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Young Hispanic female volunteer nurse checks a mid adult woman's blood pressure in free medical clinic. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has brought a lot of changes in the health insurance industry. Depending on who you talk to some of these changes can be good or bad. One thing that is usually universally agreed upon as a positive change is that insurance companies are no longer allowed to deny you coverage if you have a pre-existing condition. Another positive is that plans considered to be creditable coverage offers preventive care at no cost to the member! Health is wealth and taking preventive actions to ensure you stay healthy is the best way to avoid an illness or an issue in the future. Also, it is important to note that preventive services will only be fully covered when seeing a doctor or medical provider that is in your plan’s network.

What is preventive care?

Preventive care is typically a procedure that is done to detect or prevent an illness or condition. Preventive health care can be anything from screening for diseases such as diabetes to screenings and counseling for alcohol misuse and tobacco use.


Preventive care is typically broken down into three groups, adults, women, and children. Depending on your age and/or gender, different procedures can be considered preventive care. For example, children have certain screenings to test for conditions that aren’t needed as an adult, such as an autism screening. Further, while adults are able to be covered for certain preventive services, women may need some services that are not needed by men for procedures such as a Pap smear. For more information on what procedures are deemed preventive care for each group, visit

Why is preventive care important?

Just because you feel 100% healthy, doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be taking advantage of regular check-ups. Part of staying healthy is catching issues before they arise or early enough to correct them. There are many conditions that don’t offer early symptoms such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol. The only way to see if they are at healthy levels is to check them regularly. We can’t stress enough that everyone should be using preventive care!

Some things to be aware of

While receiving preventive care should be free thanks to the Affordable Care Act, there are some things you should still be aware of. First, if something is found during your screening, any treatment you receive to help your condition won’t be “free”. You will be required to pay for further treatments according to your insurance plan. Also, in some cases there must be a valid reason to receive fully covered preventive services. You either must be due for one, like women 40 and over receiving a mammogram every 1-2 years (per , or a doctor must prescribe it.

For more information about job based benefits, read our previous blog, What You Need to Know about Company Sponsored Insurance Benefits ”. Sometimes there are things in your plan that you don’t understand, or words that you have never heard before. Your well-being is important to us, and part of that is making sure you are properly taken care of. Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to assist and guide you, your family, or group to the best coverage for your budget. If you are interested in purchasing a disability plan, health insurance, or life insurance, contact us at or call us at +1 954 828 1819.

Health is wealth and taking preventive actions to ensure you stay healthy is the best way avoid an illness or an issue in the future. Read more!

Ready to go! Close up cropped low angle photo of shoe of female athlete on the starting line of a stadium track, preparing for a run. Sunny spring day You know the saying, “New year, new me!” Well it’s that time of the year, everything is fresh, people are motivated, and many of you have just begun a new benefit year in terms of your insurance as well. So why not take some time to figure out how to make the most out of your insurance benefits, the same way you would try to make the most out the year when it comes to vacations, starting new habits, or even just trying new things. Here are some tips to follow to better help you start your benefit year off right. Keep in mind the tips below are only for those times when seeing a medical professional can be planned in advance, if you are sick or in need of medical attention, please consult your physician immediately.

Read Your Policy

Reading your insurance policy may not be your first priority, but without reviewing your benefits, you might be missing covered benefits you can take advantage of. A big one is knowing the doctors in your network, depending on your coverage, some providers might be categorized in a special group which allows you to pay less. Check if you have dental and vision insurance and what is covered, there can be some benefits that are completely free of charge to you, even covering multiple visits throughout the year.

Do You Have a Rewards Program?

Most health insurance companies now offer a rewards program to help motivate people to live a healthy lifestyle. Get yourself involved as soon as you can so you can start earning rewards for things you do every day like walking, logging meals, weighing yourself, etc. Also, these programs can offer points for visiting the doctor, getting your teeth cleaned, getting a flu shot, and taking other preventable measures.

Plan Your Year

As stated before, once you understand your insurance coverage, you will have a better understanding of how to plan your year. Yes, you should always expect the unexpected, no one plans to catch a cold, but by understanding your benefits you can use providers that will cost you less. When it comes to making doctors’ appointments, your benefit year should be taken into consideration. For example, if you are in need of a procedure that is medically necessary but you have been putting it off, would it make more sense to have it when the year is fresh, or when you have reached closer to your max out of pocket, typically later in the year? Sometimes timing can be important and can be the difference from having to pay thousands versus having to pay nothing.

