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Income for When You Are Not Working

Posted March 21 2013

Individual Disability Income Protection If you are currently employed as a yacht crewmember, chances are you have heard about individual disability income protection Although some reports state the economy is improving, times are still tough and salaries are not increasing the way they have in the past. In addition, with a disabling accident or illness occurring or being diagnosed every few seconds, it would be a wise choice to consider disability insurance.


Let’s take a look at a real life scenario about a yacht crewmember who did not purchase disability insurance:  

“Last June, we had a Chief Stewardess fall down the stairs onboard a yacht. She landed on her head and injured her spine, causing temporary paralysis. She still has a long road to recovery in terms of her coordination and strength in her limbs. She has had to rely heavily on others, including her significant other, for both financial support as well as in caring for her day to day needs. Had she purchased a disability plan, she would potentially be receiving 65% of her salary.” 

When accidents and injuries happen to those who are uninsured, it brings a financial, physical and emotional strain to those who become their caretakers. Unfortunately, not everyone has a significant other or family member nearby, and they are left to hire a home nurse or caretaker. These expenses, in addition to medical bills, can be astronomical.  

Also keep in mind that if you are disabled, you will be living on shore. This will likely result in additional living expenses such as electric and water that you may not have had while working at sea. Just like accidents, long term illness can also cause significant financial challenges.  

With a long term illness, you can also find yourself in a situation where you not only need to rely on others for support with daily activities but you may also find that the ongoing medical costs may not be adequately covered by your insurance plan due to additional deductibles, non-covered items or co-insurance. 

A disabling injury or illness has the potential to ruin someone financially. Living expenses continue to rise, as do the costs for adequate medical care. Disability income can offer you peace of mind knowing a significant portion of your income can be replaced in the event of an unfortunate situation.

Disability income protection is just one part of your overall insurance picture, so be sure to consider it along with health and life insurance. MHG Insurance specializes in insurance plans for yacht crew members . We have the knowledge, experience and relationships with top-rated disability insurance carriers and can tailor a policy to your budget and needs. Call MHG today at +1 954-828-1819 or visit  to determine which disability insurance plan would be right for you.