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5 Reasons You Need Cruise Trip Cancellation Insurance

Posted September 2 2014

5 Reasons You Need Cruise Trip Cancellation Insurance You have been looking forward to your cruise for months, waiting with eager anticipation to set off on your dream vacation. Cruises can be expensive, but the opportunity to enjoy the all-inclusive comfort of a cruise ship while visiting multiple exotic destinations is well worth the price. Cruises have extremely strict cancellation policies, however - if an unforeseen complication arises and you have to cancel your trip, you could lose all the money you invested in the cruise. Trip cancellation insurance can protect you in this situation, allowing you to recover your non-refundable, unused payments and deposits so you can reschedule your cruise and enjoy your dream vacation at another time. While you may be unable to imagine anything that would make you cancel your long-awaited trip, there are actually many reasons why a cancellation may be necessary. 

Medical Issues

Illnesses and injuries can happen at any time, leaving you unable to set off on your cruise. Trip cancellation insurance reimburses your cruise expenditures if you, a family member, business partner, travel companion, or travel companion’s family member becomes ill or suffers an injury or death. Some trip cancellation insurance coverage even reimburses you if you have to cancel your cruise due to the sudden flare-up of a pre-existing condition, provided you purchased the insurance within 15 calendar days of the  initial covered trip payment, and you were able to attend the cruise on the day you purchased the policy.

Job-Related Issues 

Even though you planned your cruise and arranged for leave from work, sometimes circumstances related to your job can cause you to delay or cancel your trip. Some work crises may require your presence; if you are a key employee at work and an emergency occurs, cruise cancellation insurance has you covered. Active and reserve duty members of the military, police, or fire department that have their personal leave cancelled so they can provide relief or aid related to a natural disaster or terrorist act, will have their cancelled cruise expenses returned.

Unable to Leave

Sometimes unforeseen events can make it impossible for you to leave on your cruise. Covered events include an auto accident on the way to the scheduled departure point; unexpected jury duty; and the documented theft of your passport or visa. You are also covered if your or your travel companion’s home is made uninhabitable, due to fire, vandalism, or natural disaster.

Financial Circumstances

If you are suddenly terminated or laid off from your long-term job, you may need the money set aside for your cruise to cover your living expenses. Provided you were at the same job for a certain amount of time, (typically one to three years, depending on the terms of your particular policy) you can be reimbursed for your paid cruise expenses. Cruise trip cancellations due to the financial default of a travel supplier are also covered.

Natural and Other Disasters

Events that are completely beyond your control can interfere with your ability to safely depart on your cruise. Natural disasters resulting in the cessation of the travel supplier’s services, terrorist incidents, organized labor strikes, and medical quarantines are all covered reasons for cancelling your cruise. In addition to these five reasons you need cruise trip cancellation insurance , emergency medical expenses, repatriation services, and baggage delay can also cause expenses that are covered when you have trip cancellation insurance from MHG.

Call the trip specialists at MHG Insurance Brokers to ensure you have complete coverage for your vacation with trip cancellation insurance, international medical insurance, extreme sports insurance, and more.

When you are ready to book your dream vacation, call MHG Insurance Brokers at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at to obtain trip cancellation and travel insurance, along with other insurance plans that will make your trip an exciting, hassle-free adventure!