Avoid the Mad Dash

I don’t know if you have ever been to a medical facility at the end of the year, but more than likely they are slammed with people trying to use the last bit of insurance before the new year starts. By planning your year ahead, you can do what you can to try and avoid the headache of having to wait hours, or deal with nurses and doctors who are understaffed or stretched too thin. Most medical plans now include telemedicine which can be used in the convenience of your home using a smart device, if you need a prescription the telemedicine doctor will prescribe what you need at the pharmacy of your choice. In some cases, telemedicine can be free.

MHG Insurance Brokers comprises of a team of experts who specialize in group insurance. We have unique relationships with carriers and are sometimes the first to know the plans they offer. We have a 5-star Google review rating, and an outstanding 96% client retention rate in the Life and Health Division (Employee Benefits). Our team of experts can complete a full analysis of your current plan’s offerings, and if needed, recommend a package that will enrich your benefits while keeping cost at a minimum. If you do not have a group plan in place, we have you covered! Our team can provide a proposal for your group which may be less than you anticipate. If you are interested in purchasing health insurance, feel free to contact us at 954-548-3599 or visit our website at

Here are some tips to follow to better help you start your benefit year off right.

Shot of a team of colleagues celebrating with a high five in a modern officeLet’s face it group insurance plan comes at a price, and there is a reason many smaller businesses with less than 50 employees elect not to offer a group plan since it is not required. However, not having a plan in place immediately makes your business less competitive when it comes to attracting the best talent to help you succeed. So, what if I told you that there are several options out there that can help you save money when it comes to offering your employees insurance benefits?

Fully-Insured vs. Self-Insured/Level Funded

Most groups with less than 100 employees are covered through Fully-Insured plans as it is the most traditional method of coverage. The premium paid to the insurance carrier is a fixed rate for the year based on the number of employees enrolled. The carrier is responsible for paying all claims while the covered member is responsible for paying copays, coinsurance and deductibles based on the plan benefits. Fully-Insured rates are based on the demographic make of the group (census), changes to that census, comparative rates within a geographic area and industry, and to a smaller degree the claims experience of the members. Any group with 2 or more employees will qualify for Fully-Insured plans (Groups with two employees cannot be a married couple).

Level Funded plan options are becoming increasingly common as more carriers are offering them, and more employers are seeing the advantages. Let’s be clear, not all groups qualify; acceptance is mainly based on the employees’ medical claims history, and carriers require a minimum participation higher than Fully-Insured. Level Funded plans are filed with the Department of Financial Services as “Self-Funded”. A true Self-Funded plan has an arrangement where the employer provides health care to the employees using the company’s own funds. Level Funded follows the same concept, but there is a stop loss in place for each employee on the plan to prevent any liability for the employer. A portion of the premium paid on a Level Funded plan is saved in a funding “pool” which is used to pay claims. After an employee uses a certain amount of the claims fund (amount varies depending on the carrier) stop loss kicks in and the carrier takes over the payment of claims for that employee for the remainder of the year removing that exposure from the employer’s remaining funding pool.

What Are the Advantages of Level Funded?

On average a business spends 7% to 9% of its budget on employee health care. If your group qualifies for Level Funded plans, it is possible that the rates may be better than Fully-Insured when comparing similar plan options. Yes, you can get money back at the end of the year! Carriers typically offer the group a specified percentage of the unused amount left from your funding pool at the end of the year. The reimbursement percentage varies depending on the carrier, and in some instances can be as much as 94%, which can be a significant amount. Carriers may also include additional features on a Level Funded plan not included on Fully-Insured options.

Are There Any Shortfalls on a Level Funded Plan?

Level Funded plans follow the federal mandate as it relates to continuation of coverage. Groups with 20 or more employees will be eligible for federal COBRA. Most Level Funded plans will not administer State Continuation (mini COBRA) for employers with less than 20 employees, this means these employees will not be eligible to continue coverage upon leaving employment.

