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How to File a Marine General Liability Insurance Claim

Posted August 31 2017

How to File a Marine General Liability Insurance Claim Filing an insurance claim can be a confusing and lengthy process. In many cases, people have never been involved in a claim before. They may not think to do things in the moment that may help them later during the claims process. Let us help by offering some tips when filing a Marine General Liability insurance claim.

Call Insurance Agent and Insurance Company

The most important place to start when there has been a loss is with your insurance agent. If you are unsure whether a claim should to be filed, your agent can help. Your agent will collect the necessary information, and guide you with the next steps that you will need to take. Do not hesitate to contact your agent, he or she handles claims daily and will be able to give you advise that can save you time and aggravation.

List All Damages Incurred

Make a list of all the damages that have been incurred. Some damages may not be obvious, and may require further investigation by the adjuster or another trained professional. Make notes of any specifics about the incident like time of day, weather, and people present at the time of the incident.

Take Pictures

Having proof of damage can affect the outcome of a claim. If an incident occurs, take pictures to document the damage to property as soon as possible. This will help the adjuster if emergency repairs need to be completed to prevent further damage. Keep all photos and receipts for emergency repairs in a safe place and be sure to hand them off to the adjuster as soon as possible.

Prevent Further Damage

After assessing and documenting the damages, do what you can to prevent further damages from occurring. Whether that means clearing the area of other materials, or securing machinery, do what you can to limit the extent of the damage. It is also important to exercise caution when trying to prevent further damage. If it is not safe to be in the area, do not risk injury to yourself or others by trying to limit damages to property.

Who Should the Company Contact to Follow Up on Claim?

It is important to organize who will oversee the claims process within your company. Make sure this person has access to certain information about your business that may be needed during the process. Also, having one person be in charge may also make this process more efficient and ultimately help close the claim faster.

Having the proper insurance coverage is crucial for the success of any business, and every business needs coverage specific for its characteristics. If you have any more questions, would like further explanation, want to change your general liability policy to a marine general liability policy, or are interested in any other form of business insurance, please contact us by calling 954-828-1819 or visiting We look forward to assisting you with all your insurance needs.