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Don’t Hire Your Next Costly Claim

Posted November 30 2017

Don’t Hire Your Next Costly Claim Good help is hard to find. Everyone has heard different horror stories about coworkers and colleagues from their friends, or even ones they have experienced firsthand. Filling open positions properly within your company can have a great impact on your bottom line. From having unproductive and inefficient workers, or workers who go above and beyond, one thing that can have a direct effect to your bottom line is workers’ compensation. Workplace injuries can be quite expensive for employers, especially those companies that require skilled or physical labor. So, if you are interested in helping your businesses’ bottom line, use some of these tips to help avoid hiring your next costly claim.

Before the Hiring Process

Much like having a good foundation determines the strength of a building, hiring practices can have a similar effect to your business and its future. Preparation is very important when starting the hiring process. You want to be sure the right people are in the right jobs to get the most out of your team. Putting someone into a position that has no experience or background in said position could result in mistakes and possible injury if they lack training and experience. There are many ways to do your homework when beginning the hiring process, from gathering analytics of the mistakes that people make in the workplace, to psychology of people that will put them in the best position. Assessing problems before you make a hire can be best form of preventing a loss.

During the Hiring Process

Job interviews and job shadowing, or any other form of evaluating someone before hiring them is a great opportunity to see if someone is not only a perfect fit for the position, but your company culture as well. Unfortunately, you can’t ask someone about previous claims they were involved in, however, you can ask them about any gaps in their employment. Also, be sure to ask them how they would handle certain situations that can arise such as emergencies or other scenarios that may put them or their coworkers in danger. So far so good? If so, you should contact all their references to get a feel for how they are viewed from their past employers.

Don’t Stop Once They’re Hired

Once your new employee has passed all screening and gone through all the training necessary, welcome him or her to the company! An employment offer should be contingent on successful completion of screenings. Completion of a thorough hiring process should help to ensure the new employee will be a good fit. But the process shouldn’t stop there. Just because you have found your new employee, doesn’t mean you should stop working to avoid a claim. Implementing regular safety and training programs for all employees is a good practice that helps to avoid catastrophic and frequent claim. Lastly, all processes and procedures should be communicated loud and clear so that everyone in your workforce is aware of the company’s expectations. 

Workers’ Compensation Insurance should be a top priority for all businesses. If you have any questions, or are interested in purchasing workers’ compensation insurance, or any other form of Property & Casualty Insurance, please contact us at 954-828-1819 or visit our website . Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to assist and advise your business about all the necessary business insurances.