Another area that may affect some employees is dependent coverage. In some states, such as Florida, Fully-Insured plans will allow dependent children to be covered up to age 30, while Level Funded plans will remove dependent children at age 26, which is the federal mandate. In addition, some benefits offered on Fully-Insured may not be offered on Level Funded.

What Option Is Best for Me?

MHG Insurance Brokers comprises of a team of experts who specialize in group insurance. We have unique relationships with carriers and are sometimes the first to know the plans they offer. We have a 5-star Google review rating, and an outstanding 96% client retention rate in the Life and Health Division (Employee Benefits). Our team of experts can complete a full analysis of your current plan’s offerings, and if needed, recommend a package that will enrich your benefits while keeping cost at a minimum. If you do not have a group plan in place, we have you covered! Our team can provide a proposal for your group which may be less than you anticipate. If you are interested in purchasing health insurance, feel free to contact us at 954-548-3599 or visit our website at

What if I told you that there are several options out there that can help you save money when it comes to offering your employees insurance benefits? Read more!

5 Tips for Staying Fit and Active While Working Full Time Do you ever find yourself too busy to exercise? Is working a full time job making it difficult for you to find the time to stay active?

Working a full time job is one way to keep someone busy. Trying to find time for yourself, or time to work out can be quite a challenge. After all, spending the majority of your day at work and battling rush hour can take a lot of energy. Yet, there still is no excuse for taking care of yourself. Living a healthy lifestyle is important, and sometimes it can feel like work gets in the way of that. So if you find yourself willing to try something new in order to stay active while working full time, follow some of these great tips!

1. Get Up Early

Waking up early can be a drag if you aren't a morning person. Hitting the "snooze" button is almost unavoidable. While it may take some will power and extra motivation, getting up earlier to work out can have an amazing impact on your day. For one, exercising in the morning is a great way to start the day, get your blood pumping, and give you that feeling like you are ready to take on the world. You will even find that by working out in the morning that you may be sharper throughout the day.

2. Ride Your Bike or Walk to Work

One fun way to try and stay active is to walk or ride your bike to work. While this option may not work for everyone, those that live in close proximity to their job should give it a try. Enjoy the scenery, get some fresh air, and have some time to clear your mind before starting your day at the office. The best part is that you will be saving money on gas!

3. Take Periodic Walks

While on the job, you want to be productive as you possibly can. So taking a long walk might be a bad idea. However, try breaking that long walk into shorter ones throughout the entire day. Use a bathroom break to walk around the building for a few minutes. Doing this every couple of hours will add up, and by the end of the day you might be surprised how much you have walked. Try wearing a pedometer to help keep track of your steps and help you reach any daily goals you might have.

4. Join a Gym Close to Work

If you work close to a gym, consider getting a gym membership there. You can go for a work out on the way in or just after you get off. Waiting until you get home to exercise is another option, but after having along day on the job and having to battle through rush hour can leave you feeling exhausted by the time you get home.

5. Use Your Lunch Break

Going on your lunch break is one of everyone's favorite parts of the day. If you plan on eating at nearby restaurant or are picking up food to take back, try walking instead of driving. Or if you joined a nearby gym, try going there during your lunch break to save time. Just be sure to shower before heading back to the office, no one wants to sit next to the sweaty person.

Here at MHG Insurance Brokers, we look forward to sharing tips and information with you that may help keep your stress levels down, and your quality of life up! Whether you are purchasing health insurance for the first time or already have a plan in place, or are simply looking for better coverage, we want to help you find an affordable health plan that works for you. Please feel free to contact us here by calling 954-828-1819, or visiting!

Do you ever find yourself too busy to exercise? Is working a full time job making it difficult for you to find the time to stay active? Read more!

Hipster businessman with laptop Have you ever found yourself in a situation where your health insurance refuses to cover a certain medical bill that you thought would be covered? Bills such as visits to a provider who was once in your network, and without notice was removed from the network is a prime example. Sometimes mistakes are made, and just because your insurance carrier denies your claim, doesn’t always mean that you will be left to foot the bill. There are steps that you can use to take action and try to ensure that you will receive the coverage that you have been paying for. By filing an appeal or disputing a health insurance claim, you can hopefully change the outcome.

