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Tips Everyone Should Follow When Traveling Abroad

Posted July 5 2018

Plane lands at an airfield at the sunsetDid you know that taking at least one trip a year, reduces your risk of heart disease by 30%? With a statistic like that, how can you not already have your bags packed?! Before you rush out to book your next trip, be sure to use our checklist below when making any decisions about travel insurance, as well as traveling abroad. Traveling abroad can create some of life’s greatest experiences. Seeing other countries, cultures, and people can create memories that can be shared for a lifetime. In order to ensure that those memories are happy ones, travel insurance should be on the top of your list before you book that flight.

Having an emergency while you’re abroad can be a scary experience for many reasons. You are far from home, in a country that you do not know much about, and may not know where to go in the event of an emergency. Maybe you don’t speak the language which could make it impossible to try and get assistance from a local. You don’t have the family/ friend support that you do at home. Travel Insurance should provide you with the proper coverage to protect from an array of unplanned events that can really ruin a trip.

Travel Insurance Checklist

A good travel insurance policy should include the following:

· Maximum plan limit of at least $1,000,000.

· Provide coverage in most countries around the world.

· Provide coverage for accidents, illness and the acute onset of a pre-existing condition.

· Emergency air/ground transportation to the nearest qualified hospital.

· 24-hour worldwide emergency assistance.

· Pre-trip health and safety advisories on your destination such as required vaccinations, health risks and travel restrictions, medical monitoring, provider referrals for Western-style medical facilities, medical and dental practices and pharmacies. Other useful services include travel document replacement, lost luggage assistance, emergency travel arrangements and translation services.

· Simple online enrollment.

· Easy claim submission.

Travel Insurance benefits can vary based on policy or company, so it’s best to review a few different options from a reputable company to see which plan is best for you. Also, using an Insurance Broker can provide with you benefits that you may truly value. An insurance broker will typically work for you, the client, and offer you advice and assistant to getting the best l plan possible according to your budget. One reason they may be able to get you better coverage is because they represent several companies as opposed to just one. So their best interest is in the customer rather than the company. They can also assist you in with any claims you make and work on your behalf.

What should I Bring?

Once you purchase your travel insurance, you can begin fully to enjoying yourself and look forward to your adventure without having to worry about the unknown. Packing is very important, , be sure to include the following to make it as hassle free as possible:

1. Travel insurance card

2. Passport and visa

· Make sure the expiration date is not during your trip, also bring a copy of your passport for back up purposes

3. Flight itinerary

4. Immunization documents

5. A Full list of all accommodations

· Including addresses and phone numbers from all the locations you will be staying. Also be sure to include this information with a friend or family member who will be staying home.

7. Contact information for your country’s embassy or consulate in your destination

8. Emergency contacts

· It is smart to keep in touch with loved ones during your trip, checking in every so often.

9. Money

· Never have all of your cash in one place. Cash, cards, checks, passport, if you include them all in your day bag, and it happens to be misplaced or stolen, you may be stranded.

10. Map of where you will be going, along with a translation dictionary.

Once you have completed these checklists, you can officially kick back and enjoy your time. Don’t forget to take lots of pictures!

MHG Insurance Brokers wishes you safe travels along your journey. If you are interested in purchasing travel insurance, or have any questions or concerns, please contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0)1624 678668 or visit us at Our insurance brokers are experienced and can assist you in selecting the right plan for you, with the best value.