco Yacht Show September 24th-27th.

Call MHG Insurance today at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at  for help finding the group yacht crew health insurance plan that perfectly meets your needs!

Group Yacht Crew Insurance Plan Options