Internal Appeal vs. External Appeal

There are different types of appeals processes. You can use an internal appeal where your insurance company will review the case and make the decision. If the internal appeal process does not work you can use an external appeal where an independent third party will review and then have the power to make the decision, meaning the insurance company will not have the final say.

Ask for Help!

We are here to help you! Being insurance brokers, we work for you, not the insurance company. We protect you best interest and help you in any way we can. Many times, we have the relationships built, know the loopholes, and have past cases that are similar that we can use to help get a favorable response.

Don’t Take No for an Answer

Sometimes, the insurance company’s representative on the phone is simply following their basic protocol. The agent may not have the authority to make decisions beyond there guidelines, so ask for their supervisor. If the supervisor doesn’t give you a positive answer, ask for the department that can escalate your case for review.

Reach Out to Contacts

We reach out to contacts at your insurance carrier. Sometimes, relationships can help you get the answer you want to hear or point you in the right direction. Also, our relationships with people at the insurance company may benefit you in the form of exceptions for your case. Some of our contacts have that authority. Remember, sometimes it’s who you know! If that’s not enough, we ask about filing an appeal. Identifying similar cases may help in finding a loop hole or scenario that you can benefit from. This can determine the likelihood of getting an approved appeal.

Be Patient

Disputing a health insurance claim is a lengthy process. It can take up to 90 days to conduct the appeal, so patience is a virtue.


The best way to avoid disputing a claim is to read your policy and the updates that are sent to you. Do your research and learn exactly what you have coverage for, who is in your network, etc. If your doctor recommends a procedure, you will be better prepared to ask questions.

Sometimes there are things in your plan that you don’t understand, or words that you have never heard before.  If you are interested in purchasing health insurance, or have any questions about your plan, or which plan would be best for you and your family, contact us at 954-828-1819 or visit us online at We have the insurance specialists to assist and advise you on the best coverage for you and your loved ones at every stage of life.

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where your health insurance refuses to cover a certain medical bill that you thought would be covered?

Recently Laid Off: What Are My Insurance Options? You’re fired! Two words no one wants to hear. Losing your job is a reality that some of us may have to deal with one day, whether we like it or not. The main reaction of someone losing their job is questioning where their income is going to come from. How will I pay the bills? How will I buy food? With careful planning, should that day arise, you would have saved some money and created a safety net for yourself until you land another job. Even with savings set aside to cover the necessities, one thing that is sometimes put on the back burner is a loss of benefits offered by your employer. We have some options you may want to consider.

COBRA/State Continuation

If you loved the coverage that your employer offered, there is good news. You may be able to keep your plan through COBRA continuation coverage. COBRA is a federal law that was implemented to let you pay to keep you and your family on your employer’s health insurance after your employment has been terminated. This applies to employees of companies that employ 20 or more employees. State continuation sometimes called mini Cobra in essence serves the same purpose which is to extend employer coverage after separation. Main difference is Cobra is a federal program while state continuation is mandated by the state. It is good to note that this is only for a limited time, usually a maximum of 18 months. Also, you typically pay a higher premium than the one you were paying while employed because your employer is no longer contributing towards your premium.


If you have lost your job for any reason, whether you were laid-off or you quit, you can buy a plan from the healthcare marketplace. Now I know what you’re thinking, the marketplace is only open during open enrollment. However, losing your job qualifies you for a Special Enrollment Period. This gives you the opportunity to purchase a plan that is acceptable under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), thus keeping you from paying an extra tax/penalty the following year for not having proper insurance. You may also qualify for tax credits and subsidies based on a number of factors.

Short-term Medical Plan

If you lose your job in the middle of the year, you still have some time before open enrollment begins. This will leave a gap in your medical coverage, which not only leaves you unprotected, but also liable to pay the healthcare tax. If you don’t want to purchase an ACA private healthcare plan, you can purchase a short-term medical plan which can give you coverage for up to one year. Though you should know, short-term medical plans do not meet the minimum benefit requirement and will not prevent you from paying a penalty.

Spouse’s Insurance

If your spouse or domestic partner’s company offers health insurance as a benefit, there is a good chance that they offer the same coverage to you. You may have to pay more than they do in order to be on their plan, partly because employers are required by law to cover 50% of the insurance premiums for employees and 0% for spouses even though they may choose to pay more.

MHG has the insurance specialists to advise and assist you in choosing the best health insurance that suits you, your family, or your group. Our team of brokers have the experience to get you the coverage that fits you and your budget. If you are interested in reviewing your health insurance options, please contact us at 954 828 1819 or visit our website at

Losing your job is a reality that some of us may have to deal with one day, whether we like it or not. But not many think about their what their insurance options will be, read more!

Top Reasons to use a Wellness Program Within Your Group Medical Insurance Plan A company is only as good as its bottom line, and one of the best ways to ensure your bottom line is where you want it to be, is by employing the best workforce you can. At MHG, we often preach the importance of retaining top employee talent, and one of the best ways to do that is by offering a comprehensive benefit package, mainly a group medical plan. One of the ways insurance companies are trying to keep down their costs is by promoting a healthy lifestyle, and most of the top companies have implanted wellness programs.

First, what you need to know about these wellness programs is that they are essentially a rewards program through your health insurance company. They offer incentive by going to the doctor, using a step tracker, logging healthy eating habits, keeping a sleep diary, and much more. Based on the level of activity participants may earn rewards such as gift cards, electronic devices, bikes, etc. ! So now begs the question, how will implementing this help my company?

1. Saves You Money

One of the benefits of using a wellness program is the opportunity to save your company money. Depending on the program, you can save a percentage of cost on monthly premium. For example, some programs have different levels to motivate your employees to reach. Each level will offer a higher percentage of savings on that particular employee’s monthly premium. So, if you have a motivated group, there is a potential to save thousands of dollars.

2. Healthier Staff

Another benefit of implementing a wellness program is the potential of having a healthier staff. If you have a group of healthy workers it will only help the overall morale of your business. Healthy people tend to be happier, work harder, and will be absent less. A group of healthy people may also help keep your cost increases at renewal time to a minimum.

3. Cool Prizes and Gifts

Not only does health promote happiness, but so does earning some cool gifts and prizes for FREE! Your employees will appreciate the opportunity to earn free gifts or free money in the form of gift cards by simply going to the doctor and/or increasing physical activity.

4. Retain Top Employees

As stated earlier, MHG echoes the importance of companies retaining their top talent, and research shows that employees who feel valued will remain loyal. So, offering a full benefits package including one with a wellness program will only help make your workforce feel like they are valued and important. Thus, helping you long-term by not having to pay to use a recruiter to fill open positions and spend countless hours training new hires. Obviously turnover will happen no matter what, but one of our goals is to help you keep it to a minimum.

For more information on other benefits that could be available to your employees, read our previous blog, “Tips on How You Can Afford Health Insurance Benefits for Your Employees” MHG Insurance Brokers offer many different insurance solutions for many areas of business. If you are interested in purchasing a disability plan, health insurance, or life insurance, contact us at or call us at +1 954 828 1819. Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to assist and guide you to the best coverage for your budget.

One of the ways insurance companies are trying to keep down their costs is by promoting a healthy lifestyle, and most of the top companies have implanted wellness programs.

What Are the Benefits of Having a Disability Plan?Injuries are unpredictable, and most of us are not equipped or prepared for the implications they can bring. Have you ever lifted something heavy and strained your back? Or missed a step while walking down the stairs causing you to take a ride? That is sure to leave some bumps and bruises! Even worse is when those injuries or a serious illness forces you to miss work for an extended period of time. Health is wealth, and not being able to earn a wage and support yourself and/or your family because of an injury or illness can cause financial hardships. What if there were ways to protect yourself and/or your employees in the event that an unforeseen accident occurs, and they are unable to work? For those that are unaware of the mechanics of a disability income insurance plan, essentially it pays out when a person is unable to work because of a disabling injury or illness. Doesn’t that sound like music to your ears? Before you purchase a plan, there are some things you need to know. Disability insurance can have a variety of different features that you may need to review to see what may fit your needs best.


Short-term disability, or STD insurance, usually provides a benefit after an elimination period. The period can be as short as 0 to 14 days of being disabled. STD may pay benefits for up to two years, but many pay for three months to a year. Long-term disability insurance, or LTD, would have an elimination period of 30 to 720 days and pay benefits for a year to a lifetime. A benefit period of “To Age 65” is common, but with changing regulations this age could limit could increase as people are working until they are older. The LTD can be designed to start when the STD ends.


For those who are concerned with the cost of disability insurance, there are options for you. Group disability insurance can be a lower cost option than an individual plan because your employer would pay all or part of the premium. Many employers offer this benefit to their employees. When enrolling for a group plan, there can be 2 different options, contributory and noncontributory.

Contributory is when you sign-up and must contribute to the premium. As you may have guessed, noncontributory is when your employer covers 100% of the premium. Another reason that premiums may be lower for a group versus an individual is because the insurance company is able to spread their risk. Insuring a group of people is less risky than insuring one person. There are also fewer underwriting restrictions for a group than for an individual, partly because groups may have a favorable percentage of people who are considered “good risks.” Some of the price dictators that could affect the price of your premium include percentage of insured wage, the age you select until it stops payment, long-term or short-term, as well as the elimination period (the time between the accident or illness, to the time the plan begins to payout).


The benefit of an individual disability policy is that it has “portability.” This means that you can take it with you even if you move or change employers. You can design it to your likes so that it fits all of your needs, such as determining the waiting period and the percentage of wages that it will pay. They can be very flexible. The benefit of an employer having a good disability plan for its employees is raising company morale. It’s proven that employees who feel like they are valued and taken care of will work harder and exercise more loyalty. Also, you will have the peace of mind knowing that if someone was injured or developed a serious illness, they will still receive compensation.

MHG Insurance Brokers offer many different insurance solutions for many areas of business. If you are interested in purchasing a disability plan, health insurance, or life insurance, contact us at or call us at +1 954 828 1819. Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to assist and guide you to the best coverage for your budget.

Before you purchase a disability plan, there are some things you need to know. Read more!

Holding Hands Are you expecting to become a parent soon? If so, there are some important things you should be doing to prepare yourself. First and foremost, get as much sleep as you can! Secondly, sleep some more! In all seriousness, having a baby is one of life’s most magical moments, and being a parent can be one of the most fulfilling jobs you will ever have. It is also a huge responsibility, and there are many parts of your life that are about to change. With so many new things to plan for and prioritize, it can be overwhelming at times, and some things may slip your mind, such as insurance. So, we decided to create a reminder of things regarding insurance and a few others that you should be doing to get ready for this next step in your life.

Before the Baby

Before your new family member arrives, there are a few things to consider:

1. Selecting a doctor or midwife to perform the birth. This is an important step because you want to be as comfortable as possible during the delivery. It can be a very intimate and let’s be honest, painful experience, so being as comfortable as possible with whomever is performing the procedure will aid in your experience.

2. Figure out how much of the delivery will be covered by your insurance. Having a baby is expensive. Many times, it can be the one of the most expensive health related events that you will experience. If you are planning on starting a family, it is a clever idea to contact your insurance carrier, as well as review your policy documents to prepare for what the costs will be. Similarly, if you have just become pregnant, it may be a good idea to let your insurance carrier know you are having a baby, and figuring out the costs involved as well as what the next step will be.

3. Select a pediatrician that is in network. Having a pediatrician that you trust and you are comfortable with should be a top priority. Also, it’s important to choose one that is in your insurance network. Children are in and out of the doctor when they are young, partly because their immune systems are still developing, but also because there are many check-ups and immunizations they must receive. Selecting an out of network provider is your choice, but it will certainly cost you more.

After the Baby Arrives                

Once your newborn has arrived, there are some tasks that should be completed, as well as some things to know that may help you save a few bucks.

1. Add your baby to your health insurance plan. You would think that after all the medical bills and doctor visits for your pregnancy, that your insurance company would know to add your new baby to your plan, however in most cases you need to contact them to do so. The good news is under the Affordable Care Act, having a child is one of the qualifying life events that can afford you the opportunity to get an ACA compliant plan, if you do not have coverage already.

2. Claim tax credit. For those that don’t know, the IRS allows taxpayers to claim the Child Tax Credit for children under the age of 17 if your adjusted gross income falls below a certain amount. What this means is a potential reduction in your premium if you qualify and take advantage of the tax credits on the marketplace plans. Also, you now have a dependent that you can claim on your taxes which may also give you some tax breaks or returns. Don’t forget to update your W4!

Preparing for the Future

Having a child is a huge responsibility, both financially and time wise. A child can also give you a reason to start planning the future if you haven’t already.

1. Purchase a life insurance policy. Having life insurance should be a top priority when becoming a parent. Making sure your child will be taken care of financially should be a responsibility all parents take advantage of. After all, life is fragile, and can be taken from you without a moment’s notice. If something were to ever happen to you what would happen to your child? That’s a question every parent should be able to answer. 

2. Make a will. Making a will can fall in the same uncomfortable category as life insurance. However, when a child is in the picture, it should be a must. If there is anything you want to leave to your child, or things you want others to have instead of your child, a will is the way to go. It must be obeyed by law, so be sure to name a trustee that is close and who you trust to manage any property on behalf of your minor children.

3. Start saving for college/university. A four-year degree is getting more and more expensive these days, and it is almost a necessity to have secondary education to land a good job. Our advice, start saving now, or as early as possible. There are a plethora of different saving options you can use from savings bonds, to different savings accounts, even prepaid state college/university plans.

MHG is here to assist you and offer any advice and help we can in this exciting time in your life. If you are interested in purchasing health insurance, life insurance, or have any questions please contact us today at 954 828 1819 or visit We have the insurance specialists to guide and assist you in finding the best insurance options for you, your family, and loved ones.

Are you expecting to become a parent soon? If so, there are some important things you should be doing to prepare yourself.

couple discussing with their financial advisor to see if they can afford health insurance benefits Let’s face it, businesses measure their success on their bottom-line. Many make decisions based on becoming more profitable either immediately, or increasing profits in the future. Tasks such as reducing costs, marketing strategies to sell more products or services, or growing their business into new locations, are all tasks that are linked to increasing the profits of a business. It can be difficult for a business to afford all the benefits it would like to provide for its employees. Especially new businesses who are trying to create a budget for all their expenses as they grow their employee base. Use these tips to help find affordable health insurance benefit solutions for your workforce.


There seems to be a stigma attached to HMOs (Health Maintenance Organizations) that makes them seem unfavorable to a lot of people. I’m sure it must do with the fact that it may cause some extra work if you are needing to see a specialist, as you would have to get a referral from your primary physician first, however, that usually isn’t the case anymore. Most HMOs are “open access,” which mean you can go directly to a specialist without a referral. The best part is, HMOs will typically be more cost effective providing your employees are in network areas which are normally larger than past years. Cost savings can be significant for your business. So if you’re looking for more affordable healthcare benefits for your employees, start with looking into an HMO.

GAP Insurance

A well-known philosophy of a successful business is to keep your employees feeling “taken care of.” One way to protect them from falling into a financial black hole is by offering a high deductible plan, along with a gap insurance plan. Combining those two plans would give your employees the coverage they need, with less out of pocket. In most cases this will save the business money compared to a plan that has a low deductible.


Many businesses want to offer their employees as many benefits as they can in order to help attract and retain good workers. Sometimes it just isn’t in the budget to offer all of the benefits that you would like to. Remember that you are only obligated to pay 50% of your employee’s health insurance premiums on the lowest health plan offered, and 0% of their dependents.


Offering an HSA (Health Savings Account) may not be your first choice of healthcare benefits you want to offer your employees, but it can save you money. It also may give your employees some tax advantages.

Small Groups

Some small businesses don’t know that they may be eligible for a “tax credit” for offering their workforce health insurance benefits. If you have a group that is below 50 people, contact us by calling the number below to see if you qualify!

Review Periodically

In today’s insurance market, plans are changing all the time. Whether the carriers are adding new plans, or eliminating old ones, it is crucial that you review your plan periodically to assure that you are still paying a competitive price.

MHG Insurance Brokers offer many different insurance solutions for many areas of business. If you are interested in purchasing a disability plan, health insurance, or life insurance, contact us at or call us at +1 954 828 1819. Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to assist and guide you to the best coverage for your budget.

Let’s face it, businesses measure their success on their bottom-line. Use these tips to help find affordable health insurance benefit solutions for your workforce.