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Top Ten Reasons to Buy Life Insurance

Posted August 22 2013

Reasons to Buy Life Insurance

No one wants to think about the unforeseen loss of a spouse or loved one.  Just the thought of losing someone you love brings up unpleasant, emotional feelings. However, taking the time and making a small investment to plan for such an event – whether it be that of your own passing or that of a spouse - is not only necessary, but it is one of the most generous, loving gestures you can make for those you love. Here are the ten reasons why everyone should consider purchasing life insurance :    

  1. Protect those you love. Your loved ones will be able to go on financially and without the stress and worry of how they’re going to pay the bills. Your children’s future will be solidified, allowing them to attend college, while your spouse will have the means to continue paying the mortgage and stay in your family’s home.

  2. Peace of mind. Are you the top income earner in your household? When you obtain life insurance, you will no longer have to worry what will happen to your family in the event of your death or if you become terminally ill – at which time life insurance becomes practically impossible to acquire.

  3. Life insurance creates options. Often, when a loved one who was the top income provider of the family passes, survivors are forced to make quick, important financial decisions during a very tough, emotionally charged time.

  4. Life insurance has more than one purpose. Your policy is a valuable asset that can provide a specified sum of money at a time when it is needed most. You can choose a Life insurance plan that is an annuity – which will actually supplement your retirement income with a guaranteed monthly stream of income once you retire for as long as you live.

  5. You never know what can happen. In the event of an emergency or abrupt onset of terminal illness, you may be able to request a withdrawal or loan from your policy for a much needed cash infusion to keep your household running smoothly.

  6. Death shouldn’t equal debt. Debt can be a tremendous burden for anyone, but it is especially difficult to deal with for those who are grief stricken.

  7. Take care of your business. Life insurance doesn’t just protect individuals. It can protect a business from financial loss, liabilities, or instability in the event of the death of a business owner or partner.  It can be invaluable in providing an infusion of cash to keep operations going until things settle down.

  8. Funerals are expensive. A funeral can cost anywhere from $7,000 to $10,000 – and that is just for an average, “no-frills” burial. Life insurance can cover this cost without further financial hardship and stress for your loved ones.

  9. It makes financial sense. Life insurance is considered a financial asset, which can help increase your credit and help you get a loan or health insurance.

  10. Give to charity. Life insurance will allow you to leave a meaningful gift to a favorite cause or charity that is larger than you would have been able to set aside for a donation.

Obtaining life insurance ensures financial stability for those left behind in the event of an unforeseen tragedy, as well as providing cash in times of need. Contact MHG Insurance Brokers to learn more about obtaining life insurance and the different types of policies available by calling 954-828-1819, or visiting online at . Let us help you begin the preparations today to protect the ones you love most.