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Common Shore Ex Injuries

jetski sitting in the waves on a beach at a shore ex place Cruises are made to be a fun memorable vacation that individuals, couples, and families can remember for years to come. A major part of the cruise industry are excursions. As Tour and Excursion Operators know, one of the first things guests do when stepping onboard a cruise ship is to book all the excursions they plan to take part in. While excursions are often considered one of the most fun parts of going on a cruise, there are still liabilities, and accidents that can happen, which is why waivers should be signed, and you should be insured! Below are some of the most common injuries reported by Tour and Excursion Operators.


We were notified of 2 separate incidents where the individuals both suffered fatal heart attacks whilst snorkeling. Both had long term medical histories which showed it was effectively ‘natural causes’ and no law suit was filed.


Seeing the world under the surface of the ocean is amazing. However, there is heavy and expensive equipment involved with scuba diving. Luckily, many places will not let people dive without a proper license, but that doesn’t mean you still aren’t exposed to liabilities upon injuries. For instance, what if someone doesn’t come up to the surface properly?

Animal Bites

Many of the top attractions and excursions throughout the Caribbean include swimming with a variety of sea creatures. Whether it be dolphins, sharks, sting rays, or other fish, accidents can happen, and there have been reports of people getting bitten or stung.

Jet Skis

Jet skis are one of the most thrilling and exciting excursions that people choose to partake in. While they can be a very enjoyable time, such thrills and excitement can come at a cost. Improper use of Jet skis has been responsible for tragic crashes, injuries, or even worse. One of the main causes of this stems from inexperience of the individual that is operating the craft, who aren’t well versed in the rules and laws of the water when it comes to other boats or vessels in the area.

Zip Lines

Last but not least, many believe that the most frequent injuries are sustained on zip lines. While you may be thinking that many of the injuries occur because of a fall that is not necessarily the case. Far more common, is injury that is sustained when reaching the end of the line and impacting against poorly maintained equipment at speed.

Now that you are further aware of some of the accidents that can happen in the Shore-Ex industry, cover your liabilities with Shore-Ex Insurance, also known as Tour and Excursion Operators Liability Insurance. Shore-Ex Insurance is a package contingent liability program designed specifically for tour operators seeking to work with the cruise line industry. If you are interested in purchasing a Tour & Excursion Operators Legal Liability Policy, or simply need some more information contact us at or call us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668. Our team of brokers have the knowledge and experience to consult with you on the best coverage for your budget, and can also assist you with any insurance questions you may have.

While excursions are often considered one of the most fun parts of going on a cruise, there are still liabilities, and accidents that can happen.

shipyard with cranes Shipyard owners are concerned with protecting their businesses from exposure to financial damage, especially in the form of lawsuits and liability issues. As part of their ongoing efforts to insulate their businesses from harm, these conscientious proprietors are checking to make sure that the firms they do business with meet all insurance coverage requirements. If your maritime business lacks the necessary USL&H coverage, you could find yourself facing the harshest of penalties – including the loss of valuable contracts, the imposition of stiff fines, and even actual jail time!

Does your business have the USL&H coverage it needs? Find out by perusing this handy guide on the key facts of Maritime Workers Compensation coverage:

USL&H Is a Requirement to Work on Board Vessels 65' or Greater in Length or at a Dock, Port, or Shipyard

USL&H, which refers to the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act, was enacted to provide compensation to employees in the event of their injury or death while performing maritime work on board a vessel or at a dock, port, or shipyard on navigable waters of the United States. USL&H is federally mandated, which means companies that fail to obtain Maritime Workers Compensation coverage as required are subject to stiff penalties that can include fines of up to $10,000 and incarceration in prison for a year. Even more seriously, uninsured employers and company officers may also be held personally and severally liable for compensation and any other benefits that may accrue to an injured employee.

USL&H Is Workers' Comp Coverage for Contractors Working on/with Vessels

USL&H coverage provides benefits similar to Workers' Compensation to contractors performing any maritime work on or with vessels on navigable waters of the United States. Accidental injuries, occupational diseases, and death arising from the employee's employment are covered by Workers' Comp; similar benefits accrue to maritime employees under USL&H coverage. Even contractors’ employees who have "incidental USL&H" exposure, such as electricians, heating and AC contractors, flooring installers, and other personnel performing repairs on equipment located on a boat, are covered under Maritime Workers Compensation if they suffer any damage while performing their duties.

Shipyards Can Require USL&H Coverage for Even a Single Employee

While USL&H benefits are similar to benefits provided by Workers’ Compensation Insurance, the rules are far more stringent. Workers’ Comp is only required for businesses with four or more employees in Florida, other states may vary, including owners unless they are exempt. Contractors that fall under USL&H guidelines, however, need to provide coverage even if only one employee at their company will be performing qualifying work.

Carrying Inadequate Marine Insurance Coverage Can Be Costly

In addition to Maritime Workers Compensation benefits, MHG Insurance Brokers also provide marine general liability insurance, which protects you in the case of liability or property damages to a third party while engaged in marine related operations. Marine general liability insurance is an absolute necessity for any business providing repair or other services on vessels, as even seemingly minor damage to a boat can prove to be expensive. Now that you know the relevant details about USL&H – shipyards are checking if you have it, Federal law requires you to carry it, and there are stiff penalties for companies that do not have it - the experienced Insurance Specialists at MHG Insurance Brokers can help you obtain the USL&H policy that best suits your needs.

At MHG, we understand the unique environmental conditions of working on the sea, as well as the accompanying challenges. We strive to help marine companies find the best, most affordable marine insurance plans to suit each and every employee.

To learn more about USL&H coverage, marine general liability insurance, and other marine insurance plans, call MHG Insurance Brokers at +1 954 828 1819 or visit us online at

Does your business have the USL&H coverage it needs? Find out by perusing this handy guide on the key facts of Maritime Workers Compensation coverage: